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So if Torment: EE is getting made...



  • spacejawsspacejaws Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 389
    if they can make it so that spells and travelling to other locations have a 25% of crashing the .exe then i'll be happy.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    An PS:T EE, besides the changes that @Communard already suggested (cos UI IS the main problem in PS:T) will SURELLY need a BETTER ASSIGNMENT OF COPYRIGHTS than BG EE, so the team will not be stucked in repeat the past mistakes, as ATARI forced TEAM BG to do in this remake of Baldur's Gate.

    I only ask that any important addition to PS:T content to be made by DLCs/Patchs, cos the original content is pretty stable, and add an NPC or a huge quest could easly broke the game flow.
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