Another Champion of Bane was one-shotted by an ankheg while only at level one. I thought that you couldn't be one-shotted at level one, or have things changed? At least I wasn't far into the game. The ankheg was at death's door and if it had died my champion would have levelled up.
The problem with ankhegs is that their ranged attacks can deal missile and acid damage, so I'm afraid you're character was "two-shotted".
It would probably have been safer to get those first few levels elsewhere (Beregost and Nashkel and the surrounding areas).
Thanks for the reply. However I had already worked that out for myself. I thought that with blur, mirror image and smite of dread he might be strong enough. I was wrong, but not far wrong. I tried it again with two swords instead of sword and shield and was successful.
I am now running another one who reached level 4 and has now started recruiting so am hopeful that this run will be a bit longer. He is now rep 20 and about to go shopping. Will post later.
The Hard Hitters - 2nd ToB Update Plurem - half-orc kensai, protagonist Wertle - dwarven berserker April - gnomish berserker Mazzy - gnomish "fighter" Kedorn - human paladin Imoen - human thief/mage CHUNKED: Itwibemine, Sarevok, Trapper
Plurem has made good progress, but it has been costly. Sarevok got chunked by Draconis, and Trapper (our kensai dualed to thief) was chunked by Abizigal. Losing trapper really hurt, as he had 6 spike traps - will have to do without it seems.
The first task was to get Yaga Shura's and Nylee's hearts. But we very nearly came undone in the fire giant temple, as half of the party died entering the temple. Plurem nearly died too, but he ran away and we managed to get a RoR heal on him.
The rest of the temple went fairly smoothly. Defeating Nylee was easy with our traps. Yaga-Shura couldn't survive one round of GWW attacks.
Time for the much more challenging task - Sendai's lair! We defeat the woodcutter then enter the lair...
We took plenty of damage, but progress here was smooth. For Sendai herself, Plurem tried to stay at range while the party engaged in melee. This worked well and Sendai was defeated.
Now for the very difficult fight, Draconis. Our plan was to use dispelling arrows on his mage form to beat that form quickly (which we did). Then run the party to our traps at the initial area. But the 2nd part of the plan didn't work, the party members were having a hard time getting to the entrance. Mazzy was stunned but luckily was buffeted so far away Draconis didn't see her. Sarevok on the other hand, wasn't so lucky and got chunked!
Fortunately our traps did kill Draconis (good thing).
We move into the interior of Abazigal's lair. The basic minions were easy. We buffed with resist fear and protection from lighting (100% on Plurem) and moved after Abazigal. The plan was like Draconis - use dispelling arrows on his human form, then drag him to traps at the entrance.
But this didn't work to plan at all. Plurem was feared somehow (dispelled I guess), and was knocked unconscious before reaching the traps!!!
The party had no choice - despite everyone badly hurt, the party charged and all damage dealing skills (kai, GWW) - this did defeat Draconis, but Trapper was chunked!!!
When we returned, we recruited Imoen to replace Trapper. We will face the Chosen of Cyric next session.
Plurem and gang made it to the 3rd Melissan battle - the one that is so hard because of the slayer shadows. Unfortunately, Mazzy and Wertle got killed in a single time stop. And to boot, Plurem's half-orc saves came back to bite him - he got stunned, and then the end could not be stopped, though April tried to RoR him. RIP Plurem. Plurem did buff with potion of magic shielding before this fight, but it no doubt got dispelled by Melissan's darts (which dispel on hit). Since he can't use the reflection shield, that really hurt him.
Was thinking of NPC play. Was also thinking of a rather ambitious dual - a level 13 human berserker dualed to mage. Will start him up today.
Wondering why Khalid isn't taking massive ranged damage, I look around, and it turns out Zhalimar ran out onto the roof when a Skeleton Warrior got up close and personal. Maybe enemies shouldn't change zones when running away? On his own, even Zhalimar can do little, and the last of Sarevok's acolytes fall.
Fun fact: I've finally been able to check the screenshots on my computer and, honestly, I had no idea it was possible to get to the roof of the Iron Throne HQ.
Wondering why Khalid isn't taking massive ranged damage, I look around, and it turns out Zhalimar ran out onto the roof when a Skeleton Warrior got up close and personal. Maybe enemies shouldn't change zones when running away? On his own, even Zhalimar can do little, and the last of Sarevok's acolytes fall.
Fun fact: I've finally been able to check the screenshots on my computer and, honestly, I had no idea it was possible to get to the roof of the Iron Throne HQ.
You can also rest up there without any interfering guards disturbing your slumbers .
Wondering why Khalid isn't taking massive ranged damage, I look around, and it turns out Zhalimar ran out onto the roof when a Skeleton Warrior got up close and personal. Maybe enemies shouldn't change zones when running away? On his own, even Zhalimar can do little, and the last of Sarevok's acolytes fall.
Fun fact: I've finally been able to check the screenshots on my computer and, honestly, I had no idea it was possible to get to the roof of the Iron Throne HQ.
I've used that as a place to sleep. I'm not sure whether or not it was a mod that enabled that though.
We quickly add a few points of reputation via minor quests and buy some scrolls for Ceres, getting our hands on the wand of fire in the ankheg lair by commanding down the otherwise deadly enemies. Command always works against them, but sometimes, two commands are needed to deal the required damage - luckily, we have two clerics and don't need any other level 1 spells right now. With the wand of fire in hand, we return to Durlag's Tower, this time taking down the doom guard (with a few wand charges) and facing another group of greater basilisks for tons of experience. We also pick up the wisdom tome here and the charisma tome at the gnoll fortress (wisdom for Ouranus, charisma for Dumuzid) before making our way to the lighthouse - the basilisks have provided Ouranus with cleric level 5, so we have a skeleton at our disposal in order to tank dire charm spells. Sirens get us even more experience, and we take some magical ammunition with us to clear the golem cave (constitution tome for Cephalus).
We now have the powerful combination of stealth + web and a summon to distract opponents at our disposal, so we try our hand at some potentially difficult battles - with Cephalus scouting the area, allowing Ceres to throw down webs, taking down groups of bounty hunters is quite easy:
With more experience, we gain more skeleton summons and the ability to systematically clear out the western areas of the map. Even the Doomsayer isn't safe, with Ceres throwing a few wand charges and magic missle spells at it while Ouranus distracts the powerful entity:
We have done a good job not taking too many hits so far - we've even gotten past two bandit ambushes without any deaths, which is rare on these settings. However, when talking to Shoal, our first party death is unavoidable. Strangely enough, the siren doesn't actually resurrect Kaveh. I know that her behaviour was changed, but that one is a bit strange. In any case, Droth fails to save against command, so this isn't much of a problem, only costing us 800 gold:
We did pick up a few items so far, such as the robe of neutral archmagi, the cloak of displacement and a wand of the heavens. Levels are between 4-6 now, and the western maps have been entirely cleared. Sleep, Web, Command and Hold Person have done most of the heavy lifting for now, together with a careful approach made possible by Cephalus' stealth skills - running into random groups of ranged opponents such as bandits, kobolds or hobgoblin elites is one of the easiest ways to have people die on insane with atrocious AC and HP scores, and my Bhaalspawn has done a god job of making sure the party can avoid this. Next time, we shall strive to explore some of the eastern areas.
After taking a short break, I'm on it again. My last character in this thread was a gnomish lass called Saoirse - I'll note that she's alive and well in Trademeet, even though I've not covered any of her adventures in Amn yet. This is partly because I've started a new run in the meantime which I intend to post on for a while.
Entering Binadas, a half-elven (seems like a half-drow, right?) fighter/druid. Stat distribution for this multi-class is a pain, so we had to compromise. Unwilling to play a dim-witted piece of tree bark, I sacrificed min-maxing in favour of Binadas' passing literacy.
Note: This shot was taken in the middle of the run after couple of tomes and while under Frost Giant Strength potion (Binadas' base stats are STR 16, DEX 17, CON 18, INT 11, WIS 16, CHA 15).
Starting proficiencies: ** scimitars, ** slings
The story:
Alright, let's get a taste of the Sword Coast's magnificent wilderness.
True to "no shame - no gain" motto, Binadas first robs Xzar & Montaron of their possessions and then sweeps all the hidey-holes for early Easter egg items (diamond, RoP +1, Ring of Wizardry). Imoen, being a good friend as she is, gave in her potions and wand willingly before saying farewell to our soloing adventurer.
Running Bless, Binadas kites and slings the belt ogre and Joia's favorite hobgoblins. Abusing the fact (bug) that conjured weapons, when equipped with an off-hand weapon from your inventory, grant you proficiency with both weapons as well as with two-weapon style (making lvl 1 druids capable of dual-wielding Sheillagh à la Drizzit), we also take on the remaining FAI hobgoblins in melee. Note: I don't think I'm going to explore the potential of this game behaviour much further after loosing my previous Priest of Helm in Athkatla.
Becoming the hero of the Sword Coast is a costly business, but fortunately the Ring of Wizardry has got us covered for starters. At High Hedge, Binadas purchases a potion case (full of essentials such as Potion of Freedom and Potion of Magic Blocking) and Wand of Sleep and recovers Perdue's sword. He then takes a round trip via Shoal, Beregost (meeting some of the locals like Marl, Firebeard, Miriane, Zhurlong, Viconia and some spiders), Red Canyons (picking up Melicamp and robbing Zargal) to Barge and all the way to Nashkel.
Rocking a brand new ECO-labeled ankegh armor, Binadas visits the southern areas for more action. Despite its meager strengths, Charm Person/Mammal shines in his spellbook in comparison to other available cantrips. Druidic L2 divine spells surely isn't something to write home about...
After taking care of Zal, Sendai gets separated from her goons and takes a bullet in between the eyes.
By the way, you may have noted that Binadas, our specialized scimitar wielder extraordinaire, does not own a scimitar - there's the flippin' iron crisis for you right there. And going all the way to Durlag's Tower or Ulgoth's Beard to get a replacement is out of question for now.
And now for my favorite accomplishment worthy of any self-respecting avenger druid or "teaching children not to harass dryads".
Binadas retraces his steps to High Hedge to deliver Thalantyr's KFC which accidentally transmutes into a human nugget. I'll take that extra XP and reputation any time but I wonder, do you take Melicamp's continuing existence as a sign of good fortune in your runs? I don't know. He's a chicken.
Further north, we clear the ankegh cave, provide condolences and monetary compensation to farmer Brun and finish our day in the infamous watering hole of Ulgoth's Beard. There's good shopping too, with Wands of Heaven, Cloaks of Displacement and Greenstone Amulets in abundance (just kidding, but one of each is just as fine). We could not ask for more.
Reaching level 5 (as druid) allows Binadas to take the most essential step at this stage of the game, which is...obtaining Jaheira's invisibility potion. Really, this single vial will allow us to grind the basilisks at Mutamin's Gardens with Korax. And since none other invisibility source is available to us at this stage, and using green ProPetrification scroll from the carnival is not an option (we'll need this one for the Durlag's Tower roof), I feel like it's the right course of action.
Having said that, we all know that open confrontation with Tarnesh the Terrible is scary until and unless you're able to resist his Sleep/Horror combo. So we've got Sleep covered and Horror...well I'm sure Binadas is capable of surviving 1 turn of running around helplessly. And so he did. The bad thing for Tarnesh was that he got caught in our summoned insects and had to scratch his bitten buttocks instead of chasing Binadas with MAAs and MMs.
I've played BG2 with SCS several times before, but with long-term prebuffs only. Full prebuffing is going to make mages even more of a pain than they already are. Thankfully, I installed SCS's short-term prebuffing to only activate on difficulties of Hard and higher so I can turn it off for future runs if it turns out that I don't like it. I dislike buffing to maximum before every encounter because it's just a total waste of time and rendered moot by enemy Remove Magic until high levels, and I usually only rest in dungeons maybe once or twice. This inevitably leads to being too conservative with spells and items, which often cripples the party when they obviously could've handled a fight better.
I have to remake each of the rejects from scratch in BG2 because of problems with importing characters with custom kits. Bruss and Rufus are the ones that take the most time, obviously, but we Skip Chataeu Irenicus and forage in the rubble outside. I could've sworn I installed the Non-Silly Faster Cutscenes, but I guess not. We sell off the excess loot and Spaz goes on a stealing spree by stacking Potions of Master Thievery, allowing him to swipe anything useful that we want, including the entirety of the archery shop's magical ammo and a suit of Full Plate for Krieg. Garos and Rufus are set for life as far as ammo goes.
The first levels of BG2 are gained in the Copper Coronet sewers by Spaz and Gaspar. Spaz learns Devour Magic, which is Remove Magic plus a max HP bonus of +2 per enemy affected.
The Rejects deal with Captain Haegan afterward with the help of Rufus' wraiths. Bruss gains a level from freeing one of the captured kids, learning Melee Rush.
- MELEE RUSH: The Saiyan instantaneously dashes toward an opponent within sight range and unleashes a barrage of melee attacks against it at +2 to hit and damage. The Saiyan's attacks per round are doubled for 1 round and the the last hit will knock the opponent backwards at the end of the round. The Saiyan becomes uncontrollable during the barrage and there is no save against the knockback. If the targeted enemy dies before the assault is over, the Saiyan will attack the nearest creature until the ability wears off, whether friend or foe. This ability is usable once per 5 turns.
After the slavers are ruined, we do Mae'Var's questline for easy XP. We get the Suna Seni ambush as we travel to the Temple District. Krieg takes several hits and goes berserk, hitting Bruss for a big chunk of his health! Bruss was also blinded (since I forgot to add his blindness immunity...) and he runs away for the rest of the round, though in hindsight I could've used the Blind Thief Trick to let him stealth on the spot.
We win the fight soon afterward. Normally Bruss would qualify for another Zenkai Boost, but they cannot be caused by friendly fire incidents nor can they be self-inflicted. After getting the Weathermistress's amulet, we do tasks for Edwin. Bruss goes in to Rayic Gethras' house by himself to prevent any stun-lock mishaps caused by the mephits on the ground floor. He lures them away with a Ki Blast Volley and slips outside and then stealths back into the house so he can squeeze by the mephits. Bruss assassinates Gethras with Kaioken x4 + Melee Rush. On the way back down the stairs, he deals with the Stone Golems, granting a level to Krieg and Garos.
Garos can now summon Fire Elementals and Ancestral Spirits, who are fighter/clerics and provide the party with buffs when they see a sufficient number of enemies. Rufus gains a level from dealing with Embarl.
Mae'Var is killed after Rufus casts Breaching Dark on him, which softens him up for attacks from Krieg, Bruss, fire elementals, and ancestral spirits.
The Ancestral Spirits continue to surprise me, even after playing solo with Garos. Beneath the Graveyard District, several of the Rejects get paralyzed by mummy fear, but the spirits cast Remove Paralysis on us, dispelling the fear from our fire elemental, Krieg, and Bruss.
We're still doing the easy XP sidequests. Rufus, Gaspar, and Spaz all level up from helping Xzar while Bruss levels up from killing trolls in the De'Arnise Keep. He learns Kaioken x20! In my experience, powering up to Kaioken x20 is a suicidal tactic at best despite its SUBSTANTIAL bonuses.
- KAIOKEN x20: +12 THAC0/damage/AC/movement, +1 attack/round, Haste, +10% critical chance, fists count as +4; -2 to -4 CON/2 rounds (higher CON drain due to Haste), +7 fatigue after 3 rounds, 100% damage vulnerability. Power up time: 15
Bruss is soon killed by the Iron Golem upstairs while using Kaioken x4 to damage it. Using x20 probably would've killed it before it killed him.
We are forced to retreat as Krieg is badly injured and the iron golem accumulates hits on him because of the nearby Clay Golem's Haste. We scramble down the stairs and heal a bit, but our position is precarious. Rufus has to resort to tanking using Shadeskin and Dark Mirage, and the Iron Golem is soon destroyed.
We can't continue at this rate as Bruss is our off-tank and DPS, so we travel to Trademeet and have him raised. No Zenkai Boost this time, as dying doesn't count.
Back at the keep, one of the side rooms is flooded with trolls, so Rufus drinks a Potion of Genius to increase his caster level and slays all of them using Night Terrors to gain its Death Spell effect at caster level 14.
Down in the basement, it's time to take on Tor'Gal. I don't remember him having a pair of Yuan-ti mage assistants last time I played through here. Regardless, two arrows of dispelling and a Breaching Dark from Rufus even the odds while Improved Kitthix webs and poisons Tor'Gal. With him indisposed, we finish off the mages and kill the umber hulk elder, killing Tor'Gal for good with a fire arrow. Krieg levels up from taking the keep.
Trademeet's quests are next. Bruss powers up to Kaioken x20 to take on the Adherents guarding Faldorn's sanctum, and for good reason. The leader summons a pair of Greater Bearweres! In Kaioken x20, Bruss's AC plummets to late ToB thresholds at -19 and he does damage equal to Krieg's on every hit, but any damage taken will be doubled. He goes ballistic on the leader using Melee Rush, but his Ironskins prebuff negates the damage until Bruss decides to punch the Adherent next to him, sending him flying away at the end of the round. Garos covers the leader with an Insect Plague to prevent any further spellcasting. Bruss pounds away at the Bearweres at a furious pace until they're both dead.
At the end of the fight, Bruss' CON score is reduced to 12 out of 18 and he is fatigued because of the enormous stress of Kaioken x20, so we rest. Since I'm not kicking anyone out of the party for Cernd to join, I just ctrl+Y Faldorn as Cernd challenges her. Gaspar and Spaz both level up upon returning to Trademeet and telling Lord Logan that the problems are solved. Spaz learns Vitriolic Blast.
Garos levels up after using a Lesser Restoration scroll on Raisa after dealing with Rejiek Hidesman.
We've accumulated a sizeable amount of loot and we sell it while in Trademeet. Spaz steals all the good items from that one merchant in the southern part of the town, including Blackblood and the Dwarven Thrower, then we return to Athkatla to pay off Gaelan. Bruss levels up from this.
The hostile party hiding out in one of the Bridge District's storage rooms petrifies Gaspar with Chromatic Orb after we were debuffed with Greater Malison. He is restored in short order after getting a Stone to Flesh scroll from the nearby Temple of Helm, but I think to myself that just leaving Gaspar here wouldn't be so bad, because he's hardly contributed to the party in Athkatla so far. Creatures that I would like to recruit are ones that I would actually rather kill for their XP.
We just need a little more XP to get Krieg's next level, so we go to the Windspear Hills and return the acorns to the dryads.
Next, I think we'll finally do the Temple District sewers. Garos and Rufus will have to use their summons because I don't want those damn beholders snatching the Shield of Balduran. Alternatively, I think I can cheese the Telekinesis Ray by dropping the shield on the ground before the ray hits. No mercy for beholders. They don't deserve it.
Krieg - War Hulk 13 Garos - Warhorn Shaman 13 Bruss - Saiyan Monk(ey) 13 Rufus - Thief 12/Shadow Adept 11 Spaz - Warlock 15 Gaspar - Seducer 15
Burl spent a while reorganising his equipment and forging Crom Faeyr & the Wave (though with such high damage, instant-kill weapons don't offer him much additional benefit).
At the Graveyard he rested immediately, so that the would-be ambushers evaporated in the daylight. Underground, he worked through lots of vampires taking advantage of his good weapon speed. A few of the vampires got an attack in, but none hit as he finished off the last of Bodhi's lieutenants. Moving downstairs, Bodhi was weakened by some holy water and a single hit prompted her conversation before another finished her off - I also noted there Burl had got a level upstairs at some point.
Moving on to Suldanesselar Burl picked up a further level almost immediately - suggesting the previous one had been gained fairly on in his assault on the vampire lair. Golems offered Burl no real challenge, but I was getting a bit bored by this time and just tried to melee Raamilat. That didn't stop him casting maze and Burl had to use his second and final PfM scroll to survive. That was still active against Nizi and I thought that a scroll of magic protection would be sure to protect against being held by plant growth - but no apparently that's a non-magic ability. Burl had to resort to a potion of magic shielding to boost his saves there and get free to run Nizi round - getting another level there.
The Avatar cleaned up a few enemies for Burl on the way to open access to the Tree of Life. Jon used his spells on summons there and a single hit from Burl was enough to see him on his way.
Burl followed to find himself on trial and he soon emerged from there with immunity to normal / +1 weapons, +10 MR, +20% elemental resistance, +15 HP (and Blackrazor) and +1 strength (it was already 24 prior to that). He killed Sarevok with a new record hit during that. That hit was soon eclipsed though with one on a demon - that also gave Burl his 40th and final level.
For the Slayer I deliberately chose to give it a chance to maze Burl. To avoid that being straight suicide I had used his resist magic ability in advance so that he had 85% MR to give him a decent chance of survival. However, his resistance failed and he had no more PfM scrolls to fall back on ...
Disclaimer: Contains a large number of screenshots without spolier tags. Me and Binadas hereby waive all liability for any losses (including loss of profit and loss of opportunities), damages, costs or claims, whether direct or indirect, suffered or incurred as a result of clicking on the tag below. This does not limit our liability for gross negligence or wilful misconduct in any manner whatsoever.
Upon arrival to Mutamin's Gardens, Binadas solicitates Korax's services, quaffs a PoI and chills back while the ghoul does his job. The deal was a success - Mutamin yields two PoIs and we collect tons of XP.
Continuing to Durlag's, Binadas clears the Battle Horrors with Call Lightning/Wand of Heavens and enters the tower.
First, we play some hide and seek with the local residents. ''We're a happy family, we're a happy family, me, mom and daddy.''
Binadas then uses ProPetrification scroll, activates his Greenstone Amulet and collects the Tome of Wisdom from the altar. With the amulet charge still running, he triggers the Chromatic Orb trap and enters the rooftop. The basilisks are slinged from a distance and we get our hands on Rashad's Talon (which for us marks the end of the iron crisis).
Unlocking L4 spells grants Binadas access to his first powerful spell - Call Woodland Beings. Meilum and Greywolf were the first to meet our beautiful green-haired nymphs.
Avoiding the kobold hordes in Nashkel mines at the expense of one PoI is always a good trade. Binadas reaches Mulahey unopposed, summons a nymph and pre-buffs with ProUndead scroll, Strength of One, Armor of Faith and Greenstone Amulet and confronts the cleric. Wand of Sleep -> Necklace of Missiles -> Hold Person does the job.
Back in Nashkel, Binadas summons two nymphs and uses another Greenstone Amulet charge to protect himself against Nimbul's enchantments. Interestingly, Nimbul was not running his usual MGoI this time, but we've been prepared to deal with that with Hold Monster casts via our nymphs anyway.
I'll note that Tranzig's met a similar fate soon thereafter. Silke, on the other hand, makes her saves against our opening Dart of Stunning (we've now one proficiency pip) and dual Hold Monster cast and pulls off her Haste.
Binadas finishes his Summon Insects and, keeping his aura clear for a potential counter with Potion of Magic Blocking, engages Silke in melee.
Our nymphs waste two more Hold Person castings to no effect (someone's having a lucky day, eh?!). Finally, Call Lightning finishes the discussion.
We rest at the inn and continue to the Lighthouse/Pirate Cove area. Now who goes there?! Quaffing a PoI and Potion of Freedom, Binadas opens on Maneira with Darts of Stunning.
Lamahla is quick to respond with Remove Paralysis, but Zeela falls under our control. 1:1.
Zeela takes one for the team. 2:1 Binadas.
And the rest was rather self-explanatory.
After arriving to the coast, we take the liberty of hiring Safana to do the treasure hunting (Manual of Bodily Health) for us in order to preserve precious resources such as PoIs and Greenstone Amulet charges. Binadas increases his CON, but the Claw of Kazgaroth is still sitting in his gem bag. Wait, what?! Doesn't make any sense, right? The gem bag part I mean. As for the Claw, its time will come for sure, but for now I prefer not to impair Binadas' HP pool.
Molkar and his entourage were our last trail before the bandit camp.
What do we do, run? Nah, let's show some sportiness. Binadas: PoI-> Shield Amulet -> Strength of One -> AoF -> Greenstone Amulet -> Call Woodland Beings.
With Morvin held and Molkar charmed the day was won.
But we could not resist something grander for the finale.
@Wise_Grimwald I agree, absolutely. However, Oils of Speed are rare (I normally only get the ones from Imoen and Montaron until I reach Baldur's Gate, although I'm aware there are more available) and I also tend to use Potions of Mirrored Eyes only as a 'panic button' in case of basilisk ambush or unexpected Chromatic Orb.
Importing from BG1EE into Siege of Dragonspear. Difficulty: Insane with no extra damage, max HP on level up. Self-imposed restrictions: No recharging items by selling and buying them back, no using unidentified items. Mods: None. Protagonist: Benedict, L9 Human Conjurer.
As always, Benedict finds himself stripped of almost all items the party had at the end of BG1EE, in the interest of not completely demolishing SoD's balance. He does start with some fairly powerful personal gear, see spoiler for details. He also starts with the default SoD party instead of importing what we had at the end of BG1EE, and is not allowed to strip his party of items in order to sell them later... nor can he buy items from the Flaming Fist Healer in order to sell them later.
Robe of the Good Archmagi Xarnous' Second Sword Arm Batalista's Passport Ring of Wizardry The Amplifier Elves' Bane Talos' Gift Arla's Dragonbane +3 Staff Mace +2 80x each of Bullets +1, Bullets of Fire +1 and Bullets +2 Cloak of Protection +1 5x Potions of Healing Wand of Fire with 5x charges each of Fireball/Scorcher 2x Potions of Invisibility Familiar Chain Mail +3 (to be imported into SoA)
Benedict shall journey in the company of Minsc, Dynaheir, Corwin, Safana and Viconia. I'd say it's better overall to go with Glint rather than Safana (since pure thieves just aren't that fantastic in combat, and cleric/thieves are amazingly versatile), but eh, the party will be powerful enough. We're a little light on fighter-types, of course... we'll make it up via summons and arcane artillery.
Benedict receives the usual party: Khalid, Jaheira, Minsc, Dynaheir and Safana. Safana will be used as a straight thief: We use her level-up points to top off Find Traps to 100 (I'm not sure what SoD requires, but Glint with 100 Find Traps has always been able to disarm everything, so I'll err on the side of caution). She starts with 95 Open Locks and there's a ring for sale in Chapter 8 that boosts it by a further 25, so the rest of her points will be put into Move Silently/Hide In Shadows. This is just convenience, as I prefer having a thief that can scout on her own (and she may get a few backstabs in along the way). Minsc only gets one proficiency through all of SoD so he's kind of stuck with Two-Handed Swords and Maces.
Anyway, we're off! Benedict uses his supreme intellect to finish Ammon's quest without needing the Cobalt Moss. Why not, we get a three-charge Wand of Monster Summoning, that'll be helpful in this dungeon. The goons across the bridge are all but entirely undone by a single charge of the Wand of Fear (Jaheira uses her Nymph Cloak to entice the cleric into healing us up afterwards). Porios is convinced to surrender, and we accept Fanegonoroms quest. To the lower levels!
The first encounter here is actually rather dangerous on Insane. We try to be clever about it, tossing out a Web and a Fireball, but there are so many enemies (and they're so spread out) that we still take lots of damage. And yep... that suicidal Flaming Fist Healer bites it. Why would you charge into a Stinking Cloud!?
The next undead group get a slew of Fireballs, the survivors being treated to mass ranged fire. The Shadows and Wraiths to the south are held off using a charge from the Wand of Monster Summoning (no Flaming Fist Healer means no Lesser Restoration should we get level drained, after all). The encounter in the hidden room can also be a headache: We solve it by, once again, a massive Fireball barrage. Still, since there are so many mobs a fair few survive, and we take some damage sorting out the remaining enemies.
I'm being very liberal with the use of charged items. And why not? They're meant to be used. I'll conserve critical items for Big B, but other than that, I don't want to end up with 200 unused buff potions, scrolls and wands by the end of the game.... better such resources be put towards making things easier.
The elite mercenaries just outside Korlasz's sanctum are handled by Web and a Free Action scroll on Khalid, with Jaheira and Minsc providing ranged support. The large group of (mostly) fire-immune undead to the east are then treated to a vicious Skull Trap from Benedict, actually outright killing most of them and making the fight much easier than it usually is. We convince the two mercenaries to the west that they should flee, and engage Korlasz. She surrenders within a round due to concentrated fire, and we loot her little hidey-hole. The Spirit gets its staff back (and we get some gems), Imoen receives some books, and we ascend the rope to the entry floor.
Here, we actually rest. Though it's entirely optional, I want to do the big fight against Angry Spirits/Wraiths on the first floor, so we heal up and buff thoroughly. With no cleric yet, we can only muster two Skeleton Warriors from Benedict, so Dynaheir assists by conjuring among other things, a Kobold Commando. Beggars can't be choosers, after all.
And that's it for the introductory dungeon! We grab the Shield of Egons +2 from Fanegonorom on the way out (and of course loot his grave once he disappears). Benedict deals with all the little things throughout the city: Korlasz is undone by a single Skeleton Warrior, but to my great dismay, in siding with Autinn we lose out on the spectacular Cudgel of Montgomer +1 (spectacular as it has a 10% chance of casting CLW on the wielder per hit... it's excellent for Minsc), as Lucilla is beaten unconscious instead of killed and so never drops the Cudgel. I contemplated force-attacking her but was afraid that would have run-ending repercussions, in case she is considered an innocent once the bar fight is over. Otherwise, everything goes smoothly, as we pick up Minsc, Dynaheir and Safana (Safana allowing us to rob the basement of the Ducal Palace). As we prepare to leave Baldur's Gate, we of course also recruit Viconia. Onward!
We pick up Corwin, and that's it, our party is assembled. The despicable Gargantuan and Sword Spiders in the east are treated to a dual Fireball.. but three Spiders survive, and we end up having to blow a charge of the Wand of the Heavens to keep Minsc in one piece.
We came well-prepared for dealing with undead, as the denizens of the local evil-infested tunnels soon discover. Sunfire, Fireball and Agannazar's Scorcher abound. That's the advantage with two specialist mages: We can literally bomb five or so encounters to absolute pieces in a single rest cycle, and still have enough slots left to buff up completely for another two major fights. The first level is cleared without incident (Minsc gets level drained once, but Viconia wears the Battle Tankard and had a Lesser Restoration memorized).
Rather than bombing (we don't have a great many bombing spells left...) the first major encounter on the second level, Minsc gets Free Action and we pop a single Web. This turns out to be quite effective: Most undead repeatedly fail their save, and Minsc is no slouch in close combat.
However, one of the Skeleton Archers keeps running away when Minsc tries to reach it, eventually bringing a whole other undead group into the fight!
The commotion actually starts to attract yet another group of undead from the east. We initiate a running battle, carefully selecting targets to make sure Minsc doesn't get level drained. A few Scorchers from the Wand of Fire are quite helpful in hurting those undead making a beeline for us, and we prevail, having taken almost no damage.
The Burning Skeletons are treated to a Skull Trap from Benedict, destroying most of them instantly. The Skeleton Mage managed to get his Stinking Cloud off (and Safana got caught in it, taking some damage before waking up), but no one died. Dynaheir pops a scroll of Blur and holds off the Bronze Sentry while the rest of the party pelts it at range. It takes a while, but it goes down (Corwin's Entangle procced several times, allowing Dynaheir to move out of range for a few rounds at a time).
Alright, the laboratory. There are two groups of undead in here, both fairly large. The group guarding the door just get Fireballed (by wands, though they're almost out of charges now) and Webbed into oblivion. The second group is much nastier. We don't have many buffs left, but Viconia conjures up three Skeleton Warriors, and we initiate combat with our rapidly dwindling Wands of Fire.
There's more than a dozen undead to contend with here, and they're all of them quite tough: Armored Skeletons, Bladed Skeletons, Bonebats, Shadowed Souls and a Skeleton Mage. Fortunately, our own Skeleton Warriors and Minsc do a decent job holding the melee grunts off, while everyone else targets the Shadowed Souls and the Skeleton Mage. Once they're down, a final charge of Scorcher from the Wand of Fire helps clear the numerous Skeletons out, although we end up having to kite the surviving Bladed Skeletons around... they just deal too much damage.
We open the doors to the south and pick up Coldhearth's key. The Skeleton Archers, now accessible to us, are destroyed. Figuring that maybe the undead behind the hidden doors aren't that big of a deal, we just summon an Ogrillon (scroll of Monster Summoning I) to tank the whole lot of them, before opening the doors and letting lose with another charge from the Wand of Fire (one charge left now).
Holy... one Ogrillon isn't going to be tanking that. Skull Trap! SKULL TRAP!
Phew. Even a powerful Skull Trap isn't enough to kill every undead, but we clear out the remainder, although with heavy damage taken in the process. Much as I'd like to finish the repository in one go, I think we have to retreat, and so we do. Rested and healed, we return. The Drowned in Blood and their attendant Bone Bats guarding the four pillars are utterly destroyed by ranged bombardment, and we open the doors. The undead group here has two Skeleton Warriors... the real kind, worth 4000 experience each. We buff fully, Minsc getting Improved Invisibility, pop a Web and start tossing out Fireballs. Turns out there are a LOT of undead though, and they're not bunched up, so though we kill a few, many more come rushing at us once the Web expires. And, of course, Skeleton Warriors care little for magics.
This actually turned into a.. not desperate, but not far off, fight. The Skeleton Warriors are just way too strong to tank, even with Improved Invisibility, and they studiously ignore Benedict/Dynaheir trying to distract them (I'm guessing since they have Stoneskin up). We kill off the assisting undead, Viconia leads one Skeleton Warrior literally halfway across the dungeon, and we are resigned to pelting the other one to death. Very, very slowly pelting it to death, and then doing the same to the other one once Viconia brings it back.
By comparison the Coldhearth Lich is a pushover (of course only because we picked up The Secret Revealed from Brother Deepvein and used it). Minsc borrows Batalista's Passport and quaffs a Potion of Fire Resistance before entering the fire room with the phylactery, and the Lich is no more.
Hooray! We pick up our reward from Brother Deepvein and move to finish the other content here. Yet another group of Spiders get a taste of Sunfire. A 2x Glitterdust sequencer from Benedict reveals Teleria, allowing us to take her down. Crommus is reunited with his love and rewards us with some bardic items (we'll save the Bard Hat and Tangled Strings for later importing into SoA).
We head west, opting to destroy Tsolak. Which we do, easily, as he tries to Dominate a Skeleton Warrior.
We track Tsolak to his lair and stake him, picking up the Boot and a half of speed, and the Suncatcher +2 from Isabella. The Orcs to the south are undone to a, well, Orc by Cloudkill. We return to the bridge area, actually opting to pull the Gauth into the Prime. I will definitely go for the Genie merchant and the Lich later: Usually I also go for Ring of the Tiny Fiend, but really, 10% to several resistances is much less useful than a ring of fire resistance, which you get off the Gauth. It's a standard Gauth at that, so Free Action and Protection from Lightning makes you more or less immune to it.
Nothing left but to progress the plot. We buff up (Minsc and Dynaheir being made immune to fire), and charge the Crusaders at the bridge. We then execute, in order: Sunfire from Dynaheir, Sunfire 1/day from the Suncatcher +2 temporarily worn by Minsc, and a Fireball from Benedict. The result:
We gather the loot, speak with Caelar, and hand in the quest to the inn-owner on our way back (of course opting to keep the Suncatcher +2 for Viconia). And so we are off to chapter 9!
This seems a good spot to end the update. Next time, we'll cleave a path through Trolls and other assorted beasties, deal with a rogue Mind Flayer and its pet Neothelid, and lift the siege at Bridgefort. Benedict is now a L10 Human Conjurer.
@Wise_Grimwald I agree, absolutely. However, Oils of Speed are rare (I normally only get the ones from Imoen and Montaron until I reach Baldur's Gate, although I'm aware there are more available) and I also tend to use Potions of Mirrored Eyes only as a 'panic button' in case of basilisk ambush or unexpected Chromatic Orb.
I use the one in a chest near the tome of widom in Durlag's Tower. I use the potion of clarity for getting the tome (Unless I am a thief) and while it is still active bash open the two chests which would otherwise be deadly for a solo player. A potion of invisibility and a potion of speed are in one of those chests. Just in time to use it against the basilisks. It almost looks as if that was designed with the fighting of the basilisks in view. For a thief that oil of speed can be used to effectively prolong the life of the thief enhancing potions.
Starting a new run with a Champion of Bane, a Svirfneblin called Dreadnought the Black. Starting roll was this:
Which was modified to this after making him a Svirfneblin. 30% less experience but 50% magical resistance and with blur, mirror image, and invisibility as innate abilities. Quite strong at the start, but the experience modifier will hurt later on.
The buffing helps against the improved assassins in Candlekeep. Forgot to take a screenshot in the fight against Mendas. That was touch and go! Only the rats surrounding him allowed him to survive! Used his sling to kill Mendas and then plain sailing.
The extra equipment that I gave the assassins was of no use to Dreadnought at this stage as he cannot use it. However it did become useful later when a thief joined the party. I thought that I had paused the game when the phone rang. I hadn’t with the result that there was an unintended fight with a bear.
Dreadnought headed south avoiding conflict and picked up some ankheg armour. Turning down an undeserved reward resulted in a much-needed reputation boost.
He headed south and picked up a wand of frost, headed east for the ring of fire resistance, and then took Samuel to the Friendly Arms Inn.
Returning Joia’s ring and the Colquetle amulet earned more reputation boosts.
He headed north and helped Leila, but this time no reputation boost.
Using all his buffs he killed an ankheg with indigestion from eating a dagger.
South of the FAI he again used all his buffs to defeat an ogre with a belt fetish.
Killing gnolls at High Hedge resulted in levelling up, and taking a tome to Firebead increased reputation still further.
Fighting Karlat, Dreadnought got hurt so he drained some of Karlat’s life. This resulted in him panicking after which he was easy to kill.
He then helped Eltoth and Alanna gaining another reputation boost.
Helping Mellicamp to get into shape boosted Dreadnought’s reputation.
He then tried to help a werewolf but was unsuccessful.
He therefore killed it.
Taking the body to High Hedge earned him a very useful +1 sword.
In transit he killed a couple of ogres.
Rescuing Ardrouine’s child then resulted in another reputation boost.
Further south some kobold commandoes proved to be dangerous.
Helping Charleston Nib proved to be less so and gained a reputation point, as did helping Brage and Prism. Unfortunately Isra delivered the killing blow against Greywolf, so Dreadnought lost out on the experience.
He then went ankheg hunting and reached level 4 with a reputation of 19.
Having been hurt by the ankhegs, he tried to rest in order to recuperate, but further attacks just left him weaker.
Helping Farmer Brun maxed his reputation to 20. Selling the shells at this point will allow him to buy better equipment.
He then joined up with Xzar and Montaron before going to help Albert and Rufie.
Disclaimer: Contains a large number of screenshots without spolier tags. Me and Binadas hereby waive all liability for any losses (including loss of profit and loss of opportunities), damages, costs or claims, whether direct or indirect, suffered or incurred as a result of clicking on the tag below. This does not limit our liability for gross negligence or wilful misconduct in any manner whatsoever.
We've arrived to the bandit camp with Raiken early in the morning. Binadas talks his way out of the confrontation with Tazok, blends in with the brigands and cutthroats and takes a long nap. The calm before the storm they say.
Our plan here is to be The buffs are: 100 fire and cold resistance (via Resist Fire/Cold and the respective potions), Shield Amulet, Potion of Invulnerability, Frost Giant Strength, Oil of Speed, Potion of Regeneration, Armor of Faith, Bless and Greenstone Amulet. After all, we did not come to negotiate.
Binadas boldly enters the main tent and opens with Darts of Stunning and Necklace of Missiles.
Venkt makes his saves and stays in the game. And he's going to be a major nuisance. First, he neutralizes our Oil of Speed with Slow while Britik quaffs his strength potion.
Binadas closes in on the individual archers. But old Venkt has got different plans for us.
This could have gotten really ugly had Binadas not memorized couple of Cure Diseases in preparation for such grave turn of events. Instead, the crowd is cheering and the look on Venkt's face is priceless!
We celebrate our comeback by chunking Raemon and the remaining hobgoblins.
Having run out of all the tricks up his sleeve, Venkt falls just as our Oil of Speed kicks in again.
Britik takes one final bullet and Binadas loots the tent, refreshes his Armor of Faith, Bless and Resist Fire/Cold buffs and heads out.
Our trusty nymph, left in front of the tent entrance, already got unsummoned. However, that did not save Taurgosh from taking a proper beating before he was able to amass his army.
I realized that we hadn't paid a visit to Bassilus and so Binadas took a small detour en route to Cloakwood to remedy that. With Bassilus running his Free Action, we tried Mental Domination instead of our staple Hold Monster/Hold Person approach used against big guys and...
Now that's a mean spellbook for any BG1 enemy. It's a shame I've never seen him use that Greater Command as an opener.
@Borco Just used the same tactic in my game. Got him to fight Zargal the strongest one there is, and of course won. Bassilus and the Aerial servant are able to clear the entire area. However they didn't as I ensured that a ghast held Bassilus so that he was easy to kill. Sadly the ghast killed him so lost out on the experience.
Dreadnought continued by taking on Vax and Zal. They weren’t the problem; it was those pesky kobold commandoes.
They then took on Caldo and Krumm who proved to be even more of a problem, Montaron being reduced to 1 hp.
They then took on Zargos Flintblade who wasn’t quite so dangerous.
They then took the emeralds to Oublek for the reward. Oublek then bravely took on a baby wyvern Sadly for him: luckily for Dreadnought; he did not survive and Dreadnought retrieved the emeralds and thousands of gold pieces.
In transit they took on a polar bear and won.
After dropping off Xzar they returned to the dryad who was delighted with their work.
They accidentally ran into a party of ogres including an ogre-mage. Once the mage was dead there were no complications.
After that Tarnesh was killed easily.
They then joined up with Neera and went looking for more ankheg but unfortunately Neera was killed. This cost them gold.
Upon raising her, she asked us to go in search of another wild mage called Amoy. This led to them confronting Narcillicus Harwilliger Neen. The battle was ferocious by Dreadnought won.
The route to find Amoy is definitely not what you are given to expect. A mod is definitely needed to correct this anomalous behaviour. Fancy having to leave an area at the north side to go south!!!
Looking for Amoy was a bit of a disaster as both Montaron and Neera were killed and raising them broke the bank. They did however gain experience if not wealth.
Neera was left at the Friendly Arms Inn whilst Dreadnought continued with Montaron. They defeated a number of bandits whilst in transit and then took a letter to Mirianne.
They then gave Ugh a new best friend.
They then killed some spiders in Beregost.
lt="" /> Dreadnought then picked up Gavin before going to Ulgoth’s Beard where some “shopping” was done and Gavin met up with his parents.
They picked up Tenya and on the way through the ankheg fields killed a few of them.
As a result of a messenger being sent to them they went in search of Bassilus. Bassilus was charmed and he then killed Zargal.
Unfortunately Bassilus was killed by a ghast. That was NOT deliberate. They went on to depetrify Corianna:
To show her thanks she gave the party a potion of mirrored eyes. Having been sent to deal with Mutamin Dreadnought first killed some gnolls and flind before dealing with Peter's party. Hold person held two of them and all of them were badly hurt by the necklace of missiles. One got into melee range at which point all attacked him simultaneously and killed him. The others were then finished off with ranged weapons. "Time for bed" said Zebedee. The basilisks will have to wait for another day.
Since I was in the area, I wanted to get Krieg's Dragon Blade +3 back. We enter Firkraag's dungeon and take on the Ruhk Transmuter after frying his kobold cohorts with a fireball. When it throws up a PfMW, I think we have to wait it out, but I give Devour Magic a try and it actually works! It counts as a level 0 spell, so it can affect Rakshashas and Liches, so the only thing that can stop it now is SI: Abjuration.
I console in the Dragon Blade +3 since I thought it appears in the big pool of water, but it wasn't until later that I remember that it's actually Tazok who wields it. Curses. This is one of the additional woes of preferring to play with custom kits: unless you can fix your character using EEKeeper, items will not be imported over. This venture is sometimes too much work if the kit is complicated enough, like the Shadow Adept or Warhorn Shaman, as I've had trouble with them before. But I earned those items fair and square, so I console them back in where appropriate.
Samia's group is devastated by traps, Wrath of the Skies, and Insect Plague. Fire Elementals and a Nighthaunt finish the job.
Spaz levels up from a picked lock, while Rufus and Gaspar level from a Greater Wolfwere in the next room over.
Tazok and his cronies are killed, though I'm impressed by how regularly Tazok can hit Bruss. Well, he wasn't using Kaioken, so there's that. Conster is killed by 3 pre-laid traps from Rufus and Garren's child is freed.
Normally I would take on Firkraag at this point, but his HP is now tripled at 552. We're definitely going to have to come back later, at least when we get HLAs. We return to Garren and Bruss levels up from completing the quest. Monks normally get 42% magic resistance at level 14, but Saiyans receive nothing. Another transformation is just around the corner, though...
The first floor of Watcher's Keep is usually easy XP, so we head over there. Hmm, there's a lot more statues here than I remember. It looks like there will be two mages to fight after the portal is opened. When we take the book to activate the two guardian statues, there's actually four of them that come to life! Two are priests and the others are the two fighters with HLAs.
Krieg and Bruss take a beating as these statues have excellent THAC0. Bruss teeters on the brink of death and he dares not use Kaioken, lest his CON score drop too much and kill him through bonus HP loss. Garos has spirits summoned, as they are too much for him to help with. Ancestral spirits notice Bruss' low health and heal him, letting him take another hit. Gaspar's charms are resisted with ease while Spaz spams Vitriolic Blast. Rufus summons his wraiths to help, and they finish off the remaining statues thanks to Negative Energy Ray.
Okay. If that was just the fight over the book, I'm not going to risk the fight for the portal. I do everything else on the first level and then leave for the Temple District sewers. Draug Fea's party is thoroughly dismantled by Gaspar. This is the one thing that Gaspar excels at: destroying rival parties who start out neutral. He charms Rengaard and summons both of his Aerial Servants. They hit like a freight train, constantly go invisible, and can Engulf opponents, entangling them and reducing their DEX score to 9. With the Servants, a fire elemental, Improved Kitthix, and a Skeleton Warrior, Draug Fea's party stood no chance. Gaius has his magic devoured by Spaz and is finished by Improved Kitthix's web and poison.
The summoned army destroys the Rakshasa and his kobold pals as well. I remember that I accidentally forgot to do part of Firkraag's dungeon: the hidden door that leads to a bunch of tough golems who guard the Heartseeker longbow and the Iron Golem tome. We return to the dungeon and find another surprise in the stash the golems were hiding: a teleportation stone with 20 charges.
I completely forgot about this. It is added by More Style For Mages. This should make getting around more convenient. We use it to jump back to the Temple District.
We go back down to the sewers and answer the bridge riddles, earning Krieg a level. A beholder, a pair of gauths, shadows, and wraiths await on the other side. Garos tries summoning a fire elemental, but apparently these new SCS beholders can use their Death Ray attack more than once. Bruss fires an Energy Wave at them which softens them up, and a summoned Efreeti uses a Fireball to kill some of the incorporeals, earning Garos a level too. He chooses Nature's Beauty.
I keep forgetting that Spaz has unlimited skellybros at his disposal. They do a great job killing the beholders because of their 95% MR.
Just ahead, Spaz inexplicably gets petrified by a trap despite being nowhere near the trigger zone for it! He casted See the Unseen and it just petrifies him from range! WTF. Good thing I had a Stone to Flesh scroll on hand from Firkraag's dungeon. I was saving it for Bondari's gang, though.
Rufus levels up from healing the Empathic Manifestation, finally learning level 6 spells. He chooses Shatter Weave and Twin Mislead for level 6 spells and Shadow Assault for level 5.
-Shadow Assault: As Shadow Door, but caster gains a backstab multiplier bonus of 2 and doubled movement rate. Backstab bonus increases to 3 at level 14 and 4 at level 21. -Shatter Weave: As Pierce Magic, but reduces target's magic resistance to 0 for 2 rounds. Mages and Bards also take 10d4 magical damage and suffer 50% spell failure for 2 rounds. All effects have no save and bypass MR. -Twin Mislead: As Mislead, but creates a second clone after 3 rounds, regardless of the status of the first clone.
Inside the beholder hive, Spaz spams skellies while Bruss scouts ahead for them. Spaz levels up from the last gauth while Gaspar levels up from assembling the rod.
All of us move on up and away from the Unseeing Eye's line of sight. Garos' spirits fight them from out of his sight range but close enough that they don't try to retreat. Spaz spams more skellies to fight. Bruss uses the rod on the Unseeing Eye, but it merely reduces it to Badly Injured instead of to 1 HP. Then it summons a pair of Death Tyrants! Garos is hit with an anti-magic ray and takes the opportunity to move further away and unsummons his spirits to let Spaz's skeletons handle them. Gaspar manages to charm the Unseeing Eye from a distance and out of sight to sabotage it. The skeletons eventually break through its Stoneskins, killing it.
Spaz learns Noxious Blast. The save is actually vs. spell at -2 and it gains an increasing save penalty of another -1 per 2 points of CHA above 17. Currently, Noxious Blast will force saves at -5.
Rufus puts his new spells to the test and decimates Gaal and the remaining cultists with a combination of Shar's Blessing + Shadow Assault + Twin Mislead. He is now a force to be reckoned with in melee.
Returning to Oisig causes Bruss to reach a long-awaited milestone: Super Saiyan!
- SUPER SAIYAN: The saiyan's hair spikes upward and turns gold while their whole body glows with an unmistakable fiery radiance, not unlike a candle dancing in a gentle breeze. With this transformation, the Saiyan gains +2 STR/CON/THAC0/damage, +1 saves, and 10% damage resistance. Super Saiyan still drains Constitution while active, but at a much slower rate than Kaioken since it is far easier to maintain, at -1 CON/2 turns. Super Saiyan may be deactivated at will. Power up time: 2. Super Saiyan may be combined with Kaioken, but it is exceedingly dangerous to do so for prolonged periods.
Time for the Guarded Compound. At the summoning trigger, Spaz devours the Nishruu's magic, instantly killing it. Krieg and Bruss struggle a bit with the Glabrezu as it spams Mirror Image and then gates in a Marilith! Gaspar charms the Marilith, which proceeds to eviscerate the Glabrezu's mirror images with its 7 attacks/round, letting Krieg finish it with a critical hit. While it's charmed, it's easy prey for Krieg and Bruss.
The upstairs of the guarded compound has apparently been changed to a party-required area. Everyone drinks an invisibility potion and we go upstairs on the left. Rufus disarms the two traps waiting for us and we assemble in the side room. Rufus casts his new asskicking combo of Shadow Assault + Shar's Blessing + Twin Mislead, then casts Shadow Screen to prevent any anti-magic shenanigans from Sion. Rufus single-handedly destroys Stalman, Koshi, and Olaf with backstabs from Pitchwife +5 assisted by Belm. Sion attempts a Remove Magic, but Shadow Screen foils it. Sion is killed as well, and his Mordy Swords are destroyed by Night Terrors.
Ketta is lured out by Rufus' Nighthaunts and she is backstabbed too. Maferan is a barbarian which renders him immune to backstabs, which is why he was taking so little damage. His rage ran out a while ago so he gets the life sucked out of him by the Nighthaunts who are protected by Shadeskin.
: And just like that, Super Saiyan became no big deal. : (sigh) Just like in the show...
Umar Hills are next, probably.
Krieg - War Hulk 14 Garos - Warhorn Shaman 14 Bruss - Super Saiyan Monk(ey) 15 Rufus - Thief 13/Shadow Adept 12 Spaz - Warlock 17 Gaspar - Seducer 17
Ugh. Just a quick and final update: I managed to get to the Iron Throne top floor in my poverty run, but chose to fight fairly rather than the upstairs-downstairs method. A Confusion on everyone that could possibly dispel it spelled our doom...
Ever since I saw the list with characters that hadn’t made it all the way, I decided to try the undead hunter. My love for this kit started ages ago. Ever since playing BG2 for the first time, I have an innate fear of being level drained. My love for the undead hunter therefore goes 16 years back or so.
Since I like characters with good str, dex, con and int, rolling a strong paladin is no small feat since I have no autoroller. My character therefore took her sweet time in the making... a 98 roll was the goal and many many hours later I got her: Alis Landale (at least its not Buffy).
When she dies I will restart the game in candlekeep with her anew.
Alis is a sword and board paladin - no dual wielding (yet). She has pips in shortbow and longsword. Picking up pips in broadsword on the way - flails, Axel, mace and dual wielding in BG2. No two handed swords...
CK was uneventfull. Alis started her trek by going to FAI. Determined to make quick progress Alis decided to risk her life against Tarnesh - relying on her bow. Alis missed her shot and her saving throw - ran around and got hit by a volley of magic missiles... Doom was pending, when her running sent her out of Tarnesh sight.
The guards mopped up Tarnesh and saved Alis - a narrow and very lucky escape. Knowing that only luck had saved Alis she picked up the ring at FAI, and got the Ankheg plate and bought shortbow/longsword +1 in Beregost.
Alis didnt want to kill Shoal, so she went directly for the Basilisk. The first few where kited and killed with a bow - the rest with a sword. Killans group killed my trusted ghoul in one round (fitting end when the undead hunter makes friends with the undead). But two fire blasts from a necklace did wonders - and the hold person spells did naught for them.
Alis reached level 5 in that area and things where going her way.
Questing for money and loot was next. I decided not to kill Meilum and pick up the bracers at the bandit camp instead. Silke proved a handfull, and nearly electrocuted Alis... The rest was pretty straight forward: gnoll fortress, going to the farmlands for Ankheg hunting and shopping in the north.
Had the mine guard kill Greywolf and picked up a tome in Durlags tower. Time for the main quest.
The wand of sleep trivialized the mine. Mulahey got to arrows of biting and failed his saved at the second.
The valley of tombs was cleared. My necklace and resistance to hold saved the day. A funny thing about the necklace in this run is that none of the recipients has made a save yet (Killians group, the Amazones, the guards in cloakwood and the Zhentarim in BG - the damage has been massive .
Tranzig and the bandit camp where cleared with caution and precision.
In cloakwood the guards sleept on their job, whilst Drasus didnt liked fire. The sword and board paladin has great AC and a with a wand of sleep and a potion frost giant strenght, Alis made short work of the guards. Daveorn was treated to some magical elemental arrows for a rough landing/death.
In the city Alis picked up two cloaks and two tomes - Quenash her new undead hunter apprentice died to a ghoul in the sewer.. just when she was about to leave her old ways.
In the city there is still the poison quest and the main quest - and getting some money for potion shopping. We shall see how Alis fares. The low AC is very suitable for my play style, so she might do well.
Exploring the eastern wilderness areas starts out rather well, as long as we hunt for easy targets such as vampiric wolves and red wizards (made easy by skeletons and webs - otherwise, they certainly wouldn't be):
As soon as we are done with relatively simple content, we turn to the main questline - killing Mulahey will grant us skeleton nr. 4 thanks to his ring:
We return to some more eastern encounters, such as Kahrk. Having two thieves with 100 set traps already, we prepare a bit of an ambush for the guy. Our skeletons only have to get rid of his mirror images - even the powerful ogre magus doesn't survive 7 traps all at once.
Next stop is the bandit camp, where skeletons distract the archers while hold person and sleep take care of anything potentially dangerous on the outside:
For the main tent, Ouranus simply starts luring our foes to the outside - some of them get killed by traps, others by our ranged weapons and skeletons:
Things seem to be going great - I've never gotten this far in a meatgrinder run without at least a couple of party deaths. Well... Lendarn is our next target, and while he casts his lightning spell at a skeleton to his left, it ends up bouncing to the north, hitting most of our party. While this is indeed unlucky, the bolt doesn't bounce again, so we only get hit by it once. The result: One death (Ceres), some heavily wounded - but no chunkings, and Cephalus, our Bhaalspawn, didn't even get hit. I can live with that:
Luckily, there's a temple right there in Gullykin, so we can pick our fighter/mage back up. Some eastern content is still left, but we want level 7 for Ouranus before that: We need more powerful skeleton warriors with magical weapons to hit certain foes - so we venture into Cloakwood. Level 1 is easily done, and the spider nest in level 2 is cleared in the same way as the big bandit tent - luring our foes into waiting traps, skeletons and ranged weapon users:
We get the required experience for cleric level 7 here, and so it's time to return to the east - the skeletons bring down Narcillicus' Mustard Jellies and Icharyd, we explore the Ulcaster Ruins and - as our final stop - clear the remaining Firewine Dungeon of kobolds:
The wilderness areas are completely cleared, and we are ready to delve deeper into Cloakwood next time. The party is starting to feel pretty decent in terms of their offensive power, but hit points are quite low - so one positioning error or unlucky lightning bolt could result in a lot of death and chunkings. We have to stay alert.
Ugh. Just a quick and final update: I managed to get to the Iron Throne top floor in my poverty run, but chose to fight fairly rather than the upstairs-downstairs method. A Confusion on everyone that could possibly dispel it spelled our doom...
Hard luck. Better intelligence next time.
Even if you don't play upstairs/downstairs it would always be wise to leave a dispeller downstairs who could come upstairs just to dispell etc. It is the sort of thing that any party leader would arrange, knowing the score as you do, it is not power gaming but role playing.
Off we go, to adventure! But first, we need to beat down some half-orc irregulars. Which we do, but they in turn beat down poor Minsc. But as I've said before, it can scarcely be called a battle if Minsc doesn't die. And he didn't die, so it was merely a skirmish!
Glitterdust is actually surprisingly good when cast by a Conjurer, as Benedict repeatedly succeeds in blinding all but a few enemies in several large spawns. Four rounds isn't a great duration, but it's enough to take out 3-4 blinded grunts, as the Trolls outside the Troll Cave proper become painfully aware of.
Before heading inside the cave, Minsc is made immune to fire. Yeah, you can guess what's coming up: 1/day Sunfire from the Suncatcher +2, and 2x Fireball.
That is brutally efficient! A massive Troll spawn entirely undone by two 3rd level arcane spells and one 2nd level divine spell (Resist Fire and Cold in conjunction with Batalista's Passport). Well, and a 1/day special, but really, I think the Fireballs would've sufficed on their own. Funnily enough, the Spectral Trolls hidden behind the cave wall all fail their save against Glitterdust, making them easy pickings. Unfortunately, Viconia cannot use the Locket of Embracing, but at least we made some money.
We continue clearing all manner of beasties: I actually found a use for Wands of Fear, as popping three charges at once (Benedict/Dynaheir/Viconia) is usually enough to send Gargantuan Spiders running. Hobgoblins and Orcs get Cloudkilled, an Ogre clan gets Fireballed, and some Trolls get Slowed. Shouldn't have done the last one, as they take much longer to fall over when Slowed... but eh. Glimmer of Hope +2 will be used alternatingly by Viconia and Minsc; Viconia gets one extra 1st level, one extra 4th level spell slot with it equipped, so it's not a huge deal.
We also run into some interesting behaviour here, when we did another bout of Wand of Fear popping against some Spiders. One of said Spiders ran past the Bridgefort Refugees, who started following it around trying to attack it... which led to some Trolls nearby spotting them, which led to no more Voghiln.
That would've sucked if we wanted Voghiln. As it is, we chalk it up to weirdness. Oh, Jaheira apparently doesn't deal well with Voghiln being missing when she does her dialogue: She says she'll head to the camp, but never actually goes there. The party presses on to Boareskyr Bridge.
Another area, another few trash mob encounters. Hobgoblins just get a Fireball as we're out of 5th level spell slots, while Skull Trap clears out two thirds of the Goblin Raiders outside the cave. The ones inside the cave just get the triple Wand of Fear treatment.
We accept the quest to find Keherrem. On our way back to camp to rest up before tackling the Forest of Wyrms, we get the Green Dragon ambush. Fine, it's just two Giants which we duly dispose of, and the Red Ioun Stone goes to Corwin (of course).
After a night's rest at camp, we head out, only to get the Trolls vs Orcs ambush instead. Also fine, I suppose, though I want to conserve spells for the real dungeon ahead. A single Glitterdust lets us deal with the first group of Trolls inside the Cave (that -2 save penalty really makes a difference). The group you reach by diving into the pool are more of a bother; a Glitterdust is expended here as well, as well as the 1/day Sunfire from Suncatcher +2, and we have to do some kiting to avoid the risk of being Held by the numerous Mutated Crawlers, but pull through with only minor damage taken (Firefly +2 goes to Dynaheir: Viconia is borrowing Arla's Dragonbane +3, while Benedict wields The Biter +2).
Finally, we arrive in Forest of Wyrms. Continuing in the vein of actually using charged items, I find that Wands of Frost are quite efficient against Greater Wyverns (and they drop nothing of value, so it's fine if they should shatter). Minsc actually charms a Mountain Lion and we use it to absorb the Hill Giant's attacks while we take it down, and some Displacer Beasts get multiple Wand of Fire charges. Good, we're clearing a path without using up any spells or healing potions!
We take no risks in the Spider Cave: Minsc and Corwin both get Free Action from Viconia before the rest of the party turns invisible, and we also use a few Potions of Stone Giant Strength/Heroism. Thus boosted, our two fighter-types carry the day. The first round of Free Action lasts just long enough for them to finish off two groups of Spiders, and the second round (with Glimmer of Hope Viconia has four 4th level slots) enable them to finish the last two groups. The beetles are very easy (mainly as they don't all aggro together) and we pick up the Rhino Beetle Shell.
Working our way up the path, some Phase Spiders are just charged: Without Web Tangling Gargantuan Spiders backing them up, they're no danger. The Bugbears get a single Web, allowing us to kill almost all of them at range.
Now, right about here I realized I forgot to buy throwing daggers. Alright... we'll fight Morentherene fairly! We whip out two scrolls of Protection from Poison, one going on Minsc, the second on Benedict (just in case things turn hairy). We buff up extensively, including Haste, and move to engage the dread beast!
Morentherene isn't really a big issue on her own: Her Green Dragon Breath hurts, but not badly. The problem is, she summons five Greater Wyverns and two Young Green Dragons. These Young Green Dragons also have a breath weapon... meaning anyone not immune to poison damage is about to have a very bad day. We manage to focus Morentherene down quickly (she just casts Stoneskin on herself), but oh, the damage.
I'm not regretting giving Benedict immunity to poison. With Morentherene down, we turn our tender mercies to the Young Green Dragons (they have no special abilities apart from their breath weapon). However, before falling they do manage to use said breath weapon again.
Viconia was actually down to 2 HP and poisoned at one point, but Dynaheir was able to reach her and pop her Slow Poison innate. That was surprisingly hairy! Lesson for next time: Do not underestimate the breath weapon (i.e., get Protection from Poison on everyone, or at the very least spread out more). With just melee grunts left, we defuse the situation. I contemplated retreating to heal, but we have many potions... let's press on as far as we can.
The entire Bugbear tribe is handled via a few Skeleton Warriors, Web and Wands of Fear: I'm starting to like these Wands. They're hardly magics of earth-shattering potency, but a nice way to save on important spells, not to mention healing potions. We proceed into the temple proper.
Here, the whole fight with Morentherene turned out to be unnecessary, as the room with Invisible Stalkers had 20 Throwing Daggers in a chest. Harumph. We move towards Ziatar's lair, clearing Cultists as we go: Only the final Cultist group is anything to write home about, and we handle them with Skeleton Warriors and a Remove Magic.
For Ziatar, we just apply Remove Fear, summon an Ogrillon and a Kobold (... we're out of Animate Dead), and charge in. I don't know what it is with Ziatar's mage goons, but they never seem to get much done: They buff like crazy, but then literally try to beat you to death in melee, stopping occasionally to cast Magic Missile. Heh. When we bring Ziatar low, she as always casts Sanctuary, to which our response is Fireball.
We set the Priestess of Bhaal free, with a stern warning to be nice from now on, and likewise free Keherrem. With Minsc still having Protection from Poison up, I figure we can handle the Neothelid. Minsc pops a charge of the Greenstone Amulet, and we charge in. This time, we only have to wait two rounds (a lone surviving Skeleton Warrior distracts the two Magical Swords the Neothelid summons during that time) before it surfaces and is subjected to all manner of attacks, dying before it can submerge again.
Things are going well! We might as well clear Akanna, she's usually easy. We don't even buff (we've no buffs left...), instead opting to charge in. A double Glitterdust Minor Sequencer from Benedict reveals Akanna after her Invisibility Potion, and also reveals + blinds her two Aerial Servants. Unfortunately, it turns out that Dynaheir had only a single Stoneskin remaining, and blinded or not, Aerial Servants can still pull off mean crits.
66 damage! Another 3 and Dynaheir would've been in danger of being chunked. Damnit. Well, she wasn't. We clear the Servants out, and consider our options, deciding to risk resting. We are interrupted several times, but it's always either Giant Spiders (who do not get Web Tangle in SoD) or Mutated Crawlers, which can just be kited. Eventually we pull off a rest, Viconia Raises Dynaheir, we heal, then rest again (again with interruptions which we just power through).
With a full set of spells available, we conjure a wall of Skeleton Warriors and engage Darskhelin, with Minsc and Corwin under Greenstone Amulet protection. The Mind Flayer drops before accomplishing anything, and our Skeleton Warriors distract the enemy adventurers while the party pelts them to death (Jhan Redmoons of course being the last to fall).
Only the Shadow Aspect remains. But not for long: If you're just fully buffed and have some summons as distractions, it's not that difficult. Not difficult at all, even.
Hooray! The temple is cleared! All that remains is to rest up and tackle Bridgefort. On our way to doing just that, we run into the Myconid ambush (Irenicus whupped some elves, and the battle exposed a Myconid colony). The Goblins outside are cleared by the 1/day Sunfire from Suncatcher +2 along with regular old arrows and bullets, and we pop the last two charges of the Greenstone Amulet to clear the Myconids inside the cave. We've no real use of the Spellbreaker +2 or the Elven Chain Mail (it gives thieving penalties and is barely better than Studded Leather +2 for Safana), but Benedict happily snags the Lower Resistance scroll.
A rest later, we head for Bridgefort. We clear the Greater Feyr, buy six Potions of Genius (it'll be enough, we will probably only scribe scrolls 1-2 more times), progress the main plot and deal with the Junia subquest. All that's left is to liberate the fort. We return to camp, enlist Fist backing, and rest up: All manner of spells are prepared, but most important is several Breach, an Oracle for Dynaheir (for the mage on the bridge), and two Haste (one for the mage on the bridge!). Otherwise, we pick disablers and damage, but no Horror, as the Crusade has clerics that'll cast Remove Fear. Suitably prepared we embark for Bridgefort and join forces with the defenders. We lead with a Skull Trap and a Fireball, carefully aimed:
Of course, there are more Crusaders where those came from... lots more. To my surprise, and probably his own, Khalid jumps into the fray, holding off the entire eastern force of Crusaders as we bring the Barghest low.
With the main enemy melee threat neutralized and most of their archers down, we turn our attention on the casters. Viconia's True Sight is running, keeping Illusions from being a factor, and Oloneiros does not long survive being subjected to Breach. Nor, for that matter, does Hormorn.
We push south to join up with the Flaming Fist, only to find Vichand on his lonesome, attempting to hold back the tide. Not today, ye gamon Red Wizard. Note also the panicked Khalid running around, providing both distraction to our enemy and merriment to our allies.
With Vichand dead, we are instructed to rush to the bridge. One Haste later, we do just that, Dynaheir popping Oracle as the rest of the party lays into the enemy mage (Benedict had Breach coming but it was unnecessary... Stoneskin alone won't hold out against that many attacks).
And... that's it! Hooray! Bridgefort is liberated! And Khalid survived. Hooray, I suppose. We clear the Water Elemental, getting only a non-magical Longsword, and depart for the Coalition Camp.
This seems an ideal spot to call it quits for now. Next time, we'll deal with the quests in camp, then proceed with Dead Man's Pass, Bloodbark Grove and Underground River as well as some questing in the courtyard of Dragonspear Castle. Benedict remains a L10 Human Conjurer.
Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 167 (Journal entry 12 3) Thaal (female dwarf priest of Lathander, Gate70); Shane (male halfling swashbuckler, Grond0) We're in a big city, trying to remember what we were doing. Thaal decides to head to the Iron Throne HQ but Shane has scrolls of stone to flesh so we stop off to pick up the cloak of Balduran at great cost (to the de-petrified adventurers).
The Iron Throne HQ sees silence and Holy Smite used before a group of skeletons move in. A second silence has all except Alai muted, so we kill him and take down the remainder one by one before emerging safely.
On to Candlekeep, Shane doing a tidy job with all traps and we walk out with bulging backpacks. Our return to the city sees Slythe cut down in his prime and at the Coronation we fight bravely but a last-ditch cure medium wounds arrives too late. Liia is badly wounded but we redouble our efforts and scare off the remaining doppelgangers. Sarevok goes hostile and our skeletons fight until he is ready to clear off. Liia sends us after him and we head through the Thieves maze.
The first part of the maze is easy and we use a pair of protection from undead scrolls to defeat the skeleton warriors in there. The second part sees Rahvin and his mercenaries taken apart before we pick on the larger group of skeleton warriors. Thaal is merrily bashing away with her quarterstaff but as Shane moves in the skeletons ignore his protection and target him. He runs but is one-shotted by an arrow. (multiplayer quirk where sometimes green scrolls are ignored, maybe after an area transition)
Thaal decides not to fight on but heads back to a temple and gets Shane revived. We return and skirt past the skeletons before heading into the abandoned temple of Bhaal. Shane removes a couple of traps and tries to activate Sarevok but instead Semaj turns up. Thaal and five of her skeleton warriors ensire it is a brief appearance and within a round his spell has been disrupted and he is dead.
Sarevok is then drawn out but Tazok arrives with him. Thaal summons a couple of dogs and Sarevok kills them meaning we are drawn into a game. Shane runs, hides and backstabs while Thaal runs and shoots. We're not really working as a team but Sarevok is unable to play two games at once and dies.
Shadows of Amn We wake up in cells. First things first, thinks Thaal. Change AI script to None.
Once that is done and Imoen is sent packing we quickly gear up and free / remove Jaheira and Minsc. Progress is slow, our cleric and thief combative skills proving to make slow work against the initial mephits. While not particularly fast, we are never in any real danger until we find the Plane of Air. Thaal knows several mephits are ahead, and we are injured and low on spells. The sensible thing to do is rest.
Or you could cast Draw Upon Holy Might and Boon of Lathander before charging. Shane gamely steps up and is stunned by the Steam mephit. Thaal switches to attack it but is also stunned shortly afterwards. Shane recovers and glugs an oil of speed to try and save Thaal.
Thaal also recovers quickly, and once the Steam mephit is dead there are no further concerns.
A pair of skeleton warriors help deal with the mephit portals and the survivor is sent into a trapped room. Thaal and Shane both lag behind a bit so miss the fireballs as duergar move to and from the skeleton. We mop up the pieces after using the trap keys and clear the vampire, thieves, doppelganger, duergar and anything else that moves. With this done we make our escape and emerge into the Promenade.
I am now running another one who reached level 4 and has now started recruiting so am hopeful that this run will be a bit longer. He is now rep 20 and about to go shopping. Will post later.
@aldain Congrats. Well done.
Plurem - half-orc kensai, protagonist
Wertle - dwarven berserker
April - gnomish berserker
Mazzy - gnomish "fighter"
Kedorn - human paladin
Imoen - human thief/mage
CHUNKED: Itwibemine, Sarevok, Trapper
Plurem has made good progress, but it has been costly. Sarevok got chunked by Draconis, and Trapper (our kensai dualed to thief) was chunked by Abizigal. Losing trapper really hurt, as he had 6 spike traps - will have to do without it seems.
The first task was to get Yaga Shura's and Nylee's hearts. But we very nearly came undone in the fire giant temple, as half of the party died entering the temple. Plurem nearly died too, but he ran away and we managed to get a RoR heal on him.
The rest of the temple went fairly smoothly. Defeating Nylee was easy with our traps. Yaga-Shura couldn't survive one round of GWW attacks.
Time for the much more challenging task - Sendai's lair! We defeat the woodcutter then enter the lair...
We took plenty of damage, but progress here was smooth. For Sendai herself, Plurem tried to stay at range while the party engaged in melee. This worked well and Sendai was defeated.
Now for the very difficult fight, Draconis. Our plan was to use dispelling arrows on his mage form to beat that form quickly (which we did). Then run the party to our traps at the initial area. But the 2nd part of the plan didn't work, the party members were having a hard time getting to the entrance. Mazzy was stunned but luckily was buffeted so far away Draconis didn't see her. Sarevok on the other hand, wasn't so lucky and got chunked!
Fortunately our traps did kill Draconis (good thing).
We move into the interior of Abazigal's lair. The basic minions were easy. We buffed with resist fear and protection from lighting (100% on Plurem) and moved after Abazigal. The plan was like Draconis - use dispelling arrows on his human form, then drag him to traps at the entrance.
But this didn't work to plan at all. Plurem was feared somehow (dispelled I guess), and was knocked unconscious before reaching the traps!!!
The party had no choice - despite everyone badly hurt, the party charged and all damage dealing skills (kai, GWW) - this did defeat Draconis, but Trapper was chunked!!!
When we returned, we recruited Imoen to replace Trapper. We will face the Chosen of Cyric next session.
Plurem and gang made it to the 3rd Melissan battle - the one that is so hard because of the slayer shadows. Unfortunately, Mazzy and Wertle got killed in a single time stop. And to boot, Plurem's half-orc saves came back to bite him - he got stunned, and then the end could not be stopped, though April tried to RoR him. RIP Plurem. Plurem did buff with potion of magic shielding before this fight, but it no doubt got dispelled by Melissan's darts (which dispel on hit). Since he can't use the reflection shield, that really hurt him.
Was thinking of NPC play. Was also thinking of a rather ambitious dual - a level 13 human berserker dualed to mage. Will start him up today.
Previous updates:
We quickly add a few points of reputation via minor quests and buy some scrolls for Ceres, getting our hands on the wand of fire in the ankheg lair by commanding down the otherwise deadly enemies. Command always works against them, but sometimes, two commands are needed to deal the required damage - luckily, we have two clerics and don't need any other level 1 spells right now. With the wand of fire in hand, we return to Durlag's Tower, this time taking down the doom guard (with a few wand charges) and facing another group of greater basilisks for tons of experience. We also pick up the wisdom tome here and the charisma tome at the gnoll fortress (wisdom for Ouranus, charisma for Dumuzid) before making our way to the lighthouse - the basilisks have provided Ouranus with cleric level 5, so we have a skeleton at our disposal in order to tank dire charm spells. Sirens get us even more experience, and we take some magical ammunition with us to clear the golem cave (constitution tome for Cephalus).
We now have the powerful combination of stealth + web and a summon to distract opponents at our disposal, so we try our hand at some potentially difficult battles - with Cephalus scouting the area, allowing Ceres to throw down webs, taking down groups of bounty hunters is quite easy:
With more experience, we gain more skeleton summons and the ability to systematically clear out the western areas of the map. Even the Doomsayer isn't safe, with Ceres throwing a few wand charges and magic missle spells at it while Ouranus distracts the powerful entity:
We have done a good job not taking too many hits so far - we've even gotten past two bandit ambushes without any deaths, which is rare on these settings. However, when talking to Shoal, our first party death is unavoidable. Strangely enough, the siren doesn't actually resurrect Kaveh. I know that her behaviour was changed, but that one is a bit strange. In any case, Droth fails to save against command, so this isn't much of a problem, only costing us 800 gold:
We did pick up a few items so far, such as the robe of neutral archmagi, the cloak of displacement and a wand of the heavens. Levels are between 4-6 now, and the western maps have been entirely cleared. Sleep, Web, Command and Hold Person have done most of the heavy lifting for now, together with a careful approach made possible by Cephalus' stealth skills - running into random groups of ranged opponents such as bandits, kobolds or hobgoblin elites is one of the easiest ways to have people die on insane with atrocious AC and HP scores, and my Bhaalspawn has done a god job of making sure the party can avoid this. Next time, we shall strive to explore some of the eastern areas.
Mods: SCS v31, Difficulty: Core
After taking a short break, I'm on it again. My last character in this thread was a gnomish lass called Saoirse - I'll note that she's alive and well in Trademeet, even though I've not covered any of her adventures in Amn yet. This is partly because I've started a new run in the meantime which I intend to post on for a while.
Entering Binadas, a half-elven (seems like a half-drow, right?) fighter/druid. Stat distribution for this multi-class is a pain, so we had to compromise. Unwilling to play a dim-witted piece of tree bark, I sacrificed min-maxing in favour of Binadas' passing literacy.
Note: This shot was taken in the middle of the run after couple of tomes and while under Frost Giant Strength potion (Binadas' base stats are STR 16, DEX 17, CON 18, INT 11, WIS 16, CHA 15).
Starting proficiencies: ** scimitars, ** slings
The story:
True to "no shame - no gain" motto, Binadas first robs Xzar & Montaron of their possessions and then sweeps all the hidey-holes for early Easter egg items (diamond, RoP +1, Ring of Wizardry). Imoen, being a good friend as she is, gave in her potions and wand willingly before saying farewell to our soloing adventurer.
Running Bless, Binadas kites and slings the belt ogre and Joia's favorite hobgoblins. Abusing the fact (bug) that conjured weapons, when equipped with an off-hand weapon from your inventory, grant you proficiency with both weapons as well as with two-weapon style (making lvl 1 druids capable of dual-wielding Sheillagh à la Drizzit), we also take on the remaining FAI hobgoblins in melee.
Note: I don't think I'm going to explore the potential of this game behaviour much further after loosing my previous Priest of Helm in Athkatla.
Becoming the hero of the Sword Coast is a costly business, but fortunately the Ring of Wizardry has got us covered for starters. At High Hedge, Binadas purchases a potion case (full of essentials such as Potion of Freedom and Potion of Magic Blocking) and Wand of Sleep and recovers Perdue's sword. He then takes a round trip via Shoal, Beregost (meeting some of the locals like Marl, Firebeard, Miriane, Zhurlong, Viconia and some spiders), Red Canyons (picking up Melicamp and robbing Zargal) to Barge and all the way to Nashkel.
Rocking a brand new ECO-labeled ankegh armor, Binadas visits the southern areas for more action. Despite its meager strengths, Charm Person/Mammal shines in his spellbook in comparison to other available cantrips. Druidic L2 divine spells surely isn't something to write home about...
After taking care of Zal, Sendai gets separated from her goons and takes a bullet in between the eyes.
By the way, you may have noted that Binadas, our specialized scimitar wielder extraordinaire, does not own a scimitar - there's the flippin' iron crisis for you right there. And going all the way to Durlag's Tower or Ulgoth's Beard to get a replacement is out of question for now.
And now for my favorite accomplishment worthy of any self-respecting avenger druid or "teaching children not to harass dryads".
Binadas retraces his steps to High Hedge to deliver Thalantyr's KFC which accidentally transmutes into a human nugget. I'll take that extra XP and reputation any time but I wonder, do you take Melicamp's continuing existence as a sign of good fortune in your runs? I don't know. He's a chicken.
Further north, we clear the ankegh cave, provide condolences and monetary compensation to farmer Brun and finish our day in the infamous watering hole of Ulgoth's Beard. There's good shopping too, with Wands of Heaven, Cloaks of Displacement and Greenstone Amulets in abundance (just kidding, but one of each is just as fine). We could not ask for more.
Reaching level 5 (as druid) allows Binadas to take the most essential step at this stage of the game, which is...obtaining Jaheira's invisibility potion. Really, this single vial will allow us to grind the basilisks at Mutamin's Gardens with Korax. And since none other invisibility source is available to us at this stage, and using green ProPetrification scroll from the carnival is not an option (we'll need this one for the Durlag's Tower roof), I feel like it's the right course of action.
Having said that, we all know that open confrontation with Tarnesh the Terrible is scary until and unless you're able to resist his Sleep/Horror combo. So we've got Sleep covered and Horror...well I'm sure Binadas is capable of surviving 1 turn of running around helplessly. And so he did. The bad thing for Tarnesh was that he got caught in our summoned insects and had to scratch his bitten buttocks instead of chasing Binadas with MAAs and MMs.
At last, the Friendly Arm Inn.
To be continued.
Flashburn's Rejects
BG1: Prologue, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6SoD: 1, 2
Musings on entering BG2:
I have to remake each of the rejects from scratch in BG2 because of problems with importing characters with custom kits. Bruss and Rufus are the ones that take the most time, obviously, but we Skip Chataeu Irenicus and forage in the rubble outside. I could've sworn I installed the Non-Silly Faster Cutscenes, but I guess not. We sell off the excess loot and Spaz goes on a stealing spree by stacking Potions of Master Thievery, allowing him to swipe anything useful that we want, including the entirety of the archery shop's magical ammo and a suit of Full Plate for Krieg. Garos and Rufus are set for life as far as ammo goes.
The first levels of BG2 are gained in the Copper Coronet sewers by Spaz and Gaspar. Spaz learns Devour Magic, which is Remove Magic plus a max HP bonus of +2 per enemy affected.
The Rejects deal with Captain Haegan afterward with the help of Rufus' wraiths. Bruss gains a level from freeing one of the captured kids, learning Melee Rush.
After the slavers are ruined, we do Mae'Var's questline for easy XP. We get the Suna Seni ambush as we travel to the Temple District. Krieg takes several hits and goes berserk, hitting Bruss for a big chunk of his health! Bruss was also blinded (since I forgot to add his blindness immunity...) and he runs away for the rest of the round, though in hindsight I could've used the Blind Thief Trick to let him stealth on the spot.
We win the fight soon afterward. Normally Bruss would qualify for another Zenkai Boost, but they cannot be caused by friendly fire incidents nor can they be self-inflicted. After getting the Weathermistress's amulet, we do tasks for Edwin. Bruss goes in to Rayic Gethras' house by himself to prevent any stun-lock mishaps caused by the mephits on the ground floor. He lures them away with a Ki Blast Volley and slips outside and then stealths back into the house so he can squeeze by the mephits. Bruss assassinates Gethras with Kaioken x4 + Melee Rush. On the way back down the stairs, he deals with the Stone Golems, granting a level to Krieg and Garos.
Garos can now summon Fire Elementals and Ancestral Spirits, who are fighter/clerics and provide the party with buffs when they see a sufficient number of enemies. Rufus gains a level from dealing with Embarl.
Mae'Var is killed after Rufus casts Breaching Dark on him, which softens him up for attacks from Krieg, Bruss, fire elementals, and ancestral spirits.
The Ancestral Spirits continue to surprise me, even after playing solo with Garos. Beneath the Graveyard District, several of the Rejects get paralyzed by mummy fear, but the spirits cast Remove Paralysis on us, dispelling the fear from our fire elemental, Krieg, and Bruss.
We're still doing the easy XP sidequests. Rufus, Gaspar, and Spaz all level up from helping Xzar while Bruss levels up from killing trolls in the De'Arnise Keep. He learns Kaioken x20! In my experience, powering up to Kaioken x20 is a suicidal tactic at best despite its SUBSTANTIAL bonuses.
Bruss is soon killed by the Iron Golem upstairs while using Kaioken x4 to damage it. Using x20 probably would've killed it before it killed him.
We are forced to retreat as Krieg is badly injured and the iron golem accumulates hits on him because of the nearby Clay Golem's Haste. We scramble down the stairs and heal a bit, but our position is precarious. Rufus has to resort to tanking using Shadeskin and Dark Mirage, and the Iron Golem is soon destroyed.
We can't continue at this rate as Bruss is our off-tank and DPS, so we travel to Trademeet and have him raised. No Zenkai Boost this time, as dying doesn't count.
Back at the keep, one of the side rooms is flooded with trolls, so Rufus drinks a Potion of Genius to increase his caster level and slays all of them using Night Terrors to gain its Death Spell effect at caster level 14.
Down in the basement, it's time to take on Tor'Gal. I don't remember him having a pair of Yuan-ti mage assistants last time I played through here. Regardless, two arrows of dispelling and a Breaching Dark from Rufus even the odds while Improved Kitthix webs and poisons Tor'Gal. With him indisposed, we finish off the mages and kill the umber hulk elder, killing Tor'Gal for good with a fire arrow. Krieg levels up from taking the keep.
Trademeet's quests are next. Bruss powers up to Kaioken x20 to take on the Adherents guarding Faldorn's sanctum, and for good reason. The leader summons a pair of Greater Bearweres! In Kaioken x20, Bruss's AC plummets to late ToB thresholds at -19 and he does damage equal to Krieg's on every hit, but any damage taken will be doubled. He goes ballistic on the leader using Melee Rush, but his Ironskins prebuff negates the damage until Bruss decides to punch the Adherent next to him, sending him flying away at the end of the round. Garos covers the leader with an Insect Plague to prevent any further spellcasting. Bruss pounds away at the Bearweres at a furious pace until they're both dead.
At the end of the fight, Bruss' CON score is reduced to 12 out of 18 and he is fatigued because of the enormous stress of Kaioken x20, so we rest. Since I'm not kicking anyone out of the party for Cernd to join, I just ctrl+Y Faldorn as Cernd challenges her. Gaspar and Spaz both level up upon returning to Trademeet and telling Lord Logan that the problems are solved. Spaz learns Vitriolic Blast.
Garos levels up after using a Lesser Restoration scroll on Raisa after dealing with Rejiek Hidesman.
We've accumulated a sizeable amount of loot and we sell it while in Trademeet. Spaz steals all the good items from that one merchant in the southern part of the town, including Blackblood and the Dwarven Thrower, then we return to Athkatla to pay off Gaelan. Bruss levels up from this.
The hostile party hiding out in one of the Bridge District's storage rooms petrifies Gaspar with Chromatic Orb after we were debuffed with Greater Malison. He is restored in short order after getting a Stone to Flesh scroll from the nearby Temple of Helm, but I think to myself that just leaving Gaspar here wouldn't be so bad, because he's hardly contributed to the party in Athkatla so far. Creatures that I would like to recruit are ones that I would actually rather kill for their XP.
We just need a little more XP to get Krieg's next level, so we go to the Windspear Hills and return the acorns to the dryads.
Next, I think we'll finally do the Temple District sewers. Garos and Rufus will have to use their summons because I don't want those damn beholders snatching the Shield of Balduran. Alternatively, I think I can cheese the Telekinesis Ray by dropping the shield on the ground before the ray hits. No mercy for beholders. They don't deserve it.
Krieg - War Hulk 13
Garos - Warhorn Shaman 13
Bruss - Saiyan Monk(ey) 13
Rufus - Thief 12/Shadow Adept 11
Spaz - Warlock 15
Gaspar - Seducer 15
Previous updates:
Burl spent a while reorganising his equipment and forging Crom Faeyr & the Wave (though with such high damage, instant-kill weapons don't offer him much additional benefit).
At the Graveyard he rested immediately, so that the would-be ambushers evaporated in the daylight. Underground, he worked through lots of vampires taking advantage of his good weapon speed. A few of the vampires got an attack in, but none hit as he finished off the last of Bodhi's lieutenants. Moving downstairs, Bodhi was weakened by some holy water and a single hit prompted her conversation before another finished her off - I also noted there Burl had got a level upstairs at some point.
Moving on to Suldanesselar Burl picked up a further level almost immediately - suggesting the previous one had been gained fairly on in his assault on the vampire lair. Golems offered Burl no real challenge, but I was getting a bit bored by this time and just tried to melee Raamilat. That didn't stop him casting maze and Burl had to use his second and final PfM scroll to survive. That was still active against Nizi and I thought that a scroll of magic protection would be sure to protect against being held by plant growth - but no apparently that's a non-magic ability. Burl had to resort to a potion of magic shielding to boost his saves there and get free to run Nizi round - getting another level there.
The Avatar cleaned up a few enemies for Burl on the way to open access to the Tree of Life. Jon used his spells on summons there and a single hit from Burl was enough to see him on his way.
For the Slayer I deliberately chose to give it a chance to maze Burl. To avoid that being straight suicide I had used his resist magic ability in advance so that he had 85% MR to give him a decent chance of survival. However, his resistance failed and he had no more PfM scrolls to fall back on ...
Previous entries: 1
Disclaimer: Contains a large number of screenshots without spolier tags. Me and Binadas hereby waive all liability for any losses (including loss of profit and loss of opportunities), damages, costs or claims, whether direct or indirect, suffered or incurred as a result of clicking on the tag below. This does not limit our liability for gross negligence or wilful misconduct in any manner whatsoever.
Continuing to Durlag's, Binadas clears the Battle Horrors with Call Lightning/Wand of Heavens and enters the tower.
First, we play some hide and seek with the local residents. ''We're a happy family, we're a happy family, me, mom and daddy.''
Binadas then uses ProPetrification scroll, activates his Greenstone Amulet and collects the Tome of Wisdom from the altar. With the amulet charge still running, he triggers the Chromatic Orb trap and enters the rooftop. The basilisks are slinged from a distance and we get our hands on Rashad's Talon (which for us marks the end of the iron crisis).
Unlocking L4 spells grants Binadas access to his first powerful spell - Call Woodland Beings. Meilum and Greywolf were the first to meet our beautiful green-haired nymphs.
Avoiding the kobold hordes in Nashkel mines at the expense of one PoI is always a good trade. Binadas reaches Mulahey unopposed, summons a nymph and pre-buffs with ProUndead scroll, Strength of One, Armor of Faith and Greenstone Amulet and confronts the cleric. Wand of Sleep -> Necklace of Missiles -> Hold Person does the job.
Back in Nashkel, Binadas summons two nymphs and uses another Greenstone Amulet charge to protect himself against Nimbul's enchantments. Interestingly, Nimbul was not running his usual MGoI this time, but we've been prepared to deal with that with Hold Monster casts via our nymphs anyway.
I'll note that Tranzig's met a similar fate soon thereafter. Silke, on the other hand, makes her saves against our opening Dart of Stunning (we've now one proficiency pip) and dual Hold Monster cast and pulls off her Haste.
Binadas finishes his Summon Insects and, keeping his aura clear for a potential counter with Potion of Magic Blocking, engages Silke in melee.
Our nymphs waste two more Hold Person castings to no effect (someone's having a lucky day, eh?!). Finally, Call Lightning finishes the discussion.
We rest at the inn and continue to the Lighthouse/Pirate Cove area. Now who goes there?! Quaffing a PoI and Potion of Freedom, Binadas opens on Maneira with Darts of Stunning.
Lamahla is quick to respond with Remove Paralysis, but Zeela falls under our control. 1:1.
Zeela takes one for the team. 2:1 Binadas.
And the rest was rather self-explanatory.
After arriving to the coast, we take the liberty of hiring Safana to do the treasure hunting (Manual of Bodily Health) for us in order to preserve precious resources such as PoIs and Greenstone Amulet charges. Binadas increases his CON, but the Claw of Kazgaroth is still sitting in his gem bag. Wait, what?! Doesn't make any sense, right? The gem bag part I mean. As for the Claw, its time will come for sure, but for now I prefer not to impair Binadas' HP pool.
Molkar and his entourage were our last trail before the bandit camp.
What do we do, run? Nah, let's show some sportiness. Binadas: PoI-> Shield Amulet -> Strength of One -> AoF -> Greenstone Amulet -> Call Woodland Beings.
With Morvin held and Molkar charmed the day was won.
But we could not resist something grander for the finale.
Bandit camp's next.
Difficulty: Insane with no extra damage, max HP on level up.
Self-imposed restrictions: No recharging items by selling and buying them back, no using unidentified items.
Mods: None.
Protagonist: Benedict, L9 Human Conjurer.
As always, Benedict finds himself stripped of almost all items the party had at the end of BG1EE, in the interest of not completely demolishing SoD's balance. He does start with some fairly powerful personal gear, see spoiler for details. He also starts with the default SoD party instead of importing what we had at the end of BG1EE, and is not allowed to strip his party of items in order to sell them later... nor can he buy items from the Flaming Fist Healer in order to sell them later.
Robe of the Good Archmagi
Xarnous' Second Sword Arm
Batalista's Passport
Ring of Wizardry
The Amplifier
Elves' Bane
Talos' Gift
Arla's Dragonbane +3
Staff Mace +2
80x each of Bullets +1, Bullets of Fire +1 and Bullets +2
Cloak of Protection +1
5x Potions of Healing
Wand of Fire with 5x charges each of Fireball/Scorcher
2x Potions of Invisibility
Chain Mail +3 (to be imported into SoA)
Benedict shall journey in the company of Minsc, Dynaheir, Corwin, Safana and Viconia. I'd say it's better overall to go with Glint rather than Safana (since pure thieves just aren't that fantastic in combat, and cleric/thieves are amazingly versatile), but eh, the party will be powerful enough. We're a little light on fighter-types, of course... we'll make it up via summons and arcane artillery.
Benedict, Human Conjurer, SoD Update 1
BG1EE updates: 1, 2
SoD updates: 1, 2, 3, 4
Benedict receives the usual party: Khalid, Jaheira, Minsc, Dynaheir and Safana. Safana will be used as a straight thief: We use her level-up points to top off Find Traps to 100 (I'm not sure what SoD requires, but Glint with 100 Find Traps has always been able to disarm everything, so I'll err on the side of caution). She starts with 95 Open Locks and there's a ring for sale in Chapter 8 that boosts it by a further 25, so the rest of her points will be put into Move Silently/Hide In Shadows. This is just convenience, as I prefer having a thief that can scout on her own (and she may get a few backstabs in along the way).
Minsc only gets one proficiency through all of SoD so he's kind of stuck with Two-Handed Swords and Maces.
Anyway, we're off! Benedict uses his supreme intellect to finish Ammon's quest without needing the Cobalt Moss. Why not, we get a three-charge Wand of Monster Summoning, that'll be helpful in this dungeon.
The goons across the bridge are all but entirely undone by a single charge of the Wand of Fear (Jaheira uses her Nymph Cloak to entice the cleric into healing us up afterwards). Porios is convinced to surrender, and we accept Fanegonoroms quest. To the lower levels!
The first encounter here is actually rather dangerous on Insane. We try to be clever about it, tossing out a Web and a Fireball, but there are so many enemies (and they're so spread out) that we still take lots of damage. And yep... that suicidal Flaming Fist Healer bites it. Why would you charge into a Stinking Cloud!?
The next undead group get a slew of Fireballs, the survivors being treated to mass ranged fire.
The Shadows and Wraiths to the south are held off using a charge from the Wand of Monster Summoning (no Flaming Fist Healer means no Lesser Restoration should we get level drained, after all).
The encounter in the hidden room can also be a headache: We solve it by, once again, a massive Fireball barrage. Still, since there are so many mobs a fair few survive, and we take some damage sorting out the remaining enemies.
I'm being very liberal with the use of charged items. And why not? They're meant to be used.
I'll conserve critical items for Big B, but other than that, I don't want to end up with 200 unused buff potions, scrolls and wands by the end of the game.... better such resources be put towards making things easier.
The elite mercenaries just outside Korlasz's sanctum are handled by Web and a Free Action scroll on Khalid, with Jaheira and Minsc providing ranged support. The large group of (mostly) fire-immune undead to the east are then treated to a vicious Skull Trap from Benedict, actually outright killing most of them and making the fight much easier than it usually is. We convince the two mercenaries to the west that they should flee, and engage Korlasz. She surrenders within a round due to concentrated fire, and we loot her little hidey-hole. The Spirit gets its staff back (and we get some gems), Imoen receives some books, and we ascend the rope to the entry floor.
Here, we actually rest. Though it's entirely optional, I want to do the big fight against Angry Spirits/Wraiths on the first floor, so we heal up and buff thoroughly. With no cleric yet, we can only muster two Skeleton Warriors from Benedict, so Dynaheir assists by conjuring among other things, a Kobold Commando. Beggars can't be choosers, after all.
And that's it for the introductory dungeon! We grab the Shield of Egons +2 from Fanegonorom on the way out (and of course loot his grave once he disappears).
Benedict deals with all the little things throughout the city: Korlasz is undone by a single Skeleton Warrior, but to my great dismay, in siding with Autinn we lose out on the spectacular Cudgel of Montgomer +1 (spectacular as it has a 10% chance of casting CLW on the wielder per hit... it's excellent for Minsc), as Lucilla is beaten unconscious instead of killed and so never drops the Cudgel. I contemplated force-attacking her but was afraid that would have run-ending repercussions, in case she is considered an innocent once the bar fight is over. Otherwise, everything goes smoothly, as we pick up Minsc, Dynaheir and Safana (Safana allowing us to rob the basement of the Ducal Palace). As we prepare to leave Baldur's Gate, we of course also recruit Viconia. Onward!
We pick up Corwin, and that's it, our party is assembled. The despicable Gargantuan and Sword Spiders in the east are treated to a dual Fireball.. but three Spiders survive, and we end up having to blow a charge of the Wand of the Heavens to keep Minsc in one piece.
We came well-prepared for dealing with undead, as the denizens of the local evil-infested tunnels soon discover. Sunfire, Fireball and Agannazar's Scorcher abound. That's the advantage with two specialist mages: We can literally bomb five or so encounters to absolute pieces in a single rest cycle, and still have enough slots left to buff up completely for another two major fights. The first level is cleared without incident (Minsc gets level drained once, but Viconia wears the Battle Tankard and had a Lesser Restoration memorized).
Rather than bombing (we don't have a great many bombing spells left...) the first major encounter on the second level, Minsc gets Free Action and we pop a single Web. This turns out to be quite effective: Most undead repeatedly fail their save, and Minsc is no slouch in close combat.
However, one of the Skeleton Archers keeps running away when Minsc tries to reach it, eventually bringing a whole other undead group into the fight!
The commotion actually starts to attract yet another group of undead from the east. We initiate a running battle, carefully selecting targets to make sure Minsc doesn't get level drained. A few Scorchers from the Wand of Fire are quite helpful in hurting those undead making a beeline for us, and we prevail, having taken almost no damage.
The Burning Skeletons are treated to a Skull Trap from Benedict, destroying most of them instantly.
The Skeleton Mage managed to get his Stinking Cloud off (and Safana got caught in it, taking some damage before waking up), but no one died.
Dynaheir pops a scroll of Blur and holds off the Bronze Sentry while the rest of the party pelts it at range. It takes a while, but it goes down (Corwin's Entangle procced several times, allowing Dynaheir to move out of range for a few rounds at a time).
Alright, the laboratory. There are two groups of undead in here, both fairly large. The group guarding the door just get Fireballed (by wands, though they're almost out of charges now) and Webbed into oblivion.
The second group is much nastier. We don't have many buffs left, but Viconia conjures up three Skeleton Warriors, and we initiate combat with our rapidly dwindling Wands of Fire.
There's more than a dozen undead to contend with here, and they're all of them quite tough: Armored Skeletons, Bladed Skeletons, Bonebats, Shadowed Souls and a Skeleton Mage.
Fortunately, our own Skeleton Warriors and Minsc do a decent job holding the melee grunts off, while everyone else targets the Shadowed Souls and the Skeleton Mage.
Once they're down, a final charge of Scorcher from the Wand of Fire helps clear the numerous Skeletons out, although we end up having to kite the surviving Bladed Skeletons around... they just deal too much damage.
We open the doors to the south and pick up Coldhearth's key. The Skeleton Archers, now accessible to us, are destroyed. Figuring that maybe the undead behind the hidden doors aren't that big of a deal, we just summon an Ogrillon (scroll of Monster Summoning I) to tank the whole lot of them, before opening the doors and letting lose with another charge from the Wand of Fire (one charge left now).
Holy... one Ogrillon isn't going to be tanking that. Skull Trap! SKULL TRAP!
Phew. Even a powerful Skull Trap isn't enough to kill every undead, but we clear out the remainder, although with heavy damage taken in the process.
Much as I'd like to finish the repository in one go, I think we have to retreat, and so we do.
Rested and healed, we return. The Drowned in Blood and their attendant Bone Bats guarding the four pillars are utterly destroyed by ranged bombardment, and we open the doors.
The undead group here has two Skeleton Warriors... the real kind, worth 4000 experience each.
We buff fully, Minsc getting Improved Invisibility, pop a Web and start tossing out Fireballs.
Turns out there are a LOT of undead though, and they're not bunched up, so though we kill a few, many more come rushing at us once the Web expires. And, of course, Skeleton Warriors care little for magics.
This actually turned into a.. not desperate, but not far off, fight. The Skeleton Warriors are just way too strong to tank, even with Improved Invisibility, and they studiously ignore Benedict/Dynaheir trying to distract them (I'm guessing since they have Stoneskin up). We kill off the assisting undead, Viconia leads one Skeleton Warrior literally halfway across the dungeon, and we are resigned to pelting the other one to death. Very, very slowly pelting it to death, and then doing the same to the other one once Viconia brings it back.
By comparison the Coldhearth Lich is a pushover (of course only because we picked up The Secret Revealed from Brother Deepvein and used it). Minsc borrows Batalista's Passport and quaffs a Potion of Fire Resistance before entering the fire room with the phylactery, and the Lich is no more.
Hooray! We pick up our reward from Brother Deepvein and move to finish the other content here.
Yet another group of Spiders get a taste of Sunfire. A 2x Glitterdust sequencer from Benedict reveals Teleria, allowing us to take her down. Crommus is reunited with his love and rewards us with some bardic items (we'll save the Bard Hat and Tangled Strings for later importing into SoA).
We head west, opting to destroy Tsolak. Which we do, easily, as he tries to Dominate a Skeleton Warrior.
We track Tsolak to his lair and stake him, picking up the Boot and a half of speed, and the Suncatcher +2 from Isabella. The Orcs to the south are undone to a, well, Orc by Cloudkill.
We return to the bridge area, actually opting to pull the Gauth into the Prime. I will definitely go for the Genie merchant and the Lich later: Usually I also go for Ring of the Tiny Fiend, but really, 10% to several resistances is much less useful than a ring of fire resistance, which you get off the Gauth.
It's a standard Gauth at that, so Free Action and Protection from Lightning makes you more or less immune to it.
Nothing left but to progress the plot. We buff up (Minsc and Dynaheir being made immune to fire), and charge the Crusaders at the bridge. We then execute, in order: Sunfire from Dynaheir, Sunfire 1/day from the Suncatcher +2 temporarily worn by Minsc, and a Fireball from Benedict. The result:
We gather the loot, speak with Caelar, and hand in the quest to the inn-owner on our way back (of course opting to keep the Suncatcher +2 for Viconia). And so we are off to chapter 9!
This seems a good spot to end the update. Next time, we'll cleave a path through Trolls and other assorted beasties, deal with a rogue Mind Flayer and its pet Neothelid, and lift the siege at Bridgefort.
Benedict is now a L10 Human Conjurer.
Starting a new run with a Champion of Bane, a Svirfneblin called Dreadnought the Black.
Starting roll was this:
The extra equipment that I gave the assassins was of no use to Dreadnought at this stage as he cannot use it. However it did become useful later when a thief joined the party.
I thought that I had paused the game when the phone rang. I hadn’t with the result that there was an unintended fight with a bear.
He then tried to help a werewolf but was unsuccessful.
He therefore killed it.
Taking the body to High Hedge earned him a very useful +1 sword.
In transit he killed a couple of ogres.
He then went ankheg hunting and reached level 4 with a reputation of 19.
Having been hurt by the ankhegs, he tried to rest in order to recuperate, but further attacks just left him weaker.
Helping Farmer Brun maxed his reputation to 20. Selling the shells at this point will allow him to buy better equipment.
He then joined up with Xzar and Montaron before going to help Albert and Rufie.
Previous entries: 1, 2
Disclaimer: Contains a large number of screenshots without spolier tags. Me and Binadas hereby waive all liability for any losses (including loss of profit and loss of opportunities), damages, costs or claims, whether direct or indirect, suffered or incurred as a result of clicking on the tag below. This does not limit our liability for gross negligence or wilful misconduct in any manner whatsoever.
Our plan here is to be The buffs are: 100 fire and cold resistance (via Resist Fire/Cold and the respective potions), Shield Amulet, Potion of Invulnerability, Frost Giant Strength, Oil of Speed, Potion of Regeneration, Armor of Faith, Bless and Greenstone Amulet. After all, we did not come to negotiate.
Binadas boldly enters the main tent and opens with Darts of Stunning and Necklace of Missiles.
Venkt makes his saves and stays in the game. And he's going to be a major nuisance. First, he neutralizes our Oil of Speed with Slow while Britik quaffs his strength potion.
Binadas closes in on the individual archers. But old Venkt has got different plans for us.
This could have gotten really ugly had Binadas not memorized couple of Cure Diseases in preparation for such grave turn of events. Instead, the crowd is cheering and the look on Venkt's face is priceless!
We celebrate our comeback by chunking Raemon and the remaining hobgoblins.
Having run out of all the tricks up his sleeve, Venkt falls just as our Oil of Speed kicks in again.
Britik takes one final bullet and Binadas loots the tent, refreshes his Armor of Faith, Bless and Resist Fire/Cold buffs and heads out.
Our trusty nymph, left in front of the tent entrance, already got unsummoned. However, that did not save Taurgosh from taking a proper beating before he was able to amass his army.
We collect his gear and we're outta there.
I realized that we hadn't paid a visit to Bassilus and so Binadas took a small detour en route to Cloakwood to remedy that. With Bassilus running his Free Action, we tried Mental Domination instead of our staple Hold Monster/Hold Person approach used against big guys and...
Now that's a mean spellbook for any BG1 enemy. It's a shame I've never seen him use that Greater Command as an opener.
They then took on Caldo and Krumm who proved to be even more of a problem, Montaron being reduced to 1 hp.
They then took on Zargos Flintblade who wasn’t quite so dangerous.
They then took the emeralds to Oublek for the reward. Oublek then bravely took on a baby wyvern Sadly for him: luckily for Dreadnought; he did not survive and Dreadnought retrieved the emeralds and thousands of gold pieces.
In transit they took on a polar bear and won.
After dropping off Xzar they returned to the dryad who was delighted with their work.
They accidentally ran into a party of ogres including an ogre-mage. Once the mage was dead there were no complications.
After that Tarnesh was killed easily.
They then joined up with Neera and went looking for more ankheg but unfortunately Neera was killed. This cost them gold.
Upon raising her, she asked us to go in search of another wild mage called Amoy.
This led to them confronting Narcillicus Harwilliger Neen. The battle was ferocious by Dreadnought won.
The route to find Amoy is definitely not what you are given to expect. A mod is definitely needed to correct this anomalous behaviour. Fancy having to leave an area at the north side to go south!!!
Dreadnought then picked up Gavin before going to Ulgoth’s Beard where some “shopping” was done and Gavin met up with his parents.
They picked up Tenya and on the way through the ankheg fields killed a few of them.
Having been sent to deal with Mutamin Dreadnought first killed some gnolls and flind before dealing with Peter's party. Hold person held two of them and all of them were badly hurt by the necklace of missiles. One got into melee range at which point all attacked him simultaneously and killed him. The others were then finished off with ranged weapons.
"Time for bed" said Zebedee.
The basilisks will have to wait for another day.
Flashburn's Rejects
BG1: Prologue, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6SoD: 1, 2
SoA: 1
Since I was in the area, I wanted to get Krieg's Dragon Blade +3 back. We enter Firkraag's dungeon and take on the Ruhk Transmuter after frying his kobold cohorts with a fireball. When it throws up a PfMW, I think we have to wait it out, but I give Devour Magic a try and it actually works! It counts as a level 0 spell, so it can affect Rakshashas and Liches, so the only thing that can stop it now is SI: Abjuration.
I console in the Dragon Blade +3 since I thought it appears in the big pool of water, but it wasn't until later that I remember that it's actually Tazok who wields it. Curses. This is one of the additional woes of preferring to play with custom kits: unless you can fix your character using EEKeeper, items will not be imported over. This venture is sometimes too much work if the kit is complicated enough, like the Shadow Adept or Warhorn Shaman, as I've had trouble with them before. But I earned those items fair and square, so I console them back in where appropriate.
Samia's group is devastated by traps, Wrath of the Skies, and Insect Plague. Fire Elementals and a Nighthaunt finish the job.
Spaz levels up from a picked lock, while Rufus and Gaspar level from a Greater Wolfwere in the next room over.
Tazok and his cronies are killed, though I'm impressed by how regularly Tazok can hit Bruss. Well, he wasn't using Kaioken, so there's that. Conster is killed by 3 pre-laid traps from Rufus and Garren's child is freed.
Normally I would take on Firkraag at this point, but his HP is now tripled at 552. We're definitely going to have to come back later, at least when we get HLAs. We return to Garren and Bruss levels up from completing the quest. Monks normally get 42% magic resistance at level 14, but Saiyans receive nothing. Another transformation is just around the corner, though...
The first floor of Watcher's Keep is usually easy XP, so we head over there. Hmm, there's a lot more statues here than I remember. It looks like there will be two mages to fight after the portal is opened. When we take the book to activate the two guardian statues, there's actually four of them that come to life! Two are priests and the others are the two fighters with HLAs.
Krieg and Bruss take a beating as these statues have excellent THAC0. Bruss teeters on the brink of death and he dares not use Kaioken, lest his CON score drop too much and kill him through bonus HP loss. Garos has spirits summoned, as they are too much for him to help with. Ancestral spirits notice Bruss' low health and heal him, letting him take another hit. Gaspar's charms are resisted with ease while Spaz spams Vitriolic Blast. Rufus summons his wraiths to help, and they finish off the remaining statues thanks to Negative Energy Ray.
Okay. If that was just the fight over the book, I'm not going to risk the fight for the portal. I do everything else on the first level and then leave for the Temple District sewers. Draug Fea's party is thoroughly dismantled by Gaspar. This is the one thing that Gaspar excels at: destroying rival parties who start out neutral. He charms Rengaard and summons both of his Aerial Servants. They hit like a freight train, constantly go invisible, and can Engulf opponents, entangling them and reducing their DEX score to 9. With the Servants, a fire elemental, Improved Kitthix, and a Skeleton Warrior, Draug Fea's party stood no chance. Gaius has his magic devoured by Spaz and is finished by Improved Kitthix's web and poison.
The summoned army destroys the Rakshasa and his kobold pals as well. I remember that I accidentally forgot to do part of Firkraag's dungeon: the hidden door that leads to a bunch of tough golems who guard the Heartseeker longbow and the Iron Golem tome. We return to the dungeon and find another surprise in the stash the golems were hiding: a teleportation stone with 20 charges.
I completely forgot about this. It is added by More Style For Mages. This should make getting around more convenient. We use it to jump back to the Temple District.
We go back down to the sewers and answer the bridge riddles, earning Krieg a level. A beholder, a pair of gauths, shadows, and wraiths await on the other side. Garos tries summoning a fire elemental, but apparently these new SCS beholders can use their Death Ray attack more than once. Bruss fires an Energy Wave at them which softens them up, and a summoned Efreeti uses a Fireball to kill some of the incorporeals, earning Garos a level too. He chooses Nature's Beauty.
I keep forgetting that Spaz has unlimited skellybros at his disposal. They do a great job killing the beholders because of their 95% MR.
Just ahead, Spaz inexplicably gets petrified by a trap despite being nowhere near the trigger zone for it! He casted See the Unseen and it just petrifies him from range! WTF. Good thing I had a Stone to Flesh scroll on hand from Firkraag's dungeon. I was saving it for Bondari's gang, though.
Rufus levels up from healing the Empathic Manifestation, finally learning level 6 spells. He chooses Shatter Weave and Twin Mislead for level 6 spells and Shadow Assault for level 5.
-Shatter Weave: As Pierce Magic, but reduces target's magic resistance to 0 for 2 rounds. Mages and Bards also take 10d4 magical damage and suffer 50% spell failure for 2 rounds. All effects have no save and bypass MR.
-Twin Mislead: As Mislead, but creates a second clone after 3 rounds, regardless of the status of the first clone.
Inside the beholder hive, Spaz spams skellies while Bruss scouts ahead for them. Spaz levels up from the last gauth while Gaspar levels up from assembling the rod.
All of us move on up and away from the Unseeing Eye's line of sight. Garos' spirits fight them from out of his sight range but close enough that they don't try to retreat. Spaz spams more skellies to fight. Bruss uses the rod on the Unseeing Eye, but it merely reduces it to Badly Injured instead of to 1 HP. Then it summons a pair of Death Tyrants! Garos is hit with an anti-magic ray and takes the opportunity to move further away and unsummons his spirits to let Spaz's skeletons handle them. Gaspar manages to charm the Unseeing Eye from a distance and out of sight to sabotage it. The skeletons eventually break through its Stoneskins, killing it.
Spaz learns Noxious Blast. The save is actually vs. spell at -2 and it gains an increasing save penalty of another -1 per 2 points of CHA above 17. Currently, Noxious Blast will force saves at -5.
Rufus puts his new spells to the test and decimates Gaal and the remaining cultists with a combination of Shar's Blessing + Shadow Assault + Twin Mislead. He is now a force to be reckoned with in melee.
Returning to Oisig causes Bruss to reach a long-awaited milestone: Super Saiyan!
Time for the Guarded Compound. At the summoning trigger, Spaz devours the Nishruu's magic, instantly killing it. Krieg and Bruss struggle a bit with the Glabrezu as it spams Mirror Image and then gates in a Marilith! Gaspar charms the Marilith, which proceeds to eviscerate the Glabrezu's mirror images with its 7 attacks/round, letting Krieg finish it with a critical hit. While it's charmed, it's easy prey for Krieg and Bruss.
The upstairs of the guarded compound has apparently been changed to a party-required area. Everyone drinks an invisibility potion and we go upstairs on the left. Rufus disarms the two traps waiting for us and we assemble in the side room. Rufus casts his new asskicking combo of Shadow Assault + Shar's Blessing + Twin Mislead, then casts Shadow Screen to prevent any anti-magic shenanigans from Sion. Rufus single-handedly destroys Stalman, Koshi, and Olaf with backstabs from Pitchwife +5 assisted by Belm. Sion attempts a Remove Magic, but Shadow Screen foils it. Sion is killed as well, and his Mordy Swords are destroyed by Night Terrors.
Ketta is lured out by Rufus' Nighthaunts and she is backstabbed too. Maferan is a barbarian which renders him immune to backstabs, which is why he was taking so little damage. His rage ran out a while ago so he gets the life sucked out of him by the Nighthaunts who are protected by Shadeskin.
Umar Hills are next, probably.
Krieg - War Hulk 14
Garos - Warhorn Shaman 14
Bruss - Super Saiyan Monk(ey) 15
Rufus - Thief 13/Shadow Adept 12
Spaz - Warlock 17
Gaspar - Seducer 17
Alis Landale - Undead hunter extraordinare
Ever since I saw the list with characters that hadn’t made it all the way, I decided to try the undead hunter. My love for this kit started ages ago. Ever since playing BG2 for the first time, I have an innate fear of being level drained. My love for the undead hunter therefore goes 16 years back or so.Since I like characters with good str, dex, con and int, rolling a strong paladin is no small feat since I have no autoroller. My character therefore took her sweet time in the making... a 98 roll was the goal and many many hours later I got her: Alis Landale (at least its not Buffy).
Alis is a sword and board paladin - no dual wielding (yet). She has pips in shortbow and longsword. Picking up pips in broadsword on the way - flails, Axel, mace and dual wielding in BG2. No two handed swords...
CK was uneventfull. Alis started her trek by going to FAI. Determined to make quick progress Alis decided to risk her life against Tarnesh - relying on her bow.
Alis missed her shot and her saving throw - ran around and got hit by a volley of magic missiles... Doom was pending, when her running sent her out of Tarnesh sight.
Alis didnt want to kill Shoal, so she went directly for the Basilisk. The first few where kited and killed with a bow - the rest with a sword. Killans group killed my trusted ghoul in one round (fitting end when the undead hunter makes friends with the undead). But two fire blasts from a necklace did wonders - and the hold person spells did naught for them.
Questing for money and loot was next. I decided not to kill Meilum and pick up the bracers at the bandit camp instead. Silke proved a handfull, and nearly electrocuted Alis... The rest was pretty straight forward: gnoll fortress, going to the farmlands for Ankheg hunting and shopping in the north.
The wand of sleep trivialized the mine. Mulahey got to arrows of biting and failed his saved at the second.
The valley of tombs was cleared. My
necklace and resistance to hold saved the day. A funny thing about the necklace in this run is that none of the recipients has made a save yet (Killians group, the Amazones, the guards in cloakwood and the Zhentarim in BG - the damage has been massive
Tranzig and the bandit camp where cleared with caution and precision.
In cloakwood the guards sleept on their job, whilst Drasus didnt liked fire. The sword and board paladin has great AC and a with a wand of sleep and a potion frost giant strenght, Alis made short work of the guards. Daveorn was treated to some magical elemental arrows for a rough landing/death.
In the city Alis picked up two cloaks and two tomes - Quenash her new undead hunter apprentice died to a ghoul in the sewer.. just when she was about to leave her old ways.
Previous updates:
Update 1:
Exploring the eastern wilderness areas starts out rather well, as long as we hunt for easy targets such as vampiric wolves and red wizards (made easy by skeletons and webs - otherwise, they certainly wouldn't be):
As soon as we are done with relatively simple content, we turn to the main questline - killing Mulahey will grant us skeleton nr. 4 thanks to his ring:
We return to some more eastern encounters, such as Kahrk. Having two thieves with 100 set traps already, we prepare a bit of an ambush for the guy. Our skeletons only have to get rid of his mirror images - even the powerful ogre magus doesn't survive 7 traps all at once.
Next stop is the bandit camp, where skeletons distract the archers while hold person and sleep take care of anything potentially dangerous on the outside:
For the main tent, Ouranus simply starts luring our foes to the outside - some of them get killed by traps, others by our ranged weapons and skeletons:
Things seem to be going great - I've never gotten this far in a meatgrinder run without at least a couple of party deaths. Well... Lendarn is our next target, and while he casts his lightning spell at a skeleton to his left, it ends up bouncing to the north, hitting most of our party. While this is indeed unlucky, the bolt doesn't bounce again, so we only get hit by it once. The result: One death (Ceres), some heavily wounded - but no chunkings, and Cephalus, our Bhaalspawn, didn't even get hit. I can live with that:
Luckily, there's a temple right there in Gullykin, so we can pick our fighter/mage back up. Some eastern content is still left, but we want level 7 for Ouranus before that: We need more powerful skeleton warriors with magical weapons to hit certain foes - so we venture into Cloakwood. Level 1 is easily done, and the spider nest in level 2 is cleared in the same way as the big bandit tent - luring our foes into waiting traps, skeletons and ranged weapon users:
We get the required experience for cleric level 7 here, and so it's time to return to the east - the skeletons bring down Narcillicus' Mustard Jellies and Icharyd, we explore the Ulcaster Ruins and - as our final stop - clear the remaining Firewine Dungeon of kobolds:
The wilderness areas are completely cleared, and we are ready to delve deeper into Cloakwood next time. The party is starting to feel pretty decent in terms of their offensive power, but hit points are quite low - so one positioning error or unlucky lightning bolt could result in a lot of death and chunkings. We have to stay alert.
Even if you don't play upstairs/downstairs it would always be wise to leave a dispeller downstairs who could come upstairs just to dispell etc. It is the sort of thing that any party leader would arrange, knowing the score as you do, it is not power gaming but role playing.
BG1EE updates: 1, 2
SoD updates: 1, 2, 3, 4
Off we go, to adventure! But first, we need to beat down some half-orc irregulars. Which we do, but they in turn beat down poor Minsc. But as I've said before, it can scarcely be called a battle if Minsc doesn't die. And he didn't die, so it was merely a skirmish!
Glitterdust is actually surprisingly good when cast by a Conjurer, as Benedict repeatedly succeeds in blinding all but a few enemies in several large spawns. Four rounds isn't a great duration, but it's enough to take out 3-4 blinded grunts, as the Trolls outside the Troll Cave proper become painfully aware of.
Before heading inside the cave, Minsc is made immune to fire. Yeah, you can guess what's coming up:
1/day Sunfire from the Suncatcher +2, and 2x Fireball.
That is brutally efficient! A massive Troll spawn entirely undone by two 3rd level arcane spells and one 2nd level divine spell (Resist Fire and Cold in conjunction with Batalista's Passport). Well, and a 1/day special, but really, I think the Fireballs would've sufficed on their own. Funnily enough, the Spectral Trolls hidden behind the cave wall all fail their save against Glitterdust, making them easy pickings.
Unfortunately, Viconia cannot use the Locket of Embracing, but at least we made some money.
We continue clearing all manner of beasties: I actually found a use for Wands of Fear, as popping three charges at once (Benedict/Dynaheir/Viconia) is usually enough to send Gargantuan Spiders running.
Hobgoblins and Orcs get Cloudkilled, an Ogre clan gets Fireballed, and some Trolls get Slowed. Shouldn't have done the last one, as they take much longer to fall over when Slowed... but eh.
Glimmer of Hope +2 will be used alternatingly by Viconia and Minsc; Viconia gets one extra 1st level, one extra 4th level spell slot with it equipped, so it's not a huge deal.
We also run into some interesting behaviour here, when we did another bout of Wand of Fear popping against some Spiders. One of said Spiders ran past the Bridgefort Refugees, who started following it around trying to attack it... which led to some Trolls nearby spotting them, which led to no more Voghiln.
That would've sucked if we wanted Voghiln. As it is, we chalk it up to weirdness.
Oh, Jaheira apparently doesn't deal well with Voghiln being missing when she does her dialogue: She says she'll head to the camp, but never actually goes there.
The party presses on to Boareskyr Bridge.
Another area, another few trash mob encounters. Hobgoblins just get a Fireball as we're out of 5th level spell slots, while Skull Trap clears out two thirds of the Goblin Raiders outside the cave.
The ones inside the cave just get the triple Wand of Fear treatment.
We accept the quest to find Keherrem. On our way back to camp to rest up before tackling the Forest of Wyrms, we get the Green Dragon ambush. Fine, it's just two Giants which we duly dispose of, and the Red Ioun Stone goes to Corwin (of course).
After a night's rest at camp, we head out, only to get the Trolls vs Orcs ambush instead. Also fine, I suppose, though I want to conserve spells for the real dungeon ahead.
A single Glitterdust lets us deal with the first group of Trolls inside the Cave (that -2 save penalty really makes a difference). The group you reach by diving into the pool are more of a bother; a Glitterdust is expended here as well, as well as the 1/day Sunfire from Suncatcher +2, and we have to do some kiting to avoid the risk of being Held by the numerous Mutated Crawlers, but pull through with only minor damage taken (Firefly +2 goes to Dynaheir: Viconia is borrowing Arla's Dragonbane +3, while Benedict wields The Biter +2).
Finally, we arrive in Forest of Wyrms. Continuing in the vein of actually using charged items, I find that Wands of Frost are quite efficient against Greater Wyverns (and they drop nothing of value, so it's fine if they should shatter). Minsc actually charms a Mountain Lion and we use it to absorb the Hill Giant's attacks while we take it down, and some Displacer Beasts get multiple Wand of Fire charges. Good, we're clearing a path without using up any spells or healing potions!
We take no risks in the Spider Cave: Minsc and Corwin both get Free Action from Viconia before the rest of the party turns invisible, and we also use a few Potions of Stone Giant Strength/Heroism.
Thus boosted, our two fighter-types carry the day. The first round of Free Action lasts just long enough for them to finish off two groups of Spiders, and the second round (with Glimmer of Hope Viconia has four 4th level slots) enable them to finish the last two groups. The beetles are very easy (mainly as they don't all aggro together) and we pick up the Rhino Beetle Shell.
Working our way up the path, some Phase Spiders are just charged: Without Web Tangling Gargantuan Spiders backing them up, they're no danger. The Bugbears get a single Web, allowing us to kill almost all of them at range.
Now, right about here I realized I forgot to buy throwing daggers. Alright... we'll fight Morentherene fairly! We whip out two scrolls of Protection from Poison, one going on Minsc, the second on Benedict (just in case things turn hairy). We buff up extensively, including Haste, and move to engage the dread beast!
Morentherene isn't really a big issue on her own: Her Green Dragon Breath hurts, but not badly. The problem is, she summons five Greater Wyverns and two Young Green Dragons. These Young Green Dragons also have a breath weapon... meaning anyone not immune to poison damage is about to have a very bad day. We manage to focus Morentherene down quickly (she just casts Stoneskin on herself), but oh, the damage.
I'm not regretting giving Benedict immunity to poison. With Morentherene down, we turn our tender mercies to the Young Green Dragons (they have no special abilities apart from their breath weapon).
However, before falling they do manage to use said breath weapon again.
Viconia was actually down to 2 HP and poisoned at one point, but Dynaheir was able to reach her and pop her Slow Poison innate. That was surprisingly hairy! Lesson for next time: Do not underestimate the breath weapon (i.e., get Protection from Poison on everyone, or at the very least spread out more).
With just melee grunts left, we defuse the situation. I contemplated retreating to heal, but we have many potions... let's press on as far as we can.
The entire Bugbear tribe is handled via a few Skeleton Warriors, Web and Wands of Fear: I'm starting to like these Wands. They're hardly magics of earth-shattering potency, but a nice way to save on important spells, not to mention healing potions. We proceed into the temple proper.
Here, the whole fight with Morentherene turned out to be unnecessary, as the room with Invisible Stalkers had 20 Throwing Daggers in a chest. Harumph.
We move towards Ziatar's lair, clearing Cultists as we go: Only the final Cultist group is anything to write home about, and we handle them with Skeleton Warriors and a Remove Magic.
For Ziatar, we just apply Remove Fear, summon an Ogrillon and a Kobold (... we're out of Animate Dead), and charge in. I don't know what it is with Ziatar's mage goons, but they never seem to get much done: They buff like crazy, but then literally try to beat you to death in melee, stopping occasionally to cast Magic Missile. Heh. When we bring Ziatar low, she as always casts Sanctuary, to which our response is Fireball.
We set the Priestess of Bhaal free, with a stern warning to be nice from now on, and likewise free Keherrem.
With Minsc still having Protection from Poison up, I figure we can handle the Neothelid. Minsc pops a charge of the Greenstone Amulet, and we charge in. This time, we only have to wait two rounds (a lone surviving Skeleton Warrior distracts the two Magical Swords the Neothelid summons during that time) before it surfaces and is subjected to all manner of attacks, dying before it can submerge again.
Things are going well! We might as well clear Akanna, she's usually easy.
We don't even buff (we've no buffs left...), instead opting to charge in. A double Glitterdust Minor Sequencer from Benedict reveals Akanna after her Invisibility Potion, and also reveals + blinds her two Aerial Servants.
Unfortunately, it turns out that Dynaheir had only a single Stoneskin remaining, and blinded or not, Aerial Servants can still pull off mean crits.
66 damage! Another 3 and Dynaheir would've been in danger of being chunked.
Damnit. Well, she wasn't. We clear the Servants out, and consider our options, deciding to risk resting.
We are interrupted several times, but it's always either Giant Spiders (who do not get Web Tangle in SoD) or Mutated Crawlers, which can just be kited. Eventually we pull off a rest, Viconia Raises Dynaheir, we heal, then rest again (again with interruptions which we just power through).
With a full set of spells available, we conjure a wall of Skeleton Warriors and engage Darskhelin, with Minsc and Corwin under Greenstone Amulet protection. The Mind Flayer drops before accomplishing anything, and our Skeleton Warriors distract the enemy adventurers while the party pelts them to death (Jhan Redmoons of course being the last to fall).
Only the Shadow Aspect remains. But not for long: If you're just fully buffed and have some summons as distractions, it's not that difficult. Not difficult at all, even.
Hooray! The temple is cleared! All that remains is to rest up and tackle Bridgefort. On our way to doing just that, we run into the Myconid ambush (Irenicus whupped some elves, and the battle exposed a Myconid colony). The Goblins outside are cleared by the 1/day Sunfire from Suncatcher +2 along with regular old arrows and bullets, and we pop the last two charges of the Greenstone Amulet to clear the Myconids inside the cave. We've no real use of the Spellbreaker +2 or the Elven Chain Mail (it gives thieving penalties and is barely better than Studded Leather +2 for Safana), but Benedict happily snags the Lower Resistance scroll.
A rest later, we head for Bridgefort. We clear the Greater Feyr, buy six Potions of Genius (it'll be enough, we will probably only scribe scrolls 1-2 more times), progress the main plot and deal with the Junia subquest.
All that's left is to liberate the fort. We return to camp, enlist Fist backing, and rest up:
All manner of spells are prepared, but most important is several Breach, an Oracle for Dynaheir (for the mage on the bridge), and two Haste (one for the mage on the bridge!). Otherwise, we pick disablers and damage, but no Horror, as the Crusade has clerics that'll cast Remove Fear. Suitably prepared we embark for Bridgefort and join forces with the defenders.
We lead with a Skull Trap and a Fireball, carefully aimed:
Of course, there are more Crusaders where those came from... lots more. To my surprise, and probably his own, Khalid jumps into the fray, holding off the entire eastern force of Crusaders as we bring the Barghest low.
With the main enemy melee threat neutralized and most of their archers down, we turn our attention on the casters. Viconia's True Sight is running, keeping Illusions from being a factor, and Oloneiros does not long survive being subjected to Breach. Nor, for that matter, does Hormorn.
We push south to join up with the Flaming Fist, only to find Vichand on his lonesome, attempting to hold back the tide. Not today, ye gamon Red Wizard. Note also the panicked Khalid running around, providing both distraction to our enemy and merriment to our allies.
With Vichand dead, we are instructed to rush to the bridge. One Haste later, we do just that, Dynaheir popping Oracle as the rest of the party lays into the enemy mage (Benedict had Breach coming but it was unnecessary... Stoneskin alone won't hold out against that many attacks).
And... that's it! Hooray! Bridgefort is liberated! And Khalid survived. Hooray, I suppose.
We clear the Water Elemental, getting only a non-magical Longsword, and depart for the Coalition Camp.
This seems an ideal spot to call it quits for now. Next time, we'll deal with the quests in camp, then proceed with Dead Man's Pass, Bloodbark Grove and Underground River as well as some questing in the courtyard of Dragonspear Castle. Benedict remains a L10 Human Conjurer.
Thaal (female dwarf priest of Lathander, Gate70); Shane (male halfling swashbuckler, Grond0)
We're in a big city, trying to remember what we were doing. Thaal decides to head to the Iron Throne HQ but Shane has scrolls of stone to flesh so we stop off to pick up the cloak of Balduran at great cost (to the de-petrified adventurers).
The Iron Throne HQ sees silence and Holy Smite used before a group of skeletons move in. A second silence has all except Alai muted, so we kill him and take down the remainder one by one before emerging safely.
On to Candlekeep, Shane doing a tidy job with all traps and we walk out with bulging backpacks. Our return to the city sees Slythe cut down in his prime and at the Coronation we fight bravely but a last-ditch cure medium wounds arrives too late. Liia is badly wounded but we redouble our efforts and scare off the remaining doppelgangers. Sarevok goes hostile and our skeletons fight until he is ready to clear off. Liia sends us after him and we head through the Thieves maze.
The first part of the maze is easy and we use a pair of protection from undead scrolls to defeat the skeleton warriors in there. The second part sees Rahvin and his mercenaries taken apart before we pick on the larger group of skeleton warriors. Thaal is merrily bashing away with her quarterstaff but as Shane moves in the skeletons ignore his protection and target him. He runs but is one-shotted by an arrow.
(multiplayer quirk where sometimes green scrolls are ignored, maybe after an area transition)
Thaal decides not to fight on but heads back to a temple and gets Shane revived. We return and skirt past the skeletons before heading into the abandoned temple of Bhaal. Shane removes a couple of traps and tries to activate Sarevok but instead Semaj turns up. Thaal and five of her skeleton warriors ensire it is a brief appearance and within a round his spell has been disrupted and he is dead.
Sarevok is then drawn out but Tazok arrives with him. Thaal summons a couple of dogs and Sarevok kills them meaning we are drawn into a game. Shane runs, hides and backstabs while Thaal runs and shoots. We're not really working as a team but Sarevok is unable to play two games at once and dies.
Shadows of Amn
We wake up in cells. First things first, thinks Thaal. Change AI script to None.
Once that is done and Imoen is sent packing we quickly gear up and free / remove Jaheira and Minsc. Progress is slow, our cleric and thief combative skills proving to make slow work against the initial mephits. While not particularly fast, we are never in any real danger until we find the Plane of Air. Thaal knows several mephits are ahead, and we are injured and low on spells. The sensible thing to do is rest.
Or you could cast Draw Upon Holy Might and Boon of Lathander before charging. Shane gamely steps up and is stunned by the Steam mephit. Thaal switches to attack it but is also stunned shortly afterwards. Shane recovers and glugs an oil of speed to try and save Thaal.
Thaal also recovers quickly, and once the Steam mephit is dead there are no further concerns.
A pair of skeleton warriors help deal with the mephit portals and the survivor is sent into a trapped room. Thaal and Shane both lag behind a bit so miss the fireballs as duergar move to and from the skeleton. We mop up the pieces after using the trap keys and clear the vampire, thieves, doppelganger, duergar and anything else that moves. With this done we make our escape and emerge into the Promenade.