#15982 [Multiplayer] Loading saves should not introduce extra in-transit creatures

I had many NPS (hobgoblin, deers, pheasants, Hayes...) spawning everywhere for a while. Not too bad, just walk around them. In Hell, the game crashes. when Irenicus appears after the last tear, dozens NPS appear to and it crashes. I can't go on.
Post edited by Gate70 on
Here you are @Gate70
@Gate70 No clue what has caused this, but it sounds like an issue posted in this topic.
Did you started you game in multiplayer mode, felipeg?
There are NPC characters that appear in the new areas. The tefling lady and gnome with a staff as well as some other bridge district people. Also it is a bother since if I kill them it is a rep loss. Like an actual 100 appeared in a watcher keep maze room and then the game crashed. I have a auto save I should do a screen shot and put it here
I do not recall this many bugs with the old orginal game. that makes too fatal crashes with Beam dawg - 1 with BG2 and this NPC spawn thing and another with IWD with the traps you should not pick or it wrecks the passage tot the stairs.
I guess I should grt into board games as they never crash until I play some fat force guys who can deny they can lose...
If you can attach a save @Beowulf we can probably get it sorted for you.
I spent a fair bit of time trying to remove the same offenders from every area in your save but there was one area that kept failing. It sounds like you have an alternate option now though.
I think I have a reliable repro case for it but only in multiplayer with at least two players.
#15982 Loading multiplayer saves with clients present should not introduce extra creatures that were in transit
If it is happening in single player or 1 person multiplayer more investigation is required.
If adding to this thread please could you advises creatures seen (and their creature code if you know it).
DEER01 Deer
PHEAS01 Pheasant
SHUGOD?? Odren (not sure which one as there are two versions of him. Maybe his group too)
HOBELI01 (Hobgoblin Elite)
UHFEM02 (Johanna)
UHMAN01 (Ander) It might be a script-related issue. All listed creatures are using either MoveBetweenAreas(), RunAwayFrom(), EscapeAreaMove() or EscapeAreaObjectMove() in their own or related scripts. All of these actions allow the affected creatures to travel between areas. Not to my knowledge. You have to look it up in a resource editor, such as Near Infinity.
Mouseover the creature and use ctrl/m. Scroll up the text log and you'll see something like *EER01 for DEER01. The asterisk'd value would be enough to go on.
From what I can see, this happens when a game is loaded with creatures in transit. If that's the case, there is no real workaround unless you can complete every transition without reloading.