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***[COMPLETE]*** Pure Necromancer solo challenge (Restricted to using only necromancy spells)



  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    Your story is amazing ! I'd like to read more.
  • GenryuGenryu Member Posts: 372
    Zalson said:

    Any progress after the Underdark?

    Gotural said:

    Your story is amazing ! I'd like to read more.

    Thanks, and sorry guys, I've been a little busy with work and college recently so I took a short hiatus. I have an exam to prepare for on Tuesday, so once that's out of the way I should be free to continue my pursuit of that mangy dog Irenicus!
  • GenryuGenryu Member Posts: 372
    Well I am now epic leveled, and have access to HLA, despite these abilities not falling into any specific spell school, I have made a conscious decision not to use them, for the sake of the challenge I plan to try and finish the rest of my playthrough with only my necromancy.

    14 Ches 1370

    I have stumbled upon a Deep Gnome settlement, the snivelling little do gooders have unearthed a great evil deep in their mines, and they have requested my aid. Bah! I would just as soon watch this 'great evil' tear down their settlement from the inside out. Unfortunately their leader informs me that someone named Adalon is my only chance of gaining access to the Drow city that Irenicus and Bodhi recently travelled through, and to gain an audience with Adalon I must first help the Gnomes.

    The evil creature that was terrorizing the Svirfneblin, was in fact a powerful Balor! I set a trap for the creature, a number of magically charged skulltraps and then called forth my undead companions. Once I had prepared I called out to the demon, the great demon ambled out of the mineshaft setting off my carefully laid traps, one by one they exploaded, but the demon protected by an innate resistance to magic was unaffected.

    I sent my skeletons in, but again their attacks proved futile, the demon was completely immune to their weapons. Desperate I started to fire off some of my more powerful spells, hoping to get lucky and bypass the creatures spell resistance, but to no avail. My skeletons were putting up a poor fight against the powerful demon, and would not last for long.

    With my options exhausted, I turned my focus inwards calling on my dark heritage to assist me. The taint was happy to oblige, consuming me with unbridled rage. The Balor might be able to stand against my magics, but the fury of the Slayer? I think not...


    14 Ches 1370

    True to his word, the Svirfneblin leader gave me the means to enter the 'lair' of Adalon. Imagine my surprise when I came face to face with an ancient Silver Dragon.


    The Drow have stolen Adalons Eggs, and the dragon has charged me with securing their safe return. Through an illusion spell, I have been transformed into a Drow, complete with knowledge of their tongue. I dont particularly want to be stuck doing this creatures bidding, however she is my only hope of reaching the surface at this point, I'll play along for now.

    20 Ches 1370

    I have infiltrated the Drow city under the guise of a scout visiting from the drow city of Ches Nasad. A Handmaiden named Imrae has tasked me with rescuing Phaere, a priestess of Lolth and daughter to one of the cities matron mothers. I have been paired with a Drow named Solaufein, he is obviously a capable fighter, but seems 'soft' for a Drow.

    Phaere had been captured by a party of Mind Flayers, we intercepted them on their way to the Illithid city. The mindflayers were easy pickings for my undead followers, and their Umberhulk pets went down quickly to my death magics.


    There is obviously some bad history between Phaere and Solaufein, however the priestess seems to have taken a liking to me. I should take advantage, with her station she would make a potent ally in the city, an ally I will likely need if I am going to find and secure the dragons eggs.

    24 Ches 1370

    Progress in the city has been slow, I have been tasked with a series of menial jobs over the past few days, deep gnome exterminations, hunting down escaped beholders, I was even charged with executing Solaufein. But I am no closer to tracking down the dragons eggs.

    28 Ches 1370

    It seems I have caught the eye of Phaeres mother, Matron Ardulace. She is performing some kind of ritual and requires a component from a powerful foe, either the eyestalk of an Elder orb, or the Blood of either an Elder brain or a Kua-toan Prince.
  • GenryuGenryu Member Posts: 372
    edited May 2015
    29 Ches 1370

    My overconfidence has left me in a precarious position. Thanks to my previous encounter with the Mind Flayers, during Phaere's rescue, I have underestimated just what the Brain Suckers were actually capable of.

    In their own home, with the Elder Brain augmenting their psionic abilities, I was quickly over powered. I am now imprisoned, forced to fight for the mind flayers amusement as a gladiator. For some reason I have not been turned into a mindless thrall, I guess a combatant who can think for him self makes much more entertaining viewing.

    My first battle was against a pair of Umber Hulks, weak stupid creatures, I barely had to raise a finger to drain the life force from those beasts. I suspect, my battles will only get tougher from here on out, I need to make my escape and soon....

    1 Tarsakh 1370

    It seems I am not the only recent prisoner of the Mindflayers. In the cell next to mine I met a party of Githyanki, the same group who attacked me on Saemon's ship. Its a good job that I am wearing Adalon's Drow disguise, or this could get ugly.

    I am scheduled to battle the Gith in my next fight, but we have struck a bargain. They suspect that they can temporarily shield us from the mindflayer's psionics, giving me enough time to fight a path to the exit. I don't like these Gith, but as long as I keep my true identity to my self, I don't see any reason they would betray me.


    4 Tarsakh 1370

    Their plan has worked, however once we reached the exit to the complex we found it locked tight. The Gith were able to teleport out, leaving me alone and defenseless once again. The commotion caused by our escape seems to have thrown the Illithids into disarray, if I can find and shut down the Elder Brain before they have chance to regroup I may have a shot at winning my freedom.

    Making my way through the complex I discovered a strange machine, that dispensed some kind of enthralling collar. I may not be able to open some of the sealed doors in this place, but I suspect the mindflayers can, I wonder what would happen if I used one of these collars on an Illithid?

    Yes! It worked, with the collar I was able to dominate one of the lone mindflayers I encountered and open the sealed door leading deeper into the complex.


    Despite being brainless, my skeletons were falling all to quickly to the illithids brain devour ability, collapsing almost instantly when swarmed. I've had to resort to hit and run tactics, using the native invisibility power of my Staff of the Magi to lure the mindflayers to my waiting skeletons one by one.


    After fighting through countless mindflayers, I have come to yet another sealed door. With my enthralling collars used up, I adopted another strategy, brute force! With incredible strength of the slayer, the door exploaded into a thousand pieces. Inside I encountered the Elder Brain.


    (For some reason my characters avatar didn't change, I suspect due to the drow disguise. But I was in Slayer form despite what the screenshots show).

    I locked my attention onto the brain, and sent my skeletons to keep the mindflayers busy. The power of the slayer form is amazing, the elder brain was torn to pieces in a matter of moments (Matron Ardulace will certainly have enough elder blood for her ritual). The Brain in a last ditch attempt to save itself summoned two brain golems, but it was too little to late.


    With the Brain and Mindflayers dead I turned my attention to the Golems. Unfortunately I could feel my control over the slayer slipping, before I could finish the golems off I was forced to revert back to my true form. My skeletons and magicks were no match for the golems, however the new toy that I had picked up in Ust Natha was! Rod of Smiting in hand the golems were reduced to gooey brain matter within a few moments.

  • GenryuGenryu Member Posts: 372
    edited May 2015
    8 Tarsakh 1370

    Elder Blood in hand I returned to the Matron Mother. It seems that the Matron has Adalon's eggs, they are intended to be a tribute to a Demon Lord, the price for enlisting the demons aid in a war with the surface elves. The Elder Brain blood is a component in the summoning of the demon.

    Phaere wishes to betray her mother. She has made a set of fake eggs, and I am to switch them. Her plan is to have her mother offer the fake eggs, enraging the demon. Once the Demon punishes Ardulace, Phaere who will ascend up her houses hierarchy to become the new Matron Mother will then offer the real eggs, she is cunning. I wonder how long it would be before I found a knife in my back if I continued to serve her?

    The city is locked up tight, even once I have secured the eggs, I will have no means of escape. I will play along with Phaeres plan for now, and adapt as the situation allows. At the very least, her plan will remove Ardulace from the equation, if I do have to fight my way out.

    8 Tarsakh 1370

    The Ritual has begun. Demon's are unpredictable at best, so I prepared my defenses in advance, Spirit Armour and a small contingent of skeletons. The Ritual played out pretty much as Phaere predicted, having offered the fake eggs, Ardulace was struck down by the powerful Demon Lord.

    I should have made my move there and then, and attacked with the element of surprise. However curiosity got the better of me, and no sooner had Phaere handed over the true eggs, the demon lord turned its attention towards me. He knew exactly who I was, my disguise obvious to this powerful foe. With my transmutation dispelled I was forced to fight my way out.


    Phaere, although a powerful cleric was quickly swarmed and overcome by my skeletons, maybe Lolth didn't favour her quite as much as she seemed to think? With the Priestess down I turned my attention to the Demon, much like my previous encounters with demon kind, my attacks were for the most part ineffective. Once again I resorted to Bhaal's taint, and called forth his Avatar, the Slayer.

    Blows were traded, but Bhaals chosen avatar proved to much for the demon. Slowly but surely I beat the demon down, before banishing him back to the lower planes. After the fight I recovered Adalons eggs, now dead and corrupted by the demons touch. Adalon will not be pleased....

    Without my disguise, I was a sitting duck. Alarms were sounding all over the Drow City, despite my control slipping I held onto my slayer form for dear life, biting and slashing a path through the Ust Nathan defenses. I can scarcely believe it, but I have some how escaped the Drow city with my life.


    12 Tarsakh 1370

    During our last encounter Adalon had informed me that if anything should happen to her egg's, she would hold me directly responsible. This in mind, I felt it wise to shore up my defenses before making my presence known to the Silver Dragon. I protected my self with a Spirit Armour spell, and then proceeded to place as many obstacles between myself and the enraged dragon as I possibly could.


    With a large number of skull traps, and a wall of skeleton warriors between me and the ancient creature, I finally revealed myself. As I expected, Adalon was not happy, vowing to tear me limb from limb. I ordered my skeletons in to attack, and then began casting my first spell, a finger of death.


    I could scarcely believe it! Before my skeletons could close the distance and engage, before the beast could set off a single trap, the colossal dragon dropped like a sack of rocks, stone dead. Has my Necromancy become so powerful these last few months that now even dragons are no match for me, or is this my fathers dark taint at work, augmenting my power over death magicks?

    Regardless, after all my careful planning I couldn't help but laugh. I'm coming for you Irenicus, lets see who has the most impressive mastery of their spells.

    20 Tarsakh 1370

    I have finally fought my way back to the surface. There was a battle raging between the Drow and Surface Elves as I reached the surface. The Elves have apprehended me and taken me to their leader, untrusting of anyone coming from the underdark, home of their enemies.

    Under the scrutiny of their sages, who employed spells of truth detection, I was quizzed by their commander Elhan. As it happened I had no need to lie, they were concerned by my connection with Irenicus, fearing me to be in league with the mage. The sages were satisfied that my desires to crush the little worm beneath my boot were true.

    Irenicus is attacking the Elvan City of Suldenessalar, for what reason I do not know, Elhan is very tight lipped on the subject. Unfortunately the Elvan city is hidden by powerful magics, in order to pierce these magics, we need to secure an artifact known as the Rynn Lanthorn, which was stolen by Bodhi. I don't know where she hides, though I suspect she may have returned to her old base of operations in the graveyard district of Athkatla.
  • GenryuGenryu Member Posts: 372
    edited May 2015
    21 Tarsakh 1370

    On my Journey back to Athkatla I stumbled upon a group of adventurers. A Drow elf, wielding a pair of scimitars, a red bearded Dwarf with a horn missing from his dented, and well worn helmet, a hulking barbarian carrying wondrous warhammer, a beautiful young girl carrying an obviously highly enchanted bow, and finally a Halfling, casually fiddling with a Ruby Pendant hung around his neck.


    Could these be the legendary Companions of Mithral Hall? Drizzt, Bruenor, Wulfgar, Catti Brie and Regis? Tales of their exploits would often find their way to Candlekeep as I was growing up, as well as tales of the legendary weapons and enchanted items they had acquired during their adventures. These guys would make rich picking if I were to defeat them....

    Before they spotted me I quickly used the innate invisibility power of my Staff of the Magi to retreat to a safe distance and prepare my ambush. I summoned forth a host of skeletons, and applied my magical armour. Then from a safe distance, and out of sight I fired off a skull trap in the general direction of the party. A moment later I heard the trap expload, and a number of surprised and painful yelps and grunts.


    They hadn't yet worked out where the attack has come from, so once again I went invisible and fired off another skulltrap into the confused, and now hostile party. Zappp! Again I could hear their painful yelps, echo through the woods, through the treeline I could see Bruenor, Wulfgar and Regis nursing their wounds and each consuming healing potions. Drizzt and Catti, were both now on high alert, and completely injury free! After my trials in the Underdark, I had expected Drizzt to be resistant to my magic, but Catti, a human girl? This was unexpected.


    I went invisible one last time, and then sent in my skeletons. Safely just out of melee range, I began preparing my next assault. Abi-Dalzim's Wilting Horror packed quite a punch, and proved too much for the little Regis to bear, he was the first to fall.


    Tied up by my skeletons, there was little the group could do as I started casting once again. Another Wilting Horror Spell and the Barbarian Wulfgar fell to the ground. Drizzt and Catti were still unharmed, but the Dwarf king Bruenor was not so lucky, despite being barely able to stand he kept swinging his mighty axe, possibly spurred on by the loss of his adopted son Wulfgar.

    My skeletons were having a hard time dealing with Drizzt, despite all five focusing soley on the drow now, they hadn't so much as scratched the Drow Ranger, yet my skeletons were starting to fall one by one to skillful swordsman, this one obviously lives up to his reputation.

    I had time to cast one more Wilting Horror spell before the last of my skeletons fell to the ground, this time the Dwarf King finally collapsed. With my skeletons destroyed the ranger came after me, he was incredibly fast, if I hadn't been wearing my boots of speed I would have been in big trouble. I ran away as fast as I could, the ranger giving chase, but leaving Catti Brie behind in the process.


    I lured him out into the woods and then once again used my staff to turn invisible, with the drow unable to locate me, I quietly circled back around towards the vulnerable Catti Brie.

    Drizzt had proved to much for my summoned minions, but how would the girl do? I reached into my pack and pulled out Kitthix, this group are fond of their Astral Pet Guenhwyvar, it felt fitting to let them play with mine. I called forth my spider pet, and then cast my last two remaining animate dead spells. Before engaging myself I fired off one last spell, a contagion spell. She might be immune to my magical damage, but this disease crippled her, slowing her attacks to a snails pace. Stricken with a wasting disease, she was quickly overwhelmed by myself and my minions.


    Four down and one to go! Much like Cattie Brie, Drizzt proved vulnerable to my contagion spell, a wasting disease weakening and slowing him down considerably. Even in his weakened state however, my skeletons were no match for the powerful Ranger, and my damage spells had proven all but useless against his native drow magic resistance, With no other viable options I once again called upon the Slayer to lend me its strength. Lets see how I do against a bonafied living legend and hero of the realms.


    The Drows speed was incredible, even crippled with disease he was almost matching my attacks blow for blow. I have reverted to slayer form many times since unlocking its power, and always have I felt unstoppable when fighting in this form. This time however the fight felt desperate, his enchanted blades cut deep, and caused some serious damage. I won the battle, but he taught me an important lesson about over confidence, I have not ascended to godhood just yet, and I am still very, very mortal.


    The ambush was worth it, Ribald should pay handsomely for this haul!

  • GenryuGenryu Member Posts: 372
    edited May 2015
    22 Tarsakh 1370

    Ribald has allowed me access to his 'special stock'. I have secured the last two spells required to finish my spell book. Now to show these lesser mortals what true terror is...

  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    Ohhh nice!
  • GenryuGenryu Member Posts: 372
    edited May 2015
    22 Eliasias 1370

    I have spent the last few weeks trying to tie up all my loose ends, before my final showdown with Irenicus and Bodhi.

    It seems I have built quite the reputation since leaving Candlekeep, it feels like the whole of Amn is now hunting me. City Guard and Cowled Wizards ambush me on every street corner, a group of Wizard Slayers even assaulted me in my Planar Sphere. I have had bounty hunters and mercenaries try their luck with me in the streets, but to no avail.

    Now the Order of the Most Radiant Heart have decided to declare war on me, and their attacks are becoming more frequent and more desperate. Do I have to raze this entire city to earn some piece and quiet?


    It is time to end this, I plan to take the fight to the Order's doorstep. As I suspected the Paladins were not particularly happy to see me strutting through their halls. Their Prelate a self righteous fool named Wessalen told me to give him one good reason why he shouldn't cut me down where I stood, HA! I gave him a very good reason ....He couldn't.


    My Skeletons made short work of the Paladin Commander, if he cared more about his own strength of arm, and put placed less faith in his pitiful deity's blessings then maybe he would still be alive. Its funny he truly believed his god would grant him the strength needed to defeat me. As I left the Prelates office, the rest of the order had gathered in the main hall, they obviously planned to block my escape.

    Hahahaha! They think they have me trapped in the building with 'THEM', in reality they are trapped in here with ME! They are going to hear these screams all the way from the Temple of Helm! A few Wilting Horror spells and the entire Order lay lifeless in the great hall. Maybe now I'll get a reprieve from the constant ambushes I have faced in the city.

    Post edited by Genryu on
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    I love this run hardcore!
  • GenryuGenryu Member Posts: 372
    I've been playing on and off for years and I'm still discovering new things!
  • GenryuGenryu Member Posts: 372
    25 Elias 1370

    I have encountered a strange golden skull in a hidden tomb deep below the docks district. Obviously an undead being of great power, it has promised me a substantial reward if I reunite the skull with the rest of its body. I'm sure this Lich could teach me much, I'll gladly assist the creature if it can grant me more power.

    I tracked the Liches torso and appendages to two similar tombs located in both the Bridge and temple districts. Both were protected by powerful Liches, but neither proved to much of a challenge, my staff of the magi dispelling the creatures magical defenses with each strike, and my skeletons quickly swarming my opponents.

    With the golden body parts secured, I returned to the golden skull. Reunited with his body Kangaxx the Lich rose from his tomb for perhaps the first time in centuries. Once again I have been blinded by my greed and ambition, powerful beings don't share power lightly, and Kangaxx is no different. No sooner had I freed him from his imprisonment he attacked me.


    The Lich surprised me, he was no more powerful than the any other Lich I had encountered before, so why had they gone to so much trouble to imprison him, and guard his body parts? It made no sense. We fought for several minutes, my skeletons slowly wearing him down, and me trying to dispel his defenses with my staff of the magi.

    Finally with a devastating blow, one of my Skeletons lopped the liches head, clean off his shoulders. I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, that a creature that had promised so much, a creature that had been so well protected had fallen so easily. I turned to leave and then I heard it, and evil chuckle and a familiar voice.

    "Still you do not understand, not only was I to languish in this tomb for all eternity, but I must also be destroyed by another to be free. You have truly freed me, and the world will be burned to ash for your sin!"

    I turned around to see the skull floating ominously in midair, a Demi-Lich, the pinnacle of lichdom. Without warning Kangaxx muttered a word, and suddenly one of my skeletons was encased in magical energy, and then it was gone. An imprisonment spell! I have not prepared any suitable defenses against such magics, if I am struck by such a spell I will be done for.

    With few options remaining I once again turned my focus inwards, trying to harness my rage and summon the Slayer. I can only pray that the Slayers natural resistances are enough to protect me from the liches Imprisonment spell. In a whirlwind of slashing claws I decended upon the Demi-Lich, my attacks were relentless yet the liches wounds were healing almost as fast as I could inflict them. He cast several more imprisonment spells, but my gut instinct had proven true, in my slayer form I was fully protected from his entrapment spells.


    Kangaxx's wounds were healing fast, but not quite fast enough, slowly but surely I was chipping away at him, but I could feel my control over the slayer slipping, my lifeforce draining away faster and faster the longer I maintained the form. How much longer could I keep control? My eyes started to blur, and my limbs felt sluggish, and then he fell to the floor, shattering into several boney fragments. I quickly reverted back to my human form, the Slayer had nearly won that time, nearly took control of me completely.

  • GenryuGenryu Member Posts: 372
    edited May 2015
    30 Elias 1370

    With the majority of my loose ends tied up, it was time to take the fight to Bodhi. She was expecting me, after a brief exchange in the graveyard she warped back to her compound and I was set upon by a number of Vampires. My Amulet of Power, protected me from their level drain ability and gave me the time I needed to quickly raise my defenses and retaliate.

    The vampireress has been busy, I left this base of operations in tatters the last time I passed through, yet once again it is swarming with vampires, more so than my last visit. I used one of the vials of holy water Elhan had given me, in a font of blood that the vampires were using to draw strength from, weakening the creatures considerably.


    Most of the lesser vampires were vulnerable to my death magics, those that were not I distracted with skeletons, or paralyzed with hold undead spells, and then bombarded them with damage spells. I made my way down to the lower level, and reached my nemesis Bodhi. My skeletons rushed in to the room first, drawing the attention of her body guard. I quickly made my way to the font of blood in the centre of the room, and emptied out another of Elhans holy water vials into the blood. The Vampires in the room were weakened almost instantaneously, and slowed to almost a crawl. A few Wilting Horrors spells, and Bodhi's personal guard were all destroyed.


    Bodhi however, was a different story. Maybe because, she was a more powerful vampire, or maybe because she possessed Imoens divine soul, she possessed an unnatural resistance to magic. The vast majority of my spells, bounced off her like they were nothing. By the time she dispatched my last skeleton, I had expended my whole reserve of skull trap and wilting horror spells, with only a couple managing to breach her defenses.

    Clearly no match for the Vampire in a martial contest, I called upon the slayer once again. Claw versus claw, and fang vs fang we fought, but even with her vampiric strength augmented by Imeons divine essence, she was no match for the slayer. For the first time I could see fear in the vampires undead eyes, she dissipated into a cloud of myst and then fled to a room to the east.


    Following her into the room, I discovered the vampires ornate coffin. She had fled to recuperate, but in doing so was now vulnerable, with one of Elhan's wooden stakes I pierced the creatures black heart. Her face contorted as if trying to scream, but no sound left her lips, within seconds all that remained was a pile of dust.... and the Rynn Lanthorn. Time to return to Elhan and end this once and for all.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    This is a truly epic run. The post with the known and selected spells is just priceless.
  • GenryuGenryu Member Posts: 372
    edited May 2015
    bengoshi said:

    This is a truly epic run. The post with the known and selected spells is just priceless.

    I actually missed one off. I Just looted Control Undead off an Orc at Firkraags place, I'd totally forgotton all about that one.

    Great fun, wish I had it back at Bodhi's!

  • GenryuGenryu Member Posts: 372
    19 Nightal 1370

    With the Lanthorn secured, I joined Elhan and his warband in their journey to the Elvan City of Suldanessellar. Irenicus was assaulting the city in full force, he had secured a small army of both Drow and Rakshasa, bound many demons to his service as well as amassing an impressive number of Golems.

    I chose my battles carefully, Irenicus was my target, I didn't want to expend to much of my magical energies on foot soldiers and weaken myself before our final showdown. I used my Staff of the Magi to Shield me from the eyes of Irenicus's army, fighting only when necessary.

    I found a priestess named Demin, she explained everything, Irenicus's curse and exile, the Elven cities great shame. Irenicus is trying to drain the great tree of life of all its energy, so that he can ascend to godhood. He has tried and failed once before, the elves stripping the mage and his sister of their souls, and exiling them as punishment, he took my soul so that he could enact his revenge.

    To reach the Tree of Life, I need to perform a ritual and summon the Elvan god Rillifane, only he can grant me access to the Palace now, opening the path to the tree. I have been told that I need 3 objects, a moonblade, an amulet and a goblet. The moonblade and amulet I managed to rescue from various parts of the city, the goblet however has been entrusted to Irenicus's 'guardian'.

    25 Nightal 1370

    I tracked down the guardian of the goblet. Another mighty dragon, how has Irenicus enlisted the aid of so many powerful creatures so quickly? I prepared my defenses, set my traps and summoned my boney allies.

    I have slain a number of dragons these past few months, confident in my mastery death magic, I opened the fight with a Finger of Death, but the ancient creature just laughed, it seems this dragon is too powerful to be laid low with such spells. I'll have to do this the old fashioned way.


    I sent one of my skeletons in, my previous experiences with dragons has taught me that most dragons usually have a death spell memorized that plays havoc on any summoned creatures. As expected the dragon fired off his spell at my lone skeleton, dropping it instantly. The dragon then headed for me, setting off my strategically place skull traps, these spells he was much more vulnerable too. The damage significant from the dragons roar of pain. Quickly I ordered my remaining skeletons in, intercepting the dragon before it could reach me.

    With the dragon preoccupied, I began to release a series of wilting horror spells, after my third spell the dragon fell.

    1 Hammer 1371

    With all 3 items in hand I headed to the Temple of Rillifane, to begin the summoning ritual. The great hall shook as the avatar of the Elvan god materialized. The great creature knew why it had been summoned before I could finish my sentence. With Rillifane on the prime material plane, an army of ancient elvaan spirit warriors has risen and are pushing Irenicus's forces back. The diety has granted me access to the Palace, Irenicus will fall this very night.

  • GenryuGenryu Member Posts: 372
    1 Hammer 1371

    I have reached the Tree of Life. Queen Ellesime, or rather some kind of astral projection of the queen, greeted me as I approached the area. Irenicus is draining the lifeforce from the tree as we speak, there is very little time remaining, whats worse he is protected from any kind of outside interference, a globe of magical energy protecting him from all physical or magical damage.


    To lower his defenses I need to sever his link from the tree, there are 3 giant parasite, each draining the energy from the tree and feeding Irenicus. I need to find and destroy each one, only then will the mage become vulnerable. The creatures were huge, it didn't take long to find them. As I raised my weapon two fire elementals materialized to protect the creature, after my trials and adventures these past few years, a couple of elementals was hardly a challenge, with its defenses slain, the parasite was easy prey.


    I made my way around the giant tree, and picked off the remaining parasites one by one. With his connection to the great tree cut, it was finally time to reclaim my soul back from Irenicus. The mage was every bit as powerful as I remembered. My skeletons were quickly outclassed, either imprisoned or destroyed, before long I only had one remaining. I joined in the melee, trying to dispel Irenicus's defenses with my Magi Staff, the going was slow, everytime I managed to breach his defenses, he simply reapplied them. Finally his defensive magics exhausted and he became vulnerable, my skeleton then making short work of the Elvan mage.


    Irenicus lay dead at my feet, so what now? Should I feel different? Will my soul naturally find its way back to my body, or do I need to perform some kind of ritual similar to the one Irenicus used to steal my soul? I began to panic, I had not thought this through. My vision began to blur, and I felt a sharp pain in the hollow spot my soul once resided. The pain increased exponentially, is that it? Have I spent the past year tracking Irenicus, fighting insurmountable odds only to die once the end was in sight?

    My vision got worse, and then nothing but darkness....

    I don't know how long I was out, but when I finally opened my eyes, I was now longer high up in the forest, I was in Hell.....

  • GenryuGenryu Member Posts: 372
    edited May 2015
    10 Hammer 1371 - THE TRIAL OF WRATH

    This truly is Hell, it seems my Brother has been waiting for me, am I to fight him again now?

    Sarevok seems to know a great deal about my surroundings, surroundings I apparently hold power over! It seems that I am not truly dead, not yet anyway. When Irenicus was killed, the soul he stole from me was still tethered to the small dregs of soul that still linger within me, so as Irenicus was pulled down to hell, I dragged down after him.

    Apparently Irenicus hides behind the great door in the centre of the main hall. To open the door I need to complete a series of trials, if I can make it through these trials, and defeat Irenicus, then I will finally be reunited with my soul, and freed back into the world of the living.

    Apparently I am now taking part in the Test of Wrath. I am to battle my brother one last time, defeating him will reward me with one of five tears of Bhaal, the keys required reach Irenicus.

    Hahaha Sarevok is an even bigger fool than I remember, not only am I to fight him, he is trying to goad me into unleashing the Slayer. He couldn't defeat me as young amateur necromancer back in Baldur's Gate, what makes him think he can win, when I become death incarnate? I will grant his wish, he will feel my infernal wrath.


    10 Hammer 1371 - THE TRIAL OF GREED

    I have begun my second trial. A Balor has informed me, that to pass this trial, I have to release a trapped Djinn, he has handed me an incredibly powerful sword, the key to the genies release.

    Giving the sword to the Genie will serve to release the creature, however if I so choose, I can use the sword to end the creature, granting it another form of release. This sword is too valuable to waste of the freedom of a creature I care nothing for. I will keep the sword for myself, the only freedom the Djinn will get today is the sweet release of death.


    10 Hammer 1371 - THE TRIAL OF SELFISHNESS

    I have been approached by another demon guide. For this trial, my tear of Bhaal can be found in a chest, located in a room past a series of locked doors. The demon has a sniveling peasant held captive, if I use the doors on the right hand side to reach the chest then I will be injured or crippled as a result. If I use the doors on the left hand however, I may pass through unscathed, but the peasant will be killed.

    I don't understand these trials, the choices have been easy so far. I will take the left path, who is this weak peasant to me, why should I care whether he lives or dies?


    10 Hammer 1371 - TRIAL OF FEAR

    The fourth tear has been protected by a powerful fear spell, that would make the bravest of Paladins quake in their boots. The demon has offered me a magical cloak, stitched from the flesh of wood nymphs, that will shield me from the effects of the spell.

    I fear nothing! I don't need such a cloak to pass this trial. However the craftsmanship is beautiful, I'll accept the cloak, it will fetch a fair price on the black market.


    10 Hammer 1371 - TRIAL OF PRIDE

    My final trial. The demon wishes me to prove my power by defeating a powerful creature, he is tightlipped about who or what the creature might be, probably another peasant knowing these demons. If they wish to see the full extent of my power, who am I to argue, I'll destroy his little beastie.

    Once again I found myself faced off with a Dragon, once again my finger of death made short work of the creature, maybe I should start calling myself Dovahkiin?


    With my 5 tears of Bhaal secured, I made my way back to the giant portal in the entrance chamber.
  • MalacPokMalacPok Member Posts: 96
    I realize that you consistently picked the evil Trial options for roleplaying reasons, but in many cases the rewards are better for the "Good" decision. The immunity to weapons below +2 often comes very handy in ToB.
  • GenryuGenryu Member Posts: 372
    MalacPok said:

    I realize that you consistently picked the evil Trial options for roleplaying reasons, but in many cases the rewards are better for the "Good" decision. The immunity to weapons below +2 often comes very handy in ToB.

    Yeah agreed, I often go for that one, and I was tempted to again on this playthrough, though I thought it was just +1 weapons?

    Regardless, as awesome as the bonus is, I've been fairly successful in stayng out of melee range throughout most of my run. Boots of speed, and the invisibility function of my staff mean I can get out of most tight spots relatively quickly.

  • MalacPokMalacPok Member Posts: 96
    Yes, it makes you immune to +1 and normal weapons. Very useful against those Invisible Stalkers Draconis and Sendai love to summon.

    The "evil" rewards are somehow better suited for fighter-types.
  • GenryuGenryu Member Posts: 372
    edited May 2015
    The last fight was a darn sight harder than I expected. Irenicus's high magic resistance means that only one in a handful of my spells actually lands on him, and he regenerates lost health so fast, that by the time I successfully land a second spell he is already back at maximum HP.

    Not only that, but my skeletons are completely impotent against all of the opponents, serving to only distract enemies and keep them off my tail. Finally with its low hitpoints, my slayer form just cant survive long enough to beat him down in melee, either he kills me quicker than I can heal, or I run out of time as the slayer and insta die.

    It took me nearly an hour to finally beat him, though I was forced into using some cheesy tactics, and metagaming knowledge of his A.I.

    11 Hammer 1371

    Almost time to encounter the treacherous mage! Irenicus is unpredictable at best, so I took my time to prepare myself, and shape the battlefield to my favour. With my remaining spells, I laid a densely concentrated area of skull traps to one side of the door.

    Despite being a hell dimension, the main hall seemed pretty safe. Taking advantage I set up camp, and rememorized all my spells. Once I was ready, I set another highly concentrated area of Skull Traps on the opposite side of the door. I then returned to camp and once again set about preparing my spells.

    The following morning I set another highly concentrated patch of traps to the east of the great hall. And then proceeded to summon my skeletons, knowing that Irenicus had access to death spells, I sent four of my summoned skeletons off to the west of the great room, out of harms way.

    With just me, and a lone skeleton remaining, I proceeded to open the gate.


    My nemesis finally showed himself. After a brief exchange, the mage, completely oblivious to the traps that lay hidden off to either side of him, began summoning a host of Demons. Within moments, a huge explosion of magical energy shook the great chamber, as the demons were spawned slap bang in the middle of my custom mine fields. When the dust cleared, 3 of the great demons lay dead, and the final one was barely standing.


    Irenicus, suddenly transformed, adopting the chosen Avatar of my father, the Slayer...

    He released a death spell and my lone skeleton fell, I quickly ordered my remaining skeletons back into the fray, whilst summoning another. I set them upon the demon, and then proceeded to pelt the great monster with a barrage of wilting horror spells. One made it through the creatures magical defenses, and in its weakened state, the creature collapsed to the floor quite dead.

    I turned my attention to Irenicus, he was protected with both physical and magical protection spells. I could do very little for now, I sent in my skeletons to distract the mage, and probe his defenses. I had one more skull trap field set up, but at the moment he was to well protected to risk utilizing it. I needed to buy time for his immunities to wear off.

    One by one my skeletons fell, I resummoned new recruits until I had exhausted my spell book and then I waited. Irenicus had completely exhausted his supply of memorized spells and was now tearing my skeletons apart as the slayer. It didn't take long for him to finish them off and turn his attention to me, utilizing my boots of speed, I stayed one step ahead, keeping him busy by tossing the occasional spell his way.

    Finally his magical defenses dissipated. I lured him over to the opposite side of the room, where I had set my earlier trap. With my cluster of traps now separating me from the mage, I goaded him to attack. Having employed the Slayer so many times myself, I was all to familiar with the all consuming rage that now fuelled Irenicus. The fool charged me head on, his face contorted with pure hatred and fury, as he ran right through my waiting traps.


    The explosion was spectacular, even with his impressive magic resistance, there were just too many traps for him to shrug them all off. He fell to the ground, then slowly climbed to his feet. The mage was severely injured, but already his wounds were starting to heal!

    This was my chance, I had to act fast before the mage completely recovered. Turning inside myself I felt the familiar pull of the Slayer, urging me to relinquish control and allow it to come out to play. It was time to fight fire with fire.


    We traded blow for blow, Irenicus was powerful, but he was also badly injured. My powerful claws now tearing his flesh away faster than it could heal back, eventually Irenicus fell.

    I don't remember anything that happened after that, I woke up several week later back in Suldenessellar. It was finally over, I have finally reclaimed my soul, and buried the mage Irenicus, just as I promised.
  • GenryuGenryu Member Posts: 372
    edited May 2015
    14 Hammer 1371

    Alundo's prophecies are coming to a head. Ellesime informs me, that hundreds of Bhaal Spawn are gathering to the south, and that a great war is brewing. Bhaalspawn vs Bhaalspawn, thousands of innocents caught in the middle.

    There will be bloodshed on a scale never before witnessed. Ellesime has urged me to visit the elvaan oracles in the wood to learn of my part in the coming conflict. It seems pointless, I know my destiny, with my army of undead I will conquer all, I will ascend to the Throne of Bhaal and make it my own.

    15 Hammer 1371

    The Oracles didn't tell me much that I didn't already know. Other than the war has been orchestrated by five powerful Bhaalspawn, led under false pretenses by a traitor, and enemy with the face of a friend

    Finally they gave me a single warning, trouble was approaching. I took the opportunity to prepare for what ever threatened me, and then waited. I was approached by a lone woman, a Bhaalspawn hunter, and fellow Bhaalspawn named Illasera the Quick.

    Illasera introduced herself as one of 'The Five', an alliance of the 5 most powerful Bhaalspawn, who hope to raise our dead father by slaughtering all other Bhaalspawn, and returning their essence to the source. To that purpose Illasera had been charged with tracking me down and ending my life. I think the five may have underestimated me, to come without an army at their back.

    As suspected, Illasera was weak, she was quickly overwhelmed by my undead followers. Within moments, all that remained was mass of bloody pulp. If this is the best I can expect from the five, then they may as well keel over and die now, to save me the trouble.


    As I turned to leave, my vision blurred, and my step faltered. When I regained my senses, I was no longer in the forest, but in ...hell?

    My surroundings were familiar, this was just like the hellish plane that I fought Irenicus in. My soul was not tethered to Illaseras, was it? So why have I been brought back here? A sudden movement, caught my attention and brought me from my confusion. I looked up and once again, there stood the ghostly apparition of my dead brother Sarevok!

    As usual Sarevok to his amusement, was much more clued up on my current predicament than I was. This hellish dimension, is a pocket plane, or more specifically Bhaal's very own pocket plane. Somehow my taint has given me the ability to travel to and from the plane at will. My very own home away from home, this will make a perfect base of operations.

    The way out is currently blocked to me however, Sarevok will only offer me the means of escape, if, I return him to life with a portion of my soul, the soul I have just spent the last year trying to reclaim... I should have kept Imoen alive.


    With no other options, I submitted to his demands. I have defeated him twice before, if he fails to live up to his side of the bargain it should not be to difficult to reclaim what is mine.

    True to his word, Sarevok opened up one of the energy fields blocking my exploration of the pocket plane. Much like the last plane I fought Irenicus from, this plane holds a series of trials. To exit the plane, I must complete the first trial that Sarevok has just unlocked for me.

    This was the trial of retribution, I must survive retribution for all the foul deeds I have commited, this could take a while...

    I shouldn't have worried, I was ambushed predominantly by wave after wave of peasant and farmer. My skeletons, effortlessly cutting them down. Then came the elves, skilled archers, but still weak mortal creatures, they fell easily to my death spells. Once the last of the Elves fell, I was attacked by knights from the Order of the Most Radiant Heart, I almost felt a sense of nostalgia as they fell one by one, I wonder if their HQ in Athkatla ever recovered from my assault?

    Finally three faces from my past appeared, all powerful combatants in their own right. The powerful sorceress Ellesime queen of the Elves, Aran Linvale the grandmaster of the Shadow Thieves and finally Duke Eltan, one of the Grand Dukes of Baldurs gate and leader of the Flaming Fist Mercenaries.

    I was quickly overwhelmed, I used my Staff of the Magi to become invisible, but it was no use, they could see right through the illusion. Eltan's blade wounded me gravely, I quickly quaffed a potion of speed, combined with my boots of speed I was to fast to catch. I used my superior mobility to keep out of combat whilst using potions to recover my health, and then resummoned a couple of skeletons. Whilst the trio were occupied I began releasing a barrage of Wilting Horror Spells, once the cloud of gasses had cleared, I was the only one standing. That was too close for comfort.

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Yes, the change in difficulty come the ToB is rather major, especially if you don't rely on HLAs. Good job on beating SoA and good luck in ToB!
  • GenryuGenryu Member Posts: 372
    edited May 2015
    20 Hammer 1371

    My pocket plane did not release my back to the Elvan forest, but instead teleported me far to the south, to the city of Saradush. A city under siege by an army of Fire Giants.

    I was ambushed by the town guards as I arrived, apparently someone named Gromnir is fearful of the Bhaalspawn, I was to be executed as a precaution. The town guard proved little trouble, after the fracas, a woman named Melissan explained the situation to me.


    She was a protector of sorts, and it was her that shepherded the Bhaalspawn to this town, seeking protection behind the great walls. The giants outside, are led by one of the most powerful members of the five, a fire giant named Yaga Shura. In trying to protect the bhaalspawn Melissan, has in reality backed them into a corner they cannot escape from.

    To make matters worse, one of the bhaalspawn under Melissans protection is another member of the five, or rather a former member. Gromnir Il-Khan a powerful half-orc barbarian, grew paranoid working with the other four, and broke away fearing they would turn on him once all the other bhaalspawn lay dead.

    Gromnir, rather than help defend the city has let his paranoia get the better of him, he has locked himself away in the cities keep, whats more he has ordered his men to excecute other Bhaalspawn, as well as innocents in the streets. He see's the faces of enemies everywhere. Mellisan wants me to talk sense into him, the only way of defending the city is if we call work toegether.

    I will meet this Gromnir, though I don't expect to make any new alliances. He is a powerful Bhaalspawn, and with him dead I will be one step closer to my destiny.

    Post edited by Genryu on
  • GenryuGenryu Member Posts: 372
    edited May 2015
    25 Hammer 1371

    I have fought my way through the sewers, and found an entrance into the keep. Gromnir is certainly as mad and paranoid as I have been told. There would have been no reasoning with him, even if I wanted too.


    After our brief exchange, Gromnir attacked, not only that but a small contingent of troops had made their way down the stairs behind me. I was surrounded.

    I let them close in, and then poof! I was gone, the invisibility function of my staff, keeping me from prying eyes. The enemy wizards, prepared for such tactics began casting a spell that I recognized to be true sight. This room was too small! With the group all stood in the middle of the room, no matter where I rematerialized they would see me, I would be a sitting duck!

    I quickly backed off to the far end of the room, pulling out my Horn of Blasting as I ran. Suddenly the wizards spell went off and my invisibility was dispelled. I blew as hard as I could into the horn, the room shook as a wave of magical energy knocked all the combatants away, further across the room. I quickly reapplied my invisibility, before they could respond.

    The horn had pushed them far enough away that I was now safely out of range of their true sight magics, hid behind a pillar at the far side of the room, I began summoning a compliment of skeleton body guard. Then from my hidden vantage point, I quietly started placing a series of strategically placed skull traps.


    Now prepared and evenly matched with my opponents, I waited and bided my time. With their magical protections, the two mages would be a thorn in my side, however once their protections wear they will be easy targets, taking them down till tip the scales in my favour.

    Once the protective magics wore, I made my move, dropping a wilting horror spell on the unsuspecting group, one mage fell instantly. I quickly reapplied my invisibility before they could accertain my location, and then released a second wilting horror. The second mage fell to the ground this time, and the rest of the warriors, with the exception of Gromnir looked a lot worse for wear.

    I approached the group, giving away my location, and then waited for them to engage me, as expected, the group unwittingly barged through my trap, bodies dropping in unison. Only Gromnir remained, robust and tough as you would expect from one with divine blood coursing through their veins.


    My skeletons intercepted the raging barbarian, as powerful as the half orc was, fighting badly injured, 5 against one against my powerful skeleton warriors he didn't stand a chance.

    A moment after his body hit the floor, Melissan rushed into the room, too late to stop the bloodshed. She informs me that our only hope (though I suspect she means her only hope), is to take down the fire giant general Yaga Shura. However the giant Bhaalspawn, is immortal no blade has been able to slice him, no spell able to burn him. Melissan believes that Yaga Shuras invincibility is not a part of his bhaalspawn taint, but rather the result of dark sorcery.

    I have been tasked with discovering the secret to Yaga Shuras invincibility and neutralizing it, then and only then can we take the fight to him. Melissan believes I will find what I seek at either the giants childhood home, an old abandoned temple of Bhaal, or in his current base of operations, the Fire Giant Fortress in the Marching Mountains.
  • GenryuGenryu Member Posts: 372
    10 Ches 1371

    I have discovered an ancient fortress, the legendary Watchers Keep. Gorion used to tell me stories of this place, Helm himself imprisoned a terrible evil here long, long ago.

    I'd like to explore this place further. If Saradush will have to wait, if the town is overrun and destroyed in the meantime, then so be it.


    It seems the legends are true. I met a group of Helmites near the entrance, they are the guardians of this place, charged with watching over the keep and ensuring that the great evil never escapes its imprisonment. The creature has been trapped for millennia however, and the original wards that keep the beast imprisoned, have grown old and weak.

    The knights need to perform a ritual, to restrengthen the protective runes, unfortunately they cannot reach the lower levels, they are quickly outmatched by the keeps defenses. They have asked me, the godchild to do what they cannot.

    I have agreed to their task, though truthfully, I care not if their 'great evil' escapes, it may even reward me if that scenario comes to pass. No, my goal is simple, to rob the keep of the legendary treasures and powerful artifacts that Gorion used to tell stories of. If memory serves, I may be able to locate the legendary Staff of the Ram deep in the lower levels.
  • GenryuGenryu Member Posts: 372
    10 Ches 1371

    The uppermost level comprised of several libraries. On one of the book shelves, I found an interesting tome, that allows me to summon forth a Golem. Should prove a ferocious adversary when my skeletons fail me.

    The libraries are still patrolled by the spirit of the keeps former archivist, to open the portal to the level below I need to perform a ritual, with a bell, candle and ritual tome, items that I have found on this floor.

    There are 12 life like statues in the main chamber of the first floor. A little too life like for my liking, my gut instinct tells me that they are some type of guardian, its possible that they will become hostile when I complete the ritual.


    Even with my trusty skeletons, I would probably be overwhelmed if all 12 became active. Taking no chances I proceeded the litter room with traps, creating a deadly minefield. It took several days to complete my work, would Saradush still be standing?


    Once I was confident enough with my trap, I began the ritual. As expected the statues came to life, as they charged my position, a chain reaction of explosions started, when it was over most of the statues were reduced to rubble. The handful that remained proved easy pickings for my undead minions.


    With the statues dispatched, and the portal opened, it was time to head down to the second level.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    Loving this. Looking forward to more.

    It's a little late for you now but I seem to recall that if you side with Bodhi you get the Amulet of Power by killing Aran Linvail which is your final task for her. That route might of been a better fit for your RP.
  • GenryuGenryu Member Posts: 372
    decado said:

    Loving this. Looking forward to more.

    It's a little late for you now but I seem to recall that if you side with Bodhi you get the Amulet of Power by killing Aran Linvail which is your final task for her. That route might of been a better fit for your RP.

    Its very rare that I run an evil character, and I hadn't taken the Bodhi path in a very long time, so I wasn't really sure if I would still get it or not. I searched online and a lot of people said you lose it completely if you side with the vampires, so I thought best not to risk it.

    I could be wrong, I'm just going off very old forum posts.
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