What do you do when roleplay and stats contradict?

Hello once again my fated forum friends! So I've spent a good 12 days now trying to decide my party of IWD:EE on my iPhone. Being it's on my iPhone I have no mods and such available like I did on my PC run of the game. Anyway, I had an idea for a really airheaded Cleric character. Like they are intelligent and such but are devoted to Talos, God of Storms. The character is chaotic neutral and I'm going to RP them as a sort-of nature caster. Granted the character is a gnome so I can't make them a druid. Anyway, I imagine the char stats to be something like 15 str, 16 dex, 16 Con, 14 int, 9 wis, 14 cha. The only issue is the 9 wis. Wisdom is the Cleric's primary casting stat. . . fortunately they aren't a mage or they wouldn't be able to cast high level arcane spells. Anyway, should I sacrifice my RP idea for the char and raise their wis or keep it low in line with their personality?
You're the DM. It's up to you.
Of course not. In fact Tiax rules all!
I say you should treat your character no differently
Gnome Cleric with 9 wisdom it is! I'm also considering raising int and lowering cha because of a lack in social skills as well. Thanks, guys n_n.
But then again I imagine this character trying to do a prayer and failing the words/chant horribly.
So it fits. XD
Stressful imho would be 'in a battle that is challenging', ie vs named enemies and other tough opponents. Not a good solo idea maybe, but fine in a party. I would think out of battle casting could be left alone, since checking for EVERY SPELL would suck and be boring.
/goes and grabs a 1d10 from my dice bag.