The Dragon Pit (Siege Pit/Spear Pit)?
Our favourite parts of the EEs thus far have been the Black Pits. So if there is a chance there will be more Pit fighting action in Siege of Dragonspear so much the better! After all, no new Pits would be the pits...
Anyone else hoping?
Anyone else hoping?
But I want to see The Goblin Armpits.
Ignoring your selfishness, fortunately there is! The Dragon Pit need not detract from the story, just as the Black Pits did not detract from the EEs.
Unlike some of the rest of these folks, though, I don't have my head up my own ass and make hyperbolic assertions like the duration of work Overhaul spends on developing things with absolute smug certainty. Overhaul could very well have a B Team that nullifies these "detraction" concerns.
Unbeatable bosses? I've evidently not encountered them yet, so I'll stay mum on that point.
As to the topic I would love another Black Pits, even a full scale adventure revolving around the gladiators being hunted or touring Faerun tournaments and having stories in each locale.
But...I think we are getting enough content with Siege of Dragonspear to expect something akin to tge Black Pits. It was anice addon for the EE's as it was functional in the sense it allowed you to test different builds quickly with a neat little story.
Keep SoD they way it is. Add it in later if they have time but definetly not a priority.
Nevertheless, each to his own. If Beamdog have established that there's a market for BP-style games, then fine, by all means let them cater to that market, and good luck to both the company and the players.
However, if it comes down to a contest for limited development resources between more development of games I like (i.e. BG!) and more development of other products, then (obviously!) I hope they'll spend their time and effort on what I prefer. SoD looks like being the sort of work I'm delighted to see them doing. ("Shut up and take my money!")
But only after SoD comes out and given for free
That said, many of you apparently seem to think Beamdog & Overhaul are incompetent so perhaps you also think they are liars...
I personally fear that this time it *would* detract them (maybe not at this stage though ^^)
This is my PERSONAL idea how it worked:
There work on BG & BG2 consitet of bug-fixes, some improvements and mostly designing & writing.
The Black Pits were a bit designing & writing and mostly balancing and creating enemies.
So the workloads was pretty different. But this time they are creating the game from scratch (not
the engine though, but they are still tinkering with that too) which needs all types of game developers,
so another instance of BP *would* mean that the dev teams would have more work (or that more ppl have
to work on it)
...I may have explained my thoughts a tad convoluted, sorry about that ^^'
Mhm... maybe an official could explain the work proccess, I'm kinda curious after all this ^^