Hi A couple of options. From Task Manager, is the game already running in a failed state - if so, end that process and try again.
A few people have reported one of the games doesn't work until they reboot (either because they have recently installed or because they use sleep/hibernate instead of reboot).
Oddly, I tried rebooting to no avail... also, the failed state was not the problem. I actually have no idea what was causing this, but it simply went away on its own... weird.
You can also change the compatibility settings by right clicking the games exe file and choosing properties, this depends on your operating system though, what versions of Windows are you running?
A couple of options.
From Task Manager, is the game already running in a failed state - if so, end that process and try again.
A few people have reported one of the games doesn't work until they reboot (either because they have recently installed or because they use sleep/hibernate instead of reboot).
does it now not work if you havent installed 1.4 patch, i thought patchign was optional?