Exporting items

How many items can be exported from BG1 to BG2? At on spot it says 3, but there are only 2 lists of items, and apparently you can only take 1 from each list. Are they are including the golden pantaloons in there as well?
Item 1: Golden Pantaloons
The game just checks if you have them. If you don't, it will simply not appear in BG2.
The next two items are the primary deal. One from each list will appear in BG2. If you have more than one item from each list in your inventory, the item higher on the list will get exported. If you have none, there is a default item that will appear.
Item 2: Armor
1. Protector of the Second (Leather Armor +2)
2. Mail of the Dead (Chain Mail +2)
3. Fallorain's Plate (Plate Mail +1)
4. Missile Attraction (Studded Leather Armor +2) - unobtainable
5. Chain Mail +3
Default: Mail of the Dead
Item 3: Miscellaneous
1. Helm of Balduran
2. Claw of Kazgaroth
3. Horn of Kazgaroth
4. Koveras' Ring of Protection +1
Default: Helm of Balduran
There is also a totally new system for a 4th item import in BG2:EE patch 1.3. It will import one weapon from a list that you have in your inventory and if you have none of those weapons it gives you one based on your proficiency points.
The possible weapons are:
The Burning Earth +1 (longsword)
Ashideena +2 (hammer)
Bala's Axe, Wizard Slayer (axe)
Suryris's Blade +2 (halberd)
The Grave Binder +2 (dagger)
Staff Separ +2 (Quarterstaff)
Staff Mace +2 (Quarterstaff)
Arla's Dragonbane +3 (sling)
Varscona +2 (longsword)
Krotan's Skullcrusher +2 (mace)
Kiel's Morning Star +3 (morning star)
I suppose I could bring the dragonsbane sling along. Where do I find the patch you mentioned? This site?
Regardless, the version number should be visible on the start screen for the game. If you have BG2:EE v1.3.2064 and BG1:EE v1.3.2053 you are up to date.