New kits

Are there going to be new kits and / or race (moon elf, drow, wood elf, godkin, half orge) ?
lets share our kit ideas
Kit ideas
Warrior - Duskblade (its in a great mod that I can no longer get to work) spells that are all cast on your weapon to be applied to the enemy. sucha cool kit.
Weapon Master (can only use 1 weapon with only specialization, but gets special attacks with it) one of the spells could be lock in combat so enemies have to fight
Crusader - that casts
Arcane Archer (Arcane Archer would be worth a $2.99 download)
Lightfoot Druid (uses animal friends or druid transform represented in the form of innate spells) charms mouse to open lock for him/her, transform into a bird to stealthy explore, transform into a dog to sniff out traps, summon a snake to backstab ( and poison the target)
a wizard that summons a golem and all spells go through the golem in some way
I think the shaman looks cool too.
lets share our kit ideas
Kit ideas
Warrior - Duskblade (its in a great mod that I can no longer get to work) spells that are all cast on your weapon to be applied to the enemy. sucha cool kit.
Weapon Master (can only use 1 weapon with only specialization, but gets special attacks with it) one of the spells could be lock in combat so enemies have to fight
Crusader - that casts
Arcane Archer (Arcane Archer would be worth a $2.99 download)
Lightfoot Druid (uses animal friends or druid transform represented in the form of innate spells) charms mouse to open lock for him/her, transform into a bird to stealthy explore, transform into a dog to sniff out traps, summon a snake to backstab ( and poison the target)
a wizard that summons a golem and all spells go through the golem in some way
I think the shaman looks cool too.
I would like to see some new cleric kits. It makes no sense to have to follow a god just for been of a certain alignment. The ones in the original IWD2 where pretty good.
I think that another bard kit would be very interesting too. Maybe one that's a bit more rogue and a bit less mage, with more thief-orientated abilities and a bit less magic.
It's possible the IWDEE cleric kits could be imported, but that would necessitate changes to the BG2 cleric stronghold plots.
Since it's a rather simplistic kit overall, I'm not entirely sure what inherent disadvantages it would have though.
I can't recall ever seeing any kit mods having been made for it either.
come on make up a kit just for fun. who gives a hoot if it's viable or gonna be in a game. Maybe a modder will read this and mod it out for ya. We know this game and ruleset pretty damn well. I've played baldurs gate more than I ever played pnp ...........mostly because I'm an anti-social looser with small children at home.
ill make one up on the spot....
Seafarer - Ranger
advantages - can reach mastery (4 slots) in Spear and crossbow -
ranger abilities replaced with Net at first level (entangle spell with save and -4 that works on one person at a time) ,
Hook at level 4 (Hook ability can pull an enemy from up to 30 feet away to directly infront of character)
Mass Net at level 7 (entangle up to 4 people with save at -2)
Seagull friends ability at level 9 (cast far-sight at level 9)
Summon Water Elemental at level 12, only in areas containing open water
at level 9 ranger spells replaced with
VD treatmeant (slow poison), Water ration (cure moderate wounds), scurvy (enfeeblement)
20% resistance to fire
immune to alcohol
-2 intelligence
must visit hooker every 30 days or goes berserk
May only wear studder armor or less
not my best work but I didnt have time to think about it.
I love kits, I always role play when I play baldurs gate. I even have a steel viking helmet I wear sometimes (dont worry my wife still sleeps with me)
ok. ok. ok 1 of those statements is false.
Half-Orc Headhunter
Favored enemy: Elf, humans, gnomes and halfling.
Abilities: poison, charm lesser monsters (gibberlings, carrion crawlers, etc)
Summon wolves 1/day per 5 levels
+1 to hit/dmg with bows and spears; cannot dual-wield.
Reputation will never go above 7.
Silent but deadly. ''Song'' creates invisible barrier and area of silence around the bard.
Once per day can polymorph into a simulacrum of any NPC in visual sight for one turn (party members, enemies or neutral).
May achieve grand mastery in katanas, Scimitars/wakizashi/Ninja-to, May only specialize in other weapons.
Gets an additionnal 1/2 APR ( wielding Katanas, Wakizashi or ninja-to only) at level 10
Can use Iai once every 10 level (one use level 1). Iai deals Xd6 where X is the level of the samurai, capped at 10, halved per a save vs death. From level 10, it grants an extra 1/2 APR for 3(+1 per 3 levels) rounds. Available only if wieilding a katana, ninja-to or Wakizashi. Not stackable.
May achieve proficiency in staffs, clubs, scythes and plows.
Can use the Green Thumb ability to grow plants from seeds.
Can use Good Berries once every level.
Can use Speak to Poultry once ever 5 levels.
Can use Speak to Cattle once ever 10 levels.
Hit Dice: d4
Becomes panicked when seeing Ankhegs, Imoen, and falling cows.
May not use any other weapons.
May not wear any armours, helmets, shields, robes, bracers, or pantaloons.
May not cast spells.
May not wildshape.
May not receive any of the resistances and immunities of a normal Druid.
May not earn the Druid stronghold.
+2 spell slots per level
Bard Song 'Recital':
Level 1: +1 INT, +20 Lore. (may or may not induce 1% sleep chance just for laughs)
Level 11: +2 INT, +25 Lore, immunity to confusion
Level 21: +3 INT, +30 Lore, immunity to mind-affecting spells
(mostly useless in battle, it's mainly used for out-of-battle utility e.g. helping mages learn scrolls successfully, identifying items)
May use 'Empower Spell' starting at level 5.
EMPOWER SPELL: For 2 rounds, spells cast by the Loremaster are cast as though 1.5x the caster's level.
May only be proficient in quarterstaffs, slings, clubs, crossbows and darts
THAC0 progresses as that of a mage (or just -1 THAC0 per x level, haven't decided)
May not take the following HLAs: Use Any Item, Magic Flute, Set Exploding Trap, Set Spike Trap, Set Time Trap, Enhanced Bard Song.
Unique HLAs:
Arcane Fountain: The loremaster may use his knowledge of magic to cast any arcane spell of his choice. However, there is a 20% (30%? 50%?) chance this spell will fail. The loremaster must take a round to channel, then cast the spell (with whatever casting time the spell has) (may or may not include HLAs)
Extra 6,7,8 Spell Slots: Same as Mage.
And below is another idea of mine, a paladin of Mystra:
- +1 bonus to save vs. spells.
- +2 bonus to lore per level.
- At level 9 onward, gains two spell slots per spell level.
- May cast the following spells as priest spells:
Level 1: Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb, Identify, Shield
Level 2: Mirror Image, Web, Melf's Acid Arrow, Strength
Level 3: Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Slow, Remove Magic
Level 4: Minor Sequencer, Fire Shield (Red), Secret Word, Stoneskin
- 10th level: +1 bonus to save vs. spells.
- 13th level: May cast 'Shatter Spell' once per day.
SHATTER SPELL: Knights of the Mystic Fire are able to smite spellcasters and disrupt their defensive spells as well as their ability to cast magic. For the next 2 rounds, attacks made by the Mystic Fire dispel combat protections and cause spell disruption for one round if the target fails a save vs. spell.
- 19th level: Gains an extra use of Shatter Spell.
- 20th level: +1 bonus to save vs. spells.
- 25th level: Gains an extra use of Shatter Spell.
- 30th level: +1 bonus to save vs. spells.
- -1 penalty to Strength and Constitution.
- May not use the following High Level Abilities: Whirlwind Attack, Greater Whirlwind Attack, Deathblow, Greater Deathblow, Hardiness, Summon Deva
- May not use Protection From Evil.
- May not Turn Undead.
- May not use Lay on Hands.
Arcane Knowledge
An experienced Mystic Fire Knight develops more knowledge of arcane spells closer to that of an actual wizard. The Mystic Fire Knight gains -1 to spell casting time permanently and learns Spell Immunity, Contingency, Globe of Invulnerability and Mordenkainen's Sword as fourth level priest spells.
Extra 1st-4th level spells
Choosing this ability allows the mystic fire to cast one additional Level 1st-4th level spell.
Additional ideas:
- Ability to use wands and scrolls. Tried to implement this myself, didn't work. I'd love for this to be possible, but I'd need help on how to do it.
This one's... really underpowered, in my opinion, but could be fun. I never finished my ideas for balancing them.
Actually could anyone with free time make these kits into a mod pretty please???
-May attain Grand Mastery in daggers and clubs. (Cooking knives and cudgels)
-Has the following abilities:
Test Sample
This skill is used on the caster. Heals the cook 2d4 +1/level hitpoints starting at level 1. Gains one use of the skill per day. Gains an additional use of the skill every 4 levels (2 uses at level 5, 3 uses at level 9, etc.). Has a 30% chance of one of the following effects happening: poisoned for 3 rounds (I guess that pork wasn't so good after all..), hasted for 5 rounds (What is this..? Caffeine? Wonder what that means..), improved hasted for 2 rounds (So much sugar...!), stunned for 1 round (Too.. much.. chili..), heals an additional 10 hit points(Now that wasn't so bad!), +2 to Strength and Constitution for 1 turn (I'm so full...) or confused for 2 rounds (What's that taste? RAT DROPPINGS, YOU SAY??). Casting time 1.
Starting at level 4, the cook serves a meal for 1 of his companions, which heals them for 5 +1d2 per level hitpoints. Can be used 1/day, but the cook gains an additional daily use of the skill every 4 levels. Has a 20% chance of one of the following effects happening: poisoned for 3 rounds, hasted for 5 rounds, improved hasted for 2 rounds, stunned for 1 round, heals an additional 10 hit points, +2 to Strength and Constitution for 1 turn or confused for 2 rounds. Casting time 4.
Serve Meal
Starting at level 10, the cook serves a meal for any friendly creature within 60 feet. This heals the targeted creature for 10 +1d2 per level hitpoints. Skill can be used once a day, and the cook gains an additional use of the skill every 10 levels hereafter. Has a 15% chance of one of the following effects happening: poisoned for 3 rounds, hasted for 5 rounds, improved hasted for 2 rounds, stunned for 1 round, heals an additional 10 hit points, +2 to Strength and Constitution for 1 turn or confused for 2 rounds. Casting time 7. Warning! This may end up turning your summoned creatures hostile!
-At level 5, the Cook becomes immune to poison.
-At level 8, gains 20% resistance to Fire and Cold damage. Additional 5% is added on levels 16 and 24.
-At level 10, the Cook becomes immune to confusion.
-At level 15, the Cook becomes immune to stun.
-Gains the following High Level Abilities:
Recipe Master
The cook gains an intimate understanding of recipes, and thus, he may use spell scrolls as recipes. May read scrolls of up to 3rd level. Can only be picked once.
Greater Recipe Master
May read scrolls of up to 6th level. Can only be picked once.
Grand Master of Recipes
May read scrolls of up to 9th level. Can only be picked once.
Brew Potions (as per the Rogue-HLA)
-May only become proficient in other weapons than daggers and clubs.
-May not use armor heavier than chain mail.
-Cannot use shields.
-Does not have the following High Level Abilities:
War Cry
Magic Resistance
Now that kit should add some flavor!
The obvious shifts would be:
A small critter (ferret?) - good stealth and pick pocket skills
A big beast (polar bear?) - melee tank sort, ideally scaling with stats, level & gear
Some some of magical beastie (Ankheg/Umber Hulk?) - Has a specific set of immunities or resistances in this form, okay in melee too
Having a set of elemental shifts like this might make a useful Jack-of-all-Trades:
Air Elemental - Fast movement and can become invisible for scouting
Earth Elemental - Has good AC or some physical resistance to act as a melee tank
Fire Elemental - Limited selection of blasting special abilities
All have appropriate Elemental resistances
We have some good mod ones but It'd be cool to have a Velsharoon/Kiaransalee/Jergal death deity kit made official as a part of the base game.
If they where at the stage of planning new kits to include, then the release date would be 2017.
But yeah, as I understand it they are in the alpha stage. The game is mostly complete, but they need
fine tuning, waves of bugfixing, oiling some gears and maybe getting some (minor) parts to work.
But it's clear from what has been released the game is in late-alpha and approching feature lock. Which is what you would expect, since "Adventure Y" has been talked about for over a year, which is a pretty long development time for an expansion pack.
SoD may have new kits (it probably has at least the IWDEE cleric kits) but they would have been planned with the rest of SoDs features, around 12 months ago.
Additional kits may be added later, but they won't be part of SoD at launch.
I won't comment on new kits, but at the very least this thread is useful brainstorming for people's mods once "Siege" is released.