How evil is Dorn?

I almost never play evil groups and I never played with Dorn.
I would like to play him in a neutral/mildly evil group (viconia, korgan/kagain, thief-type charname).
The idea is more a mercenary group with indifference to others rather than a bloodthirsty party killing every innocent in sight.
How would dorn fit in such party (roleplay-wise)
Also, what thief kit would fit the best in that group (mechanically speaking)?
I would like to play him in a neutral/mildly evil group (viconia, korgan/kagain, thief-type charname).
The idea is more a mercenary group with indifference to others rather than a bloodthirsty party killing every innocent in sight.
How would dorn fit in such party (roleplay-wise)
Also, what thief kit would fit the best in that group (mechanically speaking)?
In BG2, however, he's gone pretty over-the-edge bloodthirsty killing machine basically carrying out Ur'Gothoz's orders. The quest required to recruit him involves a slaughter at a wedding. It's possible to do the quest and minimize the number of deaths, but Dorn's still got much more of the I-just-wanna-kill-everything-attitude than he did in his BG1 incarnation.
IMHO take Edwin instead, you'll need an arcane caster anyhow if you use a group and,
if you plan to dual your charname into one, just swap the red wizard out for Sarevok in TOB...
That is how evil Dorn is.
In BG2 he kills innocents frequently to please his patron, and admits putting children and women to the sword for his patron's will. I think he is very chaotic evil in bg2, and you get to fight good knights/celestial beings all the time if he stays with you.
In BG2 he's Stupid Evil. He's a moody, fit-throwing teenager taking offense at everything. The conversation that takes place when you summon him in the Pocket Plane is like "woohoo, power, glory, pointlessly spilling blood - count me in! Am I evul enough, yet?". Whenever you're not totally agreeing with him he's like "RAWR, you dare not agree with me?!". He's probably the #1 NPC when it comes to the amount of dialogue options you can choose that end up in a fight with him.
The only line that is truly good and redeems him a bit is his "injured" line, uttered through gritted teeth: "It will take more than a scratch... to stop Dorn Il-Khan!". I like hearing that one (before he dies and doesn't receive a resurrect >:+) ).
I really like him in BG1 and hate what they did to him in BG2.
As others have said above, he will fit nicely in your group in BG1, but in BG2 you really have to commit to doing evil for the sake of doing evil, which doesn't seem like what your character's mercenary group would sign up for.
As for a Thief that would fit such a mercenary group, Bounty Hunter or Assassin seem like a perfect fit roleplay-wise. Alternatively, a Fighter/Thief brigand or thug of some sort.
Oh, I just noticed you said "mechanically speaking" - if Viconia, Korgan/Kagain and Dorn are all you're going to have then maybe a Thief/Mage or a Swashbuckler -> Mage? If you would take Edwin/Baeloth/Xzar, you can literally be any type of Thief character and it will work.