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Who was Sarevok's mother?

All based on speculation and ideas I think so summon them forth! :D


  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited April 2015
    Rieltar Anchev's wife. She cheated Rieltar and had one night stand with Bhaal so that was why Rieltar had her strangled to death infront of her son.

    (Ofcourse this makes no sense as he was with pc as a baby and was adopted, I think?)
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    edited April 2015
    I'm lovin' those speculations!

    Gorion kills the Priestess of Bhaal , Sarevok's Mother. Since she was going to sacrifice Sarevok , it seems that Gorion unintentionaly saved his future murderer's life .

    Now here's the enigma: If Gorion were given some insight that an older child, also present at the temple of Bhaal, would eventually become his assassin, would he have spared him? Would he try to save both?
    Post edited by DJKajuru on
  • ThatTwitchyGuyThatTwitchyGuy Member Posts: 23
    Isn't it obvious? It was Biff the Understudy of course.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    From the Sarevok's diary:

    "19th of Marpenoth, 1367: The Iron Throne council has agreed to support Rieltar's plan. He has been given all the resources he needs, as well as leadership of the project. I have expressed interest to my 'father', and he had promised to include me within the operations along the Sword Coast. He mentioned mother in our conversation: how I wasn't to be unfaithful to him as she had. He made it clear that I would suffer her fate if I was."

    "11th of Nightal, 1367: I had a dream this night. My mother was talking to me, but as she did her face became bloated and discolored. Her voice became weaker as she spoke to me, telling me to save her from Rieltar. "

    So, the game indeed tells us that Sarevok's mother was Rieltar Anchev's wife.

    Do we believe it or not, is another question.
  • ArnaeusArnaeus Member Posts: 90
    Well given they adopted him it's hardly surprising he calls her mother, regardless of if she was biologically.

    The dream however I find interesting because the bloated imagery is similar to how you see Mulahey in the second dream
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    I don't think Rieltar's wife is his mother, he 'escaped' when Gorion and Harpers grabbed Charname. He is stated to have been later on adopted.

    Could totally have a clergywoman as his biological mom, seeing as he was supposed to be sacrificed.
  • TethorilofLathanderTethorilofLathander Member Posts: 427
    I was thinking more along the lines of where his mother came from :) I'm wondering if she was from Rashemen, perhaps a Durthan?
  • TethorilofLathanderTethorilofLathander Member Posts: 427
    From Forgotten Realms wiki:

    "They wore masks like the Hathrans to disguise their identities and pretended that they were of the same order"

    Sounds like Sarevok ;)
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    I believe we can shrink the search radius of his mother's origin quite a bit if we just analyze his portrait for a second. Prominent features are; baldness, a goatee, an affinity for iron and glowing flash-light eyes.

    Which leads me to believe she may be a housemaid from either Acheron or Dis!
  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
    There's an op's mum joke in here somewhere but damn if I'm not clever enough to make it.
  • TethorilofLathanderTethorilofLathander Member Posts: 427
    Or wise enough to avoid it ;)
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