[REQUEST] Priest of Tempus kit in BG1

in BG:EE Mods
Hello all,
If I may make a request, would it be possible for someone to create a mod that makes the IWD:EE Priest of Tempus kit a playable kit in BG1?
Thanks in advance to anyone who fulfills my wishes.
If I may make a request, would it be possible for someone to create a mod that makes the IWD:EE Priest of Tempus kit a playable kit in BG1?
Thanks in advance to anyone who fulfills my wishes.
A Battleguard of Tempus from the Devine Remix mod:
- Can specialize (two points) in any melee weapon that a cleric can use
– May cast Holy Power once per day every 5 levels (starts at 1st level with one use).
– May use Rage once per day every 10 levels (starts at 1st level with one use), as detailed below.
RAGE: The enraged state lasts for 1 turn. While enraged, a Battleguard gains a bonus of +2 to attack and damage rolls as well as to Armor Class, and becomes immune to charm, confusion, fear, feeblemind, hold, imprisonment, level drain, maze, stun, and sleep. The Battleguard also gains 15 temporary Hit Points which are taken away at the end of berserk spree, possibly knocking unconscious.
– Alignment restricted to chaotic neutral, chaotic good, true neutral, and chaotic evil.
- Cannot be proficient in ranged weapons.
But in IWDEE, the kit is a lot more different:
– Alignment restricted to true neutral plus all chaotic alignments
So, the Battleguard of Tempus from the Devine Remix mod is not close to the Priest of Tempus from IWDEE.
It would be awesome to have a mod that gives the Priest of Tempus kit to BG1&2EE as it's officially implemented in the IWDEE.
Sounds interesting, but I'm not sure that I'd prefer it over the IWD version.