BG EE fix for shapeshifter and a good berry boost
in BG:EE Mods
hi there, my first incomplete work at modding baldur's gate EE
werewolf 1d6 piercing --> 1d12 slashing
nothing --> immunity from normal weapons
goodberry 1hp --> 1hp + 1 hp each second for 60 seconds
i found the game too hard, exactly like i did more than a decade ago... nonetheless here is a quick fix and a boost for druid: the druid shapeshifted werewolf claws now grant immunity from normal weapon and are 1d12 slashing
instead of 1d6 piercing. When you return to human form you lose the immunity from normal weapons
It took me 3 or 4 attempts to make it work... the nearinfinity editor is a very sweet tool
the good berry boost: it heals 1hp + 1hp each second for 60 seconds (1 turn, 10 rounds)
i remember i played this game after diablo, i was hyped cause there were more classes than fighter, rogue, sorceror... and also races and a gazillion spells... so far the combat was unfun to me... in diablo and diablo2 for example you kill 1 enemy in 1 or 2 hits at the start of the game (you have plenty of opportunity to die later:P)
in baldur's gate a low enemy can shot you... and it takes ages to kill it... i recall that DDO mmorpg gives some 20 starting hitpoint bonus feat, so to avoid a 4hp wizard dieing shotted by the first weapon he sees...
while i am more a fan of action rpg and fps, i liked baldur's gate story... so other than playing on easiest difficulty
i made these modifications to at least get a bit more help... i noticed some enemies can still beat my druid to a pulp... but so far i am relieved cause i do not have to quick save, quick load every 2 steps...
as "sadly" i grew old, i notice with more precision what i dislike and what i like... i am not in a frenzy to "level up" and reach maximum level... i just do not like timesinks... things like juggling the inventory, doing over micromanaging, and wasting too much time on trivial fights... with this in mind i made the modifications... often i replay boss battle about 4 or more times... sometimes cause i just die anyway, some other time to try a different tactic.
I feel the baldur's gate spells tend to become one too similar and copycat of a low level spell...
so some spells are just high level copy of previous spells
some others are just underpowered crappy spells
ideally each spell should be "worth" to use under certain conditions, it may be subjective... but for example i liked protection from petrification cause it can prevent having you waste gold and time with flesh to stone scrolls...
i like protection from evil when it shields you from high level creature attention... those were nice implemented ideas... although i dont like spells like doom or bless they seems more a waste of a slot than anything else.
druid lacks interesting spell selection on level 2... the modified goodberry fills a niche spot, which is heal spell at level 2 for druid, heal over time, and cheap way to refill life of party after combat... (of course the unbalanced nature of the early BG Saga levels make this spell a bit OP, when used in BG2EE it's use in combat is no longer that meaningful but still works fine as a post battle hp filler.
i would like to mod all spells, but it requires time and knowledge... so i will just keep using the unmodified useful spells plus this modified shapeshift and the good berry :P
so far i am trying to modify a nice AI script i found, and adapt it for BGEE... if/when i will finish it i will post it
werewolf 1d6 piercing --> 1d12 slashing
nothing --> immunity from normal weapons
goodberry 1hp --> 1hp + 1 hp each second for 60 seconds
i found the game too hard, exactly like i did more than a decade ago... nonetheless here is a quick fix and a boost for druid: the druid shapeshifted werewolf claws now grant immunity from normal weapon and are 1d12 slashing
instead of 1d6 piercing. When you return to human form you lose the immunity from normal weapons
It took me 3 or 4 attempts to make it work... the nearinfinity editor is a very sweet tool
the good berry boost: it heals 1hp + 1hp each second for 60 seconds (1 turn, 10 rounds)
i remember i played this game after diablo, i was hyped cause there were more classes than fighter, rogue, sorceror... and also races and a gazillion spells... so far the combat was unfun to me... in diablo and diablo2 for example you kill 1 enemy in 1 or 2 hits at the start of the game (you have plenty of opportunity to die later:P)
in baldur's gate a low enemy can shot you... and it takes ages to kill it... i recall that DDO mmorpg gives some 20 starting hitpoint bonus feat, so to avoid a 4hp wizard dieing shotted by the first weapon he sees...
while i am more a fan of action rpg and fps, i liked baldur's gate story... so other than playing on easiest difficulty
i made these modifications to at least get a bit more help... i noticed some enemies can still beat my druid to a pulp... but so far i am relieved cause i do not have to quick save, quick load every 2 steps...
as "sadly" i grew old, i notice with more precision what i dislike and what i like... i am not in a frenzy to "level up" and reach maximum level... i just do not like timesinks... things like juggling the inventory, doing over micromanaging, and wasting too much time on trivial fights... with this in mind i made the modifications... often i replay boss battle about 4 or more times... sometimes cause i just die anyway, some other time to try a different tactic.
I feel the baldur's gate spells tend to become one too similar and copycat of a low level spell...
so some spells are just high level copy of previous spells
some others are just underpowered crappy spells
ideally each spell should be "worth" to use under certain conditions, it may be subjective... but for example i liked protection from petrification cause it can prevent having you waste gold and time with flesh to stone scrolls...
i like protection from evil when it shields you from high level creature attention... those were nice implemented ideas... although i dont like spells like doom or bless they seems more a waste of a slot than anything else.
druid lacks interesting spell selection on level 2... the modified goodberry fills a niche spot, which is heal spell at level 2 for druid, heal over time, and cheap way to refill life of party after combat... (of course the unbalanced nature of the early BG Saga levels make this spell a bit OP, when used in BG2EE it's use in combat is no longer that meaningful but still works fine as a post battle hp filler.
i would like to mod all spells, but it requires time and knowledge... so i will just keep using the unmodified useful spells plus this modified shapeshift and the good berry :P
so far i am trying to modify a nice AI script i found, and adapt it for BGEE... if/when i will finish it i will post it
i found a "bug" in my mod... the werewolf used the same paws as the brown bear...
so i created a new claw object and modified the shapeshift spell to create those new werewolf paws...
this way the brown bear still works as the original... delete brbrp.itm in override
and the werewolf now has 1d12 slash + immunity normal weapon
what do you think about this version ?
Edit: If you meant 2 HP per round, then that's a bit more reasonable, but I still wouldn't call it balanced.
Even if you reduce it to 1 berry, for a second level spell to heal 50% more than the third level Cure Medium Wounds (even though the healing takes a turn) still seems unbalanced.
so considering 1 per spell to 5 per spell is kinda the same, since this spell is a cast before combat one...
in the end is a lvl 2 spell who heals 50% more than a lvl 3 one, but takes about 10 times more time to have a full effect.
lvl3 heal 14hp istant, lvl 2 berry 21hp in 60 seconds
take for example the unmodded lvl 2 goodberry spell, is 5 berry 5hp... one could always stock 20 inventory slots 10 berry per slot... so a lvl 2 spell heals 200hp
well at least this is my point of view