Bonty Hunter traps, BG:EE vs BG2:EE

A side note: Set Special Snare is broken in BG:EE right now; level 1 and 11(granted, you can't reach level 11, but maybe someone's playing without the level cap) versions of the trap apply Otiluke's Resilient Sphere on a failed save. I remember several discussions about the Thief and the Bounty Hunter in particular, but none has mentioned it...?
Fortunately, it's an easy fix: someone put the Otiluke's Resilient Sphere effect where it shouldn't be, in SPCL415.
Bless the modding tools.
Anyway. I've taken the Bounty Hunter through the original BG2 only once, probably 10 years ago, and as far as I can remember, you can throw the special snare(visual range). Surprisingly, you can not in the BG:EE. However, you can again in the BG2:EE. So what's going on? A fix for BG:EE and an oversight for the BG2:EE? "Throwing traps are not well-suited for the BG1 balance?"
It's a super-easy fix, but I would like to know if someone's thinking that there's nothing to fix, first.
Fortunately, it's an easy fix: someone put the Otiluke's Resilient Sphere effect where it shouldn't be, in SPCL415.
Bless the modding tools.
Anyway. I've taken the Bounty Hunter through the original BG2 only once, probably 10 years ago, and as far as I can remember, you can throw the special snare(visual range). Surprisingly, you can not in the BG:EE. However, you can again in the BG2:EE. So what's going on? A fix for BG:EE and an oversight for the BG2:EE? "Throwing traps are not well-suited for the BG1 balance?"
It's a super-easy fix, but I would like to know if someone's thinking that there's nothing to fix, first.
We haven't ever heard the reason to this different behavior, though.
As for the Otiluke's Resilient Sphere effect bug, it's a known issue:
I was really hoping to hear the reasoning behind the change, to be honest. But I'm out of luck it seems.