Quiet as the grave?

Damn, that cemetery is a busy place. Heading down to Niela's father's funeral, we encountered some guy named Lester emerging from his grave to attack his cheapskate nephew. Actually, I though initially the nephew was calling him Uncle Fester, not Lester, which would have been far more appropriate but probably started a lawsuit.
After the funeral I hung around a bit and met some chick named Bhodi (or Bodhi, didn't pay attention to the exact spelling), whose servant had asked me to meet her in the Graveyard ... after dark, of course. You don't need to smack me upside the head to get me thinking; I can smell a vampire a block away. I told her to get lost. And gee, who else should show up but Hexxat, with some ludicrous tale about buried treasure.
Actually, was seriously fooled. She didn't check out as undead so I figured I had been mistaken about her. Ooops.
It wasn't until she got munched by the real Hexxat that I realized I had been played. I ended up giving her the cloak she wanted, and she said she'd meet us back at the Inn.
I really wish there had been some way to get her and Bhodi together at the same time. They would either have been great pals, or gone for each other like two strange female cats meeting for the first time.
I explored a couple of other tombs just out of curiosity. The place is full of undead; I suspect I could make a long term project out of clearing them all out.
Back at the Inn, good old Hexxat wanted to join my jolly crew. She made some remarks that were supposed to sound seductive, but I suspect she was more interested in my blood type than my sperm count. She sounded like a high maintenance NPC so I blew her off. She did say she'd hang around though, just in case I changed my mind. Sorry lady, I don't want to come down with a case of acute anemia.
After the funeral I hung around a bit and met some chick named Bhodi (or Bodhi, didn't pay attention to the exact spelling), whose servant had asked me to meet her in the Graveyard ... after dark, of course. You don't need to smack me upside the head to get me thinking; I can smell a vampire a block away. I told her to get lost. And gee, who else should show up but Hexxat, with some ludicrous tale about buried treasure.
Actually, was seriously fooled. She didn't check out as undead so I figured I had been mistaken about her. Ooops.
It wasn't until she got munched by the real Hexxat that I realized I had been played. I ended up giving her the cloak she wanted, and she said she'd meet us back at the Inn.
I really wish there had been some way to get her and Bhodi together at the same time. They would either have been great pals, or gone for each other like two strange female cats meeting for the first time.
I explored a couple of other tombs just out of curiosity. The place is full of undead; I suspect I could make a long term project out of clearing them all out.
Back at the Inn, good old Hexxat wanted to join my jolly crew. She made some remarks that were supposed to sound seductive, but I suspect she was more interested in my blood type than my sperm count. She sounded like a high maintenance NPC so I blew her off. She did say she'd hang around though, just in case I changed my mind. Sorry lady, I don't want to come down with a case of acute anemia.