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Best amulets in BG2

What amulets do you end up keeping on your party members in BG2 and through ToB? Obviously the Amulet of Power on a caster and Amulet of the Master Harper on a thief, but beyond that what do you think the best amulets to use on each member of a six-person party are? And what's your opinion on the Sensate Amulet, is it worth wearing for the HP and Prot. from Evil? Also, does the amulet of Cheetah Speed stack with Boots of Speed?


  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    Anything that helps with MR and saves is nice: Amulet of Seldarine, Kaligun's Amulet of MR, Amulet of 5% MR, Amulet of Spell Warding... I like the Sensate Amulet, especially in situations where it puts my Cleric over 90 HP for Power Word: Stun immunity. Amulet of the Master Harper is decent for Imoen, but otherwise I've never found it that useful. You get it so late in the game that AC barely matters and a thief is likely to have LP and FT maxed out.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    The Harper Pin for Jaheira, of course. The Amulet of Metaspell Influence is nice for the extra Mirror Image. The magic resistance amulets are also nice. I don't tend to use the Sensate Amulet, since protection of evil is really easy to come by.

    For the record, I like the Amulet of the Master Harper on a swashbuckler or blade. Those two kits tend to get enough AC for the additional +3 to actually matter. The Amulet of Power, meanwhile, is hands-down the best amulet in the game, imo.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    The Agni Mani Necklace is very pretty.
  • YannirYannir Member Posts: 595
    I still remember my very first playthrough when I equipped everybody with useless rings and amulets so they would look pretty. Aerie ofc had an Angel ring, whatever it's name actually is. :smiley:

    But on a more serious note, Amulet of Power is king. Amulet of the Master Harper and Harper's Pin for Jaheira are close seconds. Amulet of the Seldarine is good but the rest are so optional. I never even bother thinking about them much. I've found Periapt of Proof Against Poison useful, Metaspell Influence is good for a F/M or Blade or any secondary spellcaster. The Sensate Amulet is IMO only useful for a monk.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited May 2015
    Amulet that grants +3 save vs death is a godsend for the secondary mage in the group. (main mage will get the amulet of power, ofcourse)
    Because mages are horribly weak at save vs death, and in high lvls, failing one is very bad news. Insta death or vorpal hit etc. This amulet helps the mage's frail save vs death and is more useful than a +1 2nd lvl spell, IMHO.

    Get the amulet, a knave's robe, and a lavender ioun stone for the wonderful +8 to save vs death. With a ring of protection it is +10 and a high lvl mage will always pass his save. Otherwise, a wail of the banshee kills an archmage %50 of the time.

    +2 protection amulet from wild mage camp quest is nice too, and it used to stack with other magical protection. I am not sure if it is fixed now, though.
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    edited May 2015
    Amulet of Power rules overall, whether you are playing Cleric or Mage it is just too strong.
    Harper's Pin is just as strong, a pity it is equippable by Jaheira only

    Amulet of the master harper is quite decent for Haer'Dalis as this + defensive spin is very low AC, and such low AC is useful even in late ToB.

    Then come the Magic resistance amulets which are really decent.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    Because Jaheira rocks!
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