Should they keep the xp cap in BG:EE OR Just make the start of BG2:EE harder?

The explanation of the need of an xp cap in BG1 was to ensure that your character was of not too high a level as to make the start of BG2 easy. They can leave as is... But as they are now enhancing them both could they not tweak the beginning to make it harder? What do YOU think?
- Should they keep the xp cap in BG:EE OR Just make the start of BG2:EE harder?44 votes
- Keep the xp cap, leave it old skoolz. Who want's to chase xp dawg?20.45%
- Caps belong on mushrooms, not games! Remove that xp cap! You are slowing my ascent to Godhood!27.27%
- The xp cap can be raised but kept... I like to ensure my Bhaalspawn absorbs all the goodness in the slow cooker, not flash fried in the microwave.52.27%
Surely they can do that for us fans! Give Saveoursock a HUGE sword that casts x3 lightening and mazes you on hit!