New recruit!

Hello everyone, im new to the forum. I just got Icewind dale, and quickly realized im going to need alot of help. I had to give this game a shot as i have just gotten done reading the entire book series. I know this game will be amazing after i get the hang of it. Anyways advise/tips are always nice. Like how to kill the very first group of
Post edited by MastaPangborn on
Enjoy this great game.
I also just got Bulders gate EE. Which one is easier? Im completely new to this type of rpg, so ive got a lot of learning to do. Im assuming BG is in the same realm as Drizzt considering its a major town in Ferun?
Thanks for the warm greetings, ill try to keep the noobing to a minimum. :]
IWD is all about crowd control, particularly when you're starting out. A Mage using Magic Missile sounds cool, but stuff like Sleep and Grease are far more useful.
The more you can make it so that enemies can't even attempt to hit you, the better.
AC: Determines how often you get hit. Lower is better.
Physical damage resistance: Makes you take less damage when you do get hit. Higher is better.
Saving throws ("saves"): Determine whether you can avoid certain effects from magic, poison, etc. Lower is better.
Somewhat confusingly, bonuses are often listed as positive (like +1) even when their actual effect is to lower something, like AC or saves.
Unlike in IWD, the other members of your party in BG will be NPCs that you meet. They have distinct personalities and scripted dialogue. Your party can change throughout the game as you meet and interact with different characters, who often come with their own required quests. You'll probably eventually want a party that's not too far away from what you described, but there's a lot of flexibility.
Use ranged weapons. That's pretty much it.
You can't pick up throwing axes (or any projectiles) after you've thrown them, but magical returning throwing weapons exist. Unfortunately, only one of them (an axe) is in BG1, and it's near the end of the game. There are also magical throwing axes +1 in Beregost, but they don't return when you throw them.
EDIT: Two things. First, you might think about moving this thread to the "New Players (NO SPOILERS!)" forum, especially since it's not really about IWD anymore. (Click the little gear icon at the top right to edit it.) Second, that forum has a nice little guide that's probably worth reading:
Throwing axes are fine, so long as you use them sparingly. The cost isn't really an issue, as they're pretty cheap and you'll be swimming in money before too long, but they're heavy enough that you can't carry that many. They're a fine secondary weapon, though, and of course the returning ones are fantastic.
To elaborate on the whole "lower AC is better" thing, a lot of mechanics in 2nd edition D&D are actually better when they're lower. For a full breakdown, I'll just link you to a guide a wrote a couple years back. The basic mechanics section (page 4) should tell you what you need to know.
@MastaPangborn, you mentioned that you are a treasure hunter. If you press TAB on your keyboard in Baldur's Gate, it highlights all items on the ground and all containers and doors (except secret doors) and many interactive items. It also shows the names of different NPCs (in BGEE) above their heads. TAB is my best friend in BG.
If you already knew this, then ignore my entire post.