Top 5 NPCs, and bottom 5 NPCs! best party combos

When I first played BG back in the beginning of the century, I was primarily concerned with getting the strongest party together to kick the most butt.
This time through, I want to spend more time with as many NPCs as deserve it.
Who are your fav 5 NPCs to travel with, and who are your least fav 5?
Their effectiveness in game matters, but I am more concerned with who had a good quest, has good interparty dialogue, and who you look forward to traveling with again. I also want to know who you think the coolest party combos are.
(you can certainly have more than a top or bottom 5, I am just throwing out a number to get the ball rolling.)
I am familiar with CRPG mechanics enough to be confident I can succeed without concerns for party strength, and I know some of you on here know every little bit about this game, so this is a good opportunity for you to school some of us on some hidden gems in this game.
This time through, I want to spend more time with as many NPCs as deserve it.
Who are your fav 5 NPCs to travel with, and who are your least fav 5?
Their effectiveness in game matters, but I am more concerned with who had a good quest, has good interparty dialogue, and who you look forward to traveling with again. I also want to know who you think the coolest party combos are.
(you can certainly have more than a top or bottom 5, I am just throwing out a number to get the ball rolling.)
I am familiar with CRPG mechanics enough to be confident I can succeed without concerns for party strength, and I know some of you on here know every little bit about this game, so this is a good opportunity for you to school some of us on some hidden gems in this game.
Post edited by triclops41 on
Top 5
1. Tiax (Tiax rules all)
2. Minsc
3. Edwin
4. Viconia (I like how you can change her alignment over time)
5. Xan
Bottom 5
1 (worst). Jan
2. Cernd
3. Mazzy
4. Valygar (He hates his heritage, when I embrace mine. It really have never liked him)
5 (best of the worst). Imoen (she doesn't have a lot of dialogue and has no quests beyond getting her from Spellhold)
1. Sarevok
2. Aerie
3. Keldorn
4. Edwin
5. Kivan
1. Cernd
2. Garrick
3. Faldorn
4. Quayle
5. Nalia
Evil-alignment party for the win. Edwin, Viconia, Shar-Teel, Kagain, Montaron (I kill off Xzar and dump him from the party.)
Edwin is the best raw arcane caster, Viconia is an extremely good cleric, Shar-Teel is a kick-ass archer if you make her one, Kagain is the tankiest of Tank, and Montaron is extremely deadly once I give him the Gloves of Ogre Power. It also takes care of every need so it fits every potential Bhaalspawn I roll.
Worst for BG1:
Garrick (he's not good at anything)
Alora (redundant character who joins way too late)
Skie & Eldoth (Skie is redundant and joins way too late, and Eldoth simply isn't very useful)
Dynaheir (Invokers are horrible)
1. Coran
2: Xan
3: Mazzy
4: Imoen
5: Garrick
Honorable mention: Faren, an NPC mod by By Feuille & Miss Sakaki.
1. Cernd
2. Faldorn
3. Edwin
4. Tiax
5. Viconia
1. Kivan (I even play BG2 with him!)
2. Yeslick (often overlooked character, I think)
3. Dynaheir (she gets no love, it seems)
4. Minsc (the only character on my list that could be a party member in BG2)
5. Coran (wins me over every time, cannot explain why he is always in my party)
Least favorite party members to have in BG1:
1. Garrick (worthless and annoying)
2. Xzar (ditched him as soon as possible)
3. Montaron (package deal with Xzar)
4. Quayle (meh, just meh)
5. Branwen (potential to be better, just didn't do enough for me)
1. Khalid
1. Minsc (Always a classic, must-have warrior for my good/neutral-parties. When I was younger I took him along just for good stats and he is after all, a damn good fighter. But when I grew with him. I always find him unique and fun character)
2. Xzar (Insane mage. I love the fact the first time you meet him, he feels like nice fella. Even offering you a potion if you got good charisma just for "good act", but once he joins your party. He reveals his true nature. Edwin is a better mage, sure, but I just love Xzar's personality.)
3. Coran (Charming personality. Great dexterity, good thief. Although his weak "Find traps" always gets me in trouble.)
4. Ajantis (Usually my number one choice for good-parties. Played with him many times. Quite feels like "hero's partner" you need for your heroic journeys)
5. Kivan (I like his background and his hatred for Tazok. Feels rather close with protagonist's story since they're both after different guys who happen to be in same group.)
Folks I never use in BG1:
1. Skie (I like Eldoth, but if I want a bard, I usually pick Garrick. The problem with Eldoth is that he comes too late in the game and Skie comes even later. I like Eldoth's character, but I can't stand Skie for some reason)
2. Faldorn (Not a huge fan of druids in this game. But if I have a druid, it's Jaheira. Faldorn is usually never welcome)
3. Alora (I've only seen her once in my playthroughs. Just not worthy taking along when you got Coran. She felt rather annoying too...)
4. Khalid (Erhh.. We got better fighters. I wasn't suprised he died at the start of BG2)
5. Dynaheir. (Not a huge fan of her character. Minsc is alot more interisting without a witch.)
Sarevok: Being voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson is awesome enough, but that's before you consider that he has a stat total of 95 and the chance to do 200 HP worth of damage in a single hit.
Aerie: She's a very love-it-or-hate-it character, with some people finding her irritatingly whiny, while others think she's the sweetest cuddly-wuddly in the Realms. I actually found her one of the more useful NPCs, especially when you can use cleric spells in sequencers, or have her cast Protection from Magic Weapons on herself, equip Crom Faeyr, and go to town bashing some skulls in.
Edwin: The best spellcaster in the game, since he can cast more spells than any character the player can roll. Plus his personal quest is hilarious.
Imoen: Is a good enough thief to get you through to the end of ToB, and is a sold mage to boot. A considering how important she is to the plot, she's a character that I always include.
Mazzy: Can buff her strength to 18/00 for one turn per level, can make herself immune to fear, can cast Lay on Hands and Haste. She's basically a Paladin, but is classed as a fighter, so she can get Grand Mastery proficiency. Plus, she's voiced by Jennifer Hale.
Quayle: Annoying voice, annoying personality, crap attributes. Well, at least his cry of "OH DEAR!!!!" when he dies is amusing.
Cernd: Non-descript stats, dies easily due to his mediocre DEX and CON, plus the Shapeshifter kit's inability to wear armour. That, and he's a rather morally questionable chap, essentially abandoning his child to go adventuring (which bites him in the ass in his ToB epilogue)
Khalid: Non-descript stats, crap morale (so he panicks easily), quite possibly the least intimidating fighter in all of Faerun. His battle is cry, "Oh, my heart's really not in this..." Way to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies, Khalid!
Anomen: Do I have to explain this one? Regardless of how useful he is an NPC, his personality could strip the paint off the wall. I usually sneak up behind him in the Copper Coronet and backstab him for massive damage. Or cast Disintegrate on him.
Garrick: Tied with Quayle for the worst NPC in BG1. From what people have said, his only purpose is as a sacrificial lamb to lure Drizzt onto the island so the rest of the party can kill him with arrows.
1. Viconia (she's hot)
2. Sarevok (he's badass)
3. Minsc (he's funny)
4. Dynaheir (nice legs)
5. Imoen (cute as)
All the rest.
I used to think that way about Quayle til I was informed his low wisdom doesn't actually effect divine spell failure rate. If you like Aerie, you might as well like Quayle. They are functionally the same character. Quayle has more spells per level than any other caster in the game. Can't tank very well without a lot of help, provides a lot of team support, decent with just a sling.
I am referring more to the characters in BG1. I am planning on pretty constantly swapping characters in and out of my party when EE comes out, so I am looking for some fun NPCs I need to include.
Again, I am less concerned with their effectiveness in battle than I am with their entertainment values.
1. Kivan - broodingly loyal and deadly, most party-members like and appreciate him, tense dialogue with Viconia;
2. Coran - very useful, deadliest archer in-game, hits of every female NPC
3. Garrick - useful all around, good as pick-pocket and walking buff while singing, verbally abused by Safana at every opportunity;
4. Safana - good thief, funny party interactions with the 3 above (she's courting Kivan, avoiding Coran's courting and using poor Garrick as a doormat);
5. Xan - not the best mage but his gloomy, despondent personality makes up for it, amusing dialogue with Viconia.
If you're not playing a healer then replace Safana or Garrick with Viconia.
Worst for me (I never find a spot for them in my parties) are:
1. Ajantis
2. Quayle
3. Skie
4. Dynaheir
5. Shar-Teel
As you're not interested in BG2 NPCs I won't mention those.
Top 5: Edwin, Viconia, Kagain, Imoen and Jaheira.
Bottom 5: Tiax, Quayle, Garrick, Eldoth, Faldorn.
The Bad:
-Dynaheir (although I "have" to use her a lot because she's canon)
The Ugly:
-Edwin (needs an axe between the eyes every time)
2 3 & 4. Safana, Viconia & Dynaheir (girls, girls, giiirls !!)
5. Yeslick
1. Imoen (she's a bug)
2. Imoen (No interaction with others NPCs, the reputation or the environment)
3. Imoen (she always complains)
4. Imoen (her voice is horrible)
5. Kill Imoen should give +10 to the reputation.
1. Coran
2. Kivan
3. Ajantis
4. Xan (Only spellcaster that doesn't annoy me)
5. Imoen
1. Quayle (10 Wisdom? what a joke)
2. Tiax
3. Garrick
4. Eldoth
5. Skie
BG2 Inclusive
1. Keldorn
2. Valygar
3. Anomen
4. Aerie
5. Imoen
1. Nalia
2. Cernd
3. Haer'Dalis
4. Yoshimo
5. Jaheria
Bottom 5
Some of BG1 npcs
P.S. I love these "TOP X..." threads.
The Good:
1. Imoen - love her to bits (even if she doesn't talk much)
2. Alora - sweet as cherry pie
3. Kagain - the best axeman in town
4. Xzar - gets all the good lines
5. Shar-Teel - kick-ass female fighter
The Bad:
There are no bad characters in BG1. I even like Skie. But I have never managed to find a place in my party for Faldorn.
The Bad:
1. They broke Imoen and turned her into a miserable, whiny girl.
2. Alora has disappeared (she's probably stealing iced buns from a cake shop in Baldur's Gate)
3. Kagain has completely unnecessarily been turned into Korgan, who isn't as funny.
4. Xzar is there but all you can do is get him killed.
5. Shar-Teel - doesn't even get a walk on part like Garrick and Ajantis
The Good:
Minsc is still Minsc. And so is Boo.
Apart from that I don't much care for any of them.
That means along with her default summon dread wolfs spell, she's quite the capable summoner and healer. I wouldn't worry too much about her low physical stats because if she's gonna participate in combat outside of slings/spells, she's better off shape-shifted and that simply sets your stats to different values anyway.
1. Alora
2. Garrick
3. Safana
4. Skie
5. Eldoth
6. Tiax
BG1 bad ones (i really dont like paladins or pure fighters)
1. Ajantis
2. Khalid
3. Kagain
4. Shar-teel
5. there are no single fifth bad person but if i have to pick one i would go with Faldorn
BG2 good ones (again thieves and bards (imoen and nalia are there to fill slots))
1. Haer'Dalis
2. Jan
3. Yoshimo
4. Imoen
5. Nalia
BG" bad ones (still dont like fighters/paladins cernd and valygar are just to fill those slots)
1. Mazzy
2. Sarevok
3. Korgan
4. Cernd
5. Valygar
I personally dont have any idea why would anyone use "pure" fighter without dualing to something better.
Multiclasses work but those npc multiclasses lack in stat department usually.
To be honest it's not her stats that put me off; it's just at the point when I meet her I never seem to need her. And for some reason I just don't really like druids. I usually have Jaheira in my party and one tree-hugger is more than enough for me.
1) Xzar - need I explain why
2) Viconia - has always been a favourite
3) Eldoth - only recently discovered the Eldoth and Skie combo, thoroughly enjoy it
4) Skie - Not a bad thief, normally takes Shadow Keeper to reassign her points though
5) Toss up between Kagain, Shar-Teel, Safana or Edwin
BG1 least favourites:
1) Minsc - boring
2) Dynaheir - bleurgh
3) Khalid - ugh
4) Kivan - god no
5) Ajantis - haha
BG2 favourites:
1) Viconia - awww yisss, being able to get her to 100% magic resistance is awesome, best romance, nice ending (kinda)
2) Nalia - guilty pleasure, excellent mage who can use a bow, good mage compliment to Edwin
3) Sarevok - yisssss, Sarevok SMASSSHH
4) Haer'Dalis - possibly the one character I would like to get pissed with in real life
5) Edwin - awesome mage, hilarious side mission, good complimentary mage to Nalia
BG2 least favourites:
1) KELDORN - die die die die
2) Minsc (again) - boooooring
3) Mazzy - please stop talking
4) Aerie - *blows brains out*
1. Imoen- Classic
2. Ajantis- By Helm lol
3. Viconia- Awesome
4. Garrick- I know hes stats suck but he makes me laugh
5. Xzar- My Fav mage followed by xan
Bg1 Least favourites
1. Alora- Useless and forgetable
2. Quayle- Annoying.... to annoying!!
3. Yeslick- Never felt the need to use him
4. Shar-Teel- Again never felt the need to use her either
5. Montaron- Not a fan
1. Minsc - because of Boo.
2. Kivan - elf who lives for only one purpose, which is vengance... enough said?
3. Imoen - for personality, thought I hate her polish voice in BG1. That's why she's only 3.
4. Jaheira - mean, blunt, hard to deal with. Just like me.
5. Xan - pessymist to the core.
BG1 bottom 5:
5. Viconia - terrible portrait in BG1.
4. Faldorn - only single class-druid, which makes her just weak (in BG1). Plus terrible portrait.
3. Yeslick - for some reason I never ever *want* to use him.
2. Quayle - appears late, bad stats and not very likeable personality.
1. Alora - appears late and is not very usefull at all.
BG 2 top 5:
1. Jaheira - she's still blunt, mean and hard to deal with. Plus, she's romanceable.
2. Imoen - she's the reason I go to Spellhood, thus that makes her key element to the plot. The only disadvantage of her is lack of interaction in Shadows of Amn.
3. Sarevok - usefull, can be dualed to mage or thief, can be redeemed.
4. Edwin - because of Nether scroll. He IS fun.
5. Minsc - beacause of Boo.
BG 2 bottom 5:
5. ?
4. ?
3. ?
2. Cernd - he is just boooring.
1. Jan Jansen - Most irritating character in entire game. Even playing as neutral/evil character I prefer to have Imoen by my side, because Jan is just too annoying.
Still, there is a very satisfying blend of character/class/stats/special abilities, wherein some NPCs really shine (for my taste anyway):
and there are a few close to that elite tier but just barely not quite on par with them (again, for my taste):
The only one that I virtually almost never use is Faldorn, because her class is a poor fit for the mostly city based adventuring left in the game by the time one picks her up.
1. Imoen - I like her too much. BG1 Banter Pack enhanced her to be the perfect NPC ever.
2. Minsc - For the best lines in the game. Also a great tank.
3. Aerie - Arcane and divine magic in one single character. Great backstory. Romanceable.
4. Xan - Useful with his moonblade. But we're all doomed. Sometimes I forget we are.
5. Yeslick - Surprisingly good tank, and a good cleric. Also I want at least a 'shorty' NPC.
Bottom 5
36. Korgan - Never hired him, actually. Makes me miss Yeslick SO bad.
35. Anomen - Annoying, annoying, anome-- er... annoying.
34. Quayle - Awful stats. 'Nuff said.
33. Safana - I hate her personality. No match with Imoen.
32. Skie - I don't get this character. I like her portrait, though.
Top 5
1. Viconia
2. Minsc
3. Edwin
4. Kivan (with the BG1 NPC Project + Kivan and Deheriana mods.. without them, he wouldn't qualify)
5. Imoen
Bottom 5
1. Coran
2. Eldoth
3. Skie
4. Shar-Teel
5. Kagain
1) Jaheira
2) Viconia
3) Edwin
4) Dynaheir
5) Kagain
1) Garrick (tedious)
2) Yeslick (irritating voice-acting, otherwise I might actually give him a chance)
3) Faldorn
4) Xan (tedious)
5) Quayle
1) Aerie
2) Anomen
3) Yoshimo (even if what happened in Spellhold didn't happen, I still find him incredibly annoying)