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Should a first time player use SCS mod to play?

like00111like00111 Member Posts: 5
So I have been on and off on getting into baldurs gate, and have finally gotten the time to delve into it full swing. While doing some research I had found the SCS mod and figured it sounded like it helped out the game big time and installed it.
But while playing I feel like it changes some things... IE; characters you meet, most noticeably your first two companions you meet at the inn... Have I just mistaken or does it actually change big things like this?

Should a first time play thorougher use this mod?


  • AsthnerAsthner Member Posts: 83
    SCS has an extensive readme.
    Basically it changes enemy behaviour (smarter and a bit better equipped) and some game mechanics. It doesn’t touch the plot contents. :)
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    I definitely advice to go through your first Baldur's Gate run without any mods.

    Also, don't use any playthroughs. Enjoy everything as it is. Find out yourself!
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  • like00111like00111 Member Posts: 5
    Awesome guys, thanks for all the insight on the mod and suggestions! I have uninstalled it!
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