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How evil is Dorn?

I almost never play evil groups and I never played with Dorn.
I would like to play him in a neutral/mildly evil group (viconia, korgan/kagain, thief-type charname).

The idea is more a mercenary group with indifference to others rather than a bloodthirsty party killing every innocent in sight.
How would dorn fit in such party (roleplay-wise)

Also, what thief kit would fit the best in that group (mechanically speaking)?



  • TidusTidus Member Posts: 86
    @Nonnahswriter is right, Dorn wound't fit in at all

    IMHO take Edwin instead, you'll need an arcane caster anyhow if you use a group and,
    if you plan to dual your charname into one, just swap the red wizard out for Sarevok in TOB...
  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
    He is seven evils.
  • toolargtoolarg Member Posts: 182
    edited March 2015
    I have only used him in BG1 so far but he seems more Lawful Evil than Neutral Evil to me. His quest for revenge is justified and he seems honorable in his conversations with CHARNAME.
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  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460

    In your first conversation with him in BG2, he talks about slaughtering an entire village(s?). BG1 I can stand him in party. BG2 he's a bit far out there for a more mercenary party. Korgon is a great fit, though.

    Exactly! That first dialogue of his in bg2 caused my good aligned pc to react somewhat violently and, as great as Dorn is as a fighter, he is no match against a full bg2 party.
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