The Continuing (And newly relocated!) Adventures of Zuko

Hey, all! Now, I have been running a screenshot/text LP (though I'm told the proper term for this forum is 'Journaled Run', since there is not much in the way of video and no audio commentary to speak of. In my defense, my voice is a nightmare to listen to, I wouldn't do that to you guys) over on my Tumblr, and linking the posts here as they go live. My first run, for BG:EE, never got much attention because it was posted off in Fan Creations and got lost in the dark, cavernous void that is that particular subforum. So, on some advice, the new playthrough for BG2: EE, which only just started THIS VERY DAY, is going to be over here.
Original Masterpost for the BG:EE run, starring Zuko, the Sun Soul Monk and future Firelord:
Part 1 of the new walkthrough, as Zuko enters the second game and continues on his path to one day leveling up enough to not suck anymore:
There we go! New posts typically go up on Sundays, and voting from readers is not uncommon, so I hope people enjoy. I love discussion and feedback, so feel free to share!
Original Masterpost for the BG:EE run, starring Zuko, the Sun Soul Monk and future Firelord:
Part 1 of the new walkthrough, as Zuko enters the second game and continues on his path to one day leveling up enough to not suck anymore:
There we go! New posts typically go up on Sundays, and voting from readers is not uncommon, so I hope people enjoy. I love discussion and feedback, so feel free to share!
He reminds me in his sense of humor very much of @Necomancer and this very popular thread:
Seriously, if you love reading BG playthroughs, you need to check out @Moczo 's work.
His BG1:EE run is here:
I'm only caught up in my reading of the BG1:EE run through Nashkel Mines, with about a dozen more posts to go in that one, but I will finish it soon, and I am looking very much forward to following this one.
In which Zuko saves the circus from riddling, math-loving genies, and then ends slavery in the way that everyone should, with FIRE PUNCHING. Also, ending the update is the first audience participation bit of the second game: Which of the four love interests should Zuko entrust... with his HEART.
Yes, four. It's not that I have anything against Dorn's romance, per se... it's that I have something against DORN, per se. And that something is that I hate him.
I saw on your Tumblr blog that somebody wanted you to get Anomen and romance Aeire, but I couldn't help notice that you totally ignored him in your play through of the common room of the Coronet, so, I wondered if you might be one of the many Anomen haters out there, so much so that you would prefer to pretend that he doesn't exist. I actually like Ano, at least after I reform him, but I understand if you don't want to deal with him - talk about Aerie being "whiny", Ano is just as much of a whiner, in another way, that is, the way of being a bragging misogynistic egotist who whines when you don't fall down and worship him for his heroic deeds. (But you can change him!)
I'd like to vote for you to romance Neera because I've never seen her Enhanced Edition content and probably never will, because I can't stand wild mages (I think they are reckless killers and cowards who summon pit lords and throw fireballs into the town squares of small helpless villages, say "Whoops", and run away because they don't care and just don't want to get caught), and it sounds like you don't like them for the same reasons.
So, I only vote Neera if you think you can stand her for your playthrough.
If having her around is going to spoil your fun, I'll gladly change my vote to Aerie.
See, am I not a nice reader and voter? I'm giving you a first and second choice for my vote, in case you don't like my first. I'd never want to stick you with a neurotic, egotistical blonde crazy viking warrior woman, or a recklessly homicidal incompetent mage woman, or anything like that.
(On the other hand, if you did go with Neera, the wild surges might give you some opportunity for some pretty funny comedy writing, just sayin'...)
And I don't mind taking Neera if she wins...though your vote for her means we now have a three-way tie. Jaheira gets no love, but the other ladies all have their fans it seems. WHO shall come out on top? Of Zuko. IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
Part 3 is now live! In which random numbers prove that my choice of character is the best, we punch a lich with sunlight well before we should be able to, and we save Nalia's castle even though she is totally lame. Also, another vote! Which of the main quests would you like to see first? Pick three of the remaining seven to do before we save Imoen, and let's rock, people!
For your three pre-Spellhold quests, I'll try to help you out with my votes.
1) If you are going to keep Minsc, he will force you to do the Umar Hills quest if you ever ran into that boy in the government district, so I'm going to vote for Umar Hills.
2) If you are going to keep Aerie, she will be wanting to do the Bridge District Five Flagons Theater quest to save Haer D'aelis and his friends. I think she only forces you to talk to Quayle and find out about it, not to do the actual quest, but, it would be bad roleplaying for you to leave her friends in trouble if you're romancing her. So, I vote for saving Haer D'aelis and his acting troupe.
3) The third one is a tough choice. Firkraag's map would probably be the most fun and exciting, whether you fight him now or not. However, your party could probably really use the gloves of dexterity before heading off to Spellhold. So, I'll vote for doing the Unseeing Eye.
Part 4 Live, in which my readers learn I cannot be trusted, as the promised adventure degrades into a bunch of minor sidequests. Also, Jaheira is back for a bit, so... yeah. That's a thing. I know we all missed HER.
EDIT: Looks like something went horribly wrong with the images on this one. I will try to fix it after work and announce when it's up and running properly. Sorry, all.
Okay, let's try that again! Everything SHOULD be fixed now. I'm hoping. Some might say praying.
... Please don't screw me on this, internet.
Part 6:
Two updates for the price of one this week, as I... totally did NOT forget to post the last one here.
I didn't.
Shhhhhhhh. Just... just enjoy. My like, three readers. Maybe.
You do so much work organizing all those screen shots, I wish for you that more people would give it a look. Maybe they don't want to follow the links to Tumblr for some reason, or maybe they're reading and not commenting.
The site moderators have said it's okay to post at least the first part of playthroughs in the general discussion forum, so that more people can see them. General Discussion is the main, highest traffic section of the forum.
You might want to try making a post there explaining the work you're creating and why, with a list of all the links you have so far. I guess it kind of does read like a "Let's Play" done in text and screen shots instead of voice and video, which I find unique. I haven't seen any other playthroughs posted in precisely your style. I think it's pretty interesting, and I get a lot of chuckles from your deadpan humor and commentary about game events.
Loving it, so glad you have continued.
As promised, Part 7! In which we take a break from going through abandoned temples full of shadows, and go through... an abandoned temple full of Beholders...?
What... what an improoooovement...?
It was not the ideal way to showcase my knowledge, perhaps.
Though on a far more pleasant note:
Part 8 just went live! And it is so terrible, you have no idea. I forgot how wordy some of these sidequests get. Good Lord Isaea Roenall never shuts up.
@lolien Not only did you not miss all the voting, but this week's update contains the rare and precious... DOUBLE VOTE!
And no worries, even if Edwin gets voted off the team I will still finish his woman-quest. XD
(I'm sad we won't get to see the "romance" between Mazzy and Korgan, though, since I've never seen it.)
Will you be committing crimes to keep your reputation low enough for Edwin, or are you going to let him leave when you hit 19? (or is it 18?) If he leaves over reputation we could have another vote at that time, I guess.
And there's part 10! I would normally do that thing where I say some allegedly witty things, but honestly I'm just barely awake at this point so I'mma go eat ice cream and watch netflix.
Edwin is the best IMO, funniest by far. It's really hard for me not to take him every runthrough.
Loved the "film noir" section, ever thought of doing the whole game in the same vein?
With an evil party, Dorn as the boyfriend?
You could have a lot of fun with that scenario and you as "Humphrey Bogart"...........
Looking forward to the next update.
Zuko and the window grate that was too small. "a fat cat stuck in bugler bars is hilarious."
Zuko and the mouse that got away. "In my owners room."
Zuko, the plastic box and a trip to the vet.
Zuko VS the evil ginger cat from nextdoor.
Zuko and the shower of Doom!
And Part 11 is live! In which we find our lost Imoen, slog through the worst Asylum since Arkham, and chop the heart out of an actual human being. So......... fun?