I got V6 to work by not installing the sphere system of Divine Remix V8 Beta, it crash my game that it did. So perhaps you have a mod that isn't completely compatible with Song and Silence?
I got V6 to work by not installing the sphere system of Divine Remix V8 Beta, it crash my game that it did. So perhaps you have a mod that isn't completely compatible with Song and Silence?
I haven't tried playing Divine Remix yet. Do you recommend it?
Do you have other mod kits installed? I've heard that the game can only handle so many extra kits before it quits registering new ones.
Yes. I have quite a few installed and plan to install more. You can see the mods I've already installed in the log attached to my first post. In addition to those, I plan to install Rogue Rebalancing, BG2 Tweak Pack, SCS, and BP Series Scripts. Every mod on the list I have successfully installed previously, with the exception of Song and Silence.
Although I still can't say for sure what the problem IS, I can safely tell you that it isn't what I thought that it might be. It looks to me that you'd still got plenty to work with in terms of spaces for kits.
Although I still can't say for sure what the problem IS, I can safely tell you that it isn't what I thought that it might be. It looks to me that you'd still got plenty to work with in terms of spaces for kits.
Personally, the only issue I'm having with Song & Silence is that its kits get installed, but then are greyed out in the CharGen screens. I think it's a very minor issue with the new patch, I just haven't gotten around to fixing it.
If anyone is having trouble actually *installing* S&S, it's probably a mod conflict. The DR v8 sphere system is, for the moment, not something you should be using. (The rest of DR is great, though!)
I believe there may be a conflict between the Caina and Zarra NPC mod and Song and Silence, but I'm not adept enough to know how it can be resolved. So, for the time being I've decided to skip Song and Silence. (I'll try again in a few months.)
Would you mind taking a look at the attached file? At the end of the 5th line you'll notice the word "false." Is that normal? Immediately after I installed Xan's Friendship mod, and with each mod afterwards, a window pops up indicating that the mod may not have installed correctly and asks me to confirm that it installed okay.
Would you mind taking a look at the attached file? At the end of the 5th line you'll notice the word "false." Is that normal? Immediately after I installed Xan's Friendship mod, and with each mod afterwards, a window pops up indicating that the mod may not have installed correctly and asks me to confirm that it installed okay.