There is no doubt in my mind that I have made it to the heart of the Yuan-ti base of operations, this level is literally swarming with the scaly b*****ds! Even the central corridor winds in and out like a slithering snake.
With my spellbook so empty, progress will undoubtedly be slow, but with enough time I am confident I can punch through the Yuan-ti ranks. For now I have resorted to my staff of summoning, summoning a small hoard of ogres and yeti to help speed up my clearance of the area.
As I have fought my way down the tunnel I have encountered a mysterious young girl, she speaks in riddles and warps away whenever I try to converse with her. The girl is obviously more than she seems, I should be on my guard.
The worst dangers I have faced so far have come from the small passageways that snake off from the main corridor. The first led me to a well guarded treasury.
Despite the large contingent of guards, the contents of the treasury was underwhelming, the only item of interest was an unidentifiable magical sword that I have stashed away in my bag of holding for now.
The second snaking passage led to a Yuan-ti barracks, I was almost overwhelmed by snakemen warriors as I stepped unprepared into the room, I hastily retreated to the corridor, preparing my now customary skull trap greeting.
The first wave fell in unison as the deafening sound of my blast echoed down the long corridor, but before I could celebrate my victory a second larger wave barged through the doorway eager to please their snake god by removing my head. I continued to backpeddle as I prepared my second trap, once again the snakes collapsed in unison as the magical blast tore through their numbers.
I now had a problem, when I first stepped into the barracks, I saw a large number of archers as well as the warriors who had chased me outside. If I step through the doorway again, I'd likely find an arrow between my eyes.
Clutching my staff of summoning, I decided to call some cannon fodder to assist me. A moment later I had two invisible stalkers under my command. I ordered my invisible stalkers to slowly enter the room, tentatively approaching the archers, whilst I waited safely in the corridor.
I waited patiently until I heard the familiar sound of a bowstring being released, and then ordered my stalkers to retreat back into the corridor. As suspected the Yuan-ti archer followed my stalkers out into the corridor, where it was easily dispatched. The strategy worked over and over again, luring the archers out one at a time.
On one of the corpses I found a very powerful bow, its a shame I have no proficiency with such weapons.
The central corridor seems to carry on endlessly, and so with my magical energies drained, I set up camp for the night, I will continue my advance in the morning.
I slowly made my way through the Yuan-ti complex, branching off periodically to clear out the side rooms, these included torture chambers, histachii breeding grounds and other insignificant areas. Other than enemies, and minor treasures I found very little of interest to me.
The final door at the end of the corridor was different though, I felt a great sense of forboding as I approached the ominous double doors. I knew in the pit of my stomach that somthing ancient and terrible awaited me on the other side.
I wasn't about to throw myself into peril unprepared, so I took out my staff of summoning. A few moments later I had a total of six invisible stalkers at my command.
I tentatively entered into the room, surrounded by my stalkers. A number of Yuan-Ti encircled the room, but in the middle sat the young girl who had been revealing herself throughout the level. She was a creature of evil no doubt, we had that in common, but what was she?
The girl revealed herself as Yxunomei, the yuan-ti leader I had heard spoken off throughout my descent of Dragon's Eye. She had stolen the Heartstone Gem to use as a tool in her battle with an old nemesis, she wasn't interested in sharing much more than that, and truth be told I wasn't interested. I'd spent far too long in Dragons Eye as it was, it was time to claim my Heartstone Gem.
As our inevitable battle drew nearer, Yxunomei reverted back to her true form, a fearsome Marilith! I wasn't about to let such a powerful creature gain the upper hand, so I quickly launched a pre-emptive skull trap in her direction, the blast knocking the proud priestess backwards, but not for long.
Before she could regain her bearings, I ordered my invisible stalkers in to intercept her, with Yxunomei's attention diverted by the stalkers, I turned my attention to the lesser Yuan-ti, I couldn't afford to let them gather in numbers and surround me. The biggest danger came from a group to the south, two archers and a priest who were picking my invisible stalkers apart from range.
It only took two well placed skull bombs to wipeout the small group, I then turned my attention back to Yxunomei. The Marilith had taken quite a beating, but so too had my stalkers, and I knew that once they died I would be hard pressed to keep my distance from the swift demoness. I decided to take a risk at the expense of my almost defeated stalkers, by trying to take Yxunomei down whilst she was engaged.
I conjured up yet another of my trusty skull traps and took careful aim at the group. This was a last ditch, make or break effort, if she survived, then I will have just sacrificed my own minions for nothing, and would be extremely vulnerable to a counter attack. Time seemed to slow down as the explosive sailed through the air....
BOOM! The flying skull smashed into the side of Yxunomei's face before delivering its explosive payload, the marilith and most of her lackeys fell down quite dead. Two Yuan-ti had somehow managed to survive the explosion, and fueled with renewed rage at the loss of their leader, they came right for me. One of the Yuan-ti was near death and wouldn't put up much of a fight, but other one was barely injured, and extremely angry.
I focused my energy and tried to recall a spell I hadn't employed in years. I reached out and grabbed the enraged Yuan-ti, roughly by the arm, the creature froze in its tracks, paralyzed by my ghoul touch spell. With the main threat immobilized, the second and near dead creature was easily taken care of.
With just one paralyzed enemy remaining, I pulled out my dagger, I'm going to enjoy this.....
12 Nightal 1281
After recovering the Heartstone Gem, I set up camp in Yxunomei's personal chambers, I don't think I'll be disturbed now. After several days regaining my strength it was time to return to Kuldahar.
The Heartstone Gem is useless! Without proper training and the knowledge to use it, it is nothing more than a fancy gem! I had planned to claim it for my own, but I guess I'll still need Arundel if I am to unlock it's secrets.
18 Nightal 1281
I could see smoke in the distance as I neared Kuldahar, a fairly common sight in the town, that I figured to be the smoke from a chimney. Soon several more plumes of smoke began to rise, quickly getting bigger and bigger, that wasnt chimney smoke, something was wrong, Kuldahar was under attack!
As I reached the town, I was ambushed by a pair of Orog's, a distant relative of the orc family who are native to the vast underground caverns of the Underdark. What are denizen's of the underdark doing in Kuldahar? I didn't have time to ponder such riddles, I had an invasion to quell.
The first two were blown away with relative ease, however the battle was still raging on throughout the town, and the villagers were being butchered in droves. I came upon an Orog and a villager frantically fighting in the town square, with both distracted I began to conjure up a skull trap, what's a bit of collateral damage anyway?
Damn it! I stopped short of finishing my spell. The thought of catching a few villagers in my blast radius didn't really bother me, but it would bother Arundel. If I started exploding his citizens in the streets, then I doubt very much that he would relinquish the secrets of the Heartstone Gem to me. No I need to bind my time, and hide my true nature from these people just a little longer.
With my skull traps no longer a valid option, I crept up behind the Orog, grabbing him from behind. The creature froze solid, paralyzed by my necromantic ghoul touch. The strategy served me well, paralyzing the distracted Orogs one by one, before beating them to death with my staff.
When I finally reached Arundel's home, I realized something was off. Why was the druid not outside helping to defend Kuldahar? He was waiting patiently for me inside, but he seemed different, he was cold, distant and unemotional. The druid didn't ask me anything about the invaders, or the immediate plight of his town, he was interested only in my mission to Dragon's Eye.
His demeanor changed quickly from one of stone, to one of giddy joy when I informed him of Yxunomei and her demise. I had been played! Stood in front of me was the ancient, hidden foe, the nemesis Yxunomei had spoken of. I don't know who or what he is, but this was not Arundel.
The imposter warped away soon after our encounter, preventing me from prizing any clues from his lips. I heard a weak coughing above me, cautiously I made my way up the stairs.
Arundel lay in a pool of his own blood, he wounds to great to heal. The creature had attacked in the night, though Arundel had no clue as to who this new adversary was. First there was Sarevok, then there was Mellisan and now this 'old enemy' I am getting tired of pursuing masked opponents.
The Hearstone Gem had the power to unmask this new threat, but Arundel no longer had the strength. He told me there was one more person with the knowledge to use the gem, if they were still alive. An old elf named Larrel, whose last known place of residence was the ancient ruins of a former Elvan Fortress, the Severed Hand. With the last of his strength, the druid drew me a rough map to the fortress, and then passed away.
Before I left I visited the temple to identify some of my new equipment, the magical decks of playing cards were interesting. One deck grants me a random beneficial enchantment whenever a card is drawn, the other deck will enchant me with the blur spell. The cards are consumed when used, so the magic is limited.
It didn't take us long to find the elf Larrel, or rather some kind of astral projection. He was conversing with a squirrel as we approached the drawbridge that led to the imposing elvan fortress. The elf was clearly quite insane, accusing the squirrel of being a dwarf, before releasing a massive fireball upon the helpless creature. Curse my bad luck, even Tymora has forsaken me. With no other options available to me, I entered the tower.
24 Nightal 1281
I don't know what is going on, but this fortress seems to be haunted. I was ambushed by ghostly orcs as I entered into the hallway. I took an arrow to the gut, but somehow managed to hold my concentration and release a skull trap into the middle of the pack.
Only two archers remained, fortunately the enchantment from my ring of shielding protected me from the brunt of their assault, and I was able to dispatch the creatures up close and personal. The further into the complex I fought, the more spirits I encountered, goblins, orcs and even ogres! I suspect these are remnants from some long forgotten battle. Much like the Vale of Shadows, I have found most of my spells to be ineffective against the undead.
1 Hammer 1282
Oh what a most joyous day! Poking around the debris on the second floor I discovered an ancient scrap of paper, I almost casually tossed it aside until I recognized the a few of the faded runes. I have discovered an ancient necromantic scroll of animate dead! Once again, the people of Faerun are going to learn to fear the name Zuzhul Plaguebringer!
12 Hammer 1282
This version of the animate dead spell functions differently to the one I commanded back on the sword coast, summoning several lesser skeletons and zombies, as opposed to a single, but powerful undead warrior. So far my new undead minions have proven weak and underwhelming, most falling to a single blow when battling the orcs and goblins. At the very least they make good sacrificial distractions, drawing my enemies to a single spot so I can blast them with my skull trap.
The fortress is but a shell of its former glory, days have passed into weeks, and I have finally cleared out the lower levels of the hand. The fourth floor seems to be in much better condition than the previous levels, with most of the masonry still intact. One corridor has been collapsed, but four others branch off into several directions, leading to the hands 'fingers', the five finger like towers of the hand.
I have met an undead warrior who appears friendly. He answered a lot of my questions, but in doing so created many more he couldn't answer, in life he was Lethias, a elvan Bladesinger of the Hand.
Hundreds of years ago the hand was besieged by an army of orcs, the elves knew the tower was lost and that it was only a matter of time before they were overwhelmed and defeated, so they devised a plan, a trap to slay as many of the orcs as they could before the fortress fell.
One of the towers was rigged to blow, and Lethias was the one who volunteered to lure them into the trap, hundreds upon hundreds of orcs died that day, and Lethias fell with a smile upon his face. And that is all he knows, he claims to have recently 'awoken' along with everyone else in the tower. The skeleton warriors I have encountered were former elvaan residents, and the orcs the hands invaders.
Unlike the others, Lethias has kept his memory and consciousness. He knows not why the hands dead have risen, he did however provide insight as to where I may find Larrel. During the Hands final days, Larrel had apparently locked himself away with the rest of the hands mages in 'Labelas Tower'.
24 Hammer 1282
It seems that Lethias is not the only sentient elf up here, there are a number of Elvan spirits walking the halls of the fourth floor, though they seem unable to see things as they truly are, living there lives as they did in like, totally oblivious to the towers destruction.
One such spirit was a former shopkeeper named Lehland. Most of his stock, now hundreds of years old has rotten beyond use, however I found some enchanted bullets in his inventory that I purchased.
Rumors amongst the elves suggest that Larrel is now a Baelorn, the elvan equivalent of a lich. There is also talk that his present madness is somehow linked with his broken astrolabe, a giant machine used in the study of astronomy. I don't know what is wrong with the device, or how such a machine could possibly alter the mental state of an individual, but it would be a good idea to find the replacement parts scattered around the fortress, before confronting Larrel.
25 Hammer 1282
I opted to explore Shevarash Tower first. On the first level I encountered the Severed Hand's former Weapon master, an elf named Kayleesa. Kayleesa holds one of the astrolabe parts I need, but wont relinquish it unless I prove my 'worth', I'm tempted to prove my arcane might instead, but wouldn't want to risk damaging the astrolabe part.
Kayleesa's former comrades have also been raised in the tower, but unlike her, they have decended into madness, attacking any intruder. She wishes me to put her men to rest, by giving them a good and honorable death. I don't fight honorably, but she doesn't need to know that.
Further up the tower I encountered the Weapon Masters men, several swordsmen and a lot of archers. A well placed skull trap took out the largest concentration of them, my skeleton and zombie minions then closed in on the remainders, cutting them down as I bombarded the group with spells.
Once the dust had settled, I searched the area, and in an old rotten wooden cabinet I found a new spell. Beltyn's Burning Blood! I have heard of this spell, a truly cruel and wicked magic thought to have been lost to the ages. The spell literally boils a targets blood within their body, the pain sending them into a berserk rage. It won't be much use against the undead here in the tower, but when I leave it will become a staple of my arsenal!
I returned to Kayleesa, with her put to rest she has requested the same fate, an honorable death in battle. Why did I waste my time on her lackey's when I could have just executed her from the start...
The Elvan archer lived up to her mantle as Weapon Master, her skill with a bow was truly something. But with relentless waves of undead coming at her from all sides, she was soon overwhelmed just like her men. The spirit left a few enchanted items behind when she was slain, I couldn't identify her bow, but I instantly recognized the enchantment upon the boots, those were boots of speed! Having lost mine during my ascension at the Throne of Bhaal I was more than happy to claim them.
Corellon Tower housed the elvan armies officers and generals, the finest strategic minds of the Severed Hand were drawing up their battle plans here when the Orcish forces breeched the fortress. Now the crazed officers haunted the halls in undeath.
Trapped in their offices, the elves were easily cornered by my undead minions whilst I rigged the doorways to blow with my traps.
Wave after wave of elvan soldiers tried to escape the room, only to detonate my traps. Climbing this tower proved straight forward enough, I found the next astrolabe part in a desk on the second floor.
8 Alturiak 1282
At the very top of the tower I met Valestis, another elf who had somehow kept his sanity where the others had lost theirs. Valestis maintaines the keeps arboretum, though like the rest of the fortress the garden is now dead and lifeless. Valestis has asked me to return if I find any seeds, animals or other things that could breath new life into the dead garden. Personally I prefer it dead and lifeless, but I'm funny that way.
19 Alturiak 1282
I have moved my search over to Solonor Tower, home to the Severed Hands priests and clerics. On the first floor I met the spirit of Denaini in a desecrated elvan shrine.
Denaini explained the elves curse to me, during their darkest hour when everything seemed lost, Larrel the Elvaan leader hatched a last ditch plan to save his people. He gathered the remaining elvaan wizards and retreated to Labelas Tower, they began to incite the most ancient of elvan magics, a protective mythal.
The mythal was meant to prevent the orc hoard from entering the severed hand, but something went terribly wrong. A mythal is a self sustaining spell, that takes its energy from nature and the natural environment, but this mythal quickly unraveled, draining the life force from every living creature in the Hand. One by one the Hands inhabitants fell down dead, well at least initially.
Soon after, the malfunctioning mythal brought each and every corpse, elf and orc back to life, as undead creatures, forced to forever fight each other. Such a fate was insufferable to the elves, irrevocably breaking their minds and turning them into crazed shells of their former selfs.
Denaini has begged me to put her elvan brothers and sisters in the tower to rest, if by rest she means slaughter, then I'm happy to oblige. I have demanded a reward for my effort, and she has agreed to muster up some magical trinkets whilst I'm away.
20 Alturiak 1282
The battle with the priests started well enough, the clerics were all in prayer as I reached the second floor. Unaware of my presence I was able to call forth a small group of undead uninterrupted, I ordered my minions to attack and then began bombing the unprepared clerics.
The strategy was working perfectly, the clerics were in total disarray. I began casting my second skull trap and...... nothing!?!
One of the clerics had struck me with a miscast magic spell! I glanced up to my skeletons, the clerics had quickly gained the upper hand, one by one my minions were destroyed. Within moments the battle had turned completely, my guardians were decimated and my magic disabled.
Fortunately I had now had Kayleesa's boots of speed. I used the large room to my advantage, keeping my distance from the elvan clerics.
Fumbling around in my pockets I pulled out a couple of Oswald's oil flasks. I might not be able to use my magic, but I could still incinerate the group! With my superior speed, I was able to swiftly escape the blast as my first flask exploded in the center of the group.
Giving the clerics no time to recover, I tossed my second flask and again sped off. It still wasn't enough, the group were a hardy bunch. I was forced into a game of cat and mouse, with me taking on the part of the mouse, until this miscast magic spell wears I am a sitting duck.
Eventually the spell wore, and I wasted no time conjuring a skull trap, the explosive tore through the elvan ranks and decimated their numbers, unfortunately I was caught in my own blast. I hobbled away as fast as my shaky legs could carry me, tossing a final skull bomb over my shoulder as I fled. The blast finished off the last remaining stragglers.
With the room clear, I collapsed with exhaustion I would need rest before I could continue.
29 Alturiak 1282
I found another component part of the astrolabe device, in one of the chests on the second floor of the tower. With my mission coming to a close I returned to the base of the tower, true to her word Denaini rewarded me for ending the clerics undeath. I received a new enchanted sling, much more powerful then the one I already held.
Larrel has completely destroyed the base of Labelas Tower! The upper levels remain intact, and are floating high up in the air, suspended by some type of magical spell, but alas they are inaccessible from down here. Looking upwards I could make out a bridge connecting the upper levels of the Labelas and Shevarash towers, maybe I could access the tower from there?
30 Alturiak 1282
It didn't take long to locate the crossbridge leading into Labelas Tower. Inside I was accosted by a number of elvan spell casters, but my skull traps proved too much for their meager magical defenses. Further up the tower I came found a great library, which in its prime must have been magnificent. The elvan librarian allowed me to take out a number of books, I took out a book on mythals, I'm sure orrick would pay well for it.
On the upper levels of the tower, I finally found the crazed Baelorn, Larrel. The undead arch mage spoke in riddles, incomprehensible gibberish. Tinkering with the broken down astrolabe was another mage, this one with his marbles intact. Gelarith was once a craftsman of sorts, charged by Larrel to build and maintain the Astrolabe, although without the correct parts it was currently beyond repair.
Emptying out my pack, I asked Gelarith if any of the parts I had recovered were of use. The lef giddily rummaged through the mechanical parts.
"Yes... YEESS! These will do nicely!"
Ten minutes or so later and the skillful craftsman had restored the machine to working order, and the astrolabe whirled to life. I visible change came over Larrel, a look of confusion as if he had gone to sleep and woken up somewhere completely different.
Larrels faculties had been restored. As thanks for releasing him from his curse, the agreed to divine the location of my masked enemy. The gem revealed an ancient Dwarf stronghold, known as Dorns Deep, it was there, where I would find my answers.
5 Ches 1282
I returned to Kuldahar, Orrick was thrilled with the book I had secured for him at the Severed Hand and gave me an enchanted ring in exchange, he also opened up his stock offering me a wider selection of scrolls. Among his inventory I found both the contagion, and spirit armor spells, which I have recorded into my spell book.
I also bought a new robe that had turned up in his store. It not only greatly improves my defense, but also my physical attributes.
I had hoped that I would never again have need to venture down into the underdark, the last time I barely escaped from the drow city of Ust Natha with my life. This time I am down here searching for the long lost entrance to the abandoned Dwarven City of Dorns Deep.
I was barely ten minutes into my underground descent when I was attacked, I recognized the creatures immediately from my time in the Underdark caverns below Amn, Myconids! A fungal type race of creatures, able to release clouds of spores into the air that cause hallucinations and confusion amongst all who are affected.
I summoned a number of zombies and skeletons, knowing the undead creatures would be immune to the myconids spore attacks.
The Myconids with their main defensive mechanism rendered ineffective, were swiftly cut down by my undead.
Deeper into the caverns, I stumbled upon an old watchtower, obviously Dwarvern built judging by the architecture. To my surprise it was inhabited by a human mage, named Bandoth. After probing him for information about Dorn's Deep and the local areas of interest, he informed me of a Dwarven Crypt which may be a possible entrance into the Dwarven City. He refuses to surrender the means to enter the crypt however, unless I find his missing apprentice, or more importantly the magical razorweed extract he was sent to collect.
Before I left the mage to his work, I proposed a trade of supplies. Within his stash of scrolls I discovered a new magic, an ancient summoning spell which can call forth Shadows to fight at my behest. These spectral undead will make a nice alternative to my skeletal and cadaverous minions.
15 Ches 1282
I tracked Bandoth's missing apprentice to a large cave far to the south, unfortunately for him, he had wandered into the lair of several large Ettins, all that remained of him now was a partially eaten corpse.
The giants were tough, requiring several skull traps to slay, fortunately despite their massive legs, they were extremely slow. Once the cave was cleared I searched the apprentices corpse, luckily he still had the razorweed extract on him.
I returned to Bandoth who didn't seem too broken up by the loss of his apprentice. True to his word, for returning the extract he told me the location of a secret door, which would hopefully get me into Dorn's Deep.
Sorry for the delay, I have a couple of other projects on the go at the moment, that are eating into my play time.
The first battle of Dorn's Deep was tough and took quite a few attempts, I can tell these drow are going to be a pain in the arse!
15 Ches 1282
Dorn's Deep was rumored to be long abandoned, but I could smell them the moment I reached the ancient Dwarven City, the foul stench of orc kind was overwhelming. I could hear the orcs bickering and fighting all the way from the entrance, their ruckus echoing throughout the ancient Dwarven Halls. If I got into a fight here the resulting noise would likely bring the whole hoard down upon my head!
I faced a long stone bridge, the only access point in and out of the city and a perfect ambush spot. Quiet as a mouse I crept up to the bridge, it took me a moment to spot them, but high up on the ledges on either side of the bridge were a number of orcish sentries, archers. Fortunately the dim-witted beasts were slacking in their guard duty and hadn't spotted me. I could also hear a lot of activity coming from the large room on the opposite side of the bridge, possibly a guard room or barracks?
A plan began to form in the back of my mind, a strategy that had served me well so many times during my adventures on the sword coast. The bridge was a perfect ambush spot for the orcs, but with a little work I could turn it into my own little death trap. Out of the orcs line of sight I began to magically place a series of skull traps along the length of the bridge. Once my trap was set, I took a moment to rememorize my spells.
I applied my defenses, magical spirit armor granting me the same protection afforded to an armored knight and then drew a card from my 'Blur Deck', the magic distorting my visage and making me even harder to strike. Finally I summoned an undead host behind me, several zombies and skeletal archers.
With my trap prepared I marched up to the base of the bridge and I let my presence be known, let the stupid foul smelling creatures look their own death in the eye. Arrows whistled harmlessly past me, my blur enchantment preventing the greenskins from drawing a bead on me, the few arrows that actually found their target bounced ineffectively off my spirit armor.
A moment later the first wave of enemies came bounding out of the opposite room, and they were not what I was expecting! My worst fears were realized, I was once again facing off against the Drow! The two dark elves charged across the bridge, I quickly ordered one of my skeletons to intercept them, sacrificing it to ensure that the elves were caught squarely in the blast.
Damn drow elves and their magic resistance! Six out of my eight laid traps had triggered, yet one of the elves was still standing, and was on me in a flash. The arcane swordsman was skilled, striking me despite my impressive defenses. Protected with a stoneskin spell, he was more than happy to go toe to toe with not just me, but my guardians too. I heard an explosion in the distance, a large number of orogs were starting to spill out of the guard room and the first wave had triggered my remaining skull traps.
Desperate not to get surrounded by the reinforcements, I redoubled my efforts in taking down the drow, and he fell not a moment too soon, as the orogs were soon everywhere. Savage orc kin faced off against fearless undead warriors, and for a moment the orogs took the upper hand. However fatigue soon began to take its toll, as for every undead minion they struck down, I summoned another in its place and before long the exhausted orcs were overwhelmed.
I waited for a moment, unsure whether more enemies would emerge from the room, but all seemed quiet now. Cautiously I returned to the bridge, my undead archers shielded behind me. Much like earlier, my magical defenses proved too much for the unskilled orc archers. I prepared a skull trap, and launched it towards the largest concentration of greenskins, but before my trap could land, a sudden blast of energy was released fro the direction of the second group of orcs. The magic missile spell was absorbed harmlessly by my shield ring. I waited for my skull trap to blow, and turned around to identify my new threat.
In the middle of the orc pack, stood a lone drow sorcerer preparing to fire a second magic missile attack. I countered with a skull trap, the magical explosion punching through the elves magical defense and also blowing away the surrounding orcs. The battle was not over yet however, another orog had closed in and was frantically trying to pierce my magic defenses. Slightly weakened from the battle so far, I resorted to an older technique that I hadn't employed in quite some time, grasping the Orog by the neck I drained the lifeforce from the creature with my Vampiric Touch spell.
Rejuvinated by the Orogs lifeforce I carried on over the bridge. Two more orcish archers appeared, as well as a second drow sorcerer. I cast my final skull trap spell, throwing it in the drows directions, but unfortunately his native magical resistance protected him. With very few effective spells remaining, I ordeed my skeletal archers to focus on the drow, and instead turned my attention to the orcs.
A couple of Beltyn's Boiling Blood spells, and intense pain sent the two orcs into fits of rage, the creatures dropped their bows and began to savagely beat each other.
Once again I turned my attention back to the drow, several arrows now protruded from his chest, a well placed slingshot and the drow crumpled lifelessly to the ground. The battle had been long and draining, but in their pained and enraged state the orcs were easily taken care off.
I don't know what possessed me to continue my exploration of the Dwarven stronghold in such a weakened state, maybe some of my fathers dark essence still remains, maybe my soul still possesses some of the 'Slayer's' bloodlust? Regardless my eagerness nearly cost me my life, with my spell book almost exhausted I entered the guardroom assuming it was now clear, only to come face to face with an Orog General and his men!
The battle was hardfought, my minions were being struck down with ease by the orog brute. With my last summoning spell consumed, I was getting desperate. I focused all my necromantic energy into my hands and triggered my ghoul touch spell, one by one the creatures were frozen solid, paralyzed by my dark magic. Rendered defenseless beasts were easily butchered, but my spell book was now completely drained. I returned to the entrance, and set up camp for the night.
NOTE: I've never really been a fan of touch based spells. A mages poor THACO means they usually miss on anything worth using them on, however I think this play through has converted me! I'm having some great success with ghoul touch. I think playing solo, and leveling so much faster means my THACO is much higher than it would typically be at this point in the game, and so its landing very consistently.
I found a large cave boring right through the walls of the great Dwarven Keep. Inside I came across a Umberhulk, a particularly dangerous denizen of the underdark. Before I could slay the armoured beast it spoke to me!
The creature is no Umberhulk, but rather a Red Wizard of Thay Transmuter named Saablic Tan, who has become stuck in one of his transformations. He has begged me to slay a local orog chieftain, Saablic had previously created and experimented on the orogs, and now that he is transmuted and unable to resort to his magics the orogs have been hunting him down through the cave network.
The sniveling wizard has offered me more information about Dorns Deep and its current inhabitants if I fetch the Orogs badge as proof of the deed.
22 Ches 1282
Finding the Orog chieftain in the caves didn't take long, and unlike the dark elves I had previously encountered he had no defenses against my arcane might. I recovered his badge and returned to the wizard.
Saablic was not as revealing as I would have hoped, he told me that the Dorn's Deep was run by six commanders, and that each one held a similar badge. The badges serve a dual purpose of both identifying a factions leader, and of functioning as a key. If I am to 'meet' with the true leader of the operations here at Dorn's Deep, then I will need all six badges. That was all the information he gave me before scuttling off into the caves.
A note that I found on the Orog Chieftain revealed that Saablic Tan was formerly one of these commanders himself before being stripped of his rank, and having it given to the Orog, was I just duped into a revenge killing? Further reading revealed that the closest commander now was Kreg Frostbeard in Wyrm's Tooth, he sounds like he could potentially be a barbarian chieftain or possibly a frost giant, I'll seek him out next.
Back in the main area of Dorn's Deep I have discovered a large ornate table in a room reminiscent of the one the mage Bandoth told me about. Examining the statues I discovered the hidden switch he had informed me off, but unfortunately it seemed 'locked' in place. Examining the statues further I discovered a hidden door behind one of them.
The secret door led to a large round room, great stone statues of the dwarven gods adorned the walls, each one holding large blue crystals that crackled with electrical energy. In the center of the room was a large ornate stone circle, but other than that the room seemed bare. The Dwarves are cunning creatures, surely they wouldn't go to such lengths to hide the room unless it held some secret, but what?
As I approached the stone circle, the magical crystals roared to life suddenly crackling and popping violently, it didn't take a genius to realize the circle was trapped, and that one wrong step would result in me being blasted by the powerful trap.
The symbols looked familiar, I quickly ran back to the previous room. Of course! ......THE TABLE!
The symbol on each ring of the table corresponded to one of the symbols in each ring of the stone circle. The outer ring represented a Hammer and Anvil, the center ring, the Twin Axes of Clangeddin and the inner circle, two links in a chain representing the so called 'unbreakable' bond between the Dwarves and the Elves of the Hand.
I hastily returned to the stone circle, stepping on the runes in the correct sequence. As I triggered the last pressure switch I heard a loud click in the previous room, Bandoth's secret switch had been unlocked! I returned to the room with the table one final time, and pulled the switch, the room began to shake as if an earthquake was trying to bring the whole keep down on my head. Dust fell from the ceiling, and the deafeningly loud sound of some kind of machinery could be heard from the puzzle room, then everything fell quiet.
Back in the puzzle room a spiraling staircase had opened up in the center of the stone circle, leading to the lower levels. The Dwarves sure knew how to build a stronghold! I descended down the staircase, the large metal cogs of the machinery that had just deafened me were still creaking from their recent operation. At the foot of the stairs I found a dead body clutching a hastily written note.
The man Dver, had become trapped on this level after the stairway had sealed behind him. He spoke of an evil presence in the crypts, that had been trying to invade his mind and control him, but gave no other indication as to who or what could have been responsible. I'll have to be on my guard once I leave this stairwell.
The mechanical staircase led me to an ancient Dwarven crypt. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I entered, I could literally feel the negative plane energy here, a tingling sensation running over my whole body. This crypt is most certainly a focusing point for necromantic energy. As I climbed a large ornate staircase the spectre of a gnarly old dwarf materialized before me.
"Defiler! Have you come to desecrate the remains of our home?"
The dwarves are a prideful race, any perceived slight or insult and I would receive no co-operation, and this one I was certain could tell me much of the necromantic energy I was feeling.
"No", I lied.
The ghost was Norlinor, a warrior who had fallen many years ago during the "Battle of the Dead". We spoke at length about the crypts, and the current undead plague. Long ago at the height of their glory, the dwarves of Dorn's Deep tunneled too deeply into the heart of the mountain, uncovering a large cavern that housed an ancient inert vortice. The vortice was a gateway to the negative energy plane, a rare planar anomaly, and disturbed by the dwarves after hundreds of years of inactivity it once again sprung to life, spewing an endless stream of undead into the lower levels of Dorn's Deep.
The dwarven casualties were immense, they were fighting a losing battle, relinquishing ground to the hoard daily. In the end the dwarves collapsed the tunnel, once again sealing off the cavern. Centuries passed and the vortice was all but forgotten, by everyone but a necromancer named Terikan.
After the orc invasion that had forced the Dwarves from their ancestral home, Terikan was free to set up camp in the city, and once again unearth the vortice. According to Norlinor, Terikan now commands a huge undead army, and on top of that he has also achieved lichdom!
Finally Norlinor informs me that battling Terikan is futile, he has undergone an ancient ritual, removing his own black heart. So long as his heart is hidden away in its enchanted Phylactery, Terikan is invulnerable.
I almost laughed aloud in the miserable dwarfs face! No one is invulnerable to me! I have encountered this kind of dark magic once before, during my battle with my half brother, the godchild giant Yaga Shura. He fell to my arcane might, and so shall this necromancer. If only Norlinor knew he was about to replace one Necromancer for another, that vortice shall soon be mine to harvest!
Norlinor had not exaggerated, the crypt was bustling with undead activity. I was set upon by Terikan's defenses the moment I entered, zombies, wights and skeletons all rushed to swarm me, but a quickly released skull trap efficiently dealt with the group.
With a moment to breathe, I glanced around the tomb. I had barely scratched the tip of the Iceberg, the group I had just destroyed were a small fraction of undead in the large crypt. Up a stone staircase, I could make out Terikan the lich, already raising more dead to replace the ones I had slain.
It was time to fight fire with fire, I quickly got to work raising my own guardians from the corpses of my slain enemies, but before I could engage with the lich, I was ambushed from the western side of the tomb by more of his minions. Drawing upon the raw negative plane energy in the room, I shaped it into a hold undead spell and the creatures were suddenly locked in place, helpless prey for my own guardians.
I hastily made my way up the stairs, ordering my guardians to engage Terikan before he could raise any more allies. I knew that battling the invulnerable lich would just be a waste of my energies, and so I made a dash for the door that Norlinor had mentioned led to the crypt of heroes.
Damn it! The door was locked!
A loud blast shook the room, followed by an intense wave of heat which quickly brought me to my senses. I turned around just in time to witness the lich decimate my forces with a fireball. Simultaneously we both began chanting, raising yet more undead in the room. With Terikan once again distracted with my minions, I frantically began searching for a means to pass the locked door, it didn't take long to find a lone rusty key sitting on top of one of the tombs.
I made a dash for the crypt of heroes, leaving the distracted lich behind me. This crypt was immense, massive stone statues lined the great hall, honoring the greatest dwarven heroes of Dorns Deep. On the right hand side of the hall, a plaque identified one of the stone statues as Jamoth, according to Norlinor this is where I would find the Vortice.
I began making my way down the corridor, one of these crypts must house Terikan's Phylactery. Before I could begin my search I once again came face to face with the lich! But how!?
I didn't have time to ponder how the lich had somehow beaten me to the crypt, as he was quickly raising more minions, and seeing as the Dwarves bury their heroes with their finest enchanted weapons and armour, the last thing I wanted to battle was an undead dwarven champion!
I broke into a sprint, barging into the crypts one by one. One of these crypts would have signs of recent activity, disturbed dust or something! Then as I burst through the fourth door, I found it! Terikan's quarters, his diary and personal effects laid out on the tomb, and on a pedestal at the far end of the room, his Phylactery!
In my eagerness to defeat the lich, I didn't stop to think that such an item would surely be well protected. The second I removed the Phylactery from its perch, a large fireball trap blew up in my face! The pain was excruciating, but Terikan's forces were closing in on me, I couldn't afford to get cornered. I stumbed out of the room, my boots of speed giving me enough mobility to stay one step ahead of my pursuers, even in my weakened state.
I began to feel dizzy, like I would pass out from the pain at any moment. I shook my head violently and narrowed my focus, Jamoths tomb was just a few more feet away! Dragging my self those last few feet felt like an eternity, Terikan and his minions were almost upon me. But with the last of my strength, I forced open the door to Terikan's Tomb.
The swirling vortice crackled with magical energy, as I drew nearer arcs of static energy jumped out towards me, drawn to the phylactery. The container grew warm, and then very, very hot in my hand and I was forced to drop it, yet it did not fall.
Suspended above the ground by the arcs of magical energy from the vortice, the phylactery began to glow white hot, I could hear it began to crack and at the same time, I could hear Terikan scream in pain. Then just as Norlinor the dwarven spirit had predicted, the phylactery shattered into hundreds of little pieces.
I couldn't help but smile as I heard the sound of several undead corpses collapse to the ground in the corridor behind me. I almost let out a great belly laugh, at the thought of what this vortice would mean for me and my ambitions, and then I realized what had happened...
The sudden release of powerful magics from the phylactery had sealed the vortice closed! The planar wonder was lost to me....
3 Tarsakh 1282
I set up camp, and licked my wounds for several days. Even though a week has passed since my battle with the lich, my mood has not improved, words cannot describe how furious the loss of the vortice has left me, I could live another ten life times and never be presented with such a golden opportunity again.
I consoled myself by looting the dwarven tombs of their treasures. My bag of holding is packed full of magical weapons and armour. One item I discovered was of particular value, a lone chess piece from the legendary chess set of Niri Alud. Niri's ancient chess set was highly enchanted, each piece able to summon forth a construct like ally in an instant. In the case of my piece, I can call upon a mechanical priest with potent healing magics, to assist me in battle. Such a treasure should not be wasted, I'll save it for a 'special occasion'.
The Orogs and Drow mercenaries, rarely ventured down to the lower levels of Dorns Deep, Terikans impressive undead army had taught them to give the area a wide berth. As such the rest of my journey through the lower reaches of the Dwarven stronghold proved uneventful now that the lich lay dead. After a days march, I made it through the city and out onto the other side of the mountain. I had made my way to the region known as Wyrm's Tooth.
The eerie silence in the abandoned area of the stronghold was short lived, icy winds howled through the mountain passes, and as I continued my trek through deep snow, a large structure, some kind of palace came into view, carved from the very ice itself!
Could this be the home of the Frost Giant lieutenant that Saablic Tan had told me about? Before I could get closer, I caught the familiar scent of trolls on the wind. Summoning a number of shades from the netherworld, I cautiously advanced.
It didn't take long for the trolls to catch my scent, and soon I was surrounded on all sides. I took a few steps back letting the trolls converge on my ghostly guardians, and then I launched a number of skull traps into the centre of the group. The ice trolls shattered into thousands of tiny pieces, quite dead! But the larger snow trolls, although appearing dead possessed the regenerative trait common in so many of their kind. Before my eyes limbs that had been lost in the explosion began to reform, and open wounds quickly began to close up.
With no fire at my disposal, and knowing it would only be a matter of time before the trolls were once again chasing me down, I resorted to one of my lesser employed necromancy spells, Beltyn's Burning Blood. Maybe boiling their blood from the inside would have the same effect as an open flame?
As soon as I cast the spell on the first troll, its quickly sealing wounds suddenly stopped regenerating, the troll was quite dead. I quickly finished off the other two snow trolls in the same manner.
I could only cast a limited number of those spells each day, if I wanted to advance further into Wyrms Tooth, then I would need fire at my disposal. With no other choices open to me, I began the long march back to Kuldahar to resupply.
Sorry for the slow down in updates. I have the week off from monday, so will get cracking with some more substantial updates next week, and hopefully finish up the run.
6 Tarsakh 1282
Kuldahar was almost a weeks march away, a journey that seemed excessive considering I only needed a few minor supplies, so instead I took a much shorter detour and headed to the settlement known as Lonelywood, the smallest of the ten towns.
Being the most isolated of the ten towns I was more than a little surprised to meet a familiar face as I neared the settlement, the barbarian shaman Hjollder, whom I'd met briefly in Kuldahar. The savage claims to have seen me in his visions, visions sent by his god Tempos. More likely he has been consuming too many of the hallucinogenic frost mushrooms that these primitive shaman are so partial too.
I had no time for the ramblings of a madman, and so I sent him on his way, though he seemed oddly confident that he would meet me again at the barbarian camp before the week was out, wishful thinking on his part!
It was getting late when I reached Lonelywood, and so I made my way to the nearest inn 'The Whistling Gallows', named on account of the former half-ogre owner, who used to string up unruly customers on the tree outside! In no mood to socialize in such a backwater town, I paid for a bed, and then headed off to my room.
I must have really been tired as I mistakenly entered the wrong room. At the far end of the bedroom was a very large and expensive looking mirror, but even more interestingly I could sense magical energies radiating from it, or possibly from behind it. Tracing my fingers over the mirrors ornate frame I felt a small, almost imperceptible switch.
Inadvertently touching the button, caused the glass to ripple and distort and a moment later the glass had faded into nothingness. On the other side of the mirror, was a hidden room, and the source of the magical energies I had detected earlier.
Volumes upon volumes of magical tomes and arcane scrolls lined the bookshelves, and countless enchanted trinkets and baubles adorned the shelves and tables. The backwater town of Lonelywood had suddenly become much, much more interesting! Maybe I would spend a few more days here afterall.
Exited by my discovery and in no mood to sleep now, I returned to the inn keeper, Kieran Nye a man who certainly looked out of place in a frontier town, not to mention working behind the bar of a tavern! Seeing no reason to beat around the bush, I asked him why there was a hidden room behind his mirror.
The moment I mentioned the mirror, the blood drained from his face and he almost choked on his drink. This man was terrified, but why? He quickly tried shushing me and begged for me to keep my voice down, all the while looking nervously around the busy bar. I was certainly on to something here, and so I kept him under pressure, threatening to shout his secret from the rooftops if he didn't explain, and finally, reluctantly, he gave in and divulged his secret. Kieran was formally a member of the Hosttower of the Arcane, a group of no small repute, they are a very powerful organization of wizards based in Luskan. Kieran tired and fearful of the dangerous scheming and politics of the tower, decided to break away from the group and go into hiding.
Unfortunately the tower don't take deserters lightly, and hunt them down mercilessly. Kieran set up an inn at the edge of the known world in an attempt to keep a low profile. At least until I discovered his little secret.
I have the mage at my mercy, and for now I'll keep his little secret, but in exchange I have demanded that Kieran allow me access to his magical stock, if he refuses then I will make sure that everyone in Lonelywood knows just exactly who he really is, it wouldn't be long before one of them tried to claim the bounty.
Kieran's inventory was impressive to say the least, more so than the reclusive Orricks in Kuldahar. I found several new scrolls, spells that had been lost to me when Lord Ao had stripped me of my powers and banished me back to the prime material realm. I now have access to Control Undead, Abi-Dalzim's Wilting Horror, and a new spell Trollish Fortitude.
In addition to the scrolls, I purchased several new weapons, including a heavily enchanted sling and a number of magical skulls that resemble my skull traps, but instead explode upon impact in a shower of fiery flame. Finally, as I was about to leave I noticed a smooth gem stone, an Ioun Stone actually, this one enchanted to augment the wearers intelligence.
After prying the mages secrets from him, and relieving him of half of his stock, I retired to my room and settled into bed. Tomorrow I would explore Lonelywood further, tomorrow I would see what other secrets I could unearth from this sleepy little town.
I woke up bright and early, refreshed, and ready to explore the town of Lonelywood further. As I made my way down the stairs I found the tavern was still surprisingly busy, the sun had barely risen and yet the Lonelywood drunkards were already out in force.
"Hello there handsome! *Hic* Care to buy a lady a drunk?"
I turned about and came face to face with a haggard middle aged woman, who looked more than a little worse for wear. She leaned in, invasively close and flashed me a toothless grin...
"Most certainly my good fellow! If you happen upon one, then by all means send her my way."
The drunk scrunched up her face, and cocked her head to one side examining me intently, suddenly her demeanor changed and she began to giggle incessantly.
"Your a funny one! *hic* Soooooo about that drink....."
I watched the drunkard as she swayed unsteadily from side to side. Unsure whether she would fall over or puke first, I took a cautious step backwards. Why in Gond's name did I decide to come here again?
The woman was Ambere Dunn, and according to the barkeep she had travelled to Lonelywood with her husband and daughter several seasons ago, but hadn't adjusted well to life in the harsh northlands. Blaming her family for ruining her life, she now flirts and throws herself at any man who passes through town, in the hopes of finding someone who will take her away with them.
Whilst I am not above using vulnerable people for personal pleasure or gain, the womans weakness repulsed me. No one is willing to take charge and shape their own destiny anymore, why waste your time helping those who will not help themselves? The toothless harpy deserves to rot in Lonelywood.
7 Tarsakh 1282
It seems that the Dunn clan are determined to test my patience today. Just outside the inn, I came across a young girl named Hailee Dunn, the daughter of Ambere Dunn and just as much of a pain in the a**e! The girls brother had supposedly fallen into the well, and she seemed to think that was somehow *my* problem, expecting me to climb down there after him.
I turned to leave, but then it occurred to me, there was no noise coming from the well, no shouts for help, no cries of pain! Whats more, Hailee was just stood there waiting around, why not run for help? The busy Galloway trading post was within shouting distance. The girl is trying to play me for a fool!
If the little girl wants to cry wolf, then maybe I'll drop *her* down the well, and give her something real to cry about. I glanced around, but a number of laborers were stacking crates at the nearby trading post, with so many witnesses about, punishing the little brat was probably a bad idea, maybe next time...
7 Tarsakh 1282
The trade in Lonelywood was surprisingly good, maybe in thanks to the local temple of Waukeen. I sold off some of the excess weapons that I had picked up in Dorn's Deep to the local bowyer, Emmerich Hawk, and then made my way to the temple of commerce. I was pleasantly surprised by their inventory, purchasing a number of enchanted 'force' bullets, these magical pebbles will encase anyone struck in an Olitukes Resiliant Sphere, rendering them harmless until the spell expires. These will prove invaluable the next time I find myself on the backfoot against superior numbers.
7 Tarsakh 1282
There is a definite air of unease about the town, talk of a large barbarian army gathering to the East has most of the villagers nervous and on edge. There are also rumors that a stranger who recently passed through town was actually an assassin, employed by Lonelywoods mayor Thurlow to eliminate the Barbarian Chieftain.
Whilst I didn't want to prove Hjollder's visions to be true by visiting the barbarian camp, I am currently trapped in the Dale until the ice blocking the Kuldahar Pass thaws, and a barbarian conquest of the ten towns could be problematic and a big hindrance to my investigation of Kuldahar's problems. I should pay this mayor Thurlow a visit and learn more...
7 Tarsakh 1282
Thurlow's home was impressive, with home comforts that seemed out of place in a frontier house. The mayor, an arrogant and snobbish man was not very forth coming with information, claiming to have no knowledge of the barbarian camp, or the stranger who recently passed through town. He was obviously lying though, betrayed by a slight hint of nervousness in his voice.
I left the mayor, telling him I would let my self out. Instead I decided to poke around the mayors home, and in a dresser I found a note that all but incriminated him, he *had* recently hired an assassin to deal with the barbarian king.
I have bumped the difficulty up to insane, the fast level ups of a solo playthrough combined with the fact I'm finally starting to fill up my spell book means the playthrough is gradually becoming easier.
9 Tarsakh 1282
The barbarian camp was just a couple of days march away, and the reports had not been exaggerated, the tribes were gathering in force and most definitely preparing for war.
I had little experience with the barbarian tribes, but my understanding was that most of them have a punch first, ask questions later mentality. Preparing for a worst case scenario I conjured up some magical defenses in the form of a spirit armor spell, and a number of undead allies whom I commanded to hide in the undergrowth just outside of the camp.
I was stopped by one of the heavily muscled savages as I neared the camp, he stated that I was unwelcome and ordered me to leave. The barbarians are a simple people, who respect and honour strength above all else, I could show no weakness here now, so I took a step forward, locked my gaze with the savage warriors and with as much conviction as I could muster, demanded an audience with their leader.
A moment later, the great wooden gate swung upon and a large number of heavily armed barbarian warriors marched out. I grasped my staff in both hands and readied myself for combat, though I soon realized I had misread the situation. After conferring with his men for a moment, the barbarian agreed to escort me, under armed guard to their leader.
As I entered Hengorot, the great meadhall, the rowdy festivities and merry making suddenly stopped and the huge tent fell deadly quiet. Hundreds of barbarians turned there attention to me, many sneering or looking down upon me, I almost laughed out loud, a 'savage' looking down on 'me', how quaint!
I was led through the mead hall, until I eventually came face to face with the barbarian chieftain Wylfdene, and I didnt need to be a necromancer to realise that the hulking barbarian was in fact quite dead, or rather undead! At nearly seven feet tall, and 250lbs of rotting, but still muscular flesh Wylfdene was an intimidating spectacle. Off to his left I noticed the shaman Hjollder who had bade me to come here in the first place, he met my gaze, but remained quiet.
A barbarian skald stepped forward, and as is their custom, introduced Wylfdene by reciting all of the barbarian kings great deeds. I was tempted to begin rattling off a few of my own 'Zuzhul Plaguebringer, the god child who conquered the five! Who slayed the mighty Firkraag the Red, and smote the ancient demi lich Kangaxx, who defeated the....', I soon changed my mind, that would take far too long and probabably rile the barbarians further.
I focused my attention back on the Skald and tried to fein interest, when he finally reached the end, I recognized a name that caught my attention...
"..........Wylfdene, blessed and guided by the spirit of Jerrod, once king of the tribe of the bear, now king of the tribe of the great wyrm!"
Once the skald finished, the undead king arose from his great throne "Why have you come outsider!". We conversed at length, I learned that Wylfdene was formally a renown barbarian king of old who had fallen in battle, and that he had recently risen from the grave, possessed by the spirit of another barbarian hero, Jerrod! The very same Jerrod who is supposedly encased in stone beneath the temple of Tempus in Easthaven. The barbarian king claims to have come back, to push back the advancement of civilization from the spine of the world, and the superstitious barbarians have rallied behind their legendary heroes cause.
It was clear that the king was spoiling for a war, and no argument I could make would prevent one, Wylfdene was going out of his way to twist my words and make an enemy out of me. I thought about striking down the king there and then, I certainly had power over the dead, unfortunately the countless *living* barbarians would probably overwhelm me the moment I acted upon my impulse.
Instead, I decided use their primitive laws and culture to my advantage, challenging the king to single combat.
Unfortunately I overestimated my understanding of barbarian law and culture. Only those that are considered worthy can challenge a barbarian leader to single combat, and that means you either need to be a blood descendant of a great barbarian leader or hero, or you prove your valor to the barbarians with an heroic deed.
We were at an impasse, and getting nowhere so I decided to leave, let the savages have their war, but woe betide any barbarian war band that crosses me upon the plains.
"And where do you think you are going assassin!"
I turned back around, Wylfdene's men had gathered around, and the mighty king now clutched a huge two handed axe in his hands.
"Why have you come to my camp so well armed mageling? Do you think I don't see your true intentions? Your ten towns have already made one failed assassination attempt, I cannot let you leave this camp alive Zuzhul Plaguebringer!"
I opened my hand, ready to summon a skull trap, if I am to die today, then I'll take the whole tent with me!
"Please, stay your hand my king!"
The room fell quiet once again. Hjollder explained that it was he who bade me to meet with the king after his visions fortold that the meeting was the will of Tempus. Wylfdene demanded to know more, but Hjollder had nothing more to offer, he knew we had to be brought here to the mead hall, but not why.
Wylfdene was visibly angry with Hjollder, in his eyes any shaman who cannot fully interoperate the meaning of his own visions is a failure to Tempus. For his failure he ordered Hjollder to be banished to the 'burial Isle'. He then turned back to address his men.
"As for this outlander... I will not contest even the flawed vision of a shaman. If it is the will of Tempos that they live, then so be it. Now get them out of my sight!"
Wylfdene whispered something to one of his men, and I was then marched back through the camp. A few minutes later we reached the wooden gate, and I was led outside. The barbarians began to encircle me, weapons drawn, and the man Wylfdene had whispered too stepped forward.
"This is as far as you go outlander, Wylfdene has ordered your execution!"
But why? He said it himself, he wouldn't contest the visions of a shaman? Then it dawned on me! The barbarians were a superstitious people, if Wylfdene had openly defied the will of the gods in front of his men then he would undoubtedly lose a lot of support. But still, why betray me like this? The Barbarians follow a code of honor, and by all accounts Jerrod was no different, it makes no sense unless the undead creature is *not* possessed by the spirit of the noble barbarian hero afterall.
Such thoughts would have to wait however, I now had seven hulking barbarian warriors closing in on me. An arrow, and then another suddenly whistled through the air, striking one of the brutes in the back, over his shoulder I could make out two of the skeletal archers I had raised earlier on. Several zombies burst from the bushes, catching the nomadic warriors by surprise.
With the barbarians momentarily distracted, I had a brief moment to prepare before the barbarian were upon me. Being completely surrounded I knew that I would probably take a number of nasty blows before I could break free from the ambush, and so used the opportunity to cast my new spell, Trollish Fortitude. And then the battle was in full flow.
Two of the barbarians broke off to deal with my undead minions, the rest closed in on me, I began to conjure a trusty skull trap, but I underestimated the barbarian warriors, one of the barbarians in full battle rage swung his axe so forcefully it pierced my magical spirit armor and embedded into my stomach. I almost swooned, intense pain wracking my body, and my skull trap spell fizzled out mid casting.
I stumbled away from the group half dead at first, but quickly regaining my strength as the wound began to knit itself back together again. With my faithful boots of speed I managed to put some distance between myself and my attackers before, conjuring a second skull trap. This time the explosive cranium went off without a hitch.
Amazingly, the hardy and enraged barbarians just kept coming. Behind me, my undead were being swiftly outmatched by the skilled warriors. I retreated further back, trying to get the whole group in close quarters, and then released my next skull bomb. My undead were all destroyed in the attack, but all of the barbarians were caught in the blast as a result.
Consumed with bloodlust and totally oblivious to their own mortal wounds the burley warriors stood back up and charged me yet again. I managed to successfully fire off my final trap, one of the barbarians losing an arm, but it still wasn't enough!
Quickly running out of options, I clutched a couple of the exploding skulls I had purchased from Kieran Nye, and then threw them both at the advancing warband. This time several of the barbarians finally succumbed to their wounds.
With the enemy numbers now more manageable, I resorted back to my spell book. A vampiric touch spell, drained one of the wounded barbarians of his remaining life force, reinvigorating me in the process. Only three barbarians now remained, all of whom were gravely injured.
I cast a few Beltyn's Burning blood spells, but the hardy warriors shrugged the spells off with little effect, however a well placed slingshot dropped one of the remaining barbarians, and then there were two.
A second well placed slingshot bounced off the side of a barbarians head with a sickening crunch, obviously fracturing the brutes skull, and then there was one!
The final enraged savage was shrugging off most of my spells, and so I drew my staff and closed in on the badly wounded savage. The barbarian was more than a match for me in close quarters, however my spirit armour and regeneration spell gave me a huge advantage, my wounds healing faster than he could inflict them. Unable to main his momentum the barbarian quickly began to tire, and before long the tides had changed.
The constitution and physical durability of these barbarians was incredible, it took almost everything I had to defeat just a small handful. If the tribes do go to war, then I have no doubt that the ten towns are doomed.
Wylfdene wasn't going to take my escape, or the death of his men lightly. I entertained the thought of returning to Dorn's Deep, and continuing my investigation of Kuldahar's problems, however I was certain that the undead creature would track me down sooner or later, and I still had no idea who or what now controlled the overgrown zombie king. Better to nip this problem in the bud now, before things get to far out of control.
With my options limited, I hired Ned the local ferryman to take me to the Burial Isle, maybe the exiled shaman Hjollder could shed some more light on my situation.
14 Tarsakh 1282
I made landfall on the banks of the burial isle early the following morning. A dense and ominous mist blanketed the small island, and my visibility was restricted to but a few short feet in front of me, the island was eerily quiet, and yet, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched, being stalked....
Not far from the bank of the lake, I came across the remnants of a camp site, the embers of a hastily built fire pit still glowed in the dingy morning light, someone had been here, and only recently, Hjollder maybe? Unfortunately there was no sign of anyone now.
I made my way further inland, I couldn't see a thing through the thick gloom, however the occasional sound of a branch snapping, or fallen leaves crunching under a boot confirmed my suspicions that I was not alone. I raised a number of minor undead and then cautiously advanced.
Suddenly and without warning I was brought to my senses, startled by the sudden rustling of leaves from the undergrowth to my left. I spun around staff poised to strike! A large crow, casually hopped out from the bush, a small twig hanging from its beak, it cocked its head slightly looking at me, and then turned and flew away. I let out a small sigh of relief, it was just a bird! And the head from one of my zombies rolled passed my feet....
I whirled around, an undead shaman and several barrow wights had descended upon me whilst I was distracted. The undead barbarian warriors, were easily outmatching my own undead minions.
So attuned to the Necromantic art, I could literally taste the negative plane energy that was sustaining deadly barrow wights. I focused on that very energy, attempting to wrestle control and shape the energy to my will. Many of my minions fell, but they bought me enough time to completely dominate a number of the barrow wights with my control undead spell.
With several of the wights now loyal to me, I began to reraise my fallen dead, and before long my opponents were outnumbered ten to five.
It didn't take long for my superior numbers to completely overwhelm the undead ambush party, and one by one the wights fell down to the ground, eternal sleep finally theirs. Once the battle was over I began to eliminate my controlled wights one by one, the battle had drained me and the last thing I wanted was to lose my mental domination of the creatures as I slept.
Not so long ago the fool god Lord Ao stripped me of my powers, but through blood, sweat and shear force of will I have clawed my way back from the brink. To hell with the gods, I've fought tooth and nail and I *have* reclaimed what is mine, once again my mastery over the dead is supreme!
With the last of the creature destroyed, I returned to the ferryman Ned, we sailed back out onto the lake, and rested from the safety of the water. Tonight I will return to the island, and build my self an army.
16 Tarsakh 1282
The barrow wights were defenseless against my necromancy, one by one submitting to my will. Before long I had a small army of powerful wight's under my command, clearing the rest of the island, didn't take long at all.
As I fought across the length of the island, I found my way to an ancient lighthouse, in a desperately poor state of repair. Yet despite looking like it could collapse at any moment, the familiar, flickering orange glow of a candle emanated from one of the ground floor windows, someone was home!
The island was supposedly uninhabited, and so I had expected to find the exiled Hjollder in the decrepit old building, instead I was surprised to find a sickly old wizard, a necromancer....
The necromancer had been cursed by a cabaal of enemy mages and was slowly dying. Spells and healing herbs only served to quicken the effects of his curse, his possible cure would have to be some kind of divine intervention.
Edion Caradoc has give in and accepted his fate, and I have no desire to cure him of his affliction. He has however agreed to sell off items from his significant haul of magical trinkets and other items.
Edion's stock was immense, I could afford to buy only a fraction of the necromancers wonderful collection. I purchased four new spell scrolls, Wail of the Banshee and Energy Drain, two of the most ancient and powerful spells in a Necromancers arsenal, spells that had once been stripped from my mind by Ao during in my banishment were once again mine.
The other two spells 'darts of bone' and 'soul eater' were completely new to me, the first summons a series of energy draining darts, whilst 'soul eater' a very powerful spell, drains the very life force from any and all creatures within a stones throw distance, fueling me with superhuman strength and endurance. What's more, any enemy that succumbs to the deadly spell will be risen as a skeleton under my command!
I also bought several enchanted items, a mages pointy hat, a ridiculous looking piece of clothing that I only purchased on account of the massive tornado that its magical enchantment can summon once per day. Finally I purchased a ring of wizardry, but unlike the ring I possessed back in Baldurs Gate, this one affects my ability to cast mid leveled spells, greatly increasing the number of undead at my disposal!
The necromancer had many more powerful items at his disposal, including a beautiful ring of necromancy from the school of Ulcaster, a magical belt that would summon a large number of ogre berzerkers, and finally a pair of bracers that grant the user access to a series of powerful shout spells. Unfortunately I would have to return for those once I had accumulated more gold.
I spent several days with the old necromancer, scribing my new spells in the safety of his home. Once I was ready, I set out to explore the island further. To the north I found a sacred burial site, the final resting place of a number of ancient barbarian shaman.
Unfortunately there was no longer any rest on this isle, not anymore, and like all the other retched souls here, the Shaman walked again.
"This is a place for the dead, the living have no business here mortal!"
The ghostly shaman made it quite clear that I was not welcome here, but I had questions that needed answers. The shaman refused to acknowledge my questions, ordering me to leave, but more bluntly this time. That was their mistake, I don't take orders from dead things.....
I tapped into their familiar negative plane energy, and I began to unravel, and then reshape it to my own needs, within moments several of the creatures had submitted to my will and now served me loyally.
Pure chaos broke out, as brother turned upon brother. I once again began to focus on the negative essence that was holding the undead creatures together, this time shaping it into a new spell. Suddenly, half of the hostile dead froze in their tracks, completely paralyzed by my hold undead spell.
As quickly as the battle had begun, it ended, no creature of the netherworld orders Zuzhul Plaguebringer....
21 Tarsakh 1282
My search had proved fruitless, I could find not sight nor sound of the shaman Hjollder. The only place left to search remained the barrows deep below ground. Unfortunately the entrance to the underground warrens was defended by the mighty spirit animal of the tribe of the bear.
I could sense the power and great strength radiating from the immense and sentient white bear. Like the rest of the islands inhabitants, the bear was not welcoming of the living, again ordering me to leave the island, when will these creatures learn....
I ordered my army to swarm the bear, and then turned towards the entrance to the underground warren. Suddenly the island seemed to spring to life, the howling of wolves echoed all around me, followed by the roars of a pack of enraged bears. I couldn't see them yet, but their howls indicated they were closing in fast, and that there were a lot of them.
Within moments I was surrounded by countless spirit animals, and what's more I had completely underestimated the strength of the great white bear, which was now tearing through my undead minions like they were rag dolls, even my mighty bloated barrow wights were cut down like wheat beneath a bladed scythe.
My boots of speed saved my neck once again, allowing me to outpace even the swift wolves. I began lobbing my signature skull traps at the pursuing pack of spirit animals, but the otherworldly creatures possessed unnaturally tough resilience, and it took my entire arsenal of skulls to thin the pack.
Slowly but surely my hit and run tactics wore the creatures down, and before long I was faced off with only the great white bear. I conjured up several quivers of bone darts, but the enchanted weapons barely slowed the rampaging animal. I began to raise undead warriors, skeleton after skeleton dug its way out of the cold hard ground, all throwing themselves at the powerful bear.
The bear was striking down my minions effortlessly, but on this corpse rich island, I could raise my minions quicker than he could defeat them. Distracted and overwhelmed by endless waves of zombies and skeletons, I began pelting the bear with rocks from my sling. After a battle that seemed to last an eternity, the bear finally succumbed to its injuries.
I set up camp, exhausted form the battle, what undead monstrosities would await me below the earth, I pondered?
The stench of death invaded my nostrils as I descended into the dank barrow. The underground burial site was not just teeming with the wights I had been forced to endure so far, but also wailing virgins, a banshee type creature. They sensed my intrusion the moment I set foot into the warrens, and I was ambushed almost immediately. My control undead spell dominated the first wave, forcing them under my control.
Pitting the undead creatures against one another I was able to quickly wear them down. The underground warren of tunnels was much larger than I had expected, and was unlike any tomb or crypt I had ever encountered. The foolish barbarians bury their dead, along with their greatest weapons and treasures, and it was all laid out for the taking as I advanced through the tunnels.
20 Tarsakh 1282
I encounter something quite peculiar in the warrens today, a sentient, animated suit of armor. The armor identified its self as Vexing Thoughts, and claimed to be a Glabrezu, transmuted into a suit of armor by a mage long ago.
He has offered me power, and a one time promise of assistance in a future battle, but only if I complete a simple service for him, kill an innocent....
If I happened to know the creatures true name then I would have been able to force the creature into servitude, unfortunately divination magics are beyond my comprehension. I guess I'll just have to do as the creature asks, how tedius...
I'll return at some point in the future once I find a suitable victim.
25 Tarsakh 1282
Well this was quite unexpected, I have encountered a number of wailing virgins led by one named Mebdinga. The banshees are guardians, charged with watching over the final resting place of their king ...WYLFDENE!
They informed me that their barrow had been invaded by a dark evil, who had risen Wylfdene from his eternal sleep. Since that day the evil presence's taint had slowly spread through the barrow, infecting it with a dark energy. Soon after the dead started growing restless and began to rise from their graves.
According to Mebdinga, that very taint infects me too, and offends the dead of the warren. The banshees offered no additional insight into the dark presence they had mentioned, and soon turned hostile.
The large force of undead under my command cut off the banshee's before they could intercept me, and all hell broke loose. I focused on the creatures dark energy and used it to shape a spell, a moment later Mebdinga, and several of here sisters froze solid. My undead hoard tore through the immobile creatures with ease and soon after the room area fell completely quiet.
I searched through, Wylfdenes coffin and discovered a defaced amulet, depicting a great bear, I placed it into my pack believing it could be important.
29 Tarsakh 1282
The warrens led me deep beneath the great lake, before finally emerging on a separate, smaller island, and it was here I finally found a battered and bruised Hjollder.
Hjollder was skeptical of my claims about the false Wylfdene, at least until I showed him the defaced bear amulet I had recovered from Wylfdene's tomb. The amulet was a tribal insignia used to identify barbarian royalty, and was sacred among members of the tribe. No true barbarian would deface such a treasure, Hjollder was now certain that whoever now possessed Wylfdene, was not Jerrod.
Still we were no closer to unmasking the real enemy. Hjollders visions had become masked and distorted, as if someone was trying to block them. According to the Shaman our only hope now lies with a legendary barbarian seer, who now resides in the deadly Gloomfrost. I am to travel too and meet with this witch, if anyone has the answers we need, it will be her.
30 Tarsakh 1282
Before making my way back to Lonelywood I paid the Necromancer Edion one last visit. Trading the treasures I had looted from the barrows for his ring of Ulcaster, the belt of ogre summoning and the bracers of blasting.
It was late when I finally got back to Lonelywood, the light from a fullmoon gently illuminating the small village. After such a long week, I decided to head straight for the Whilstling Gallows for some much needed rest.
The distant howl of a wolf caught my attention as I made my way through the streets, but I thought little of it, such creatures were common here in the Dale, and few would dare vencher into a human settlement. I could hear music and merrymaking as I drew nearer to the inn, the bard Murdaugh no doubt whipping the crowd into a frenzy.
I was barely ten feet away from the taverns entrance, when I heard the same wolf, this time growling, and this time much ..much closer!
I whirled around, ready to drain away the mangy mutts lifeforce with a Larlochs minor drain, but instead I found my self face to face with a powerfully built greater werewolf! The beast closed in fast, slashing and biting at me wildly, I figured my spirit armor would protect me, but my defenses proved ineffective against the lycanthrope.
I fought myself free from my attacker, and managed to drop a skulltrap at its feet, my boots of speed barely getting me away from the blast in time. I knew skulltraps explosion had alerted the local villagers to my battle, as the sound of merrymaking from the tavern stopping suddenly, and a row of terrified faces lined the windows.
The powerful were creature advanced once again, and knowing the legends surrounding such creatures, I was fully aware that I could find myself hard pressed to injure the beast. Instead I took a different tact, calling on the forbidden necromantic arts and unleashing an energy drain spell on the Lycan, a large portion of its soul was tore violently from its body, greatly weakening the monster.
With the beast slowed down momentarily, I turned my attention to my own gaping wounds. The werebeast was healing fast, an ability I also possessed. It took but a moment to complete my incantation, and then my trollish fortitude spell kicked into action, knitting my bite and claw wounds back together.
With the beasts element of surprise now wasted I went on the offensive, blasting it with a barrage of skulltrap spells. The werewolf soon lost its heart for the fight, transformed into a smaller wolf and scuttled away with its tail between its legs.
Inside the tavern I learned that both of Doogal the trappers brothers had been killed by a wolf in the past few days, more than likely the same beast that attempted to eliminate me.
Rather than retire to bed, I decided to pay Doogal a visit, I'd like to learn more of this wolf. The trapper confirmed the news, both his brothers killed by an unnatural wolf, on separate occasions. What's more Doogal suspects the ranger Emmerich Hawk, it is no secret that Emmerich and the trapper bothers were at odds with one another, but if I recall correctly, wasn't Emmerich recently attacked by a wolf whilst out in the forest?
Strangely enough, when I visited Emmerich's cabin, I found it completely deserted, something strange is going on here....
With no more leads, I returned to the tavern and crawled into bed.
I returned to Emmerich's cabin early the following morning. The ranger had returned, but had no memories of the previous night, or any of the nights since Digby or Dolan were killed. When I informed him of the attack outside the tavern, it dawned on him, he had thought it a nightmare, but I had the scars to prove it was not.
When Emmerich had been attacked in the woods, he had been infected with lycanthropy. Over the last few nights his curse had manifested thanks to the fullmoon and he had been stalking the towns inhabitants as a werewolf.
Whether his mind was his own or not that night, the fool tried to kill me, and that couldn't go unpunished. I paralyzed the distraught elf with a Ghoul Touch spell, then drew my knife and repaid every claw and bite mark he had inflicted upon me. I left his lifeless corpse on the floor for the rats, maybe this would also serve to appease the demon vexing thoughts? Afterall he wasn't himself when he commited his crimes.
15 Mirtul 1282
The journey was long and treacherous, but I have finally made it to the area known as the Gloomfrost. The cold was bitter here so high up in the mountains, and the occasional sound of a wolf howling could barely be heard over the raging blizzard, but eventually they tracked me down, three hungry winter wolves.
A few Beltyn's burning blood spells helped me to dispatch the wolves, as well supply me with warm meat! Which was much appreciated whilst battling exposure upon the frozen mountain face. The wolves proved to be the least of my problems however.
Soon after I was ambushed by Frost Salamanders, who had hidden beneath the snow. By the time I realized my what was happening I was surrounded, and completely trapped upon the narrow mountain walkways.
My minions rushed out to meet the attackers, but were no match for the salamanders, in their natural habitat, they held all the advantages. A new plan formed in my mind and I called my undead back to my position, letting the Salamanders close in.
I focused all my necromantic energy, and channeled it in to a high pitched scream. The creatures clutched at their ears, desperately trying to block out the agonizing scream. One by one the salamanders dropped down dead under the power of my relentless Wail of the Banshee spell.
My spell had killed five of their number, and opened up a hole in their ranks that I used to escape through. With their numbers now even, my undead engaged with the remaining Salamanders, and from a safe distance I unleashed my second spell, an Abi-Dalsim's Wilting Horror. The powerful spell was too much for the reptilian creatures, and once again I stood victorious.
Just past the ambush site I found an abandoned campsite, there was little of use at the camp but I did find several vials of burning oils which I stashed in my pack. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I made my self at home in the camp and began to rememorize my consumed spells.
The march around the winding mountain walkways and ledges continued to prove deadly, encountering encountering yeti, trolls and even frost giants! I was so on edge due to the endless ambushes and attacks that at one point I'm sure I saw I giant eye blink open in the very mountain itself! I rubbed my own eyes in disbelief, but when I looked back it was gone, am I beginning to hallucinate?
Despite the endless wave of enemies I finally made it to the end of the narrow walkway, and to the opening of a large cave.
There is no doubt in my mind that I have made it to the heart of the Yuan-ti base of operations, this level is literally swarming with the scaly b*****ds! Even the central corridor winds in and out like a slithering snake.
With my spellbook so empty, progress will undoubtedly be slow, but with enough time I am confident I can punch through the Yuan-ti ranks. For now I have resorted to my staff of summoning, summoning a small hoard of ogres and yeti to help speed up my clearance of the area.
As I have fought my way down the tunnel I have encountered a mysterious young girl, she speaks in riddles and warps away whenever I try to converse with her. The girl is obviously more than she seems, I should be on my guard.
The worst dangers I have faced so far have come from the small passageways that snake off from the main corridor. The first led me to a well guarded treasury.
Despite the large contingent of guards, the contents of the treasury was underwhelming, the only item of interest was an unidentifiable magical sword that I have stashed away in my bag of holding for now.
The second snaking passage led to a Yuan-ti barracks, I was almost overwhelmed by snakemen warriors as I stepped unprepared into the room, I hastily retreated to the corridor, preparing my now customary skull trap greeting.
The first wave fell in unison as the deafening sound of my blast echoed down the long corridor, but before I could celebrate my victory a second larger wave barged through the doorway eager to please their snake god by removing my head. I continued to backpeddle as I prepared my second trap, once again the snakes collapsed in unison as the magical blast tore through their numbers.
I now had a problem, when I first stepped into the barracks, I saw a large number of archers as well as the warriors who had chased me outside. If I step through the doorway again, I'd likely find an arrow between my eyes.
Clutching my staff of summoning, I decided to call some cannon fodder to assist me. A moment later I had two invisible stalkers under my command. I ordered my invisible stalkers to slowly enter the room, tentatively approaching the archers, whilst I waited safely in the corridor.
I waited patiently until I heard the familiar sound of a bowstring being released, and then ordered my stalkers to retreat back into the corridor. As suspected the Yuan-ti archer followed my stalkers out into the corridor, where it was easily dispatched. The strategy worked over and over again, luring the archers out one at a time.
On one of the corpses I found a very powerful bow, its a shame I have no proficiency with such weapons.
The central corridor seems to carry on endlessly, and so with my magical energies drained, I set up camp for the night, I will continue my advance in the morning.
I slowly made my way through the Yuan-ti complex, branching off periodically to clear out the side rooms, these included torture chambers, histachii breeding grounds and other insignificant areas. Other than enemies, and minor treasures I found very little of interest to me.
The final door at the end of the corridor was different though, I felt a great sense of forboding as I approached the ominous double doors. I knew in the pit of my stomach that somthing ancient and terrible awaited me on the other side.
I wasn't about to throw myself into peril unprepared, so I took out my staff of summoning. A few moments later I had a total of six invisible stalkers at my command.
I tentatively entered into the room, surrounded by my stalkers. A number of Yuan-Ti encircled the room, but in the middle sat the young girl who had been revealing herself throughout the level. She was a creature of evil no doubt, we had that in common, but what was she?
The girl revealed herself as Yxunomei, the yuan-ti leader I had heard spoken off throughout my descent of Dragon's Eye. She had stolen the Heartstone Gem to use as a tool in her battle with an old nemesis, she wasn't interested in sharing much more than that, and truth be told I wasn't interested. I'd spent far too long in Dragons Eye as it was, it was time to claim my Heartstone Gem.
As our inevitable battle drew nearer, Yxunomei reverted back to her true form, a fearsome Marilith! I wasn't about to let such a powerful creature gain the upper hand, so I quickly launched a pre-emptive skull trap in her direction, the blast knocking the proud priestess backwards, but not for long.
Before she could regain her bearings, I ordered my invisible stalkers in to intercept her, with Yxunomei's attention diverted by the stalkers, I turned my attention to the lesser Yuan-ti, I couldn't afford to let them gather in numbers and surround me. The biggest danger came from a group to the south, two archers and a priest who were picking my invisible stalkers apart from range.
It only took two well placed skull bombs to wipeout the small group, I then turned my attention back to Yxunomei. The Marilith had taken quite a beating, but so too had my stalkers, and I knew that once they died I would be hard pressed to keep my distance from the swift demoness. I decided to take a risk at the expense of my almost defeated stalkers, by trying to take Yxunomei down whilst she was engaged.
I conjured up yet another of my trusty skull traps and took careful aim at the group. This was a last ditch, make or break effort, if she survived, then I will have just sacrificed my own minions for nothing, and would be extremely vulnerable to a counter attack. Time seemed to slow down as the explosive sailed through the air....
BOOM! The flying skull smashed into the side of Yxunomei's face before delivering its explosive payload, the marilith and most of her lackeys fell down quite dead. Two Yuan-ti had somehow managed to survive the explosion, and fueled with renewed rage at the loss of their leader, they came right for me. One of the Yuan-ti was near death and wouldn't put up much of a fight, but other one was barely injured, and extremely angry.
I focused my energy and tried to recall a spell I hadn't employed in years. I reached out and grabbed the enraged Yuan-ti, roughly by the arm, the creature froze in its tracks, paralyzed by my ghoul touch spell. With the main threat immobilized, the second and near dead creature was easily taken care of.
With just one paralyzed enemy remaining, I pulled out my dagger, I'm going to enjoy this.....
12 Nightal 1281
After recovering the Heartstone Gem, I set up camp in Yxunomei's personal chambers, I don't think I'll be disturbed now. After several days regaining my strength it was time to return to Kuldahar.
The Heartstone Gem is useless! Without proper training and the knowledge to use it, it is nothing more than a fancy gem! I had planned to claim it for my own, but I guess I'll still need Arundel if I am to unlock it's secrets.
18 Nightal 1281
I could see smoke in the distance as I neared Kuldahar, a fairly common sight in the town, that I figured to be the smoke from a chimney. Soon several more plumes of smoke began to rise, quickly getting bigger and bigger, that wasnt chimney smoke, something was wrong, Kuldahar was under attack!
As I reached the town, I was ambushed by a pair of Orog's, a distant relative of the orc family who are native to the vast underground caverns of the Underdark. What are denizen's of the underdark doing in Kuldahar? I didn't have time to ponder such riddles, I had an invasion to quell.
The first two were blown away with relative ease, however the battle was still raging on throughout the town, and the villagers were being butchered in droves. I came upon an Orog and a villager frantically fighting in the town square, with both distracted I began to conjure up a skull trap, what's a bit of collateral damage anyway?
Damn it! I stopped short of finishing my spell. The thought of catching a few villagers in my blast radius didn't really bother me, but it would bother Arundel. If I started exploding his citizens in the streets, then I doubt very much that he would relinquish the secrets of the Heartstone Gem to me. No I need to bind my time, and hide my true nature from these people just a little longer.
With my skull traps no longer a valid option, I crept up behind the Orog, grabbing him from behind. The creature froze solid, paralyzed by my necromantic ghoul touch. The strategy served me well, paralyzing the distracted Orogs one by one, before beating them to death with my staff.
When I finally reached Arundel's home, I realized something was off. Why was the druid not outside helping to defend Kuldahar? He was waiting patiently for me inside, but he seemed different, he was cold, distant and unemotional. The druid didn't ask me anything about the invaders, or the immediate plight of his town, he was interested only in my mission to Dragon's Eye.
His demeanor changed quickly from one of stone, to one of giddy joy when I informed him of Yxunomei and her demise. I had been played! Stood in front of me was the ancient, hidden foe, the nemesis Yxunomei had spoken of. I don't know who or what he is, but this was not Arundel.
The imposter warped away soon after our encounter, preventing me from prizing any clues from his lips. I heard a weak coughing above me, cautiously I made my way up the stairs.
Arundel lay in a pool of his own blood, he wounds to great to heal. The creature had attacked in the night, though Arundel had no clue as to who this new adversary was. First there was Sarevok, then there was Mellisan and now this 'old enemy' I am getting tired of pursuing masked opponents.
The Hearstone Gem had the power to unmask this new threat, but Arundel no longer had the strength. He told me there was one more person with the knowledge to use the gem, if they were still alive. An old elf named Larrel, whose last known place of residence was the ancient ruins of a former Elvan Fortress, the Severed Hand. With the last of his strength, the druid drew me a rough map to the fortress, and then passed away.
Before I left I visited the temple to identify some of my new equipment, the magical decks of playing cards were interesting. One deck grants me a random beneficial enchantment whenever a card is drawn, the other deck will enchant me with the blur spell. The cards are consumed when used, so the magic is limited.
CHAPTER 3 - The Severed Hand
24 Nightal 1281
It didn't take us long to find the elf Larrel, or rather some kind of astral projection. He was conversing with a squirrel as we approached the drawbridge that led to the imposing elvan fortress. The elf was clearly quite insane, accusing the squirrel of being a dwarf, before releasing a massive fireball upon the helpless creature. Curse my bad luck, even Tymora has forsaken me. With no other options available to me, I entered the tower.
24 Nightal 1281
I don't know what is going on, but this fortress seems to be haunted. I was ambushed by ghostly orcs as I entered into the hallway. I took an arrow to the gut, but somehow managed to hold my concentration and release a skull trap into the middle of the pack.
Only two archers remained, fortunately the enchantment from my ring of shielding protected me from the brunt of their assault, and I was able to dispatch the creatures up close and personal. The further into the complex I fought, the more spirits I encountered, goblins, orcs and even ogres! I suspect these are remnants from some long forgotten battle. Much like the Vale of Shadows, I have found most of my spells to be ineffective against the undead.
1 Hammer 1282
Oh what a most joyous day! Poking around the debris on the second floor I discovered an ancient scrap of paper, I almost casually tossed it aside until I recognized the a few of the faded runes. I have discovered an ancient necromantic scroll of animate dead! Once again, the people of Faerun are going to learn to fear the name Zuzhul Plaguebringer!
12 Hammer 1282
This version of the animate dead spell functions differently to the one I commanded back on the sword coast, summoning several lesser skeletons and zombies, as opposed to a single, but powerful undead warrior. So far my new undead minions have proven weak and underwhelming, most falling to a single blow when battling the orcs and goblins. At the very least they make good sacrificial distractions, drawing my enemies to a single spot so I can blast them with my skull trap.
The fortress is but a shell of its former glory, days have passed into weeks, and I have finally cleared out the lower levels of the hand. The fourth floor seems to be in much better condition than the previous levels, with most of the masonry still intact. One corridor has been collapsed, but four others branch off into several directions, leading to the hands 'fingers', the five finger like towers of the hand.
I have met an undead warrior who appears friendly. He answered a lot of my questions, but in doing so created many more he couldn't answer, in life he was Lethias, a elvan Bladesinger of the Hand.
Hundreds of years ago the hand was besieged by an army of orcs, the elves knew the tower was lost and that it was only a matter of time before they were overwhelmed and defeated, so they devised a plan, a trap to slay as many of the orcs as they could before the fortress fell.
One of the towers was rigged to blow, and Lethias was the one who volunteered to lure them into the trap, hundreds upon hundreds of orcs died that day, and Lethias fell with a smile upon his face. And that is all he knows, he claims to have recently 'awoken' along with everyone else in the tower. The skeleton warriors I have encountered were former elvaan residents, and the orcs the hands invaders.
Unlike the others, Lethias has kept his memory and consciousness. He knows not why the hands dead have risen, he did however provide insight as to where I may find Larrel. During the Hands final days, Larrel had apparently locked himself away with the rest of the hands mages in 'Labelas Tower'.
24 Hammer 1282
It seems that Lethias is not the only sentient elf up here, there are a number of Elvan spirits walking the halls of the fourth floor, though they seem unable to see things as they truly are, living there lives as they did in like, totally oblivious to the towers destruction.
One such spirit was a former shopkeeper named Lehland. Most of his stock, now hundreds of years old has rotten beyond use, however I found some enchanted bullets in his inventory that I purchased.
Rumors amongst the elves suggest that Larrel is now a Baelorn, the elvan equivalent of a lich. There is also talk that his present madness is somehow linked with his broken astrolabe, a giant machine used in the study of astronomy. I don't know what is wrong with the device, or how such a machine could possibly alter the mental state of an individual, but it would be a good idea to find the replacement parts scattered around the fortress, before confronting Larrel.
25 Hammer 1282
I opted to explore Shevarash Tower first. On the first level I encountered the Severed Hand's former Weapon master, an elf named Kayleesa. Kayleesa holds one of the astrolabe parts I need, but wont relinquish it unless I prove my 'worth', I'm tempted to prove my arcane might instead, but wouldn't want to risk damaging the astrolabe part.
Kayleesa's former comrades have also been raised in the tower, but unlike her, they have decended into madness, attacking any intruder. She wishes me to put her men to rest, by giving them a good and honorable death. I don't fight honorably, but she doesn't need to know that.
Further up the tower I encountered the Weapon Masters men, several swordsmen and a lot of archers. A well placed skull trap took out the largest concentration of them, my skeleton and zombie minions then closed in on the remainders, cutting them down as I bombarded the group with spells.
Once the dust had settled, I searched the area, and in an old rotten wooden cabinet I found a new spell. Beltyn's Burning Blood! I have heard of this spell, a truly cruel and wicked magic thought to have been lost to the ages. The spell literally boils a targets blood within their body, the pain sending them into a berserk rage. It won't be much use against the undead here in the tower, but when I leave it will become a staple of my arsenal!
I returned to Kayleesa, with her put to rest she has requested the same fate, an honorable death in battle. Why did I waste my time on her lackey's when I could have just executed her from the start...
The Elvan archer lived up to her mantle as Weapon Master, her skill with a bow was truly something. But with relentless waves of undead coming at her from all sides, she was soon overwhelmed just like her men. The spirit left a few enchanted items behind when she was slain, I couldn't identify her bow, but I instantly recognized the enchantment upon the boots, those were boots of speed! Having lost mine during my ascension at the Throne of Bhaal I was more than happy to claim them.
Corellon Tower housed the elvan armies officers and generals, the finest strategic minds of the Severed Hand were drawing up their battle plans here when the Orcish forces breeched the fortress. Now the crazed officers haunted the halls in undeath.
Trapped in their offices, the elves were easily cornered by my undead minions whilst I rigged the doorways to blow with my traps.
Wave after wave of elvan soldiers tried to escape the room, only to detonate my traps. Climbing this tower proved straight forward enough, I found the next astrolabe part in a desk on the second floor.
8 Alturiak 1282
At the very top of the tower I met Valestis, another elf who had somehow kept his sanity where the others had lost theirs. Valestis maintaines the keeps arboretum, though like the rest of the fortress the garden is now dead and lifeless. Valestis has asked me to return if I find any seeds, animals or other things that could breath new life into the dead garden. Personally I prefer it dead and lifeless, but I'm funny that way.
19 Alturiak 1282
I have moved my search over to Solonor Tower, home to the Severed Hands priests and clerics. On the first floor I met the spirit of Denaini in a desecrated elvan shrine.
Denaini explained the elves curse to me, during their darkest hour when everything seemed lost, Larrel the Elvaan leader hatched a last ditch plan to save his people. He gathered the remaining elvaan wizards and retreated to Labelas Tower, they began to incite the most ancient of elvan magics, a protective mythal.
The mythal was meant to prevent the orc hoard from entering the severed hand, but something went terribly wrong. A mythal is a self sustaining spell, that takes its energy from nature and the natural environment, but this mythal quickly unraveled, draining the life force from every living creature in the Hand. One by one the Hands inhabitants fell down dead, well at least initially.
Soon after, the malfunctioning mythal brought each and every corpse, elf and orc back to life, as undead creatures, forced to forever fight each other. Such a fate was insufferable to the elves, irrevocably breaking their minds and turning them into crazed shells of their former selfs.
Denaini has begged me to put her elvan brothers and sisters in the tower to rest, if by rest she means slaughter, then I'm happy to oblige. I have demanded a reward for my effort, and she has agreed to muster up some magical trinkets whilst I'm away.
20 Alturiak 1282
The battle with the priests started well enough, the clerics were all in prayer as I reached the second floor. Unaware of my presence I was able to call forth a small group of undead uninterrupted, I ordered my minions to attack and then began bombing the unprepared clerics.
The strategy was working perfectly, the clerics were in total disarray. I began casting my second skull trap and...... nothing!?!
One of the clerics had struck me with a miscast magic spell! I glanced up to my skeletons, the clerics had quickly gained the upper hand, one by one my minions were destroyed. Within moments the battle had turned completely, my guardians were decimated and my magic disabled.
Fortunately I had now had Kayleesa's boots of speed. I used the large room to my advantage, keeping my distance from the elvan clerics.
Fumbling around in my pockets I pulled out a couple of Oswald's oil flasks. I might not be able to use my magic, but I could still incinerate the group! With my superior speed, I was able to swiftly escape the blast as my first flask exploded in the center of the group.
Giving the clerics no time to recover, I tossed my second flask and again sped off. It still wasn't enough, the group were a hardy bunch. I was forced into a game of cat and mouse, with me taking on the part of the mouse, until this miscast magic spell wears I am a sitting duck.
Eventually the spell wore, and I wasted no time conjuring a skull trap, the explosive tore through the elvan ranks and decimated their numbers, unfortunately I was caught in my own blast. I hobbled away as fast as my shaky legs could carry me, tossing a final skull bomb over my shoulder as I fled. The blast finished off the last remaining stragglers.
With the room clear, I collapsed with exhaustion I would need rest before I could continue.
29 Alturiak 1282
I found another component part of the astrolabe device, in one of the chests on the second floor of the tower. With my mission coming to a close I returned to the base of the tower, true to her word Denaini rewarded me for ending the clerics undeath. I received a new enchanted sling, much more powerful then the one I already held.
Larrel has completely destroyed the base of Labelas Tower! The upper levels remain intact, and are floating high up in the air, suspended by some type of magical spell, but alas they are inaccessible from down here. Looking upwards I could make out a bridge connecting the upper levels of the Labelas and Shevarash towers, maybe I could access the tower from there?
30 Alturiak 1282
It didn't take long to locate the crossbridge leading into Labelas Tower. Inside I was accosted by a number of elvan spell casters, but my skull traps proved too much for their meager magical defenses. Further up the tower I came found a great library, which in its prime must have been magnificent. The elvan librarian allowed me to take out a number of books, I took out a book on mythals, I'm sure orrick would pay well for it.
On the upper levels of the tower, I finally found the crazed Baelorn, Larrel. The undead arch mage spoke in riddles, incomprehensible gibberish. Tinkering with the broken down astrolabe was another mage, this one with his marbles intact. Gelarith was once a craftsman of sorts, charged by Larrel to build and maintain the Astrolabe, although without the correct parts it was currently beyond repair.
Emptying out my pack, I asked Gelarith if any of the parts I had recovered were of use. The lef giddily rummaged through the mechanical parts.
"Yes... YEESS! These will do nicely!"
Ten minutes or so later and the skillful craftsman had restored the machine to working order, and the astrolabe whirled to life. I visible change came over Larrel, a look of confusion as if he had gone to sleep and woken up somewhere completely different.
Larrels faculties had been restored. As thanks for releasing him from his curse, the agreed to divine the location of my masked enemy. The gem revealed an ancient Dwarf stronghold, known as Dorns Deep, it was there, where I would find my answers.
5 Ches 1282
I returned to Kuldahar, Orrick was thrilled with the book I had secured for him at the Severed Hand and gave me an enchanted ring in exchange, he also opened up his stock offering me a wider selection of scrolls. Among his inventory I found both the contagion, and spirit armor spells, which I have recorded into my spell book.
I also bought a new robe that had turned up in his store. It not only greatly improves my defense, but also my physical attributes.
CHAPTER 4 - Dorn's Deep
10 Ches 1282
I had hoped that I would never again have need to venture down into the underdark, the last time I barely escaped from the drow city of Ust Natha with my life. This time I am down here searching for the long lost entrance to the abandoned Dwarven City of Dorns Deep.
I was barely ten minutes into my underground descent when I was attacked, I recognized the creatures immediately from my time in the Underdark caverns below Amn, Myconids! A fungal type race of creatures, able to release clouds of spores into the air that cause hallucinations and confusion amongst all who are affected.
I summoned a number of zombies and skeletons, knowing the undead creatures would be immune to the myconids spore attacks.
The Myconids with their main defensive mechanism rendered ineffective, were swiftly cut down by my undead.
Deeper into the caverns, I stumbled upon an old watchtower, obviously Dwarvern built judging by the architecture. To my surprise it was inhabited by a human mage, named Bandoth. After probing him for information about Dorn's Deep and the local areas of interest, he informed me of a Dwarven Crypt which may be a possible entrance into the Dwarven City. He refuses to surrender the means to enter the crypt however, unless I find his missing apprentice, or more importantly the magical razorweed extract he was sent to collect.
Before I left the mage to his work, I proposed a trade of supplies. Within his stash of scrolls I discovered a new magic, an ancient summoning spell which can call forth Shadows to fight at my behest. These spectral undead will make a nice alternative to my skeletal and cadaverous minions.
15 Ches 1282
I tracked Bandoth's missing apprentice to a large cave far to the south, unfortunately for him, he had wandered into the lair of several large Ettins, all that remained of him now was a partially eaten corpse.
The giants were tough, requiring several skull traps to slay, fortunately despite their massive legs, they were extremely slow. Once the cave was cleared I searched the apprentices corpse, luckily he still had the razorweed extract on him.
I returned to Bandoth who didn't seem too broken up by the loss of his apprentice. True to his word, for returning the extract he told me the location of a secret door, which would hopefully get me into Dorn's Deep.
The first battle of Dorn's Deep was tough and took quite a few attempts, I can tell these drow are going to be a pain in the arse!
15 Ches 1282
Dorn's Deep was rumored to be long abandoned, but I could smell them the moment I reached the ancient Dwarven City, the foul stench of orc kind was overwhelming. I could hear the orcs bickering and fighting all the way from the entrance, their ruckus echoing throughout the ancient Dwarven Halls. If I got into a fight here the resulting noise would likely bring the whole hoard down upon my head!
I faced a long stone bridge, the only access point in and out of the city and a perfect ambush spot. Quiet as a mouse I crept up to the bridge, it took me a moment to spot them, but high up on the ledges on either side of the bridge were a number of orcish sentries, archers. Fortunately the dim-witted beasts were slacking in their guard duty and hadn't spotted me. I could also hear a lot of activity coming from the large room on the opposite side of the bridge, possibly a guard room or barracks?
A plan began to form in the back of my mind, a strategy that had served me well so many times during my adventures on the sword coast. The bridge was a perfect ambush spot for the orcs, but with a little work I could turn it into my own little death trap. Out of the orcs line of sight I began to magically place a series of skull traps along the length of the bridge. Once my trap was set, I took a moment to rememorize my spells.
I applied my defenses, magical spirit armor granting me the same protection afforded to an armored knight and then drew a card from my 'Blur Deck', the magic distorting my visage and making me even harder to strike. Finally I summoned an undead host behind me, several zombies and skeletal archers.
With my trap prepared I marched up to the base of the bridge and I let my presence be known, let the stupid foul smelling creatures look their own death in the eye. Arrows whistled harmlessly past me, my blur enchantment preventing the greenskins from drawing a bead on me, the few arrows that actually found their target bounced ineffectively off my spirit armor.
A moment later the first wave of enemies came bounding out of the opposite room, and they were not what I was expecting! My worst fears were realized, I was once again facing off against the Drow! The two dark elves charged across the bridge, I quickly ordered one of my skeletons to intercept them, sacrificing it to ensure that the elves were caught squarely in the blast.
Damn drow elves and their magic resistance! Six out of my eight laid traps had triggered, yet one of the elves was still standing, and was on me in a flash. The arcane swordsman was skilled, striking me despite my impressive defenses. Protected with a stoneskin spell, he was more than happy to go toe to toe with not just me, but my guardians too. I heard an explosion in the distance, a large number of orogs were starting to spill out of the guard room and the first wave had triggered my remaining skull traps.
Desperate not to get surrounded by the reinforcements, I redoubled my efforts in taking down the drow, and he fell not a moment too soon, as the orogs were soon everywhere. Savage orc kin faced off against fearless undead warriors, and for a moment the orogs took the upper hand. However fatigue soon began to take its toll, as for every undead minion they struck down, I summoned another in its place and before long the exhausted orcs were overwhelmed.
I waited for a moment, unsure whether more enemies would emerge from the room, but all seemed quiet now. Cautiously I returned to the bridge, my undead archers shielded behind me. Much like earlier, my magical defenses proved too much for the unskilled orc archers. I prepared a skull trap, and launched it towards the largest concentration of greenskins, but before my trap could land, a sudden blast of energy was released fro the direction of the second group of orcs. The magic missile spell was absorbed harmlessly by my shield ring. I waited for my skull trap to blow, and turned around to identify my new threat.
In the middle of the orc pack, stood a lone drow sorcerer preparing to fire a second magic missile attack. I countered with a skull trap, the magical explosion punching through the elves magical defense and also blowing away the surrounding orcs. The battle was not over yet however, another orog had closed in and was frantically trying to pierce my magic defenses. Slightly weakened from the battle so far, I resorted to an older technique that I hadn't employed in quite some time, grasping the Orog by the neck I drained the lifeforce from the creature with my Vampiric Touch spell.
Rejuvinated by the Orogs lifeforce I carried on over the bridge. Two more orcish archers appeared, as well as a second drow sorcerer. I cast my final skull trap spell, throwing it in the drows directions, but unfortunately his native magical resistance protected him. With very few effective spells remaining, I ordeed my skeletal archers to focus on the drow, and instead turned my attention to the orcs.
A couple of Beltyn's Boiling Blood spells, and intense pain sent the two orcs into fits of rage, the creatures dropped their bows and began to savagely beat each other.
Once again I turned my attention back to the drow, several arrows now protruded from his chest, a well placed slingshot and the drow crumpled lifelessly to the ground. The battle had been long and draining, but in their pained and enraged state the orcs were easily taken care off.
I don't know what possessed me to continue my exploration of the Dwarven stronghold in such a weakened state, maybe some of my fathers dark essence still remains, maybe my soul still possesses some of the 'Slayer's' bloodlust? Regardless my eagerness nearly cost me my life, with my spell book almost exhausted I entered the guardroom assuming it was now clear, only to come face to face with an Orog General and his men!
The battle was hardfought, my minions were being struck down with ease by the orog brute. With my last summoning spell consumed, I was getting desperate. I focused all my necromantic energy into my hands and triggered my ghoul touch spell, one by one the creatures were frozen solid, paralyzed by my dark magic. Rendered defenseless beasts were easily butchered, but my spell book was now completely drained. I returned to the entrance, and set up camp for the night.
NOTE: I've never really been a fan of touch based spells. A mages poor THACO means they usually miss on anything worth using them on, however I think this play through has converted me! I'm having some great success with ghoul touch. I think playing solo, and leveling so much faster means my THACO is much higher than it would typically be at this point in the game, and so its landing very consistently.
I found a large cave boring right through the walls of the great Dwarven Keep. Inside I came across a Umberhulk, a particularly dangerous denizen of the underdark. Before I could slay the armoured beast it spoke to me!
The creature is no Umberhulk, but rather a Red Wizard of Thay Transmuter named Saablic Tan, who has become stuck in one of his transformations. He has begged me to slay a local orog chieftain, Saablic had previously created and experimented on the orogs, and now that he is transmuted and unable to resort to his magics the orogs have been hunting him down through the cave network.
The sniveling wizard has offered me more information about Dorns Deep and its current inhabitants if I fetch the Orogs badge as proof of the deed.
22 Ches 1282
Finding the Orog chieftain in the caves didn't take long, and unlike the dark elves I had previously encountered he had no defenses against my arcane might. I recovered his badge and returned to the wizard.
Saablic was not as revealing as I would have hoped, he told me that the Dorn's Deep was run by six commanders, and that each one held a similar badge. The badges serve a dual purpose of both identifying a factions leader, and of functioning as a key. If I am to 'meet' with the true leader of the operations here at Dorn's Deep, then I will need all six badges. That was all the information he gave me before scuttling off into the caves.
A note that I found on the Orog Chieftain revealed that Saablic Tan was formerly one of these commanders himself before being stripped of his rank, and having it given to the Orog, was I just duped into a revenge killing? Further reading revealed that the closest commander now was Kreg Frostbeard in Wyrm's Tooth, he sounds like he could potentially be a barbarian chieftain or possibly a frost giant, I'll seek him out next.
Back in the main area of Dorn's Deep I have discovered a large ornate table in a room reminiscent of the one the mage Bandoth told me about. Examining the statues I discovered the hidden switch he had informed me off, but unfortunately it seemed 'locked' in place. Examining the statues further I discovered a hidden door behind one of them.
The secret door led to a large round room, great stone statues of the dwarven gods adorned the walls, each one holding large blue crystals that crackled with electrical energy. In the center of the room was a large ornate stone circle, but other than that the room seemed bare. The Dwarves are cunning creatures, surely they wouldn't go to such lengths to hide the room unless it held some secret, but what?
As I approached the stone circle, the magical crystals roared to life suddenly crackling and popping violently, it didn't take a genius to realize the circle was trapped, and that one wrong step would result in me being blasted by the powerful trap.
The symbols looked familiar, I quickly ran back to the previous room. Of course! ......THE TABLE!
The symbol on each ring of the table corresponded to one of the symbols in each ring of the stone circle. The outer ring represented a Hammer and Anvil, the center ring, the Twin Axes of Clangeddin and the inner circle, two links in a chain representing the so called 'unbreakable' bond between the Dwarves and the Elves of the Hand.
I hastily returned to the stone circle, stepping on the runes in the correct sequence. As I triggered the last pressure switch I heard a loud click in the previous room, Bandoth's secret switch had been unlocked! I returned to the room with the table one final time, and pulled the switch, the room began to shake as if an earthquake was trying to bring the whole keep down on my head. Dust fell from the ceiling, and the deafeningly loud sound of some kind of machinery could be heard from the puzzle room, then everything fell quiet.
Back in the puzzle room a spiraling staircase had opened up in the center of the stone circle, leading to the lower levels. The Dwarves sure knew how to build a stronghold! I descended down the staircase, the large metal cogs of the machinery that had just deafened me were still creaking from their recent operation. At the foot of the stairs I found a dead body clutching a hastily written note.
The man Dver, had become trapped on this level after the stairway had sealed behind him. He spoke of an evil presence in the crypts, that had been trying to invade his mind and control him, but gave no other indication as to who or what could have been responsible. I'll have to be on my guard once I leave this stairwell.
The mechanical staircase led me to an ancient Dwarven crypt. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I entered, I could literally feel the negative plane energy here, a tingling sensation running over my whole body. This crypt is most certainly a focusing point for necromantic energy. As I climbed a large ornate staircase the spectre of a gnarly old dwarf materialized before me.
The dwarves are a prideful race, any perceived slight or insult and I would receive no co-operation, and this one I was certain could tell me much of the necromantic energy I was feeling.
"No", I lied.
The ghost was Norlinor, a warrior who had fallen many years ago during the "Battle of the Dead". We spoke at length about the crypts, and the current undead plague. Long ago at the height of their glory, the dwarves of Dorn's Deep tunneled too deeply into the heart of the mountain, uncovering a large cavern that housed an ancient inert vortice. The vortice was a gateway to the negative energy plane, a rare planar anomaly, and disturbed by the dwarves after hundreds of years of inactivity it once again sprung to life, spewing an endless stream of undead into the lower levels of Dorn's Deep.
The dwarven casualties were immense, they were fighting a losing battle, relinquishing ground to the hoard daily. In the end the dwarves collapsed the tunnel, once again sealing off the cavern. Centuries passed and the vortice was all but forgotten, by everyone but a necromancer named Terikan.
After the orc invasion that had forced the Dwarves from their ancestral home, Terikan was free to set up camp in the city, and once again unearth the vortice. According to Norlinor, Terikan now commands a huge undead army, and on top of that he has also achieved lichdom!
Finally Norlinor informs me that battling Terikan is futile, he has undergone an ancient ritual, removing his own black heart. So long as his heart is hidden away in its enchanted Phylactery, Terikan is invulnerable.
I almost laughed aloud in the miserable dwarfs face! No one is invulnerable to me! I have encountered this kind of dark magic once before, during my battle with my half brother, the godchild giant Yaga Shura. He fell to my arcane might, and so shall this necromancer. If only Norlinor knew he was about to replace one Necromancer for another, that vortice shall soon be mine to harvest!
Norlinor had not exaggerated, the crypt was bustling with undead activity. I was set upon by Terikan's defenses the moment I entered, zombies, wights and skeletons all rushed to swarm me, but a quickly released skull trap efficiently dealt with the group.
With a moment to breathe, I glanced around the tomb. I had barely scratched the tip of the Iceberg, the group I had just destroyed were a small fraction of undead in the large crypt. Up a stone staircase, I could make out Terikan the lich, already raising more dead to replace the ones I had slain.
It was time to fight fire with fire, I quickly got to work raising my own guardians from the corpses of my slain enemies, but before I could engage with the lich, I was ambushed from the western side of the tomb by more of his minions. Drawing upon the raw negative plane energy in the room, I shaped it into a hold undead spell and the creatures were suddenly locked in place, helpless prey for my own guardians.
I hastily made my way up the stairs, ordering my guardians to engage Terikan before he could raise any more allies. I knew that battling the invulnerable lich would just be a waste of my energies, and so I made a dash for the door that Norlinor had mentioned led to the crypt of heroes.
Damn it! The door was locked!
A loud blast shook the room, followed by an intense wave of heat which quickly brought me to my senses. I turned around just in time to witness the lich decimate my forces with a fireball. Simultaneously we both began chanting, raising yet more undead in the room. With Terikan once again distracted with my minions, I frantically began searching for a means to pass the locked door, it didn't take long to find a lone rusty key sitting on top of one of the tombs.
I made a dash for the crypt of heroes, leaving the distracted lich behind me. This crypt was immense, massive stone statues lined the great hall, honoring the greatest dwarven heroes of Dorns Deep. On the right hand side of the hall, a plaque identified one of the stone statues as Jamoth, according to Norlinor this is where I would find the Vortice.
I began making my way down the corridor, one of these crypts must house Terikan's Phylactery. Before I could begin my search I once again came face to face with the lich! But how!?
I didn't have time to ponder how the lich had somehow beaten me to the crypt, as he was quickly raising more minions, and seeing as the Dwarves bury their heroes with their finest enchanted weapons and armour, the last thing I wanted to battle was an undead dwarven champion!
I broke into a sprint, barging into the crypts one by one. One of these crypts would have signs of recent activity, disturbed dust or something! Then as I burst through the fourth door, I found it! Terikan's quarters, his diary and personal effects laid out on the tomb, and on a pedestal at the far end of the room, his Phylactery!
In my eagerness to defeat the lich, I didn't stop to think that such an item would surely be well protected. The second I removed the Phylactery from its perch, a large fireball trap blew up in my face! The pain was excruciating, but Terikan's forces were closing in on me, I couldn't afford to get cornered. I stumbed out of the room, my boots of speed giving me enough mobility to stay one step ahead of my pursuers, even in my weakened state.
I began to feel dizzy, like I would pass out from the pain at any moment. I shook my head violently and narrowed my focus, Jamoths tomb was just a few more feet away! Dragging my self those last few feet felt like an eternity, Terikan and his minions were almost upon me. But with the last of my strength, I forced open the door to Terikan's Tomb.
The swirling vortice crackled with magical energy, as I drew nearer arcs of static energy jumped out towards me, drawn to the phylactery. The container grew warm, and then very, very hot in my hand and I was forced to drop it, yet it did not fall.
Suspended above the ground by the arcs of magical energy from the vortice, the phylactery began to glow white hot, I could hear it began to crack and at the same time, I could hear Terikan scream in pain. Then just as Norlinor the dwarven spirit had predicted, the phylactery shattered into hundreds of little pieces.
I couldn't help but smile as I heard the sound of several undead corpses collapse to the ground in the corridor behind me. I almost let out a great belly laugh, at the thought of what this vortice would mean for me and my ambitions, and then I realized what had happened...
The sudden release of powerful magics from the phylactery had sealed the vortice closed! The planar wonder was lost to me....
3 Tarsakh 1282
I set up camp, and licked my wounds for several days. Even though a week has passed since my battle with the lich, my mood has not improved, words cannot describe how furious the loss of the vortice has left me, I could live another ten life times and never be presented with such a golden opportunity again.
I consoled myself by looting the dwarven tombs of their treasures. My bag of holding is packed full of magical weapons and armour. One item I discovered was of particular value, a lone chess piece from the legendary chess set of Niri Alud. Niri's ancient chess set was highly enchanted, each piece able to summon forth a construct like ally in an instant. In the case of my piece, I can call upon a mechanical priest with potent healing magics, to assist me in battle. Such a treasure should not be wasted, I'll save it for a 'special occasion'.
CHAPTER 5 - Wyrm's Tooth
4 Tarsakh 1282
The Orogs and Drow mercenaries, rarely ventured down to the lower levels of Dorns Deep, Terikans impressive undead army had taught them to give the area a wide berth. As such the rest of my journey through the lower reaches of the Dwarven stronghold proved uneventful now that the lich lay dead. After a days march, I made it through the city and out onto the other side of the mountain. I had made my way to the region known as Wyrm's Tooth.
The eerie silence in the abandoned area of the stronghold was short lived, icy winds howled through the mountain passes, and as I continued my trek through deep snow, a large structure, some kind of palace came into view, carved from the very ice itself!
Could this be the home of the Frost Giant lieutenant that Saablic Tan had told me about? Before I could get closer, I caught the familiar scent of trolls on the wind. Summoning a number of shades from the netherworld, I cautiously advanced.
It didn't take long for the trolls to catch my scent, and soon I was surrounded on all sides. I took a few steps back letting the trolls converge on my ghostly guardians, and then I launched a number of skull traps into the centre of the group. The ice trolls shattered into thousands of tiny pieces, quite dead! But the larger snow trolls, although appearing dead possessed the regenerative trait common in so many of their kind. Before my eyes limbs that had been lost in the explosion began to reform, and open wounds quickly began to close up.
With no fire at my disposal, and knowing it would only be a matter of time before the trolls were once again chasing me down, I resorted to one of my lesser employed necromancy spells, Beltyn's Burning Blood. Maybe boiling their blood from the inside would have the same effect as an open flame?
As soon as I cast the spell on the first troll, its quickly sealing wounds suddenly stopped regenerating, the troll was quite dead. I quickly finished off the other two snow trolls in the same manner.
I could only cast a limited number of those spells each day, if I wanted to advance further into Wyrms Tooth, then I would need fire at my disposal. With no other choices open to me, I began the long march back to Kuldahar to resupply.
6 Tarsakh 1282
Kuldahar was almost a weeks march away, a journey that seemed excessive considering I only needed a few minor supplies, so instead I took a much shorter detour and headed to the settlement known as Lonelywood, the smallest of the ten towns.
Being the most isolated of the ten towns I was more than a little surprised to meet a familiar face as I neared the settlement, the barbarian shaman Hjollder, whom I'd met briefly in Kuldahar. The savage claims to have seen me in his visions, visions sent by his god Tempos. More likely he has been consuming too many of the hallucinogenic frost mushrooms that these primitive shaman are so partial too.
I had no time for the ramblings of a madman, and so I sent him on his way, though he seemed oddly confident that he would meet me again at the barbarian camp before the week was out, wishful thinking on his part!
It was getting late when I reached Lonelywood, and so I made my way to the nearest inn 'The Whistling Gallows', named on account of the former half-ogre owner, who used to string up unruly customers on the tree outside! In no mood to socialize in such a backwater town, I paid for a bed, and then headed off to my room.
I must have really been tired as I mistakenly entered the wrong room. At the far end of the bedroom was a very large and expensive looking mirror, but even more interestingly I could sense magical energies radiating from it, or possibly from behind it. Tracing my fingers over the mirrors ornate frame I felt a small, almost imperceptible switch.
Inadvertently touching the button, caused the glass to ripple and distort and a moment later the glass had faded into nothingness. On the other side of the mirror, was a hidden room, and the source of the magical energies I had detected earlier.
Volumes upon volumes of magical tomes and arcane scrolls lined the bookshelves, and countless enchanted trinkets and baubles adorned the shelves and tables. The backwater town of Lonelywood had suddenly become much, much more interesting! Maybe I would spend a few more days here afterall.
Exited by my discovery and in no mood to sleep now, I returned to the inn keeper, Kieran Nye a man who certainly looked out of place in a frontier town, not to mention working behind the bar of a tavern! Seeing no reason to beat around the bush, I asked him why there was a hidden room behind his mirror.
The moment I mentioned the mirror, the blood drained from his face and he almost choked on his drink. This man was terrified, but why? He quickly tried shushing me and begged for me to keep my voice down, all the while looking nervously around the busy bar. I was certainly on to something here, and so I kept him under pressure, threatening to shout his secret from the rooftops if he didn't explain, and finally, reluctantly, he gave in and divulged his secret. Kieran was formally a member of the Hosttower of the Arcane, a group of no small repute, they are a very powerful organization of wizards based in Luskan. Kieran tired and fearful of the dangerous scheming and politics of the tower, decided to break away from the group and go into hiding.
Unfortunately the tower don't take deserters lightly, and hunt them down mercilessly. Kieran set up an inn at the edge of the known world in an attempt to keep a low profile. At least until I discovered his little secret.
I have the mage at my mercy, and for now I'll keep his little secret, but in exchange I have demanded that Kieran allow me access to his magical stock, if he refuses then I will make sure that everyone in Lonelywood knows just exactly who he really is, it wouldn't be long before one of them tried to claim the bounty.
Kieran's inventory was impressive to say the least, more so than the reclusive Orricks in Kuldahar. I found several new scrolls, spells that had been lost to me when Lord Ao had stripped me of my powers and banished me back to the prime material realm. I now have access to Control Undead, Abi-Dalzim's Wilting Horror, and a new spell Trollish Fortitude.
In addition to the scrolls, I purchased several new weapons, including a heavily enchanted sling and a number of magical skulls that resemble my skull traps, but instead explode upon impact in a shower of fiery flame. Finally, as I was about to leave I noticed a smooth gem stone, an Ioun Stone actually, this one enchanted to augment the wearers intelligence.
After prying the mages secrets from him, and relieving him of half of his stock, I retired to my room and settled into bed. Tomorrow I would explore Lonelywood further, tomorrow I would see what other secrets I could unearth from this sleepy little town.
I woke up bright and early, refreshed, and ready to explore the town of Lonelywood further. As I made my way down the stairs I found the tavern was still surprisingly busy, the sun had barely risen and yet the Lonelywood drunkards were already out in force.
"Hello there handsome! *Hic* Care to buy a lady a drunk?"
I turned about and came face to face with a haggard middle aged woman, who looked more than a little worse for wear. She leaned in, invasively close and flashed me a toothless grin...
"Most certainly my good fellow! If you happen upon one, then by all means send her my way."
The drunk scrunched up her face, and cocked her head to one side examining me intently, suddenly her demeanor changed and she began to giggle incessantly.
"Your a funny one! *hic* Soooooo about that drink....."
I watched the drunkard as she swayed unsteadily from side to side. Unsure whether she would fall over or puke first, I took a cautious step backwards. Why in Gond's name did I decide to come here again?
The woman was Ambere Dunn, and according to the barkeep she had travelled to Lonelywood with her husband and daughter several seasons ago, but hadn't adjusted well to life in the harsh northlands. Blaming her family for ruining her life, she now flirts and throws herself at any man who passes through town, in the hopes of finding someone who will take her away with them.
Whilst I am not above using vulnerable people for personal pleasure or gain, the womans weakness repulsed me. No one is willing to take charge and shape their own destiny anymore, why waste your time helping those who will not help themselves? The toothless harpy deserves to rot in Lonelywood.
7 Tarsakh 1282
It seems that the Dunn clan are determined to test my patience today. Just outside the inn, I came across a young girl named Hailee Dunn, the daughter of Ambere Dunn and just as much of a pain in the a**e! The girls brother had supposedly fallen into the well, and she seemed to think that was somehow *my* problem, expecting me to climb down there after him.
I turned to leave, but then it occurred to me, there was no noise coming from the well, no shouts for help, no cries of pain! Whats more, Hailee was just stood there waiting around, why not run for help? The busy Galloway trading post was within shouting distance. The girl is trying to play me for a fool!
If the little girl wants to cry wolf, then maybe I'll drop *her* down the well, and give her something real to cry about. I glanced around, but a number of laborers were stacking crates at the nearby trading post, with so many witnesses about, punishing the little brat was probably a bad idea, maybe next time...
7 Tarsakh 1282
The trade in Lonelywood was surprisingly good, maybe in thanks to the local temple of Waukeen. I sold off some of the excess weapons that I had picked up in Dorn's Deep to the local bowyer, Emmerich Hawk, and then made my way to the temple of commerce. I was pleasantly surprised by their inventory, purchasing a number of enchanted 'force' bullets, these magical pebbles will encase anyone struck in an Olitukes Resiliant Sphere, rendering them harmless until the spell expires. These will prove invaluable the next time I find myself on the backfoot against superior numbers.
7 Tarsakh 1282
There is a definite air of unease about the town, talk of a large barbarian army gathering to the East has most of the villagers nervous and on edge. There are also rumors that a stranger who recently passed through town was actually an assassin, employed by Lonelywoods mayor Thurlow to eliminate the Barbarian Chieftain.
Whilst I didn't want to prove Hjollder's visions to be true by visiting the barbarian camp, I am currently trapped in the Dale until the ice blocking the Kuldahar Pass thaws, and a barbarian conquest of the ten towns could be problematic and a big hindrance to my investigation of Kuldahar's problems. I should pay this mayor Thurlow a visit and learn more...
7 Tarsakh 1282
Thurlow's home was impressive, with home comforts that seemed out of place in a frontier house. The mayor, an arrogant and snobbish man was not very forth coming with information, claiming to have no knowledge of the barbarian camp, or the stranger who recently passed through town. He was obviously lying though, betrayed by a slight hint of nervousness in his voice.
I left the mayor, telling him I would let my self out. Instead I decided to poke around the mayors home, and in a dresser I found a note that all but incriminated him, he *had* recently hired an assassin to deal with the barbarian king.
9 Tarsakh 1282
The barbarian camp was just a couple of days march away, and the reports had not been exaggerated, the tribes were gathering in force and most definitely preparing for war.
I had little experience with the barbarian tribes, but my understanding was that most of them have a punch first, ask questions later mentality. Preparing for a worst case scenario I conjured up some magical defenses in the form of a spirit armor spell, and a number of undead allies whom I commanded to hide in the undergrowth just outside of the camp.
I was stopped by one of the heavily muscled savages as I neared the camp, he stated that I was unwelcome and ordered me to leave. The barbarians are a simple people, who respect and honour strength above all else, I could show no weakness here now, so I took a step forward, locked my gaze with the savage warriors and with as much conviction as I could muster, demanded an audience with their leader.
A moment later, the great wooden gate swung upon and a large number of heavily armed barbarian warriors marched out. I grasped my staff in both hands and readied myself for combat, though I soon realized I had misread the situation. After conferring with his men for a moment, the barbarian agreed to escort me, under armed guard to their leader.
As I entered Hengorot, the great meadhall, the rowdy festivities and merry making suddenly stopped and the huge tent fell deadly quiet. Hundreds of barbarians turned there attention to me, many sneering or looking down upon me, I almost laughed out loud, a 'savage' looking down on 'me', how quaint!
I was led through the mead hall, until I eventually came face to face with the barbarian chieftain Wylfdene, and I didnt need to be a necromancer to realise that the hulking barbarian was in fact quite dead, or rather undead! At nearly seven feet tall, and 250lbs of rotting, but still muscular flesh Wylfdene was an intimidating spectacle. Off to his left I noticed the shaman Hjollder who had bade me to come here in the first place, he met my gaze, but remained quiet.
A barbarian skald stepped forward, and as is their custom, introduced Wylfdene by reciting all of the barbarian kings great deeds. I was tempted to begin rattling off a few of my own 'Zuzhul Plaguebringer, the god child who conquered the five! Who slayed the mighty Firkraag the Red, and smote the ancient demi lich Kangaxx, who defeated the....', I soon changed my mind, that would take far too long and probabably rile the barbarians further.
I focused my attention back on the Skald and tried to fein interest, when he finally reached the end, I recognized a name that caught my attention...
"..........Wylfdene, blessed and guided by the spirit of Jerrod, once king of the tribe of the bear, now king of the tribe of the great wyrm!"
Once the skald finished, the undead king arose from his great throne "Why have you come outsider!". We conversed at length, I learned that Wylfdene was formally a renown barbarian king of old who had fallen in battle, and that he had recently risen from the grave, possessed by the spirit of another barbarian hero, Jerrod! The very same Jerrod who is supposedly encased in stone beneath the temple of Tempus in Easthaven. The barbarian king claims to have come back, to push back the advancement of civilization from the spine of the world, and the superstitious barbarians have rallied behind their legendary heroes cause.
It was clear that the king was spoiling for a war, and no argument I could make would prevent one, Wylfdene was going out of his way to twist my words and make an enemy out of me. I thought about striking down the king there and then, I certainly had power over the dead, unfortunately the countless *living* barbarians would probably overwhelm me the moment I acted upon my impulse.
Instead, I decided use their primitive laws and culture to my advantage, challenging the king to single combat.
Unfortunately I overestimated my understanding of barbarian law and culture. Only those that are considered worthy can challenge a barbarian leader to single combat, and that means you either need to be a blood descendant of a great barbarian leader or hero, or you prove your valor to the barbarians with an heroic deed.
We were at an impasse, and getting nowhere so I decided to leave, let the savages have their war, but woe betide any barbarian war band that crosses me upon the plains.
"And where do you think you are going assassin!"
I turned back around, Wylfdene's men had gathered around, and the mighty king now clutched a huge two handed axe in his hands.
"Why have you come to my camp so well armed mageling? Do you think I don't see your true intentions? Your ten towns have already made one failed assassination attempt, I cannot let you leave this camp alive Zuzhul Plaguebringer!"
I opened my hand, ready to summon a skull trap, if I am to die today, then I'll take the whole tent with me!
"Please, stay your hand my king!"
The room fell quiet once again. Hjollder explained that it was he who bade me to meet with the king after his visions fortold that the meeting was the will of Tempus. Wylfdene demanded to know more, but Hjollder had nothing more to offer, he knew we had to be brought here to the mead hall, but not why.
Wylfdene was visibly angry with Hjollder, in his eyes any shaman who cannot fully interoperate the meaning of his own visions is a failure to Tempus. For his failure he ordered Hjollder to be banished to the 'burial Isle'. He then turned back to address his men.
"As for this outlander... I will not contest even the flawed vision of a shaman. If it is the will of Tempos that they live, then so be it. Now get them out of my sight!"
Wylfdene whispered something to one of his men, and I was then marched back through the camp. A few minutes later we reached the wooden gate, and I was led outside. The barbarians began to encircle me, weapons drawn, and the man Wylfdene had whispered too stepped forward.
"This is as far as you go outlander, Wylfdene has ordered your execution!"
But why? He said it himself, he wouldn't contest the visions of a shaman? Then it dawned on me! The barbarians were a superstitious people, if Wylfdene had openly defied the will of the gods in front of his men then he would undoubtedly lose a lot of support. But still, why betray me like this? The Barbarians follow a code of honor, and by all accounts Jerrod was no different, it makes no sense unless the undead creature is *not* possessed by the spirit of the noble barbarian hero afterall.
Such thoughts would have to wait however, I now had seven hulking barbarian warriors closing in on me. An arrow, and then another suddenly whistled through the air, striking one of the brutes in the back, over his shoulder I could make out two of the skeletal archers I had raised earlier on. Several zombies burst from the bushes, catching the nomadic warriors by surprise.
With the barbarians momentarily distracted, I had a brief moment to prepare before the barbarian were upon me. Being completely surrounded I knew that I would probably take a number of nasty blows before I could break free from the ambush, and so used the opportunity to cast my new spell, Trollish Fortitude. And then the battle was in full flow.
Two of the barbarians broke off to deal with my undead minions, the rest closed in on me, I began to conjure a trusty skull trap, but I underestimated the barbarian warriors, one of the barbarians in full battle rage swung his axe so forcefully it pierced my magical spirit armor and embedded into my stomach. I almost swooned, intense pain wracking my body, and my skull trap spell fizzled out mid casting.
I stumbled away from the group half dead at first, but quickly regaining my strength as the wound began to knit itself back together again. With my faithful boots of speed I managed to put some distance between myself and my attackers before, conjuring a second skull trap. This time the explosive cranium went off without a hitch.
Amazingly, the hardy and enraged barbarians just kept coming. Behind me, my undead were being swiftly outmatched by the skilled warriors. I retreated further back, trying to get the whole group in close quarters, and then released my next skull bomb. My undead were all destroyed in the attack, but all of the barbarians were caught in the blast as a result.
Consumed with bloodlust and totally oblivious to their own mortal wounds the burley warriors stood back up and charged me yet again. I managed to successfully fire off my final trap, one of the barbarians losing an arm, but it still wasn't enough!
Quickly running out of options, I clutched a couple of the exploding skulls I had purchased from Kieran Nye, and then threw them both at the advancing warband. This time several of the barbarians finally succumbed to their wounds.
With the enemy numbers now more manageable, I resorted back to my spell book. A vampiric touch spell, drained one of the wounded barbarians of his remaining life force, reinvigorating me in the process. Only three barbarians now remained, all of whom were gravely injured.
I cast a few Beltyn's Burning blood spells, but the hardy warriors shrugged the spells off with little effect, however a well placed slingshot dropped one of the remaining barbarians, and then there were two.
A second well placed slingshot bounced off the side of a barbarians head with a sickening crunch, obviously fracturing the brutes skull, and then there was one!
The final enraged savage was shrugging off most of my spells, and so I drew my staff and closed in on the badly wounded savage. The barbarian was more than a match for me in close quarters, however my spirit armour and regeneration spell gave me a huge advantage, my wounds healing faster than he could inflict them. Unable to main his momentum the barbarian quickly began to tire, and before long the tides had changed.
The constitution and physical durability of these barbarians was incredible, it took almost everything I had to defeat just a small handful. If the tribes do go to war, then I have no doubt that the ten towns are doomed.
Wylfdene wasn't going to take my escape, or the death of his men lightly. I entertained the thought of returning to Dorn's Deep, and continuing my investigation of Kuldahar's problems, however I was certain that the undead creature would track me down sooner or later, and I still had no idea who or what now controlled the overgrown zombie king. Better to nip this problem in the bud now, before things get to far out of control.
With my options limited, I hired Ned the local ferryman to take me to the Burial Isle, maybe the exiled shaman Hjollder could shed some more light on my situation.
14 Tarsakh 1282
I made landfall on the banks of the burial isle early the following morning. A dense and ominous mist blanketed the small island, and my visibility was restricted to but a few short feet in front of me, the island was eerily quiet, and yet, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched, being stalked....
Not far from the bank of the lake, I came across the remnants of a camp site, the embers of a hastily built fire pit still glowed in the dingy morning light, someone had been here, and only recently, Hjollder maybe? Unfortunately there was no sign of anyone now.
I made my way further inland, I couldn't see a thing through the thick gloom, however the occasional sound of a branch snapping, or fallen leaves crunching under a boot confirmed my suspicions that I was not alone. I raised a number of minor undead and then cautiously advanced.
Suddenly and without warning I was brought to my senses, startled by the sudden rustling of leaves from the undergrowth to my left. I spun around staff poised to strike! A large crow, casually hopped out from the bush, a small twig hanging from its beak, it cocked its head slightly looking at me, and then turned and flew away. I let out a small sigh of relief, it was just a bird! And the head from one of my zombies rolled passed my feet....
I whirled around, an undead shaman and several barrow wights had descended upon me whilst I was distracted. The undead barbarian warriors, were easily outmatching my own undead minions.
So attuned to the Necromantic art, I could literally taste the negative plane energy that was sustaining deadly barrow wights. I focused on that very energy, attempting to wrestle control and shape the energy to my will. Many of my minions fell, but they bought me enough time to completely dominate a number of the barrow wights with my control undead spell.
With several of the wights now loyal to me, I began to reraise my fallen dead, and before long my opponents were outnumbered ten to five.
It didn't take long for my superior numbers to completely overwhelm the undead ambush party, and one by one the wights fell down to the ground, eternal sleep finally theirs. Once the battle was over I began to eliminate my controlled wights one by one, the battle had drained me and the last thing I wanted was to lose my mental domination of the creatures as I slept.
Not so long ago the fool god Lord Ao stripped me of my powers, but through blood, sweat and shear force of will I have clawed my way back from the brink. To hell with the gods, I've fought tooth and nail and I *have* reclaimed what is mine, once again my mastery over the dead is supreme!
With the last of the creature destroyed, I returned to the ferryman Ned, we sailed back out onto the lake, and rested from the safety of the water. Tonight I will return to the island, and build my self an army.
16 Tarsakh 1282
The barrow wights were defenseless against my necromancy, one by one submitting to my will. Before long I had a small army of powerful wight's under my command, clearing the rest of the island, didn't take long at all.
As I fought across the length of the island, I found my way to an ancient lighthouse, in a desperately poor state of repair. Yet despite looking like it could collapse at any moment, the familiar, flickering orange glow of a candle emanated from one of the ground floor windows, someone was home!
The island was supposedly uninhabited, and so I had expected to find the exiled Hjollder in the decrepit old building, instead I was surprised to find a sickly old wizard, a necromancer....
The necromancer had been cursed by a cabaal of enemy mages and was slowly dying. Spells and healing herbs only served to quicken the effects of his curse, his possible cure would have to be some kind of divine intervention.
Edion Caradoc has give in and accepted his fate, and I have no desire to cure him of his affliction. He has however agreed to sell off items from his significant haul of magical trinkets and other items.
Edion's stock was immense, I could afford to buy only a fraction of the necromancers wonderful collection. I purchased four new spell scrolls, Wail of the Banshee and Energy Drain, two of the most ancient and powerful spells in a Necromancers arsenal, spells that had once been stripped from my mind by Ao during in my banishment were once again mine.
The other two spells 'darts of bone' and 'soul eater' were completely new to me, the first summons a series of energy draining darts, whilst 'soul eater' a very powerful spell, drains the very life force from any and all creatures within a stones throw distance, fueling me with superhuman strength and endurance. What's more, any enemy that succumbs to the deadly spell will be risen as a skeleton under my command!
I also bought several enchanted items, a mages pointy hat, a ridiculous looking piece of clothing that I only purchased on account of the massive tornado that its magical enchantment can summon once per day. Finally I purchased a ring of wizardry, but unlike the ring I possessed back in Baldurs Gate, this one affects my ability to cast mid leveled spells, greatly increasing the number of undead at my disposal!
The necromancer had many more powerful items at his disposal, including a beautiful ring of necromancy from the school of Ulcaster, a magical belt that would summon a large number of ogre berzerkers, and finally a pair of bracers that grant the user access to a series of powerful shout spells. Unfortunately I would have to return for those once I had accumulated more gold.
I spent several days with the old necromancer, scribing my new spells in the safety of his home. Once I was ready, I set out to explore the island further. To the north I found a sacred burial site, the final resting place of a number of ancient barbarian shaman.
Unfortunately there was no longer any rest on this isle, not anymore, and like all the other retched souls here, the Shaman walked again.
The ghostly shaman made it quite clear that I was not welcome here, but I had questions that needed answers. The shaman refused to acknowledge my questions, ordering me to leave, but more bluntly this time. That was their mistake, I don't take orders from dead things.....
I tapped into their familiar negative plane energy, and I began to unravel, and then reshape it to my own needs, within moments several of the creatures had submitted to my will and now served me loyally.
Pure chaos broke out, as brother turned upon brother. I once again began to focus on the negative essence that was holding the undead creatures together, this time shaping it into a new spell. Suddenly, half of the hostile dead froze in their tracks, completely paralyzed by my hold undead spell.
As quickly as the battle had begun, it ended, no creature of the netherworld orders Zuzhul Plaguebringer....
21 Tarsakh 1282
My search had proved fruitless, I could find not sight nor sound of the shaman Hjollder. The only place left to search remained the barrows deep below ground. Unfortunately the entrance to the underground warrens was defended by the mighty spirit animal of the tribe of the bear.
I could sense the power and great strength radiating from the immense and sentient white bear. Like the rest of the islands inhabitants, the bear was not welcoming of the living, again ordering me to leave the island, when will these creatures learn....
I ordered my army to swarm the bear, and then turned towards the entrance to the underground warren. Suddenly the island seemed to spring to life, the howling of wolves echoed all around me, followed by the roars of a pack of enraged bears. I couldn't see them yet, but their howls indicated they were closing in fast, and that there were a lot of them.
Within moments I was surrounded by countless spirit animals, and what's more I had completely underestimated the strength of the great white bear, which was now tearing through my undead minions like they were rag dolls, even my mighty bloated barrow wights were cut down like wheat beneath a bladed scythe.
My boots of speed saved my neck once again, allowing me to outpace even the swift wolves. I began lobbing my signature skull traps at the pursuing pack of spirit animals, but the otherworldly creatures possessed unnaturally tough resilience, and it took my entire arsenal of skulls to thin the pack.
Slowly but surely my hit and run tactics wore the creatures down, and before long I was faced off with only the great white bear. I conjured up several quivers of bone darts, but the enchanted weapons barely slowed the rampaging animal. I began to raise undead warriors, skeleton after skeleton dug its way out of the cold hard ground, all throwing themselves at the powerful bear.
The bear was striking down my minions effortlessly, but on this corpse rich island, I could raise my minions quicker than he could defeat them. Distracted and overwhelmed by endless waves of zombies and skeletons, I began pelting the bear with rocks from my sling. After a battle that seemed to last an eternity, the bear finally succumbed to its injuries.
I set up camp, exhausted form the battle, what undead monstrosities would await me below the earth, I pondered?
The stench of death invaded my nostrils as I descended into the dank barrow. The underground burial site was not just teeming with the wights I had been forced to endure so far, but also wailing virgins, a banshee type creature. They sensed my intrusion the moment I set foot into the warrens, and I was ambushed almost immediately. My control undead spell dominated the first wave, forcing them under my control.
Pitting the undead creatures against one another I was able to quickly wear them down. The underground warren of tunnels was much larger than I had expected, and was unlike any tomb or crypt I had ever encountered. The foolish barbarians bury their dead, along with their greatest weapons and treasures, and it was all laid out for the taking as I advanced through the tunnels.
20 Tarsakh 1282
I encounter something quite peculiar in the warrens today, a sentient, animated suit of armor. The armor identified its self as Vexing Thoughts, and claimed to be a Glabrezu, transmuted into a suit of armor by a mage long ago.
He has offered me power, and a one time promise of assistance in a future battle, but only if I complete a simple service for him, kill an innocent....
If I happened to know the creatures true name then I would have been able to force the creature into servitude, unfortunately divination magics are beyond my comprehension. I guess I'll just have to do as the creature asks, how tedius...
I'll return at some point in the future once I find a suitable victim.
25 Tarsakh 1282
Well this was quite unexpected, I have encountered a number of wailing virgins led by one named Mebdinga. The banshees are guardians, charged with watching over the final resting place of their king ...WYLFDENE!
They informed me that their barrow had been invaded by a dark evil, who had risen Wylfdene from his eternal sleep. Since that day the evil presence's taint had slowly spread through the barrow, infecting it with a dark energy. Soon after the dead started growing restless and began to rise from their graves.
According to Mebdinga, that very taint infects me too, and offends the dead of the warren. The banshees offered no additional insight into the dark presence they had mentioned, and soon turned hostile.
The large force of undead under my command cut off the banshee's before they could intercept me, and all hell broke loose. I focused on the creatures dark energy and used it to shape a spell, a moment later Mebdinga, and several of here sisters froze solid. My undead hoard tore through the immobile creatures with ease and soon after the room area fell completely quiet.
I searched through, Wylfdenes coffin and discovered a defaced amulet, depicting a great bear, I placed it into my pack believing it could be important.
29 Tarsakh 1282
The warrens led me deep beneath the great lake, before finally emerging on a separate, smaller island, and it was here I finally found a battered and bruised Hjollder.
Hjollder was skeptical of my claims about the false Wylfdene, at least until I showed him the defaced bear amulet I had recovered from Wylfdene's tomb. The amulet was a tribal insignia used to identify barbarian royalty, and was sacred among members of the tribe. No true barbarian would deface such a treasure, Hjollder was now certain that whoever now possessed Wylfdene, was not Jerrod.
Still we were no closer to unmasking the real enemy. Hjollders visions had become masked and distorted, as if someone was trying to block them. According to the Shaman our only hope now lies with a legendary barbarian seer, who now resides in the deadly Gloomfrost. I am to travel too and meet with this witch, if anyone has the answers we need, it will be her.
30 Tarsakh 1282
Before making my way back to Lonelywood I paid the Necromancer Edion one last visit. Trading the treasures I had looted from the barrows for his ring of Ulcaster, the belt of ogre summoning and the bracers of blasting.
It was late when I finally got back to Lonelywood, the light from a fullmoon gently illuminating the small village. After such a long week, I decided to head straight for the Whilstling Gallows for some much needed rest.
The distant howl of a wolf caught my attention as I made my way through the streets, but I thought little of it, such creatures were common here in the Dale, and few would dare vencher into a human settlement. I could hear music and merrymaking as I drew nearer to the inn, the bard Murdaugh no doubt whipping the crowd into a frenzy.
I was barely ten feet away from the taverns entrance, when I heard the same wolf, this time growling, and this time much ..much closer!
I whirled around, ready to drain away the mangy mutts lifeforce with a Larlochs minor drain, but instead I found my self face to face with a powerfully built greater werewolf! The beast closed in fast, slashing and biting at me wildly, I figured my spirit armor would protect me, but my defenses proved ineffective against the lycanthrope.
I fought myself free from my attacker, and managed to drop a skulltrap at its feet, my boots of speed barely getting me away from the blast in time. I knew skulltraps explosion had alerted the local villagers to my battle, as the sound of merrymaking from the tavern stopping suddenly, and a row of terrified faces lined the windows.
The powerful were creature advanced once again, and knowing the legends surrounding such creatures, I was fully aware that I could find myself hard pressed to injure the beast. Instead I took a different tact, calling on the forbidden necromantic arts and unleashing an energy drain spell on the Lycan, a large portion of its soul was tore violently from its body, greatly weakening the monster.
With the beast slowed down momentarily, I turned my attention to my own gaping wounds. The werebeast was healing fast, an ability I also possessed. It took but a moment to complete my incantation, and then my trollish fortitude spell kicked into action, knitting my bite and claw wounds back together.
With the beasts element of surprise now wasted I went on the offensive, blasting it with a barrage of skulltrap spells. The werewolf soon lost its heart for the fight, transformed into a smaller wolf and scuttled away with its tail between its legs.
Inside the tavern I learned that both of Doogal the trappers brothers had been killed by a wolf in the past few days, more than likely the same beast that attempted to eliminate me.
Rather than retire to bed, I decided to pay Doogal a visit, I'd like to learn more of this wolf. The trapper confirmed the news, both his brothers killed by an unnatural wolf, on separate occasions. What's more Doogal suspects the ranger Emmerich Hawk, it is no secret that Emmerich and the trapper bothers were at odds with one another, but if I recall correctly, wasn't Emmerich recently attacked by a wolf whilst out in the forest?
Strangely enough, when I visited Emmerich's cabin, I found it completely deserted, something strange is going on here....
With no more leads, I returned to the tavern and crawled into bed.
I returned to Emmerich's cabin early the following morning. The ranger had returned, but had no memories of the previous night, or any of the nights since Digby or Dolan were killed. When I informed him of the attack outside the tavern, it dawned on him, he had thought it a nightmare, but I had the scars to prove it was not.
When Emmerich had been attacked in the woods, he had been infected with lycanthropy. Over the last few nights his curse had manifested thanks to the fullmoon and he had been stalking the towns inhabitants as a werewolf.
Whether his mind was his own or not that night, the fool tried to kill me, and that couldn't go unpunished. I paralyzed the distraught elf with a Ghoul Touch spell, then drew my knife and repaid every claw and bite mark he had inflicted upon me. I left his lifeless corpse on the floor for the rats, maybe this would also serve to appease the demon vexing thoughts? Afterall he wasn't himself when he commited his crimes.
15 Mirtul 1282
The journey was long and treacherous, but I have finally made it to the area known as the Gloomfrost. The cold was bitter here so high up in the mountains, and the occasional sound of a wolf howling could barely be heard over the raging blizzard, but eventually they tracked me down, three hungry winter wolves.
A few Beltyn's burning blood spells helped me to dispatch the wolves, as well supply me with warm meat! Which was much appreciated whilst battling exposure upon the frozen mountain face. The wolves proved to be the least of my problems however.
Soon after I was ambushed by Frost Salamanders, who had hidden beneath the snow. By the time I realized my what was happening I was surrounded, and completely trapped upon the narrow mountain walkways.
My minions rushed out to meet the attackers, but were no match for the salamanders, in their natural habitat, they held all the advantages. A new plan formed in my mind and I called my undead back to my position, letting the Salamanders close in.
I focused all my necromantic energy, and channeled it in to a high pitched scream. The creatures clutched at their ears, desperately trying to block out the agonizing scream. One by one the salamanders dropped down dead under the power of my relentless Wail of the Banshee spell.
My spell had killed five of their number, and opened up a hole in their ranks that I used to escape through. With their numbers now even, my undead engaged with the remaining Salamanders, and from a safe distance I unleashed my second spell, an Abi-Dalsim's Wilting Horror. The powerful spell was too much for the reptilian creatures, and once again I stood victorious.
Just past the ambush site I found an abandoned campsite, there was little of use at the camp but I did find several vials of burning oils which I stashed in my pack. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I made my self at home in the camp and began to rememorize my consumed spells.
The march around the winding mountain walkways and ledges continued to prove deadly, encountering encountering yeti, trolls and even frost giants! I was so on edge due to the endless ambushes and attacks that at one point I'm sure I saw I giant eye blink open in the very mountain itself! I rubbed my own eyes in disbelief, but when I looked back it was gone, am I beginning to hallucinate?
Despite the endless wave of enemies I finally made it to the end of the narrow walkway, and to the opening of a large cave.
Remorhaz, almost completely immune to magic, have masses of HP, and hit harder than a runaway freight train!
This could take a while, but for tonight I'm off to bed. I foresee a grindfest tomorrow.