[not an issue] No extra Attacks per Round for all classes, Edwin lost Weapon Proficiency
MacOS Yosemite
BG version: 1.3.2053
Multiplayer session
My whole party Attacks per Round stuck as if they were lvl 1 instead of lvl 6.
Main character is Fighter, with four slots in Mace, has only 3/2 APR at lvl 6.
Applies to Dorn also, he has only 1 attack with two handed sword, with two slots in Two-handed Sword.
At lvl 3, i assigned Edwin to have Slings proficiency, at lvl 6 i noticed it was missing.
BG version: 1.3.2053
Multiplayer session
My whole party Attacks per Round stuck as if they were lvl 1 instead of lvl 6.
Main character is Fighter, with four slots in Mace, has only 3/2 APR at lvl 6.
Applies to Dorn also, he has only 1 attack with two handed sword, with two slots in Two-handed Sword.
At lvl 3, i assigned Edwin to have Slings proficiency, at lvl 6 i noticed it was missing.
Post edited by Tresset on
Dorn on the other hand, should have 2/3 APR when using his 2-handed sword at levels 1-6. Also *s shouldn't disappear... Hmm... Do you ever use the Luck Spell?
Could you upload your save file so that I can take a look at it? Zip the entire folder of your save file, which should look something like "0000000####-your save name", and upload the zip to the forums.
You will see that Edwin only has two slots in Weapon Proficiencies.
At lvl 3, i set him Slings Weapon Proficiency, and at lvl 6 there were no slot in Slings (?) which was strange, so i assigned it again.
I got him at party lvl 2 i think.
Here is that save file. That is Multiplayer game save file. It is compressed at Mac.
By ADnD 2Ed Core Rules it should have been at lvl 4, if i remember correctly from my DM days.
As was explained before, High Mastery does not give a bonus APR so that is not an issue.
Edwin still has his proficiency in slings so I am not sure why you thought it was missing. He gets no bonuses at all for having that, he just gets to not be penalized for slinging.
I am going to assume that this is a case of confusion of D&D core rules with BG's homebrew rules and mark it as not an issue.
Mages don't get another proficiency point until level 6, so you must be remembering wrong. Edwin is level 6, and has a total of 2 proficiency points, so this is as expected.
Everyone else has the appropriate number of attacks as well.