Dorn V Drizzt: Who would win?... Lets get ready to rrrrrumble!!!

Okay... If Dorn was a lvl 15 Blackguard and he met a lvl 15 Drizzt (Fighter / Barbarian / Ranger)
Who would win... Let the battle commence!
EDIT: Dorn would rip Drizzt's intestines out... Dorn ripping his own out and feeding them Drizzt is just plain wrong ON SO MANY levels...
Who would win... Let the battle commence!
EDIT: Dorn would rip Drizzt's intestines out... Dorn ripping his own out and feeding them Drizzt is just plain wrong ON SO MANY levels...
- Dorn V Drizzt: Who would win?... Lets get ready to rrrrrumble!!!92 votes
- Dorn would win. Dorn would rip his intestines out, then make sausages out of them, before frying and feeding them back to Drizzt...19.57%
- Drizzt would win. Drizzt will blind Dorn with his majestic sword skill before mercyfully decapitating him with one fluid strike.73.91%
- Draw. After an epic battle of good verses pure evil, balance remains supreme...  6.52%
This post is dedicated to the memory of @xlegionX, who once had a blackguard that challenged me. And lost. VERY VERY BADLY.
Seriously, level 15 is high, VERY high. Considering people can kill him with the classic 161k cap solo, I can't see why a level 15 Blackguard wouldn't. What's the natural THAC0 on level 15, 6? With a +3 weapon and grandmastery, you hit 0, with Strength bonuses from a Storm Giant potion, you should hit negative 6 or something like that!
Here's the result, have fun watching
About video above: buff + 15 lvl. Need I say more?
And btw... Is Anduin has some kind of fetish about Drizzt? It's like thrid topic about Drizzt from him.
@ZelgadisGW : true, but then again when is it a fair fight - if you got Drizzt, with hundreds of years of experience and twice your level, or if you cheat through the level cap yourself? Besides, his level is 16, his natural THAC0 should be 5, not 0. As well as his AC is -10, with dexterity 20 and an armor which lowers AC by 7 + defender. 6 - 9 = -3, not -10.
I may have cheated, but so did he
Also, his natural attacks per round are 10. Sure thing mr. Drizzt, sure thing
Even at equal levels, the Drizzt from the books has some powerful Drow innate abilities in addition to him being an exceptional warrior.
By the looks of it a plain ol' fighter one level below bested Drizzt so...
Anyway, I know that you wanted Anduin to feel good, so there is nothing wrong with this ;]
Drizzt Maniacal syndrome, I see
As for that video - it only shows what would happen if the battle takes place in the BG1 engine, and it doesn't show the fighter's stats or chosen difficulty level.
I assumed the discussion is about what a battle would be like if they both knew what they were doing and not when guided by the game's AI subroutine.
There are characters from BG that are now canon. Any character who appears in the... the... the... BG novels are canonized. So this is: Jaheira, Minsc, Montaron, Xzar, Khalid, Imoen, Abdel Adrian (CHARNAME), Irenicus etc.
But I shall say no more! The novels are taboo 'round these parts.
There are also a surprisingly large amount of characters who appear in the games who are from canon sources. I made a thread (on another forum) collecting their names a while ago. I never got to finishing it though and I knew of a few others (now only remember one of them) that I never added.