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Special Class & Race specific banter/dialogue guide [CONTAINS SPOILERS].



  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586

    With Jermsy I got something along the lines of ''well you'd better come with me'' or ''if your parents were of pure heart they are in a better place. Come with me and i'll take you to Kuldahar.''

    I remember getting that too when playing as a paladin.

    Perhaps some clerics also get it depending on their alignment and/or deity?
  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947
    Any new about Shaman banters among patch 2.5?
  • FylFyl Member Posts: 62
    edited August 2018

    Also, as an Elf talking to Yxunomei:

    Yxunomei at some point boasts about how mortals cannot comprehend how old she is.
    An Elf can respond that she is wrong, and elvenkind can live for hundreds of years.
    Yxunomei acts unimpressed: "Hundreds of years? Oh my."
    Then, the dialogue proceeds normally again.

    Yxunomei, awesomest lady boss ever

    With Jermsy I got something along the lines of ''well you'd better come with me'' or ''if your parents were of pure heart they are in a better place. Come with me and i'll take you to Kuldahar.''

    I remember getting that too when playing as a paladin.

    Perhaps some clerics also get it depending on their alignment and/or deity?
    I had good clerics but no paladins and got it

    Do these things depend on who is in the top slot, who actually initiates dialogue, or just presence in party is enough??
  • IamdorfIamdorf Member Posts: 60

    Do these things depend on who is in the top slot, who actually initiates dialogue, or just presence in party is enough??

    I always send in one person to talk to her, otherwise the default is your first character.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Iamdorf said:

    Do these things depend on who is in the top slot, who actually initiates dialogue, or just presence in party is enough??

    I always send in one person to talk to her, otherwise the default is your first character.

    Who actually initiates the dialogue.
  • mhabijanmhabijan Member Posts: 18
    Would the noted special encounters work with dual or multi-classed characters? E.g. Mage with figter/mage?
  • mhabijanmhabijan Member Posts: 18
    Also, is there a similar discussion for IWD2? I'd like to make a party in Icewind Dale 2 that makes most of class and race specific banter and/or skill points.
  • SikorskySikorsky Member Posts: 402
    Dig dig dig.....
    I have a question. What if my character is multiclass. Do I get specific dialogues for both classes? I'm asking because I can't get specific cleric dialogue in Kuldahar with my dwarven fighter/cleric. I'm talking about this one:
    "2) In Kuldahar if you ask a commoner about the local temples, a dialogue option will appear where you can attempt to convert them to the Illmater faith. This will reward you with +1,200xp."
  • FrenzgynFrenzgyn Member Posts: 80
    Talking to Marketh with a Paladin, if you ask him how he end up there, he will tell the story of how he killed his fellow mage and betry the paladin, after witch you have unique dialogue about justice and so on.

    Having 16 intellect open up the option to get the badge AND all his belongings. You could also let him keep his ring (that's cursed, he point up to wear it attached to a necklace, not on his finger and 500 gold).
  • UnsanityUnsanity Member Posts: 54
    edited March 2022
    I finished my first play through and the Paladin can expose those priests for who they are by detecting the evil aura. That means the whole place goes aggro and attacks you in waves. If you are not prepared for it, it can cost you a character or two.

    I remember playing along time ago before EE and you got extra experience points from Conlan the Blacksmith in Kuldahar for finding his son. You also get a key to his chest for a magical hammer and some gold. That didn't happen. I eventually got the hammer and gold by picking the chest. I lost out on some exp there.

    I thought there was a way to get the badge from the frost giant king without attacking. It looked like, via dialog, until it prompted me to call him a jackass and he went hostile.

    In the dwarven area, I didn't get any experience points for turning in the razorvine extract. On one reload he went hostile. Loss of experience there and some dialog.

    I can't remember anything else that I missed with my first group, except for not having the right class, stats, and race.

    My second group has a druid. I though the druid could do something for the squirrel in the start area. It also has a ranger and I was able to charm it, but not talk to it. It followed me around until I walked into Old Jed's, then it disappeared. The kids were still bantering on even though there wasn't a squirrel there for their amusement.

    Reading the Druid part, I am surprised there isn't additional dialog when talking to the archdruid in Kuldahar.
  • FrenzgynFrenzgyn Member Posts: 80
    Unsanity wrote: »

    a) I remember playing along time ago before EE and you got extra experience points from Conlan the Blacksmith in Kuldahar for finding his son. You also get a key to his chest for a magical hammer and some gold. That didn't happen. I eventually got the hammer and gold by picking the chest. I lost out on some exp there.

    b) I thought there was a way to get the badge from the frost giant king without attacking. It looked like, via dialog, until it prompted me to call him a jackass and he went hostile.

    c) In the dwarven area, I didn't get any experience points for turning in the razorvine extract. On one reload he went hostile. Loss of experience there and some dialog.

    a) You remember correctly. It's just not as straightforward, look here

    b) There is a way, you have to talk with the giant with a Paladin and inquire about his authority. Here.

    c) It should have given you exp, by the way Bandoth is VERY prickly: lot of dialogue choices will end up in him becoming hostile.
  • UnsanityUnsanity Member Posts: 54
    edited April 2022
    Frenzgyn : Thanks for the detailed reply.

    Yeah I missed the Lizard King, I killed him after I cleared the other portion of the map. Loss of 24k exp.

    I think I had a Paladin in my group, but he still attacked me. Loss of 260, 000 exp. That's the difference of a level there for some characters. I'll have to go through there again with a paladin as my leader. Group 2 and 3 didn't have a paladin. Group 4 does, but I just passed that area. I'm about to fight a ton of fire salamanders and fire giants.

    Would the exp be doubled for those two situations if I ran the game in Insane mode?

    I agree. Either the dialog ended abruptly or he attacks me. If the former, I talk to him again for spells. With my second and third group I made sure I spoke to him before heading to the lower part of the area so I don't miss on the extra exp points.
  • ConjurerDragonConjurerDragon Member Posts: 110
    Replaying the original IWD I had the encounter with Presio and when meeting her 4th undead lieutenant I did not have the option to challenge her to single combat. Neither with my Mage/Thief, nor with my Paladin.

    Is there another requirement? Like, do I need to have talked to all 4 lieutenants with the same Mage or Paladin to get the option in the 4th dialogue?
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    The quest "Challenging Presio to a duel" was not part of the original Icewind Dale release.

    It was first made available by the Unfinished Business for IWD mod, which was then integrated into the Enhanced Edition.
  • ReklawenalpReklawenalp Member Posts: 9
    I noticed nobody have added this part.

    If you meet Seth outside the Merkath Palace, and talked to him with a halfling, you can have a halfling to halfling chat which helps you to avoid fighting a large number of rogues.

    I only done this once so I forgot the dialogue options. Some players will prefer the fight, however, for extra exp. I also forgot do you get a exp reward for using a halfling for that chat.
  • HodlerHodler Member Posts: 2
    If could be added that, when fightning Malavon and depending on the character's INT, you get different command orders to control or deactivate the golems.
    You have to get the golem manual from Marketh first.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,444
    After saving Mirek, have your Cleric talk to a Townsperson and ask about Kuldahar, until you can ask about Kresselack again. Ask about priests next, to receive a Gernet Gem, and the advise to swap it for something against undead at Orrick or Fiddlebender.
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