The canon party... sucks?

So, while I played a lot of Baldur's Gate when I was younger, I never actually managed to complete it until last year some time. And in doing this, I played with the supposed 'canon' party, that being Imoen, Khalid, Jaheira, Minsc, and Dynaheir. Am I the only one that thinks this party make up sucks? I was a Necromancer, btw.
Jaheira did alright with healing in the beginning and middle, but towards the end it just wasn't enough. And Dynaheir is awful. I was really tempted to let her die and go back and get Xan or some body else. Definitely won't be using this party in BG:EE.
Any one else share my sentiments?
Jaheira did alright with healing in the beginning and middle, but towards the end it just wasn't enough. And Dynaheir is awful. I was really tempted to let her die and go back and get Xan or some body else. Definitely won't be using this party in BG:EE.
Any one else share my sentiments?
The duel between Abdel and Sarevok was pretty cool, too, though Sarevok was a Fighter/Wizard somehow.
And, agreed, the canon party is pretty bad.
Yes, there are better NPCs out there. But if a 14 year old who has no clue what he is even doing can finish the game with them, it can't be all that bad, can it?
Anyway, for me, this was always the one true canon party and always will be!
It may not be optimal or your personal choice, but it doesn't suck by a long shot (Garrick, Eldoth, Skie, Tiax and Quale as a party would suck).
I don't accept that canon. As far as I'm concerned, my character started travelling with that party after the events of BG1.
There should've been 2-3 canon characters who are close to the PC with at least 2 slots being left for "experimentation", a happy middle ground allowing you to be "canon" while also having some fun on the side.
Maybe if that BG2 start got reworked somehow.
And I think the ToB book is not really bad. The prologe is pretty good if you ask me.
All in all, for my taste the carry-over of BG1 characters to BG2 works out fine. We've got Imoen (no choice there, but I always liked the character to begin with). And we can choose Minsc and Jaheira at the very start, and shortly thereafter Viconia and Edwin. But by the time I'm starting SoA I'm ready to start building a party from new NPCs anyway.
The group isn't that sucky... It's just not power / I will kill everyone with two hits kinda orientated. Imeon has the thieving skills, okayish with shortbow. Jaheria healed and was pretty good back up fighter to protect the mages. Khalid I shielded up to the max and allowed him to wade in first, then when everyone was hitting and beating up Khalid, Minsc would wade in to actually do the killing. My Necromancer and Dynahier would blast away from behind (my wall of!) Jaheria with whatever spells we had at that particular momment.
Sometimes I moved (my wall of) Jaheria to help... As soon as I did this a gibberling or a squirrel would appear and kill me or Dynahier. Minsc would then go crazy and kill everyone! Them were the days...
The party isn't that interesting either. I can't understand thought why so many people are so butthurt over it being "canon" in BG2. It doesn't matter, since after exiting Irenicus' dungeon you are free to pick a party you like the best. Is half an hour in prologue of the game so unberable to players? Seriously?
Minsc - Yes! This is the den of evil where they hold sweet Dynaheir! Onward friends, onward!
Khalid - Hold, good Minsc. We should f-first study the p-place, lest we fall into an ambush.
Minsc - Ambush? Is that some kind of hole, that we can fall into?
Khalid - No. It's a k-kind of shrub with long, hard thorns.
Minsc - What?... oh, thank you, Boo. Minsc understands now. No fear, my friend, Boo shall sniff out any gnoll stupid enough to try and ambush us!!! Onward I day!
Khalid - Onward, but with c-caution. I don't like the look of this b-bridge. The planks look old and slippery.
Minsc - Khalid, if Minsc hadn't witnessed your valour on the battlefield, he would think you are afraid! On we go! But we all know this can't be, because no man brave enough to marry Jaheira would be scared of some puny gnolls.
Khalid - P-please Minsc, keep your voice down. Jaheira sometimes is very sensitive to...
Jaheira - What are you two mulling over, looking exactly like two old wives?
Khalid - Nothing, d-dear! Nothing! We weren't talking at all.
Jaheira - But I thought I heard...
Khalid - Maybe the wind. Yes, the wind in this g-gorge. So, what are we waiting for, Minsc? Follow me! B-but quietly!
Minsc - You know, Boo, it does my heart good to see such a display of courage. Just look at him go! Hm, now that he mentioned it , this bridge doesn't look quite safe. Let's cross carefully shall we.
Boo - *squeak*
Minsc - Yes Khalid was really brave to charge as he did... danger? Where? I see nothing... oh... *that* danger.
Jaheira - Ranger, are you talking again to that rodent? How many times did I tell you to...
Minsc - Yes, Khalid! I hear you! Minsc is coming! And he brings Boo along!
*sigh* Happy days
Although one thing I did like about BG II was that the developers killed off the 'weaker' parts of the pairings. Khalid and Dynahier were OK but nothing special whereas Minsc and occasionally Jaheira would actually shine.
Be damned if I lump myself with them when I boot up BG EE though.... Maybe once their partners are 'missing'.
I didn't think it was so bad, really. Khalid isn't the best fighter, but he's still a fighter. So he has good AC and HP, and could hold the front with Jahiera, with Minsc did damage, as did myself, Dynaheir, and Imoen (as a rather low-level mage, not yet Thief again, I believe. But using wands where her own spells didn't suffice).
There are better combinations though. Try using the BG2 characters from BG1. Imoen, Jaheira, Minsc, Edwin and Viconia. Now that works
My flying cow fought him in melee combat, does that make the Temple a zoo? Mind you, it also killed me.
I generally used the 'canon party' but always took my sweet time to recruit Minsc and Dynaheir to use as many npcs for as long as possible: Kagain, Garrick and so on. So depending on the time you can recruit and do the main quests with the three new NPCs, I might be able to use them for at least a while.
I played TotSC for the first time only after I finished ToB. Then I read the books. Then I realized.
So I did the following:
Installed BG1 + TotSC. Seen Mission Pack default save. Loaded default save. Seen the 'canon' party. Seen Abdel (a human, blue-haired Drow???).
"Abdel deleted. Goodbye Abdel..." (paraphrasing from Portal 2)
Moved on and started a completely new game.
In BG1, I experimented with several party formations in different play throughs, though Imoen and Jaheria always were in there. In BG2 though, I always find myself falling into the same rut. I guess it's because of the much better party banter in it, but I end up feeling bad if I don't take Aiere along for instance.
My first play-through of BG:EE, I might ditch all of the canon party members and try to recruit some new blood. I'm thinking Neera, Edwin, Rasaad, Imoen (she's compulsory), and...Kivan, I guess. Which means I'll have to play a cleric. Edwin might end up getting himself killed, but it'll be worth it.