Whether you care about the social structures around druids or not, the fact they are hampered so much for so long is pretty dumb.
There's a reason much of AD&D's odd rules were thrown out completely in 3rd Edition and beyond. People want to play what they want to play and don't want to feel gimped for doing so. I will always favor fantasy RPGs where character creation doesn't have clear-cut winners and losers.
I think that the druid "cap" of 14 makes sense given that they have some of the most powerful spells in the game. Summon Fire Elemental, Ironskins, Insect Swarm, for example. Especially Insect Swarm. And they are perfect for multi-classing with fighter. And if you don't want to multi-class, they have fast level progression and therefore get higher level spells earlier in the game.
Add an avenger kit, and the druid gets more Chromatic Orbs cast at higher effect level than a wizard until *very* late, maybe for the entirety of BG1, and has Web sooner, with no need to find a scroll. And Improved Invisibility, which a party wizard may *never* get until BG2.
I think the class is fine as it is - undoing the xp table and making it more progressive would make an already powerful class *too* powerful.
@hansolo I was directing my comment at the poster(@HollywoodHero) who claimed having one Druid in charge of Druids all over the world was "stupid". It's no less or more "stupid" than having one Catholic in charge of all the Catholics in the world. Pointing out that the Druids share this feature with a real world religion is somehow uncalled for? Really?
I think the biggest thing is more Druidish spells to flesh out the roleplaying experience and maybe some minor scaling to forms. The problem I see is balancing early bg1 vs bg2 tob. If you give them to many powerful abilities it makes the game not as fun for most people.Some people are role players, other arm seat generals that love extreme challenge, and the in between people. I think major class changes will need to wait for bg3 when they can decided roles and paths for classes. What was the Druid in 2e we have to ask. A more offensive priest vs a defensive priest (cleric)?
@Sindyan The function of a Druid was of protecting nature from humans and sometimes the other way around. If humans started cutting down the local woods, the Druids would frown and do something about it (after warning off the humans, that is). Basically, druids want people to respect the woods- not overlumber, overhunt, overfish, etc the area. For most humans, Druids didn't care about them- unless or until they harmed nature, in which case, it was time to whup some human butt. But humans are part of nature, and if people were threatened by nature out of control, or some force of evil took over the forest and preyed on humans, the druid would step in to correct it. Druids are strictly neutral in outlook, and their concerns are not that of most humans, for which cause many people find them uncomfortable to be around.
@Sindyan The function of a Druid was of protecting nature from humans and sometimes the other way around. If humans started cutting down the local woods, the Druids would frown and do something about it (after warning off the humans, that is). Basically, druids want people to respect the woods- noverlumber, overhunt, overfish, etc the area. For most humans, Druids didn't care about them- unless or until they harmed nature, in which case, it was time to whup some human butt. But humans are part of nature, and if people were threatened by nature out of control, or some force of evil took over the forest and preyed on humans, the druid would step in to correct it. Druids are strictly neutral in outlook, and their concerns are not that of most humans, for which cause many people find them uncomfortable to be around.
Thanks! That would be hard to put in a game unless the Druid was the only class. With role I was also talking about the gameplay role for the Druid. Are they a summoner, offensive priest, healer, damage, or truly mor utility? It would be easier to flesh out the Druid if a overall director or focus for the class.
@hansolo I was directing my comment at the poster(@HollywoodHero) who claimed having one Druid in charge of Druids all over the world was "stupid". It's no less or more "stupid" than having one Catholic in charge of all the Catholics in the world. Pointing out that the Druids share this feature with a real world religion is somehow uncalled for? Really?
That is not the point. The point is your word 'stupid' and how you connect it with the topic of 'catholics'. No matter how you put it, but there is a strong connotation of negative resentment. I find it offensive. If this is your opinion, Ok for you, but I personally don't think this is the right forum to discuss matter as this.
@BollywoodHero Along with what LadyRhian said, there is only One President of the USA, and Only one Queen of England I think perhaps you don't have enough real world experience to be making such judgements.
I see the quotes...but no comment on them??? Is it like New York, New York? You liked it so much you had to post it again Just kidding giving ya a hard time.
@hansolo I was directing my comment at the poster(@HollywoodHero) who claimed having one Druid in charge of Druids all over the world was "stupid". It's no less or more "stupid" than having one Catholic in charge of all the Catholics in the world. Pointing out that the Druids share this feature with a real world religion is somehow uncalled for? Really?
That is not the point. The point is your word 'stupid' and how you connect it with the topic of 'catholics'. No matter how you put it, but there is a strong connotation of negative resentment. I find it offensive. If this is your opinion, Ok for you, but I personally don't think this is the right forum to discuss matter as this.
She wasn't making any judgment of Catholics in her post. She was repeating the word used by the original poster ("stupid") and pointing out the absurdity of calling something stupid that is common to one of the world's major religions (Catholicism). I think you are either not reading her post correctly or are being hyper-sensitive.
Back on topic: Yes, Druids need 2 things if we ignore the XP progression difficulties a druid faces: 1. Fixed Shapeshifters - because they are so broken that it could be classified as a critical bug. 2. More abilities/spells - like "Pass without a trace" or add something new because talking to animals with a druid in BG simply isn't implemented and just makes me feel stupid.
I don't think the comparison of the druidic order to real world examples is applicable. The Pope (for example) does not have any abilities that make him more powerful than Joe Blow. Some random dude can't replace him if he has bigger biceps or can run faster or has a better understanding of calculus. In AD&D, if the Grand Druid becomes less powerful than his subordinate, he is replaced. The druidic order handicaps itself to having a only a select few powerful people.
I don't think the comparison of the druidic order to real world examples is applicable. The Pope (for example) does not have any abilities that make him more powerful than Joe Blow. Some random dude can't replace him if he has bigger biceps or can run faster or has a better understanding of calculus. In AD&D, if the Grand Druid becomes less powerful than his subordinate, he is replaced. The druidic order handicaps itself to having a only a select few powerful people.
I think the structure was modeled after real world religious organizations. You are right that it is election, political manuevering or appointment that decides who fills those slots rather than outright trial by combat in the modern world but it doesn't undermine the relationship/comparison for me.
@BollywoodHero Druids are a real world example...not the magical powers of AD&D per se but they ARE/WERE an actual real world religious order...of sorts
@Tanthalas Elves couldn't be Rangers, either. I think the reasoning behind that was supposed to be that the way Druids looked at the world, it was a much more human than Elven outlook- some hunting, fishing, etc, was okay, but since elves lived as a part of the forest, they viewed the humans more as parasites out of control (the more rabidly Xenophobic ones) or dangerous children who needed to be taught better before they destroyed themselves as well as the forest. Whereas Druids are kind of stern guardians- not really like parents or pest control exterminators- more like security guards.
@BollywoodHero And that's because the Druidic organization is based around nature and nature's ways. A wolf pack doesn't vote on who is going to lead them. A challenger challenges the leader, and if he wins, he's the new leader, and the old leader is either dead or loses his place, or keeps it and the challenger goes away to lick his wounds, recover and try again another time.
@hansolo There was nothing offensive in the content, as others have stated. I was using the word used by the original poster and pointing out that having one ruler over everyone on a planet, if it is stupid, is shared by organizations in the real world. The Catholic Church is probably the most well-known of these.
I'm honestly not a fan of Druids in BG1 at all. Druids lose out on some of the best Cleric spells, while not really getting anything terribly impressive to replace them. In my opinion, the only good Druid spells were added in BG2. Having stuff like Summon Insects and Call Woodland Beings around for BG1 will make the Druid a fair bit more viable, I'll admit, but not a ton more.
Here's a by-level breakdown:
Level 1: Druid loses: Protection from Evil, Sanctuary, Remove Fear (one of the most important spells in the game), others. Druid gains: Entangle.
Level 2: Druid loses: Draw Upon Holy Might(!!!), Hold Person(!!), Chant, others. Druid gains: Goodberry, Charm Person or Animal
Level 3: Druid loses: Animate Dead(!!!!!), Holy Smite(!!!), Zone of Sweet Air, others. Druid gains: Call Lightning, Hold Animal, Summon Insects(!!)
So for the first three levels, we see the Druid losing most of the best divine spells, while getting mostly questionable spells in return (except Summon Insects, which is pretty good). It starts to balance out a bit with higher levels, but the Druid still loses out on some great magic (Insect Plague is awesome, but is it worth losing Flame Strike for? I dunno).
Now, I feel like in BG1, it was different, but BG2 made some Druid spells castable by Clerics (Shillelagh, Flame Blade, Resist Fire/Cold, and Barkskin come to mind), but I can't quite remember. Either way, I'm assuming BG:EE will use the BG2 spell list, and that leaves Druids as basically being really crappy Clerics until they hit level 10 (which probably won't even happen if you don't do the TotSC areas)
@MilesBeyond I'd go back to 1e for some interesting Druid Spells, like "Heat Metal" which makes it impossible for your foes to hold onto their weapons, wear armor or helmets (Chill Metal also works). Fire Trap (both this and heat/chill metal are 2nd level spells. Trip, which makes your foes helpless for a round (longer if they were running/charging). Charm Person or Animal (1st level spell), Summon Insects (3rd level) Water Breathing (3rd level). 4th- animal Summoning, Call Woodland Being, Repel Insects, 5th-Animal Growth (Turn a companion animal into a monster-sized animal), Wall of Fire...
@MilesBeyond I'd go back to 1e for some interesting Druid Spells, like "Heat Metal" which makes it impossible for your foes to hold onto their weapons, wear armor or helmets (Chill Metal also works). Fire Trap (both this and heat/chill metal are 2nd level spells. Trip, which makes your foes helpless for a round (longer if they were running/charging). Charm Person or Animal (1st level spell), Summon Insects (3rd level) Water Breathing (3rd level). 4th- animal Summoning, Call Woodland Being, Repel Insects, 5th-Animal Growth (Turn a companion animal into a monster-sized animal), Wall of Fire...
Those sound awesome! I would totally play a Druid if those were involved
Take a chill pill @hansolo . You misread a comment, its not the end of the world.
People can use the word 'stupid' in the same sentence as the word 'catholic' without meaning or even implying that Catholics are stupid. See, I did it right there.
Seems like you're just enjoying taking umbrage though, in which case can you do it quietly without inflicting it on the board and bringing the mood down?
On topic: I did like what IWD did with druids. Gave them some extra spells and such. Even having some unique resolutions for quests if I recall correctly. Wouldn't mind if some of that came across to BGEE
Druids have always been my favorite DnD class, but they've never really translated well to videogames because a lot of their abilities are so RP-based, or for whatever reason didn't make it into the game. Notable abilities that, to the best of my knowledge, are not in BG.
-A druid makes most saving throws as a priest, but he gains a bonus of +2 to all saving throws vs. fire or electrical attacks.
-All druids can speak a secret language in addition to any other tongues they know. (If the optional proficiency rules are used, this language does not use a proficiency slot.) The vocabulary of this druidic language is limited to dealing with nature and natural events. Druids jealously guard this language; it is the one infallible method they have of recognizing each other.
-He can identify plants, animals, and pure water with perfect accuracy after he reaches 3rd level.
-He can pass through overgrown areas (thick thorn bushes, tangled vines, briar patches, etc.) without leaving a trail and at his normal movement rate after he reaches 3rd level.
-He is immune to charm spells cast by woodland creatures (dryads, nixies, etc.) after he reaches 7th level.
-He can learn the languages of woodland creatures. These include centaurs, dryads, elves, fauns, gnomes, dragons, giants, lizard men, manticores, nixies, pixies, sprites, and treants. The druid can add one language at 3rd level and one more every time he advances a level above 3rd. (If the optional proficiency rules are used, it is the druid's choice whether or not to spend a proficiency slot on one or more of these languages.)
As you can see, lots of great abilities if you're playing a tabletop game, but few of them actually translate into the mechanics of something like Baldur's Gate. If I were in charge of making druids, I'd have given them benefits to make up for such losses.
- 20% fire/lightning resistance, which can stack with spells and magical items - Immunity to all charm magic at level 7, since coding for specific monsters would be a pain - A better spell selection usable primarily outdoors (like Call Lightning). Honestly, IWD's druid spell selection was fantastic and made them far more viable.
I wish they brought over IWD's spell selection for druids. I'd really like to take one in my party but as it is, I prefer clerics AND their better. Since I rarely bother taking more than one pure divine caster (Cleric, Druid) in BG this would open up options. Of course it also increases their offense so I could actually use them offensively too which would allow them to exhaust all their spells before whacking things.
BG:EE is going through the BG2 engine so it'll be using the spell tables from that. Meaning you'll be getting your nifty druid-only spells.
Also, Avengers. You have no idea how badly I want to tear through BG1 with an avenger.
First of all, let me express I consider druids more caster oriented as opposed to tanky oriented. A cleric runs up in melee with his heavy armor and mace and wallops people with extra strength gained through spells while a druid tends to stay in the back throwing darts and rocks and manipulating the battlefield through spells like Entangle.
1st circle: Druids only gain entangle but that alone is a pretty big deal. I know they lose remove fear like you pointed out but that's also available to wizards. It takes up a more versatile spell slot on your wizard, but you don't lose out on it completely for your party. Losing out on sanctuary is the bigger deal in my opinion.
2nd circle: Druids lose out on DUHM (not really that big a deal for a single class druid because chances are you're not going into melee unless you're a bear anyway). More importantly they lose out on Hold Person and Silence. HOWEVER, Druids gain Charm Person or Mammal. Most people think "who cares if I can charm a wolf I was gonna just kill for XP?" but forget the spell is also usable against humans, elves, etc. If your arcane caster is barred from enchantment, it's a pretty handy spell to have.
I agree clerics win with level 2 spells, hands down. But it's not a total wash. Charm Person is handy, and you still have access to Slow Poison, Barkskin, Flame Blade (you actually make better use of this than clerics if you took scimitar proficiency btw) and Resist Fire/Cold.
3rd circle: You lose on animate dead, but that's only a big deal before you get level 4 spells because Summon Animal I, II and III are highly underrated spells. Looking over the rest of cleric-only 3rd level spells, I don't see anything that really matters. Zone of Sweet Air doesn't really matter in BG1, Holy Smite/Unholy Blight are rather meh, Remove Curse/Paralysis is redundant in the face of Dispel Magic, Glyph of Warding is also kind of meh.
But you gain Call Lightning, which is pretty bad-ass in a lot of situations in BG1. Highly situational and even then it's a tad overrated, but it's still a good spell. You also get Summon Insects, which is actually a bigger thing for BG1 than BG2. Less mages throwing up spells that would stop it from totally screwing up their casting.
Honestly, I think Druids come out ahead on 3rd level spells.
4th circle: Call Woodland Beings is going to be totally OP for BG1. It is arguably the most broken summon spell for it's level in the game, because it essentially gives your druid access to higher level divine spells. It gives you Cure Critical Wounds (5th circle spell), Mental Domination (normally Clerics-only 4th circle spell) and friggin' Confusion (7th circle spell.) This is all in addition to other useful spells, and having another body on the floor.
You don't even lose out on much! (The website I'm getting this from lists Free Action as Cleric only but I could swear that was available to druids. Anyone confirm/deny?) Holy Power is great and all but I can live without it on my single-class Druid because I tend to focus them more on being a caster/ranged attacker when not in bear form. Holy Power wouldn't help a bear. Lesser Restoration while very important in BG2 wouldn't matter in BG1 because you don't encounter anything with level drain.
This is where druids and clerics really start to part ways in playstyle. Cleric is going to do holy power and DUHM to go slap things in the face, druid is going to do Call Woodland Beings and a few Summon Animal I's, then turn into a bear to maul guys.
5th circle: Welcome to why single class druids will be untouchable by clerics in BG:EE. Unless they raise the level cap to 225k, clerics just won't ever have access to 5th level spells. (If they change the cap, this entire argument is null and void, I admit!)
A player-made druid with 21 Wisdom would have three 5th circle spells to choose from. That's HUGE. Forget about druid-only vs. cleric-only spells at this level because for BG1's cap, they are ALL druid only. Even stuff both of them could use.
Animal Summoning II (!!!), Cause/Cure Critical Wounds, Chaotic Commands(!!!), Insect Plague(!!!), Iron Skins (!!!!!!!!!!), Magic Resistance, Mass Cure(!!!!!), Pixie Dust and True Seeing(!!!!!!!!!!).
God, those are lovely, lovely spells. Especially for BG1.
There's a reason much of AD&D's odd rules were thrown out completely in 3rd Edition and beyond. People want to play what they want to play and don't want to feel gimped for doing so. I will always favor fantasy RPGs where character creation doesn't have clear-cut winners and losers.
Add an avenger kit, and the druid gets more Chromatic Orbs cast at higher effect level than a wizard until *very* late, maybe for the entirety of BG1, and has Web sooner, with no need to find a scroll. And Improved Invisibility, which a party wizard may *never* get until BG2.
I think the class is fine as it is - undoing the xp table and making it more progressive would make an already powerful class *too* powerful.
I hope we can let comments or discussions about politics or religion out of this gaming forum.
Your comment about catholic christians was uncalled for.
The point is your word 'stupid' and how you connect it with the topic of 'catholics'.
No matter how you put it, but there is a strong connotation of negative resentment.
I find it offensive. If this is your opinion, Ok for you, but I personally don't think this is the right forum to discuss matter as this.
Along with what LadyRhian said, there is only One President of the USA, and Only one Queen of England
I think perhaps you don't have enough real world experience to be making such judgements.
I see the quotes...but no comment on them???
Is it like New York, New York? You liked it so much you had to post it again
You are jumping at something that isn't there. I am Catholic and I saw no offense at what @LadyRhian posted.
Yes, Druids need 2 things if we ignore the XP progression difficulties a druid faces:
1. Fixed Shapeshifters - because they are so broken that it could be classified as a critical bug.
2. More abilities/spells - like "Pass without a trace" or add something new because talking to animals with a druid in BG simply isn't implemented and just makes me feel stupid.
Druids are a real world example...not the magical powers of AD&D per se but they ARE/WERE an actual real world religious order...of sorts
@BollywoodHero And that's because the Druidic organization is based around nature and nature's ways. A wolf pack doesn't vote on who is going to lead them. A challenger challenges the leader, and if he wins, he's the new leader, and the old leader is either dead or loses his place, or keeps it and the challenger goes away to lick his wounds, recover and try again another time.
@hansolo There was nothing offensive in the content, as others have stated. I was using the word used by the original poster and pointing out that having one ruler over everyone on a planet, if it is stupid, is shared by organizations in the real world. The Catholic Church is probably the most well-known of these.
Here's a by-level breakdown:
Level 1: Druid loses: Protection from Evil, Sanctuary, Remove Fear (one of the most important spells in the game), others.
Druid gains: Entangle.
Level 2: Druid loses: Draw Upon Holy Might(!!!), Hold Person(!!), Chant, others.
Druid gains: Goodberry, Charm Person or Animal
Level 3: Druid loses: Animate Dead(!!!!!), Holy Smite(!!!), Zone of Sweet Air, others.
Druid gains: Call Lightning, Hold Animal, Summon Insects(!!)
So for the first three levels, we see the Druid losing most of the best divine spells, while getting mostly questionable spells in return (except Summon Insects, which is pretty good). It starts to balance out a bit with higher levels, but the Druid still loses out on some great magic (Insect Plague is awesome, but is it worth losing Flame Strike for? I dunno).
Now, I feel like in BG1, it was different, but BG2 made some Druid spells castable by Clerics (Shillelagh, Flame Blade, Resist Fire/Cold, and Barkskin come to mind), but I can't quite remember. Either way, I'm assuming BG:EE will use the BG2 spell list, and that leaves Druids as basically being really crappy Clerics until they hit level 10 (which probably won't even happen if you don't do the TotSC areas)
People can use the word 'stupid' in the same sentence as the word 'catholic' without meaning or even implying that Catholics are stupid. See, I did it right there.
Seems like you're just enjoying taking umbrage though, in which case can you do it quietly without inflicting it on the board and bringing the mood down?
On topic: I did like what IWD did with druids. Gave them some extra spells and such. Even having some unique resolutions for quests if I recall correctly. Wouldn't mind if some of that came across to BGEE
-A druid makes most saving throws as a priest, but he gains a bonus of +2 to all saving
throws vs. fire or electrical attacks.
-All druids can speak a secret language in addition to any other tongues they know. (If
the optional proficiency rules are used, this language does not use a proficiency slot.) The
vocabulary of this druidic language is limited to dealing with nature and natural events.
Druids jealously guard this language; it is the one infallible method they have of
recognizing each other.
-He can identify plants, animals, and pure water with perfect accuracy after he
reaches 3rd level.
-He can pass through overgrown areas (thick thorn bushes, tangled vines, briar
patches, etc.) without leaving a trail and at his normal movement rate after he reaches 3rd
-He is immune to charm spells cast by woodland creatures (dryads, nixies, etc.) after
he reaches 7th level.
-He can learn the languages of woodland creatures. These include centaurs, dryads,
elves, fauns, gnomes, dragons, giants, lizard men, manticores, nixies, pixies, sprites, and
treants. The druid can add one language at 3rd level and one more every time he
advances a level above 3rd. (If the optional proficiency rules are used, it is the druid's
choice whether or not to spend a proficiency slot on one or more of these languages.)
As you can see, lots of great abilities if you're playing a tabletop game, but few of them actually translate into the mechanics of something like Baldur's Gate. If I were in charge of making druids, I'd have given them benefits to make up for such losses.
- 20% fire/lightning resistance, which can stack with spells and magical items
- Immunity to all charm magic at level 7, since coding for specific monsters would be a pain
- A better spell selection usable primarily outdoors (like Call Lightning). Honestly, IWD's druid spell selection was fantastic and made them far more viable.
BG:EE is going through the BG2 engine so it'll be using the spell tables from that. Meaning you'll be getting your nifty druid-only spells.
Also, Avengers. You have no idea how badly I want to tear through BG1 with an avenger.
First of all, let me express I consider druids more caster oriented as opposed to tanky oriented. A cleric runs up in melee with his heavy armor and mace and wallops people with extra strength gained through spells while a druid tends to stay in the back throwing darts and rocks and manipulating the battlefield through spells like Entangle.
1st circle:
Druids only gain entangle but that alone is a pretty big deal. I know they lose remove fear like you pointed out but that's also available to wizards. It takes up a more versatile spell slot on your wizard, but you don't lose out on it completely for your party. Losing out on sanctuary is the bigger deal in my opinion.
2nd circle:
Druids lose out on DUHM (not really that big a deal for a single class druid because chances are you're not going into melee unless you're a bear anyway). More importantly they lose out on Hold Person and Silence. HOWEVER, Druids gain Charm Person or Mammal. Most people think "who cares if I can charm a wolf I was gonna just kill for XP?" but forget the spell is also usable against humans, elves, etc. If your arcane caster is barred from enchantment, it's a pretty handy spell to have.
I agree clerics win with level 2 spells, hands down. But it's not a total wash. Charm Person is handy, and you still have access to Slow Poison, Barkskin, Flame Blade (you actually make better use of this than clerics if you took scimitar proficiency btw) and Resist Fire/Cold.
3rd circle:
You lose on animate dead, but that's only a big deal before you get level 4 spells because Summon Animal I, II and III are highly underrated spells. Looking over the rest of cleric-only 3rd level spells, I don't see anything that really matters. Zone of Sweet Air doesn't really matter in BG1, Holy Smite/Unholy Blight are rather meh, Remove Curse/Paralysis is redundant in the face of Dispel Magic, Glyph of Warding is also kind of meh.
But you gain Call Lightning, which is pretty bad-ass in a lot of situations in BG1. Highly situational and even then it's a tad overrated, but it's still a good spell. You also get Summon Insects, which is actually a bigger thing for BG1 than BG2. Less mages throwing up spells that would stop it from totally screwing up their casting.
Honestly, I think Druids come out ahead on 3rd level spells.
4th circle:
Call Woodland Beings is going to be totally OP for BG1. It is arguably the most broken summon spell for it's level in the game, because it essentially gives your druid access to higher level divine spells. It gives you Cure Critical Wounds (5th circle spell), Mental Domination (normally Clerics-only 4th circle spell) and friggin' Confusion (7th circle spell.) This is all in addition to other useful spells, and having another body on the floor.
You don't even lose out on much! (The website I'm getting this from lists Free Action as Cleric only but I could swear that was available to druids. Anyone confirm/deny?) Holy Power is great and all but I can live without it on my single-class Druid because I tend to focus them more on being a caster/ranged attacker when not in bear form. Holy Power wouldn't help a bear. Lesser Restoration while very important in BG2 wouldn't matter in BG1 because you don't encounter anything with level drain.
This is where druids and clerics really start to part ways in playstyle. Cleric is going to do holy power and DUHM to go slap things in the face, druid is going to do Call Woodland Beings and a few Summon Animal I's, then turn into a bear to maul guys.
5th circle:
Welcome to why single class druids will be untouchable by clerics in BG:EE. Unless they raise the level cap to 225k, clerics just won't ever have access to 5th level spells. (If they change the cap, this entire argument is null and void, I admit!)
A player-made druid with 21 Wisdom would have three 5th circle spells to choose from. That's HUGE. Forget about druid-only vs. cleric-only spells at this level because for BG1's cap, they are ALL druid only. Even stuff both of them could use.
Animal Summoning II (!!!), Cause/Cure Critical Wounds, Chaotic Commands(!!!), Insect Plague(!!!), Iron Skins (!!!!!!!!!!), Magic Resistance, Mass Cure(!!!!!), Pixie Dust and True Seeing(!!!!!!!!!!).
God, those are lovely, lovely spells. Especially for BG1.
Druids don't get Free Action.