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#15982 [Multiplayer] Loading saves should not introduce extra in-transit creatures

felipegfelipeg Member Posts: 3
edited August 2015 in BGII:EE Bugs (v1.3.2064)
I had many NPS (hobgoblin, deers, pheasants, Hayes...) spawning everywhere for a while. Not too bad, just walk around them. In Hell, the game crashes. when Irenicus appears after the last tear, dozens NPS appear to and it crashes. I can't go on.
Post edited by Gate70 on


  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Can you zip and attach a save please @felipeg
  • felipegfelipeg Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2015
    Thanks for your reaction
    Here you are @Gate70
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,523
    @felipeg I have removed all of the creatures from the map in the attached save (there were over 850 of them!). Just unpack it into your save folder.

    @Gate70 No clue what has caused this, but it sounds like an issue posted in this topic.
  • felipegfelipeg Member Posts: 3
    Thanks! Worked just fine :-)
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Much appreciated @argent77 I've seen a few of these reports and think there must be a cause in the current version. Most players seem not to experience this issue but those who dooften get inundated so it may be down to how the game is being played and a certain effect causing the issue. e.g. the after-effect of a particular spell for example.
  • switswit Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 495
    edited May 2015
    maybe it's somehow related to this issue (read last few posts in that topic)?

    Did you started you game in multiplayer mode, felipeg?
  • BeowulfBeowulf Member Posts: 236
    I have NO add ons and NO cheats I am not even sure how to do that.
    There are NPC characters that appear in the new areas. The tefling lady and gnome with a staff as well as some other bridge district people. Also it is a bother since if I kill them it is a rep loss. Like an actual 100 appeared in a watcher keep maze room and then the game crashed. I have a auto save I should do a screen shot and put it here
  • BeowulfBeowulf Member Posts: 236
    edited May 2015
    Wow I can now not finish the game every time I try to pass through one room of the Maze the Game crashes as there are around 1000 npc spawns in it.

    I do not recall this many bugs with the old orginal game. that makes too fatal crashes with Beam dawg - 1 with BG2 and this NPC spawn thing and another with IWD with the traps you should not pick or it wrecks the passage tot the stairs.

    I guess I should grt into board games as they never crash until I play some fat force guys who can deny they can lose...
    Post edited by Beowulf on
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Merging threads.

    If you can attach a save @Beowulf we can probably get it sorted for you.
  • BeowulfBeowulf Member Posts: 236
    I think that is the file there for the bugged save in the watchers keep
  • BeowulfBeowulf Member Posts: 236
    Ok I guess this is a one off bug and I should just restart...I assume it is a very rare bug that only happened maybe 2 times so far... anyway the bug is kind of funny - I would enjoy it and kill all the sillly spawns except I do not want the Archer to become fallen (and more importantly it crashes when there are like 200 of them duplicating) ... otherwise it would be cool as it is fun to game the reputation in the game- Back in the day when I was silly I use to kill all the paladins, priests, and temple guards in the temple district before going on to the point of no return ending part before TOB - I guess I should stick to playing equally tragic fated I am the super hero game - I forgot the name - removed it from my harddrive after saving the girl from being sacrificed- ahhh it is the new rp game on steam pretty much a clone of baldurs gate except you get no exp for killing monsters. Cheers to all my basement dwellers! Swords and Hot pizza pockets for everyone!
  • BeowulfBeowulf Member Posts: 236
    oh I should add I did not cheat my characters with the Gate kepper or Enchanced keeper either - that Barbarian in the party really did get an 18(00) I like to reroll a lot in the party screen and listen to podcasts or books... I think that is maybe the best part of the game...
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    I spent a fair bit of time trying to remove the same offenders from every area in your save but there was one area that kept failing. It sounds like you have an alternate option now though.
  • BeowulfBeowulf Member Posts: 236
    Ok thanks for the reply and attempt- yeah there is one part in the maze where there are like 200 npcs. It is crazy- it always crashes there. Anyway, have a nice weekend and don't go work for Blizzard as they always nerf the overpower and execute attacks on fighters.

  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    251 I believe & yeah that was the breaker.
  • StephenBjrStephenBjr Member Posts: 1
    I have played this before the updates and had no problems, now after two or three saves, I get pheasants, then after a while all the npc's from the Watchtower start piling up. Great place to farm experience when I can actually walk around the map. Happens everywhere. I have killed Odren about thirty times.
  • msimonellimsimonelli Member Posts: 3
    Has there been any further progress with this bug yet? I am experiencing the same thing with random NPC's appearing in dungeons where they don't belong, as well as all the wild mages from the hidden refuge showing up in Trademeet. I believe this is causing multiplayer crashes and making the game unplayable for me.
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    edited July 2015
    Does anyone get this in single player.

    I think I have a reliable repro case for it but only in multiplayer with at least two players.
    #15982 Loading multiplayer saves with clients present should not introduce extra creatures that were in transit

    If it is happening in single player or 1 person multiplayer more investigation is required.
  • msimonellimsimonelli Member Posts: 3
    I am in multiplayer with 2 players. I've even had merchants showing up with their inventories inside dungeons. I've also noticed that save times are getting longer and longer, which I'm assuming is related. The client sometimes gets kicked out during saving or when loading new areas.
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Thanks. At this stage I don't know if it is a creature-specific issue or something more generic such as an engine issue.

    If adding to this thread please could you advises creatures seen (and their creature code if you know it).
    IDJINN Malaaq
    OHNHAYES Hayes
    DEER01 Deer
    PHEAS01 Pheasant
    SHUGOD?? Odren (not sure which one as there are two versions of him. Maybe his group too)
  • msimonellimsimonelli Member Posts: 3
    Is there a console command to list creatures codes that are in an area?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,523
    edited August 2015
    More creatures seen (in the attached save of felipeg's post above):
    HOBELI01 (Hobgoblin Elite)
    UHFEM02 (Johanna)
    UHMAN01 (Ander)
    Gate70 said:

    At this stage I don't know if it is a creature-specific issue or something more generic such as an engine issue.

    It might be a script-related issue. All listed creatures are using either MoveBetweenAreas(), RunAwayFrom(), EscapeAreaMove() or EscapeAreaObjectMove() in their own or related scripts. All of these actions allow the affected creatures to travel between areas.

    Is there a console command to list creatures codes that are in an area?

    Not to my knowledge. You have to look it up in a resource editor, such as Near Infinity.
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Yes, agree about the scripting but you could still theorise that it comes down to the engine doing something slightly different to the intended behaviour. I'd assumed it was something like movebetweenareas but interesting to see runawayfrom could do the same so thanks for that.

    Mouseover the creature and use ctrl/m. Scroll up the text log and you'll see something like *EER01 for DEER01. The asterisk'd value would be enough to go on.

  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Repro case simplified, in multiplayer mode with no clients.

    From what I can see, this happens when a game is loaded with creatures in transit. If that's the case, there is no real workaround unless you can complete every transition without reloading.
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    (& if playing with no multiplayer clients, e.g. 1 player with 2 or more generated characters, it would make sense to move your save game from the mpsave folder to the save folder and play in single player mode)
  • MorelynMorelyn Member Posts: 11
    I wonder if someone could please take a look at the attached saved multiplayer game. Chieftan DigDag keeps reappearing, as you will see if you walk into the temple where Gaal and Tad are and expose the center. Sometimes multiple DigDags occur. If you go into the beholder pit, there are many pheasants underfoot.

  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,523
    @Morelyn Try this. I have removed all Chieftain DigDags and pheasants I could find.
  • MorelynMorelyn Member Posts: 11
    @argent77 So far so good. Thanks very much.
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