Soloing advice

OK, I need some advice, I want to solo blackpits 1&2 with a Sorcerer and need to know if its really possible?
During my Google search I've found a topic where people said they actually did solo blackpits 1 with x/y/z class/kit, but none really said anything about doing it with a Sorcerer. I haven't found anything about soloing black pit 2 at all.
Also, soloing bg1 and bg2 with a general mage, any tips would be welcoming. As usual, no I don't like to multi/dual class.
During my Google search I've found a topic where people said they actually did solo blackpits 1 with x/y/z class/kit, but none really said anything about doing it with a Sorcerer. I haven't found anything about soloing black pit 2 at all.
Also, soloing bg1 and bg2 with a general mage, any tips would be welcoming. As usual, no I don't like to multi/dual class.
I figured it would be harder do to the limitations of both.
The first one, missile weapons in Infinity Engine games are very powerfull. You may damage your enemies without taking. Most of enemies have slow speed and, if you have boots of speed, can't reach you. Hit & run them.
Mage may have sling, dart and throwing daggers. All of them have advantages and disadvantages. Dart - 3 attacks per round, very good, but their damage always 1d3. Throwing daggers use dagger weapon proficiency, so, if you use them you may also use dagger in melee without disadvantages. They also have 2 attacks per round and bonus from ability (dexterity if i'm not forget). Their price is the highest and their weight is also very high, they also use weapon slot in inventory, not amunition slot. The best weapon, in my opinion, for solo mage, especially if you have amunition belt or bag of holding (but Black Pits have no throwing daggers!). But there is no magic throwing daggers, only few poison. For the first BG it's not a big problem, as you have lot's of spells. Sling is the best weapon comparing quality/price. Very cheap and have bonus from ability and have +2 bullets. In my first walkthrough i used sling, but now i switch for daggers.
Маgе on some level may choose another weapon proficiency. Quarterstaff is good. The best weapon against skeletons, golems and oozes.
The second one, bhaalspawn abilities. Use your reputation below 8 (if i'm not mistaken) to collect evil bhaalspawn abilities, they are the best for soloing.
Larloch's minor drain damages your eney and heal your mage for 4 HP, no saving throw. You may use this spell to interrupt spellcasting from your enemy-mage or cleric. You may also use it against your oun summoned creatures and even against cats, rats, squirrels (neutral creatures), to heal yourself.
Horror. Very effective spell even if it's not ability. Much better than Slow Poison. Cure Poison Potion cost hundred gp, not a big lose.
Vampiric Touch. Melee spell (thats bad), but have no saving throw and, as Larloch's minor drain, damaged enemy and heals yourself. I don't remember exactly, but i think this spell have 20 damage. Very good spell.
Increase your reputation to 10 to gain Draw Upon Holy Might, this good bhaalspawn ability increased your abilities. It's very important because you may use it to quickly defeat your enemy in melee, if your enemy can't be beaten with magic. Very good if you use polymorph self. Also you may break locks with this ability, because your strenght increased. There is one bug with this ability. When your constitution became 20 (or 21 don't remember) you gain 1HP/round regeneration. Cast DUHM and travel through world map, when you reach your destination, you'll regenerate all your HP.
The third one. To gain levels quick, go to Basilisk location and kill all basilisk. First level mage became 5 level for ten minutes. Don't forget Protection From Petrification spell or potions. You may also use Corax The Ghoul, he is immune to petrification and paralyzed basilisks.
Sirines - the other good expirience pools (2000 per one, 6 от the map), but you need protection from charming. I suggest Potion Of Clarity. When you reach cloakwood, spiders is also good for gain experience.
Travelling parties - also good for gaining experience, but they are not always dying without troubles. Use AoE spells like Web, Grease, Sleep or Stinking Cloud. There is Sequencer spell (or similar) wich allow you to cast two low level spells immediately. Almost any enemy in BG1 have not enough saving throws to evade Web, especially two Webs. But i recommend using Web with Grease, if your enemy drop enough to evade web he can't leave web area if he can't drop enough to evade grease. Grease reduce his movement rate half. Enemies will stay in area of spell forever.
The fourth one. Collect wands. Missile wand is not good enough, you may sell this one, but wand wich allow you to cast Horror, Sleed, Fireballs, Lightnings or Cloudkils - superpowerfull! One such wand can change everything in battle. Potion Of Fire Breath and other Fireball-like potions is also good. low level spells VERY POWERFULL in BG1. Sleep, Blindness, Shield, Stinking Cloud, Grease, Web, Horror... lot's of them and all they are powerfull
I think i forget something, when i remember, i wright again. If you have some questions - ask