Is the max hp bonus due to constitution for thieves 2 hit points at start?
I have a thief with 18 con, yet it only says plus 2 hp per level. Imoen with 16 con gets the same. Is it only fighter types that get a bigger boost with higher constitution than that? I started the game on a higher difficulty than my previous character, so wondering if that might have made me have less hps btw.
EDIT: What @elminster said.
Yes but only if they are a dwarf, halfling, or gnome.
Also, the Claw is one of the few items which you can actually take with you into BG2ee, if you're planning to play through with the same character - you can take the Claw instead of the (default) Helm of Balduran. Sometimes I do this, when I have a character who can sensibly use it. In my last completed full-series run, this is exactly what I did: I deliberately built a (kitted) Thief who started with 17 CON, boosted to 18 with the Tome, then wore the Claw all the way to the end of BG2ee:ToB.
You can buy the Claw from Thalantyr at High Hedge.