Possible Belm bug

Some time back in chapter 3, I found Belm. Since Jaheira has training in scimitars, I gave it to her. We are now in chapter 6 and she is 14th level warrior/14th druid. We have also picked up Water's Edge, a +3 scimitar. I had her equip this just for comparison, and I noted that her attacks per round went UP!. OK, she has 2 pips in scimitar skill; she gets 5/2 attacks with W.E., but only 2 with Belm. W.E. not only gave her a better THACO but more attacks. The supposedly faster weapon was slowing her down!
I then gave Belm to MyChar, a berserker kit. He's trained in 2H sword, halberd and katana; no pips in either scimitar or longsword. I compared his attacks/round with Belm vs Daystar. He got the basic 2/round with the longsword, and 3 with Belm; he did in fact get the extra speed bonus. The main difference between MC and Jaheira was that she had specialization training in scimitars, and he did not.
It looks as though Belm's extra attack due to weapon speed overrides and negates the extra attacks a warrior gets from weapon specialization; otherwise she should have gotten 7/2 attacks. If my berserker had put all those expertise pips into scimitars instead of TH swords, he would have 3 attacks with that type of weapon. Using Belm should then increase this to 4, but if my theory is correct, his attacks would actually be reduced to 2 when using it. I have no way of actually testing this, unfortunately, but from what I observed with Jaheira, it sure looks correct.
I then gave Belm to MyChar, a berserker kit. He's trained in 2H sword, halberd and katana; no pips in either scimitar or longsword. I compared his attacks/round with Belm vs Daystar. He got the basic 2/round with the longsword, and 3 with Belm; he did in fact get the extra speed bonus. The main difference between MC and Jaheira was that she had specialization training in scimitars, and he did not.
It looks as though Belm's extra attack due to weapon speed overrides and negates the extra attacks a warrior gets from weapon specialization; otherwise she should have gotten 7/2 attacks. If my berserker had put all those expertise pips into scimitars instead of TH swords, he would have 3 attacks with that type of weapon. Using Belm should then increase this to 4, but if my theory is correct, his attacks would actually be reduced to 2 when using it. I have no way of actually testing this, unfortunately, but from what I observed with Jaheira, it sure looks correct.
I tried just uploading the file itself and got a "not allowed" message.
Maybe nothing, but try to put WE scimi in the main hand and Belm in the offhand to see what APR Jaheira get. With Belm in offhand she should be at 9/2, I guess, but will she then instead end up with 3?
Unfortunately, I can't fully check this out with other characters, since she is the only one I have that has any skill pips in scimitars, and it's this weapon specialization that seems to be being overridden.
Checking the APR with Belm in the offhand ... hmmm, an interesting suggestion. I'll try it when I get the chance.
I downloaded WINrar (I think) but have no real idea what to do with it.
2) In the documents/baldur's gate 2 enhanced edition/save folder right click -> new -> Winrar Zip Archive
3) A file called something like "New Winrar Archive" should appear.
4) Select your save game folder. In this case it would be a folder titled like "000000005-save game name" (the numbers can vary)
5) After selecting the folder drag it into the newly created rar file (which normally as a default is called something like New Winrar Archive").
6) Attach the rar file to a post and post it.
I am going to go back to an earlier saved position and see if the glitch has corrected there also.
OK, I went back to several different saved positions, and each time her APR with Belm was still 2, until I took it out of her hand and then put it back. This presumably "unstuck" her APR and updated it to the correct value.