Robes of Vecna vs. Archmagi

So which do you prefer?
The AC is mostly irrelevant as you can just use braces of AC3.
Vecna offers more magic resistance and faster casting, while archmagi offer +1 to all saving throws.
The AC is mostly irrelevant as you can just use braces of AC3.
Vecna offers more magic resistance and faster casting, while archmagi offer +1 to all saving throws.
That said I'm going to go with the Tunic of Blindeye. All wild magic all the time!
However, I usually have two mages in my group so I end up using both robes anyway (I give Vecna to the more powerful/offensive mage).
Faster casting is significantly better.
Cheese (=Dragon) Breath: instant
Fire arrow/Skull trap: instant
Let s add 6 more Magic missile, etc...
That's good fun, dealing about 1000 damage instantly. But that's super cheesy as well.
Robe of Vecna would earn the second rank of Cheesiness in my Cheesiness scale, between EB perma 10 APR bug (1st) and improved alacrity (3rd)
Edit: I forgot staff of the Magi in my cheesiness list. Maybe Mislead+ backstab as well should be close.
Although I'm sure I'd pick the Robe of Cheese Vecna if I were powergamey.
I think if you do not get alacrity the discussion is completely different all of a sudden.
It's a single-player game, people should play it however they want. I don't care if somebody just ctrl+y's everything in their way because they just wanted to play BG for the story.
I tend to agree with @pwaring , not only on the principle that people can use whatever they want, but also I don't think that the Robe of Vecna is that powerful. There are certain tactics that are even more "OP"... for example you can win almost every encounter in the game instantly by spamming traps beforehand, or Chain-Contingency a trio of Horrid Wilting, or use wands/scrolls from Simulacrums. I don't think the Robe of Vecna is that out of line.
A lot also depends on how you play. Some of you talk about RoV as if it automatically enables you to Time Stop + Improved Alacrity for every encounter. That's clearly not true, first your mage needs to reach epic levels, and even then he/she has a very limited pool of such high level spells. If you use limited rest rules like I do, the most powerful spells are used very sparingly, so being able to cast faster is only really useful for getting the first strike (which granted, can be decisive), rather than spamming spells like they were unlimited ammo.
Seriously, I always try to keep my mages way at the back, or behind a tank, so AC isn't really an issue the way I play.
The Robe of the Apprenti is pretty good too. Great AC for a robe.
I am with elminster on the Tunic of Blindeye. I don't use it because its wild magic spell sucks due to offering a saving throw. I should tweak that though.
If you do want to run with a WM though, it's arguably better than Vecna because Nahal's isn't exactly bottlenecked by casting speed. It stacks with Chaos Shields you cast, right?
Actually casting speed is actually the only bottleneck that NRD has. Alacrity is what is not a problem for NRD.
Nahal Reckless Dweomer has like 95% to cast the spell either normally or with improved effects. You might even add Vicross headband to get it to 100% to cast normally.