Do you have the Rest until healed option ticked in the options menu? If not, you only get a few HP healed for an 8 hour rest. With it selected, your priest or whoever else has healing spells will use them to heal everyone up. You may find it makes you rest for more than 8 hours, but at least your party will be ready to rock when they get off their lazy bums.
Do you have the Rest until healed option ticked in the options menu?
This. Unless you have that option checked, you will only regain the HP you could get through an 8 hour rest period. Once it's checked though, you might find your party resting for 16 hours or more until everyone is fully healed.
The cutscene doesn't actually have anything to do with it. It's just a little bit of extra flavor. But yes it's the same amount of my case about 1/2 second before I click past it.
I really don't know why they give you the "option" to rest until healed. I've never left that unticked. I guess it's for players that like imposing as many self-limitations as possible *shrug*
Way back in the day of BG1 you used to only be able to rest for 8 hours. If you wanted to heal more significantly than 1-4 health/rest then needed to cast healing spells as well on yourself. If you wanted to get more healing out of a rest then you'd purchase a more expensive room at an inn. Healing spells also wouldn't auto-cast when you rest. So anyways that is an option that has been in the game since BG2 and it probably was put there so that people who wanted to rest, cast healing spells, and then rest again could do so.
@elminster I think most decent players don't rest all the time anyway. When we do rest, it's because it is well-needed and well-deserved. When I rest after going through a whole dungeon without it, I don't want the inconvenience of only being partially healed.
I don't use the "rest until healed" option, but that's because I want to minimize my in-game clear times. I'm not sure many other people play with that particular constraint.