Edwin School Choice
Member Posts: 482
I never understood why they made Edwin a conjurer?! Edwin is a power hungry wizard with a strong ambition to be god like... Wouldn't have made since for him to have been a pure wizard class? I mean conjurers are limited to certain spells... im wondering if he's bitterness is from that choice?
Being a specialist is also pretty instrumental if you want to become a Zulkir, a member of their ruling council, as that has one representative from each school.
This is a copy of the Red Wizard kit in Spellbound
Character Kits
The Red Wizard
Description: Red Wizards rule the ancient land of Thay and are one of the most evil and
corrupt forces in Faerûn. The Red Wizard kit is designed to be used only as an NPC class
due to its inherently evil nature. Despite this, there are PC role-playing applications for
the Red Wizards. A character could conceivably be a former Red Wizard or the apprentice
of a Red Wizard who gave up that life and now travels Faerûn, hoping to escape his
or her Thayan heritage. Such individuals would be compelled to conceal their identities
and risk attack from the many enemies of the Red Wizards as well as the Red Wizards
To become a Red Wizard a character must be of evil alignment and must have Int and
Cha of 14 or higher. In addition, the wizard must meet the requirements of whatever
school of magic he or she chooses to specialize in.
Preferred Schools: The Red Wizards are all specialist wizards; their very power structure
is, in fact, based upon the various magical schools. Necromancy is more popular in
Thay than elsewhere, due to the wizards evil nature and their morbid fascination with
the undead. In addition, Red Wizards tend to favor spells from the Elemental Fire school
and often have a full arsenal of flame-based magic.
Barred Schools: There are no schools specifically
barred to Red Wizards, although Greater Divination is
considered somewhat unglamorous and is consequently
Role: The Red Wizards rule Thay with an iron fist.
Their word is law, and the effects of their schemes are
felt throughout Faerûn and beyond. All Red Wizards are
nobles and thus considered far above other Thayans in
standing. Red Wizards compete constantly against each
other for power in Thay, and most aspire to the position
of zulkir.
Secondary Skills: No special secondary skill is required
for Red Wizards.
Weapon Proficiencies: Required (choose one): Dagger,
dart, quarterstaff, whip.
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus: Astrology, spellcraft.
Recommended: (General) agriculture, artistic
ability, etiquette, language (modern); (Wizard) ancient
history, herbalism, language (ancient), reading/
Equipment: Red Wizards may buy any equipment
they desire.
Special Benefits: All Red Wizards specialize in a magical
school, hoping to eventually become the leader of
that school. Their intensive training in their magical
specialty gives them the following benefits.
Red Wizards gain two additional spells per spell level,
if the additional spells are taken in the specialists
school. They also receive a +2 bonus when making saving
throws against spells in that school. Other characters
suffer a -2 penalty on saving throws against a Red Wizard
casting spells within his or her school. They also receive
a bonus of 25% when learning spells from their
schools. All other benefits are as outlined for non-Red
Wizard specialists in the Players Handbook.
Zulkirs, as representatives of their schools and the
masters of their specialties, find these benefits even further
enhanced: three additional spells per level, +3 to
saves and -3 to opponents saves against spells of their
specialty school.
In addition, while ordinary specialists are forbidden to
use magical items of their opposition schools, Red Wizards
may do so with some caution (see Special Hindrances
Red Wizards begin play with more money than
normal for mages (see Wealth Options). They receive
a +3 reaction modifier from any other Thayan
and may demand food and lodging from commoners
anywhere within Thay. This food and lodging is provided
free, upon pain of death, by any non-Red Wizard
in Thay.
Special Hindrances: As specialists, Red Wizards may
not learn spells of their opposition schools. In fact, their
opposition schools are even more effective than usual
against them; Red Wizards suffer a -3 penalty to saving
throws vs. such spells (this supersedes the -2 penalty
above). They also have a penalty of -25% when learning
spells not of their primary school.
When using magical items of their opposition schools,
Red Wizards are subject to the following penalty: There
is a 25% chance that the item simply will not function,
or (at the DMs option) cause a wild surge as detailed in
the Tome of Magic. Since most Red Wizards view wild
magic as anathema (being most proud of their precise
mastery of magic), many choose not to tempt fate by
using such items.
Red Wizards are hated Faerûn over and are likely to
be attacked as soon as they are so identified. While most
of them are arrogant enough not to care, this disadvantage
makes it crucial for adventuring expatriate Red
Wizards to hide their identities and origins.
Wealth Options: A Red Wizard receives 1d10x10
plus 100 additional gp as starting funds.
Races: Only humans (and usually only those of
Thayan Mulan descent) can be Red Wizards.
At some point in the Nether scroll quest Edwin mentions an ''argument'' with a diviner.