Increase Max Number of Party Members

Hi Devs,
We had a brief conversation on this page:
and this one:
Thank you for your support, please externalize the maximum number of party members from 6 to an arbitrary high number. More than 6 party members has been a desire of players for years and if modders could work to add more party members it would mean a lot of fun for a lot of people.
There's already a GemRB mod which increases the max number of party members from 6 to 10 here:
If we could get a similar treatment, and the ability to mod the UI to better allow for more party members, it would mean so much to many of us.
We had a brief conversation on this page:
and this one:
Thank you for your support, please externalize the maximum number of party members from 6 to an arbitrary high number. More than 6 party members has been a desire of players for years and if modders could work to add more party members it would mean a lot of fun for a lot of people.
There's already a GemRB mod which increases the max number of party members from 6 to 10 here:
If we could get a similar treatment, and the ability to mod the UI to better allow for more party members, it would mean so much to many of us.
With the UI and display settings I play on, there is room for at least 4 more portraits on the right hand party bar. I doubt I'd run around with a full party of 10 ever, but I would surely pickup an extra party member or two for specific quests and such.
I really do like the idea of giant battles.
But it seems like more than 6 characters is only available for GemBR, which in turn is not compatible with EE (let alone SoD), so that's a no. Well, here's hoping someone ever mods this for EE!
Even just one extra would be nice... I havent played in a long time, and I like making my whole party, but I forgot that you have to have some of the in game characters in your party for some quests, so it would be nice to add them as temporary members.
It was actually a re-implementation of the Engine called GemRB:
Well, that and the 10pp mod that was specifically designed for GemRB.
If you can stand playing the Pre-EE games in this day and age, well, the BG, BG2 and IWD games seem to be fairly complete, so you could give it a go. You probably need the old games for everything to work well. I doubt they run well using the EE database files.