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BGEE: I appreciate the effort...

SonOfBhaalSonOfBhaal Member Posts: 7
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
I think I'm going to have a hard time justifying the purchase of this game. I really want to get it simply because I'm such a huge BG fan, but-thanks to the great modding community-I have many of the enhancements that BGEE would provide (and then some).

The only reason I would have purchased something like this is for added content; but unfortunately none of it looks very interesting. A few new NPCs, ok; Dorn looks pretty cool. A few more hours of gameplay; I'll take that. But for 20 bucks? I don't think I can do it! Maybe if the Black Pit addition wasn't stand-alone I would be able to justify the purchase. But an endurance test that has no bearing on the game doesn't interest me at all, unfortunately. I dunno, maybe someone can say something that will put me in a more amiable mood toward this project. But the more I read about it, the less I feel it's needed.


  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    Please ppl dont start feeding this troll.
  • CCarluNNCCarluNN Member Posts: 200
    Hmm, let's see here, how can convince you?
    Well, I don't think I really can, the choice is really up to you. But if you think that the modding community has what it takes to produce an equally complete enhanced edition of the game FOR FREE, I would like to see proof. No offense to the modding community, you guys are doing a great job providing feedback and support to the BGEE dev team.
  • BenjaminBenjamin Member Posts: 39
    I couldn't be happier that BG:EE is coming out

    I've tried both BGT and BGTUTU numerous times and found them both so bugy that they're unplayable at best, both of them have alot of missing dialog or changes that i just dont like at all.
    Honestly, i dont think anyone who says something along the lines of "the mods are good enough" really has played them long enough to see just why they suck so bad, or just doesnt know the original well enough. There nothing worse then getting 15+ hours into BGT only to find it unplayable to go on, or quest & speech not triggering & ect.

    Give it a shot, $20 is nothing and if you are a fan i reckon you'll get hooked again in no time.
  • xLegionxxLegionx Member Posts: 197
    We'll think of it as buying an expansion to the current bg game. There is going to be some additional content, over 400 enhancements have been made to the game, and I'm sure thats in addition to new weapons, spells, and gear to play around with. Still, I do see your point as there may not be much stuff to play around with but dude they intend to continue the series with the bg 3 atleast thats what I think I heard. You can support them by buying the game and testing out the cool new stuff. You get to play as a blackguard too which is something I'm definitely looking forward too!!
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    The choice is yours truly, but think about the gains - 20 bucks, new content, endless hours of gameplay. And you won't have to go through all that mod installing process nonsense! It's win-win, especially when you get the standard edition for 10 bucks.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited September 2012

    The choice is yours truly, but think about the gains - 20 bucks, new content, endless hours of gameplay. And you won't have to go through all that mod installing process nonsense! It's win-win, especially when you get the standard edition for 10 bucks.

    Well, the game doesn't have a mod manager yet. Devs have said they have plans to release one post ship. I trust that they will provide one relatively soon after release, as many players will still want to play the game heavily modded.

    There are a lot of players that won't even be interested in BG:EE unless they can play the game with SCS installed, for example. After my first run-through in vanilla form I know I will have to have SCS available to continue playing it. And otherwise I play the game with a boatload of mods as well.
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    @Lemernis : I thought more for the content it already has - support for higher resolutions, ToB classes and kits, new characters, areas and a whole new expansion. Without the need to run programs distinctively. You just run the installer and that's it, no mods needed to make the resolution HD! :)
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318

    @Lemernis : I thought more for the content it already has - support for higher resolutions, ToB classes and kits, new characters, areas and a whole new expansion. Without the need to run programs distinctively. You just run the installer and that's it, no mods needed to make the resolution HD! :)

    Ah, right, with EE players will no longer have to install platforms such as tutu and BGT that run BG1 in the BG2 engine. That's true. And that's a great development.

    But there are many, many mods, lol. It's sounding like the tweaks required to make mods compatible with the revamped Infinity engine won't be too a big deal either.
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    Well, some of the best IE modders are here, so I bet we could ask them! :P

    But yeah, generally speaking, 20 dollars seems pretty much damn worth the price of a game like Baldur's Gate (considering now we'll also get much more stable internet)
  • AlkaluropsAlkalurops Member Posts: 269
    I wouldn't focus on BG3 so much as BG2.

    The main reason - I think - that there's not a lot of new content (especially quests) in BG:EE is that most of the funding goes towards reprogramming the UI, opengl rendering and multi-platform support.

    The devs (I think Trent Oster) said although BG2:EE contractually has to be done, their funding will directly depend on the success of BG:EE.
    Since most of the engine modifications (UI, mult-platforms, etc) have already been done for BG:EE, funding for BG2:EE will almost entirely be focused on new content. So if you're looking for new content in BG2:EE, buy BG:EE today!
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited September 2012

    Well, some of the best IE modders are here, so I bet we could ask them! :P

    But yeah, generally speaking, 20 dollars seems pretty much damn worth the price of a game like Baldur's Gate (considering now we'll also get much more stable internet)

    Actually, per Nathan:
    A more graceful way of handling mods is definitely something we want to investigate, especially since we need to see how best to address the issue of mods on iOS/Android.

    One of the good things about working with so many of the mod authors if that they've helped give us better insight as to what additional parts of the engine would benefit from being externalized in extra 2DA's and also the difficulties they've had in creating their own mods. This insight should be very valuable in helping to look at either an in-engine or external tool to manage mod content.

    In theory there won't be any need for any other mods to patch the executable with BG:EE - we have the source code and have directly built-in the beneficial ones we've come across.
    ...[discussion of a mod manager with mod authors]... will be something we'll have to approach post-shipment of the game, as we don't have much time left to get everything into Apple/Google certification for the game to be released when we hope it gets released so this is something that will come a little later.
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    edited September 2012
    First of all I think the OP makes a valid point. I have asked myself this when the details of the EE started to become clear. I'm not a player who wants to just boot up a game and jump into it - I like spending prep-time ahead of a playthrough selecting mods from various sites, planning my playthrough and my character, sometimes edit those mods to make them more suitable, and so on. It's not unusual for me to spend a week or two weeks doing stuff like this before I even start playing.

    With that approach, BG:EE out of the box can offer me very little that my carefully chosen, tested and balanced selection of mods can't. It may be months before a BG:EE playthrough matches the immersion/enjoyment I get out of my usual modded BG playthrough.
    And even then, since there is no BG2:EE yet, the experience would end anyway. I see the BG games as a series meant to be played in a continuous stretch - playing BG1 and then not be able to directly go on and play BG2 seems almost pointless to me, like reading only the first book of a trilogy.

    Having said that, I still preordered, even though I may not really enjoy playing BG:EE until BG2:EE is out, and when a bunch of mods have been updated to be compatible with both of them. My reasoning is the same as some people have touched on in this thread. BG:EE, even if it falls short of its mark, represents a rebirth of a game series I love but thought long-dead. So to me, these games getting new attention is something I've always wished for, but never thought would happen.. I'd say it's akin to what I imagine a Beatles fan would feel if John Lennon and George Harrison miraculously turned out to be alive, and Beatles reunited and went on tour.

    So yeah, what I pay $20 for isn't really the BG:EE game such as it will be on release day, but rather the potential that is inherent in the project. For that potential, I'd likely buy a handful of copies of the game just for myself if needed, just to support it.

  • xLegionxxLegionx Member Posts: 197
    Well aside from mods I'm sure they will be releasing some cool downloads as well. I heard that the subraces won't be added to the expansion pack upon release but will be available as a download in a future patch which is something I look forward too. Actually, I might wait until they come out with that before playing the actual game.
  • Metal_HurlantMetal_Hurlant Member Posts: 324
    Maybe I just don't see $20 a big deal for me.

    I could easily spend that on a night out at the movies with popcorn and a coke just for me. If I take my girlfriend, it's going to be $40.00. A hardcover book is going to cost me that easily.

    Ever tried to buy a $20 gift? I don't know about anyone else, but $20 doesn't seem to go very far these days for me. So that's probably why I don't see $20 a big deal for me.

  • LekianLekian Member Posts: 108
    Well for people that have the time for looking and adding mods BGEE might not be their cup of tea. Altough devs have already said they have improved and cleaned up the code which cannot be done with mods.

    But for someone like me that just does not have the time to get the mods working or the time to tweek around with mods; BGEE is a dream come true.

    I personally prepurchased the game and got charged 15 Euros which is an equivalent of any of the following in Spain: 1 Theatre Ticket, 2 Cinema tickets, 2 BigMac Menus, 7 Beers at a Bar,... well I´m really having a tough time thinking what I can get for entertainment for 15 Euros.
  • RazorRazor Member Posts: 436
    Sometimes these talk about mods surprises me. I know modders are great guys who use their personal time to add content and tweaks to games but there are many downsides. Rez fixes etc are great but isnt it much better if it comes in the game already, for me each mod added is another chance my install crashes.
    So yes I like mods, but I would prefer a stable official version anyday...
  • aldainaldain Member Posts: 332
    Am I the only one that has real technical issues running the old IE games? Slowdowns occur very frequently, multiplayer is an absolute nightmare to get running (and if you get it running one night, odds are you won't the next time you try). There's no graphical acceleration to speak of, resulting in even more slowness. Environmental audio sounds like crap.

    All of this on its own would be enough for me to pay $20. I'm also getting 3 new NPC's, quests, a stand-alone adventure, literally hundreds of fixes incorporated without me having to wrestle with installing mods in just the right order or it breaks the game... it just seems like such a bargain. I'd pay triple without blinking.
  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    slowdowns are constant nemise if there are more than single spell cast at the same time
  • j3cwillj3cwill Member Posts: 51
    Lemernis said:

    The OP raises fair questions. I think most fans are very disappointed that the EEs 1) won't be re-rendered in HD, and 2) will not allow for any new content for existing NPCs, other than their dialogs and interactions with new NPCs in new areas of the game. Hell, Beamdog is disappointed at those things. They aren't making any bones about it.

    But I can think of two very important reasons to support the EEs:

    • the revamped engine should result in a resurgence of custom mod production, hugely supported by Beamdog
    • sufficient sales of the EEs will allow for creation of BG3
    Those are enough reason for me to buy the two Enhanced Editions. (It's what I might spend for a night out at a restaurant one evening. And by purchasing the games I'll certainly have much more to show for what I spent.) And similarly I'll support the enterprise by purchasing the DLCs, provided they are a good value for a fair price.

    I'm not a tablet player, but I would imagine that having the game available on iPads will introduce the BG series to a whole new generation of players. (Playing on an Android seems weird to me, though, lol. Screen would be way too tiny for my taste.)

    I do think that the graphical improvements to appearance of the game will have to be noticeable lest a good percentage of consumers start gathering torches and pitchforks, though. The game's new GUI, new cinematics, filters applied to the source art to scale to higher native resolutions, flipbook animation transparency and alpha blending for BAM files, and the zoom feature will all have to result in tangible improvements to the visual appearance of the game. If the game gets a facelift in appearance, that will go a long way toward legitimizing the EEs in light of the limitations that exist for this project.
    Well said, Lemernis. I could not have stated this any better:)
  • Fake_SketchFake_Sketch Member Posts: 217
    Well, its a "bug free super mod", Ill be supporting the game and getting a bit of extra content. In Chile, with the money I spent Id get like 3 cinema tickets only so Its not a big deal for me.

    @raywind tune your troll sensors, his questions were pretty legit ones.
  • KnettgummiKnettgummi Member Posts: 152
    If only I could get a couple of hundred hours of gameplay out of two pints of beer. That way I could spend my money today and get on with it.

    Alas, BGEE is two long weeks away...
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    I think the bug fixing alone is worth it. Native high resolution support and full open gl rendering are great pluses. I really don't expect to see any slowdown in BG EE.

    Having a developer that fully supports the modding community is REALLY great... for the first time since release the Unkowns in the file structures were fully explained by the developers.

    I fully expect the modding community to grow with the EE releases.

    But as I've stated on another thread I'll probably postpone a full playthrough until at least Unfinished Business and BG1 NPC Project are updated to work with BGEE.
  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    edited September 2012
    Well, since the difference between the EE and the regular version on Gog and other places is $10, the real question is, is the game worth the extra $10, isn't it?
  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    edited September 2012
    *double post*
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    I agree with @mlnevese: I'll buy it, but probably won't play it until I can get some basic ducks in a row re: mods and tweaks.
  • SmaugSmaug Member Posts: 216
    edited September 2012
    $20 = a few gallons of gas or 2 movie tickets, not really a huge investment if you ask me. Even if the improvement over the original BG is merely the convenience of not having to install a million mods, I think that's worth $20.
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