So if Torment: EE is getting made...

What do you think will change?
What do you think needs changing?
Everyone strongly suspects (and most people strongly desire) Torment:EE as the next target for overhaul if all goes well. Most reference its popularity as the best reason for an overhaul, but never really define what they want overhauled. So here goes: why is this game a good candidate?
What do you think needs changing?
Everyone strongly suspects (and most people strongly desire) Torment:EE as the next target for overhaul if all goes well. Most reference its popularity as the best reason for an overhaul, but never really define what they want overhauled. So here goes: why is this game a good candidate?
2. Finish some blatantly unfinished content such as the Vault of the Ninth World quest and others I can't remember right now.
3. Better combat (though that kinda goes with UI changes).
Dunno. As much as I'd like to see the old games "enhanced". Maybe it's best if they just use the updated game engine and try to deliver some new campaign? At least there they won't have that many restrictions in regard to existing content.
1/ more consequences to attacking civilians... found myself levelling up by killing innocent ba'atorians in sigil, switching screens and killing them again when they respawn, i did it because I could, but felt that reminded me that i was in a game, would assume doing that repeatedly would piss off other people
2/ "you must gather your party before venturing forth" - same issue again, just send nameless one to run through baddies to get to the next level, you can escape hoards of thugs by running out the front door, that needs to change
3/ proper painted portraits for the NPCs, and none of the thick bright colour blobs that appear behind characters in the inventory, get rid of the CGI cut scenes, replace with IWD style pencil drawing/ narrator cut scenes and use concept art in the bestiary, the poor CG at the moment hasn't aged well.
4/ add new NPCs... the current ones are great, but I would want to have another guy or two next time I play, they don't have to be linked to the plot the same way Annah, Ignus and Morte are, just 2 or 3 new guys from some of the more unusual races with good dialogue and new quests
5/ few new quests and areas... same as NPCs, just a bit of a bonus, for us old veterans
6/ more armour or clothes for the Nameless One, I did get a bit sick of the same old bare grey chest from start to finish
7/ re make the Mechanus section, it was boring on the first play though, even more on the second and third
8/ scrap the current interface, no more right clicking to select spells and abilities, make it consistent with BG/ IWD
9/ enhance lighting effects, maybe add filters/ weather effects, make the game look more dingy and atmospheric
PS:T is a great game, just one that's aged pretty badly compared to the BG and IWD series I look back at the graphics and style and it reminds me of the show "Reboot" from when I was a kiddie, which is not really a good thing, it doesn't fit in quite with how I imagine the planes to be.
Torment doesn't need much expanding and while I would love another NPC (perhaps a celestial with their own torment?), they have some very, very good writing ahead of them if they want to keep the same level of quality. Probably better to just let it be.
the one where everytime you cast a spell, the game would freeze, then slowly move again (at roughly 1~3 frames a second) until the spell was finished casting and hitting the target.....
the game just wasn't as good not being able to cast any spells
also, expand the romances, hehe, the one female you can romance with a tail (avoiding spoilers) should have been very very epic
It was a well known bug at the time, but never fixed.
I just managed to finish the game the second time I played,
It's been a while since I've played, but isn't the only time anyone (Morte) actually reads your tattoo when you wake up in the morgue?