NPC Kits

in BG:EE Mods
I seem to remember a mod that allowed you to select kits for the NPCs, but I can't find it anywhere. Was I mistaken and doesn't it exist?
For the time being, I'm using EEKeeper to help me out.
Khalid a Kensai.
Imoen a Swashbuckler.
Those are the ones I think of right away.
BTW, I think it'd be nice if the readme would be updated to reflect the changes with Bards in general. For example: they can no longer use Twohanded Weapons & style.
Ajantis - Cavalier (change his longbow proficiency to something else like another point in two handed swords, giving the option for dual wielding bastard swords or going for two handed style)
Coran - Archer, though with some of the added kits from the Big World Project megamod, that gives him a few other potential fitting kits that allow him thieving abilities as a single class Thief kit. Would just need to adjust his proficiencies from Longbow to Shortbow if having him change to a kit of a different class like a Sniper.
Kivan - Archer, maybe adjust his two-weapon style proficiencies into two handed style since his melee choice is halberds.
Garrick - Skald
Eldoth - Blade
Xan - Fighter/Mage, or Fighter/Enchanter, special NPC multiclass like a Gnome, adjusting his proficiencies accordingly. There was also a modification with the Scales of Balance mod I believe where Xan could be changed to a multiclass Bladesinger/Mage, which makes sense but I didn't want to install all the other changes that were required to make him a Bladesinger. So maybe you could offer that multiclass combo separate from all the changes required from that mod. Also for his Moonblade it could be a good idea to change the in-game description of the weapon from a Dagger type to a Long Sword type, so it makes more sense with Xan's changes. Another thing if changing his class to a Bladesinger, if doing that make him come equipped with his own Elven Chainmail since it's the only armor he can wear (same rules for a player character starting with their own armor).
Safana - Swashbuckler, perhaps change her single weapon style point into two weapon style, to fit in with being a Swashbuckler.
Minsc - Barbarian or Berserker, though personally I might just keep him as a Ranger it's nice to have the option to change him. Perhaps could do something similar with him like with Kivan, allocating his two-weapon style points into two handed style since his main melee choice is two handed swords.
Alora - Fine as Thief, unless there's a kit from Big World Project that seems to fit Alora
Dynaheir - Fine as Invoker
Imoen - Fine as Thief, good fit for dual class
Khalid - Fine as Fighter, unless there's a kit from Big World Project that seems to fit Khalid
Jaheira - Fine as Fighter/Druid
Rasaad - Already a kit
Dorn - Already a kit
Neera - Already a specialist mage
Baeloth - Fine as Sorcerer
Yeslick - Fine as Fighter/Cleric
Kagain - Dwarven Defender (would need to adjust his hitpoints per level and starting hit points appropriately from the higher d12 HP dice of Dwarven Defender, as well as making sure he could only get high mastery in Axes & War Hammers)
Branwen - Some cleric kit from Divine Remix or something that fits her neutral alignment and faith.
Faldorn - Avenger (Their stats are already bad enough so I think you could leave her stats as is)
Quayle - Fine as Cleric/Illusionist
Skie - Bounty Hunter
Montaron - Fighter/Assassin or single class Assassin (adjust proficiencies for single class Assassin)
Edwin - Fine as Conjurer
Shar-Teel - Kensai or Berseker
Tiax - Cleric/Thief isn't really a good combo, but there's not much to change him to cus of his crappy stats. Maybe there's a Thief kit that would fit him with the extra class kit mods.
Xzar - Fine as Necromancer
Viconia - Priest of Talos, unless her worshiping Shar would contradict with her having this kit. There are a few fitting Cleric kits with the Divine Remix mod I believe and I think Scales of Balance has a component which can change her class to two different Shar worshipping Cleric kits.
I remember using Big World Project to install a bunch of stuff together and I installed a number of the kits that could be installed standalone, but some of the kits or NPC kits I didn't or wasn't able to install cus of the other changes to the game that were required like Xan & Eldoth. The kits included in the stuff like the Fighter Tweeks, multiclass tweeks, etc. would be nice to have too standalone. The Fighter Tweeks when I used Big World Project changed some stuff that wasn't to my liking like the Kensai and when I tried editing the settings files it didn't rollback the changes I didn't want. Also the Kensai didn't work properly as intended either with the single weapon thing as your starting proficiencies weren't given the way they should have (one point in each weapon style, but no points in your chosen weapon).
One option you could always give for an NPC kit mod, just go ahead and give the option to change that NPC to any class kit you have installed for their class (if they're single class), so someone has an easy way of choosing exactly what it is they might want being given at least the option. Then any other predetermined kits/classes could be chosen along with those, like with Xan being a Fighter/Mage. Some people like me would enjoy kitting some of the various NPCs just without all the other game changes, adding variety to the game and having things make a bit of sense with the NPC builds.
The only thing as mentioned somewhat with the individual NPCs is having to change some characteristics of some NPCs like their starting HPs, hit die (hit points per level), proficiencies in some cases, and the new limitations/restrictions like with a Dwarven Defender for Kagain.
Don't worry I'm aware of the Archer kit.
As for Branwen, that's mainly just talking about the kits available in the base game. With mods adding in kits it would be different, as a Priest of Helm was the Neutral aligned Cleric kit. I think Divine Remix or another sort of mod adds in Tempus kits for Clerics that would be fitting for Branwen.
Don't worry I'm aware of the Archer kit.
Coran may be a master archer (no capital "A"), but the Ranger class doesn't fit his character. He introduces himself as a "thief and archer" and his in-game biography mentions his thievery-funded lifestyle and that he mostly lived in the city. CHARNAME just happens to meet him while he's hiding out in the woods after his latest "romantic entanglement".
Coran may be a master archer (no capital "A"), but the Ranger class doesn't fit his character. He introduces himself as a "thief and archer" and his in-game biography mentions his thievery-funded lifestyle and that he mostly lived in the city. CHARNAME just happens to meet him while he's hiding out in the woods after his latest "romantic entanglement".
No need to worry, that's why I mentioned the Thief kits available via mods that fit him better than an Archer kit would.
Will this mod apply only for kitting NPCs, or will it also add these kits to character creation as well with the standalone mod? I like the idea of being able to have kits for additional character creation options but not having to change the rules or functions of the game itself, for those perhaps still new to the game or just wanting to play the game more vanilla without other tweeks.
For Xan, I think he should be given his own elven chain mail set of armor like a player created Bladesinger would. Perhaps having it in the chest with his Moonblade sword, and making it so only Xan is allowed to use it like with his Moonblade. Otherwise in the Enhanced Edition, there's only one set of elven chain mail you can get and you can't get it until Chapter 5 and doing Dorn's quest. That mean's being a player character Bard or some class that would benefit from that armor would have to make a choice between the armor for them or Xan. Also I'd make sure the proficiency for his Moonblade is changed to long sword in the item description to eliminate any confusion about its item type.
For anyone it appears to be having a bit of a class change or something that would effect their currently given proficiencies, like Coran to Sniper (Fighter/Thief to single Thief), Montaron to Assassin (Fighter/Thief to single Thief), Minsc to Berserker/Barbarian (Ranger to something else), Ajantis to Cavalier (base Paladin to Paladin without ranged weapons), etc. etc., it'd be a good idea to re-adjust their given proficiencies when you first acquire them. Coran with 3 points in Long Bow for example does him no good, as a single class Thief can't use longbows. A single class Thief also couldn't achieve two points in a melee proficiency either, so maybe adjusting his proficiency points around to match a single class Thief would be good. Like a point in Long Swords, a point in Short Bows, and a point in Single Weapon Style. He'd be able to have enough levels to get Short Bow mastery as a Thief, making him an effective archer like before at the cost of close range abilities. The opposite could be said for Ajantis, having his Long Bow proficiency point going elsewhere if kitted to Cavalier.
This goes a bit based on what I said previously, but along with making adjustments to opening proficiencies, that might mean also making adjustments with some of the characters and their starting equipment too. Coran as a Sniper when I kitted him to that still started off equipped with a longbow even if he's not allowed to use it. He should be given a shortbow or something instead.
Would it be possible to add some multiclass options for kits, like Fighter/Assassin for Montaron (as an example)?
More options is always good, but I don't see how changing to the kit makes sense for him. He's already a unique multiclass combo and his stats seem underwhelming for a Cleric/Thief sort of multiclass. Plus being a Gnome, changing him from being an Illusionist multiclass means he misses out on one of the nice things about being a Gnome and their multiclassing, which is something Tiax himself suffers from (along with already filling the Cleric/Thief void, if you really want that). Tiax for most is essentially an amusing but useless character compared to the NPC competition, and his stats make it hard to change his class to something else really other than single class Thief (which for various reasons, would still suck cus every other Thief available would still be better).
Sadly for Tiax, it's just not his story.
Of course, it's your mod, so if you want to do it, more power to you.
But yeah, it's not that I hate Tiax or anything, just that from the get go you get two way better options compared to him for either good or evil, and Cleric/Thief just isn't a combo that goes together well. More viable with the mods but still pales in comparison to every other Thief you could get. With the help of the mod changing his starting location it should be interesting to hear what Dorn says about Tiax during his questline.