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A mysterious encounter

FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
Having brought everybody back to the good old Copper Kettle for some well deserved R&R, Jaheira and I were heading off to buy me a new gem bag when we were suddenly accosted by Terminsel, who was the same dude who gave me the note some time ago about Jaheira going back to Harper Hold for a trial. Apparently, his name is an anagram of Elminster. (I suck at puzzles, this went TOTALLY over my head the first time around! Doh!)

He made some of his typically enigmatic utterances to Jaheira, who seemed uncertain of her answers, then came out with yet another vague statement about how her uncertainty would be her punishment, and then vanished back into the shadows. I then got a message to the effect "Journal updated: Jaheira judged". However, when I looked in my journal entry page, there was absolutely NOTHING about this entire encounter, leaving me to wonder what the hell had just happened.

Am I to infer from this that Jaheira's pursuit by the Harper's is over? Too bad, actually, if true. Their threat level had dropped, and they were giving us decent experience and some items to sell for cash, which I desperately need after my impulse buying spree at Trademeet. And what exactly WAS the judgement anyway? "We sentence you to ... uncertainty". Ooooh, how terrible! We went back to the Harper Hold, but both floors were totally deserted. No help there. Guess I'll have to wait and see.

More puzzling to me is "Terminsel"/Elminster's motivation. MyChar has met him at least 3x before (in BG1), so to carry off this masquerade he must have used an assumed name and then disguised not only his face but his appearance and voice as well. Why bother? What was to be gained by pretending to be a total stranger? After all those centuries, is he starting to get senile? A disturbing thought, given the fact that he has power approaching that of a lesser deity. Who knows what other mischief could he get into? Does he need a keeper, and if so, "Qui custodiet custodies?"

Assuming that he is not senile, then there is only one thing I can come up with. He doesn't actually give a Philadelphia Flying **** about Justice or The Balance or any of that stuff. After all these years, he's bored as heck, and amusing himself by playing mind games with all the lesser mortals. "Ok, today I think I'll disguise myself, make some pretentious but actually meaningless statements, then hang around invisibly and laugh as they try to figure out what's going on".

Elminster is much too full of himself. Get some therapy, buddy!
Post edited by FrdNwsm on


  • MhamzaMhamza Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2015
    Out of curiosity, what was the last stage of Jaheira's quest you completed before Elminster came calling?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    I have to say it once again: I like the feeling you put into your "discoveries", @FrdNwsm ! The feeling of the first ever BG playthrough... is priceless!

    As for the encounter you're referring to, all Jaheira quests (curse, Reviane, Dermin and Terminsel) appear if you just have Jaheira in the party, no matter if you romance her or not.

    The output of the last encounter with Terminsel depends completely on your party reputation.

    If your reputation is 9 or lower, Terminsel says that Jaheira is not as much in the right as she thought. He leaves her with that thought.

    This what seemed to happen in your playthrough.

    If your reputation is 10 or higher, it will have completely different dialogue. I won't give you any spoilers about it.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    Mhamza said:

    Out of curiosity, what was the last stage of Jaheira's quest you completed before Elminster came calling?

    We been accosted by the third group of Harpers, headed by a guy named Dermin, back in Trademeet. This took place as I was preparing to go and recruit Korgan, Viconia, Hexxat and Yoshimo for some of the lesser NPC sidequests, but before I had actually added them to the group.

  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    Bengoshi: I haven't checked my reputation yet, but I know that back in Trademeet I was actually concerned that is was running too high; it was at 14. I even mentioned this in one of my last Trademeet posts. I will go back into the game and check it again, but I can't think of anything I might have done in the meantime to have it drop; I haven't recruited Viconia yet.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    OK, my Reputation is STILL 14, so your assessment of Elminster's ... excuse me, I mean Terminsel's ... response trigger seems to be a bit off. Maybe it's also affected by my alignment, or race, or some other obscure factor, like what I had for lunch.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    edited April 2015
    " The feeling of the first ever BG playthrough... "

    Recently, I seem to be spending more time reading the forum and typing posts than actually playing the game. At this rate, I'll die of old age before completing even one play-through.

    Given the fact that I just turned 67, this is not necessarily that much of an exaggeration. I better buckle down and concentrate!
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    Also, does anyone know where Viconia has wandered off to? I thought she said she would be hanging out in the Graveyard, but I can't seem to find her. I could be mistaken. I even went back at night to look, figuring it might be a Drow thing to prefer darkness, but nada. I even checked back in the Government district where the stakes are, but no luck there either.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    Never mind; found her.
  • NoonNoon Member Posts: 203
    I think Terminsel's answer depends on the romance with Jaheira, how she feels about you. If the romance is in your favor, she will be sure about her decision, whereas if you didn't romanced her, she will be unsure about her actions towards you and the attacking Harpers, and thus Terminsel will not reward her (and i got a journal entry for that btw).
    About Elminster hiding his name, it is because of Jaheira who knows his name because of his relations with the Harpers, not you.

    About Viconia, I think she waits in the end of the north west alley.
  • mrb101mrb101 Member Posts: 70
    I believe you need 16 or higher rep for the best outcome from terminsel
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    edited April 2015
    Hmm, we have two opinions re the determining factor. Reputation vs romance.

    Now, I am not about to romance anyone. As a prospective deity myself, I am holding out for a minor fertility goddess, or at the very least a Valkyrie. And what if the protagonist is female and no romance is possible? If that's the case, that whole outcome is pretty biased.

    Reputation; I don't think I saved that position, or I could test that theory by dumping a bunch of coins in a temple. Let me see.
  • NoonNoon Member Posts: 203
    I searched in the files, and it appears that both conditions (reputation > 15 or romance) are checked.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    OK, so it's an either or thing. I DO have a slot saved but it's a bit far back. Before the heros of Trademeet thing, before fighting Dermin, etc. OK, I'm going to try playing it from that point on, but it will take a few hours of time go go through all that stuff again. Is it worth doing all that just to have Mr. Enigmatic favor me with a different flavor of his inscrutable wisdom?
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    I think at some point you also get a bonus item if Terminsel rules in your favor. Can't remember if it happens immediately. Anyway, it's a decent enough item for Jaheira, but it's certainly not game-changing.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    Suffering as I do from mild OCD, I had already started a re-run of the Rakshasa scenario, but thanks for the input. Basically, I know that if I go through the rerun (including the mantle of Waukeen mini quest) I'll get reputation of 14, at which point I'll toss some gold at Waukeen (or whoever is caretaking her temple, I forget the name) and buy 2 more reputation, and see if Elminster's opinion of us soars.
  • mrb101mrb101 Member Posts: 70
    i have gotten the Jaheira is uncertain of her actions end the quest before and reloaded a save and upped my rep to 16 then completed it and gotten the good reward so i know rep affects it don't know about romance tho.

    i find it weird that you need a somewhat high rep for the best outcome when Jaheira is a druid, shouldn't you need a neutral rep?
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    Terminsel rewards you with an item of power, if Jaheira is happy and content. It is ısable by Jaheira only, but becomes a permanent fixture of her equipment even until the end of tob in my games.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    edited April 2015
    Thanks for the heads up; I have finished up most of the Trademeet stuff, gotten my 14 rep. I was going to buy my way up to 17 just to be sure, but if 16 is good, I'll settle for that. Don't want to get too well liked for when I go over to the Dark Side.

    I'm almost tempted to help poor Rasaad out with his problem, before I leave Trademeet. I am planning to come back for more shopping later on, though, so I can do it then.

    Also, my gem bag vanished yet again! Is there a pickpocket hanging out in the town? I had it when I got back from the Rakshasa mission, but when I headed out retrieve the Mantle of Waukeen it was gone again. That's rather puzzling.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    edited April 2015
    Oh, and I was determined to save that poor philosopher as well. After all, the Gods had gifted us with foresight. We KNEW what was going to happen, so we took preemptive action. As soon as Wallace the Thug came into sight, we attacked him; blew him apart in one round with magic missiles and arrows, before the argument even started. Interestingly enough, no argument ever took place. I guess the one philosopher didn't want to get into any fight without his thug to back him up. Also we only got 30 experience for killing Wallace, instead of 480. That's fine though; we saved a life and that's what's important.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    edited April 2015
    Well, several amusing things. First, the philosophers reappeared, this time with a second thug! I guess when the Fates decide on someone's Destiny, they cannot be balked. Sure enough, the first philosopher went down, but this time we wrought retribution on both Huntley (the new thug's name) and his employer. The guy was fast but he couldn't outrun a magic missile.

    On the way back we made a stopover to rest and Elminster showed up. Strangely enough, the extra 2 reputation also seems to have sharpened Jaheira's eyesight! She perceived that Terminsel was an anagram of Elminster and recognized him. She got pinned, and yes it's a decent item. The main thing for me, however, was that Elminster himself totally confirmed my suspicions about his motivations! Yay me!

    If you scroll back, you can see that I speculated that he was just bored; well, his exact words to Jaheira this time around are "Yes, well, one must keep amused in one's old age."

    I SO nailed it!
    ::Does a little Happy Dance::

    Ever seen a 350 LB half-orc Berserker do a happy dance, btw? It's pretty scary.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    edited April 2015
    Oh, and interestingly enough both Neera and Jaheira complained when I pumped our rep up to 16.

    Neera: "I don't like where this is going"
    Jaheira: We must strive to maintain the Balance"

    Well, kiddies, the Balance is going to shift a lot very soon. Hope you're happy traveling with a vampire and a psychotic mage!
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    No matter what the game says, Jaheira is not true neutral. Nothing in her personality, associations, or character arc suggests that she's anything but good aligned. The reputation requirement reflects her writing, not her game mechanics. Sadly, her reputation comments are tied to those mechanics, so they tend to conflict with everything else she says.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited April 2015
    Jarrakul said:

    No matter what the game says, Jaheira is not true neutral. Nothing in her personality, associations, or character arc suggests that she's anything but good aligned. The reputation requirement reflects her writing, not her game mechanics. Sadly, her reputation comments are tied to those mechanics, so they tend to conflict with everything else she says.

    I like to think that her reputation comments are out of duty for her druidhood. Her heart is in a good place. She is like 'I am a druid so I must blab about balance once in a while. Okay, done. Ooh, an evil slaver guy let's take him down and rescue the poor orphans! Errm, I shouldn't look too willing, though. Glad Minsc is here. Hey Minsc, look, evil! Minsc, smash!'
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    So what you're saying is (if you'll forgive the otaku-speak), Jaheira is tsundere for the concept of goodness? Because that idea amuses me to no end.
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