LA LA LA bamba

So I'm planning my second play through, but this time I want to escape my comfort zone, so this time my charname will be avoiding arcane classes completely so I need some recommendation and tips on playing a melee physical character. I don't normally play warriors because ibtens to find them boring. I normally just toss the best armor on my meatshield and spend 90% of my time on my arcane characters or just watching the massacre.
Chances are I'm more then likely going to end up playing a thief or Archer class. Maybe even a monk, but what are some ways to make warriors feel more fun?
Note, in not sure if I'll be starting from BG 1 this time.
If there is no real way, then I might just do a duo run. Jaheira and Sorcerer/ general mage charname.
Chances are I'm more then likely going to end up playing a thief or Archer class. Maybe even a monk, but what are some ways to make warriors feel more fun?
Note, in not sure if I'll be starting from BG 1 this time.
If there is no real way, then I might just do a duo run. Jaheira and Sorcerer/ general mage charname.
I agree with you fighters are boring. So if you want a thief toon who can fight go swashy, they end up doing the same maybe even more dmg than standard fighters end game, they also get whirlwind. Assassin is super fun, strong early game because of poison weapon, strong mid game because of backstab mulitipler, strong end game because of spike trap. Fighter/thief is always good, great allrounder who frees up a slot for something else in your party.
Archer are so OP, go shortbow if you do one. I personally prefer stalkers, a dmg focused fighter/thief without the level spit plus some arcane spells, but lacks all other thief skills besides stealth.
Monks are so bad early and by early i mean till lvl 15 so if your a masochist go monk. They are scary strong end game, but the whole of BG1 will suck for you. Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, they can be kind of ok at like lvl 13, maybe even lvl 9.
Oh crap I didn't read the post properly, to make warriors more fun is simple. Either use them as a base and dual out of fighter into something cool or multiclass or play a warrior kit, as already stated stalker is a lot of fun, inquisitor is amazing, I like both these classes because they are warriors that do more than buff and then hit things, the rest are kinda boring.
When it comes to thief, I get iffy about its kits. Some of the block out some of the other abilities which is why I am picky about it.
A swashy is a single class fighter/thief that can't backstab. They lose abilities yes, but gain replacements.
A assassin is a glass cannon, because he is a thief that has to get into the melee to deal dmg, yes you get him out as soon as the first blow has landed, but he still to be there.
A bounty is amazing utility, the fact he can throw traps is ridiculous, you can just throw them into the fog of war to start a fight or at pursuing enemies that are out of sight.
They all lose thief points, but that doesn't really matter as you get more that enough anyway.
Personally I like all the thief kits over the vallina thief.
The only one that loses an ability is the swashy and whirlwind is a good replacement. Not as fun, but still good.
But if you where thinking of a fun fighter, but leaning towards playing thief, I still say go stalker. Stalker is good all the way through the saga, swashy gets stronger at the end, but the lack of backstabs is annoying.
Also you favor your casters so having a few arcane spells and the druid spells rangers get later on should make for a more interesting game than playing a normal fighter class.
Edit, but you have brought something to my attention, I never play divine characters. I might have to change that.
Front line clerics are more fun than you would guess. If you play mages like I do -- fighters in front everyone else in back, chances are you never think to use the spells that allow the cleric to perform on the front lines -- check of the spells that allow the cleric to become a warrior and then switch back to a spell caster. Going from 'melee mode' to 'strategy mode' can be fun.
No I'm not using mods at all, well except maybe the XP cap removal but I don't even know if I did that one right, what is the highest you can reach as a mage in bg2 SoA, I imported a level 27 wild mage and its level 28 now, but I don't even know what the cap is/was. Now I'm debating whether or not to reply that black pits all over again this time with a Sorcerer and see if I can solo it... Or just play it with a Sorcerer. Maybe this time I can get my team some decent armor instead of consuming every scroll I see
I've always had this thing about putting clerics in the front line... I just do it. I always used Viconia as a Off tank despite her lo constitution, but I've never really played with paladins, even the NPC ones.
Oh I heartily recommend SCS it's the best thing to ever happen to the series besides the NPC project.
But really if your playing BG1 again install the NPC project it's a huge banter pack and adds so very much to the game. I now actually care that Khalid dies in BG2.
I've also been very cautious about mods, if I get up my game, I'm currently in a position where I can't just log into steam and reinstall it all silly nilly.
I personally prefer to play pally. Better stronghold quests in soa and the carsomyr. In my opinion the best sword available.
You could also try a ranger. A fighter type with divine magic could make a fun type. Roleplayed as a guy who always felt the call of the wild being locked up in a library could be very interesting. Not really knowing what to do now you are alone in the wilderness learning by doing.
-Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral mercenary.
-Lawful neutral Knight Type, perhaps a follower of some Lawful deity.
-Samurai or Kensai (Lawful, strikes to kill)
-Brooding champion (Wields a huge weapon , like a 2h sword or halberd, and shiny armor, merciless)
-Fastest sword in the region (loves personal combat, has high dexterity and dual wields light weapons.
-Archer type (not only rangers need to specialize, after all), wears light armor or chain mail.
Building an archetype that suits you is a nice to keep interested in a fighter for long.