"Extra" character sounds. Any way to turn them off?

Overall I am pretty impressed with the job and pleased with the changes that Beamdog applied to BGEE. There's one thing that annoys me, though: the addition of the "extra sounds" to the repertoire of each character.
On the original BG, you could access these sounds only by double-clicking (a lot) on each character. Now they say those phrases freely, and I wish there would be a way to toggle them off. I know they add some variety, but while I like hearing feedback voices, I think mostly of those 'extra' voices are rather unnapropriate for that (like Khalid's "Th-t-th-that's all Fo-f-fo-folks" or Montaron's looong "I warrant your attention?! Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!").
Am I the only one who feels like that?
Mad Hab
Overall I am pretty impressed with the job and pleased with the changes that Beamdog applied to BGEE. There's one thing that annoys me, though: the addition of the "extra sounds" to the repertoire of each character.
On the original BG, you could access these sounds only by double-clicking (a lot) on each character. Now they say those phrases freely, and I wish there would be a way to toggle them off. I know they add some variety, but while I like hearing feedback voices, I think mostly of those 'extra' voices are rather unnapropriate for that (like Khalid's "Th-t-th-that's all Fo-f-fo-folks" or Montaron's looong "I warrant your attention?! Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!").
Am I the only one who feels like that?
Mad Hab