I loved the original BG2. Should I play BG1EE? Would I enjoy it?

I already bought BG1EE, but I never got to play it because I was afraid it would not live up to BG2 in any way or form. I knew Enhanced Edition improved gameplay and fixed many bugs in the latest patch, but that wouldn't compensate for BG2's greatness, would it?
I also played and beat IWD + expansions, IWD2 + expansions, NWN1 + expansions, NWN2 + expansions, DA:O + expansions and just beat DA:I, which was an OK game, but nowhere near as good as DA:O, NWN2, BG2, etc. I beat the original Planescape Torment too (without ANY patches) and I am replaying it now with all the fix packs, tweak packs, Unfinished Business pack, etc. Fallout 2 was amazing too, but I never played Fallout 1 though for the same reason I never played BG1EE - high expectations!
As you can see, I am definitely INTO these awesome RPG's. Do you think I would find BG1EE a good game, based on my preference record?
What about BG2EE? Some critics say that extra characters and content in either BG1EE or BG2EE are out of place. Are they really?
If anyone is interested in BG1EE or BG2EE or IWDEE co-op, then please PM me!
I also played and beat IWD + expansions, IWD2 + expansions, NWN1 + expansions, NWN2 + expansions, DA:O + expansions and just beat DA:I, which was an OK game, but nowhere near as good as DA:O, NWN2, BG2, etc. I beat the original Planescape Torment too (without ANY patches) and I am replaying it now with all the fix packs, tweak packs, Unfinished Business pack, etc. Fallout 2 was amazing too, but I never played Fallout 1 though for the same reason I never played BG1EE - high expectations!
As you can see, I am definitely INTO these awesome RPG's. Do you think I would find BG1EE a good game, based on my preference record?
What about BG2EE? Some critics say that extra characters and content in either BG1EE or BG2EE are out of place. Are they really?
If anyone is interested in BG1EE or BG2EE or IWDEE co-op, then please PM me!
The new characters and their content are a bit of a dividing point for people. I would say that even if you don't like them you can just choose to ignore them and that is that. I don't find them out of place at all. Many of them make a welcome addition to the game if you ask me.
I found out I liked BG1 very much, and even think some parts of it are better than BG2.
Nowadays, I even rank it above BG2, but that's just an opinion. I think most would recommend you to play it.
Regarding Enhanced Editions, they don't add much you can't find in mods, and you can always skip the additional content. It's just a nice option to avoid doing all the modding yourself. I'm quite content with just BGEE + SCS now.
It's disappointing they didn't enhance the GUI (like IWD2) or the AI (like SCS).
Just note, I only played BG1EE so far, close to finishing it and moving to BG2EE. Bought both when they were on sale even though I own the originals