Any ideas on Dorn Il-Khan starting location?

Unlike the other new guys nothing is mentioned where Dorn is recruited so I was wondering if that is an honest omission or if there is something special about it.... So does anyone have the slightest idea on Dorn Il-Khan starting location and level?
I think he's being attacked by somebody and it's up to you if you help him or not. Of course I might be deadly mistaken.
He's already a member of the party in that screenshot so that probably isn't where you first encounter him.
Top and bottom right are as you've all said are from the Gibberling Mountains location AR5500. However bottom left is Wyrms Crossing AR0900 the bridge on the way into Baldurs Gate,hmm why have that?
Top left is a one of the locations from the "you have been waylaid by enemies and must defend yourself!" wandering monsters encounter you sometimes get whilst travelling between the main areas...again why?
So my point is CAN you judge anything from these 4 screenshots? Are they not just random screenshots to show off some of the game and Dorn.
Rasaad and Neera's 4 screenshots are all from the two new locations their characters stories are involved in and tied to showing what we've got to look forward to.
It says in his new character description he's "imprisioned". Don't know if thats present or past. Could he be in the garrison/barracks in Naskell? I haven't played BG in years,is there another prison anywhere?
Or it could be a screenshot of when Dorn catches up with one of the traitorous mercenaries he's sworn to destroy?
It passes the time to guess...
as there is apparently variation in how all this occurs. It's all rather confusing at this point.
1) you are to speak with Dorn prior to going to the Nashkel mines, and,
2) after you do, then upon entering the Nashkel mines map area the joinable encounter occurs ("You have been waylaid by enemies and must defend youself," etc.)
In addition, it seems that if you did not speak with Dorn before completing the Nashkel mines quest, you can still then go speak to him... and he will refuse to join... but if you then travel to the Nashkel mines map the encounter will take place as well. (Although, after completing the Nashkel mines how many players will have occasion to return there? Not many, I'll wager.)
Evidently if you do not speak to him at all, the encounter will eventually take place later in the game, apparently via a timer, or according to some random variable, or something like that.