Installing mods

in BGII:EE Mods
Theres a list of BG2EE compatible mods on the forum. But when I try to install them, I get a message that it is not in the correct directory. I can't seem to find the proper directory (it did not come up as default) and apparently it is not the directory called Balder's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition. Can someone please advise me on where the proper game directory is located?
On Windows, using either the Beamdog Standalone installer or the Beamdog Client, I unpack the weidu mods under the 00783 (sub)directory so that their setup-"modname".exe file is under that directory. This directory also contains the chitin.key file. Its name is perhaps different on other platforms, that's why you have to provide more information if you want people to help you.
The weidu version has to be 235+ IIRC but it can auto-update by overriding itself with another, more recent, version found in the same directory.
If you use a non weidu mod, the installation procedure will be different (generally a copy-paste of files), see their readmes.
i have windows 8.1 how do i fix this?