Suggestion: Icewind Dale No-reload threads?

I am wondering if the Beamdog team might allow IWD no-reload challenge and minimal-reload threads here? We have them in the Bioware boards for BG, but the team there ruthlessly forbids any discussion of anything IWD related.
If anyone new to BG doesn't know what a "no-reload" thread is, it's a thread where people set a few ground rules, and then attempt to finish the game without any reloading, and we post interesting screenshots, share strategy hints and tips, and encourage each other in victory and console each other in defeat. I've met several really good online friends there doing no-reload and minimal reload challenges together.
I've always wished I could find a few friends in a friendly forum to do the same thing with IWD. The official IWD boards have been dead for years.
Could people who love IWD as much as BG find a new home here? That would be awesome.
If anyone new to BG doesn't know what a "no-reload" thread is, it's a thread where people set a few ground rules, and then attempt to finish the game without any reloading, and we post interesting screenshots, share strategy hints and tips, and encourage each other in victory and console each other in defeat. I've met several really good online friends there doing no-reload and minimal reload challenges together.
I've always wished I could find a few friends in a friendly forum to do the same thing with IWD. The official IWD boards have been dead for years.
Could people who love IWD as much as BG find a new home here? That would be awesome.
However, if they do let us have IWD no reload challenges, and minimal reload challenges here, that might be a good thing for the IWD fans.
By way of introductions, if anyone reading this doesn't know, @SapphireIce101 is one the members of the no-reload experts club over at the old Bioware forums.
I'm so glad to see many of my online friends starting to check out all the activity here. @Bhyraen has practically joined the BG:EE development team, and I've seen @Humanoid_Taifun around. We need to get @CoreyRussel, @Gate70, @Blackmalkin, @UssNorway, and some of the other BG veterans to come over and check out the shiny new forums.
I've also been here a while too. I'm just a lurker. However, I have put some of my input in some of the poll threads.
Its also great to see some other old faces as well!
IWD shares the same ruleset, engine and game setting, and thus has a lot in common with BG.
We need emoticons in here!
@Belgarath, maaaaaaaybe. :P