I would have put both his strength and constitution at a natural 6 because he can't even move in his armor once the potions and/or Stormbringer wear off. He is constantly worried that if he has gets rid of the sword or loses access to the herbs to make potions he will return to being a person who needs help walking from room to room.
Yyrkoon is listed as strength 16, wisdom 13, int 17 which seems mostly right but I'd put wisdom at 10 -- using the dragons to attack some petty raiders was a bad move. Pretty classic example of the high intelligence / low wisdom character.
Not sure about Corwin. Perhaps strength 15, Wisdom 16, int 17 ?
Although it's funny. When I first read the books I thought "dumbest move ever, why put the cousin who wants to unseat you on the throne"? That doesn't make any sense at all! He will never let you return. But, later, I got it -- he was hoping to find the answers he sought and then to settle down to a quiet life with Cymoril somewhere in the young kingdoms. Yyrkoon gets what he wants, Melnibone gets what it wants and Yyrkoon has no reason to work against Elric. And if Elric wasn't the champion eternal it might of worked.
I recall them publishing stats for him in the first Deities and Demigods… They also published stats for him in the "Gods, Demigods and Heroes" pamphlet that came out as a supplement for the "Three White Pamphlets" in a Box version of D&D that preceded the basic set. But that is one set I do not have, so I am not sure if they are the same or even close to the ones in Deities and Demigods.
And I have the CB Conan modules and RS1, Red Sonja Unchained, if anyone wants to know what stats they assigned to those characters as well.
I don't agree with Elric being CE. Sure, he can be a big jerkass like your average melnibonean, but he does some heroic things sometimes and he genuielly cares about his allies and loved ones. Also i don't agree with him having an high wisdom score. There was a website called Inzeladun where the creator Vincent Darlage gave 3rd edition stats to Conan throughout his various stories. Sadly that website doesn't exist anymore.
It's a major theme in Elric's story that sentient swords can heavily influence the wielder, so Elric's alignment depends upon whether he's wielding Stormbringer. When he's in combat wielding Stormbringer, then for sure he's effectively Chaotic Evil because the sword takes over. When he's sitting at home, his natural inclination is Chaotic Neutral or even leaning towards True Neutral ... but that doesn't count for so much, because it's when he's in action that he makes a real difference in the world around him. So I don't think it's unreasonable to classify him as CE.
I think Elric is a True Neutral or Chaotic Neutral who tries to be good but he's ultimately too stupid, too spineless or too influenced by Stormbringer to do it.
(before the addition of the good - evil alignment axis)
Alignment: Chaos
Magic Ability: 19th level
Fighter Ability: 10th
Psionic Ability: Class 5
Strength 9
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 17
Constitution 8
Dexterity 17
Charisma 18
I would have put both his strength and constitution at a natural 6 because he can't even move in his armor once the potions and/or Stormbringer wear off. He is constantly worried that if he has gets rid of the sword or loses access to the herbs to make potions he will return to being a person who needs help walking from room to room.
Yyrkoon is listed as strength 16, wisdom 13, int 17 which seems mostly right but I'd put wisdom at 10 -- using the dragons to attack some petty raiders was a bad move. Pretty classic example of the high intelligence / low wisdom character.
Not sure about Corwin. Perhaps strength 15, Wisdom 16, int 17 ?
Okay, you convinced me.
Although it's funny. When I first read the books I thought "dumbest move ever, why put the cousin who wants to unseat you on the throne"? That doesn't make any sense at all! He will never let you return. But, later, I got it -- he was hoping to find the answers he sought and then to settle down to a quiet life with Cymoril somewhere in the young kingdoms. Yyrkoon gets what he wants, Melnibone gets what it wants and Yyrkoon has no reason to work against Elric. And if Elric wasn't the champion eternal it might of worked.
Str 6(16), Dex 17, Cos 6(16), Int 18, Wis 8, Cha 18.
2nd edition class: Fighter/Mage bi-class. 3rd Edition: 10 Fighter/18 Wizard. Pathfinder: Bladebound Magus. 5th Edition: Eldritch Knight.
And I have the CB Conan modules and RS1, Red Sonja Unchained, if anyone wants to know what stats they assigned to those characters as well.