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New kits



  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    byrne20 said:

    I'd love to see a new Ranger kit. Something a bit more combat focused. Maybe something expanding on the two weapon fighting style, possibly offering more bonuses to the ranger for using it.

    There's a combative kit for Ranger called "Justifier". It's on the Complete Ranger Handbook.

    It would be awesome to see this in BG.
  • ValamirCleaverValamirCleaver Member Posts: 184
    Both the Unfinished Business & the Divine Remix mods add the Justifier kit.
  • KorbuKorbu Member Posts: 61
    I loved all the various sub-races and classes/prestige classes that NWN 2 offered. By far the greatest amount of character customization that i've seen in a D&D video game. My first char in NWN 2, was a LE Tiefling Warlock. As soon as i saw a caster that wasn't limited to spells per day, my jaw dropped. I made at least dozens of characters in that game. I wouldn't mind seeing the Warlock come to the Baldur's Gate series, perhaps in BG 3?
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    The only thing that made IWD2 worth any penny was the subrace system. It would be a good thing to see in SoD.

    AD&D previews a XP penalty for some races. If the developers gets interested I can compile those info and post here somewhere.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    IMO Humans have some big advantages:

    Can be of any class (loses some kits, but who cares?) and are able to Dual-Class.

    The game kind of cripples the second aspect by limiting the possibilities of Dual-Class.

    There are only three things that I miss in BG:

    1) Subraces (forget the level cap, but add the XP penalty - 20% XP loss will make people think twice)

    2) Tons of kits (specially for Fighters and Rangers)

    3) Special gear like net, bolas, lasso, poison and other things that would make a thief smile.

    BTW, that Thief Stronghold quest is hideous. It always makes me think twice about building a Thief for a Trilogy run.

    And humans dominates Faerun because they are the most populous race and have the most versatility.
  • OsigoldOsigold Member Posts: 117
    If demihuman level limits were enforced, then I'd rather fancy a capped elven Fighter 12/Mage 15's chances against Irenicus, 'cos Irenicus is also an elf and wouldn't be able to exceed 15th level as a pure Mage. It might make for a rather short version of Baldur's Gate II, though.

    I think poor Jaheira would probably feel it the most, never being able to exceed 9th level as a Druid. It seems like a pretty harsh price to pay for 30% sleep and charm resistance, but the books do make some very convincing points about how humanity would struggle if all these races that lived for hundreds of years could just keep levelling up all the time.
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  • OsigoldOsigold Member Posts: 117
    You totally should, Subtledoctor, that's a very reasonable approach to the problem.

    Plus, Xan presumably gets to be a Fighter/Mage, which would make for some awesome moonblade action.
  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
    edited February 2016
    subtledoctor is completely right about demihuman penalties. However it is tackled it would be great to see those limits imposed by some sort of mod. Don't know about "ONLY be multiclassed" but i would love to see a "capped elven Fighter 12/Mage 15's" or limits on Jaheria or any of the demi human NPC's experience caps.

    Also i remember hearing Xan was originally a Kensai on Pen and Paper.
  • KorbuKorbu Member Posts: 61
    In NWN 2, one of the ways they balanced out the benefits that several sub-races get, was with XP Penalties. Drow for example, leveled as if they were +3 levels higher. So in order for a Lvl 1 Drow to reach Lvl 2, he'd have to get as much Experience as a Lvl 4 would to reach Lvl 5. So yeah, they leveled slower, but ultimately had the same cap as every other race.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    All sacred 2E already enforces a XP Penalty for subraces. Grey Elvens, for example, have a 20% XP Penalty.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582

    It's just... so creative with bonuses ("every race is different and has special abilities!") and so UNcreative with penalties ("20% XP penalty for everyone!").

    I'd prefer to see the same creativity used for both bonuses and penalties. So being a drow or an aasimar or whatever would make you particularly strong and effective in some situations, but uniquely weakened in others. And then the player would have to creatively adopt tactics to play around those weaknesses. That would make for interesting gameplay.

    Saying "you are of a unique and special subrace, with unique and special characteristics, and therefore, umm, exactly like every other unique subrace, you are slightly under-leveled." That is so incredibly boring. (Not to mention, this is a game that hands out XP rewards like candy on Halloween, so "slightly under-leveled" is not only boring, but basically meaningless.)

  • VarwulfVarwulf Member Posts: 564
    I would love to rock me some Artificer, though plenty of your ideas mentioned already have risen my interest levels immensely :)
  • VarwulfVarwulf Member Posts: 564
    Yep! Just like the one described in your first two links :)
  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
    well i guess no one heard my question answered by Amber on today's live stream. Shaman is the only new Kit coming with Siege of Dragonspear. Just wanted to let everyone know.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    I'm almost positive I heard someing about a cleric of tyr.
    @bengoshi ?
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    1) shaman is a new class, not a kit.

    2) cleric of Tyr is in IWD (and BG2ee, although not playable), so it's not a NEW kit.
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    Non human cleric kits...

    Avoreen, Moradin, etc. A bloody shame that non-human charnames have to worship human gods.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    @Gloomfrost Yes, @Grammarsalad is right: the only kit added in SoD and in patches for BGEE and BG2EE is a Cleric of Tyr.
  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    bengoshi said:

    @Gloomfrost Yes, @Grammarsalad is right: the only kit added in SoD and in patches for BGEE and BG2EE is a Cleric of Tyr.

    Just to make sure I'm comprehending this correctly, are you saying we're going to have the opportunity to play a Cleric of Tyr via an official patch soon? If so, which stronghold will it get? Helm or Lathander? A case could be made for both in my opinion, but I'm curious. And this is great news!
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    I would guess it would still be alignment based: LN and you get the Helm quest, LG and you get the Lathander quest. Tyr is a buddy of both.

    My guess is that is why they haven't enabled Tempus: It doesn't really make sense for a cleric of Tempus to align with any of the three available deities.

    Personally, I would resolve the issue by giving them the fighter quest.
  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
    edited March 2016
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    edited March 2016
    @Gloomfrost The Cleric of Tyr is in IWDEE, so I think it will be implemented into BGEE and BG2EE just as it is in IWDEE:


    EXALTATION is a spell: This spell enables a priest to aid and protect any one being other than themselves. By touch, the caster removes the effects of fear, sleep, feeblemindedness, unconsciousness, and intoxication, as well as berserk and confused states of mind. In addition, the recipient is protected against spells and other attacks that cause these effects for 1 turn.
  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
    thanks bengoshi and thanks again for the screenshot, i still need to play my IWD:EE but it will have to wait for SOD :)
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    edited March 2016

    Just to make sure I'm comprehending this correctly, are you saying we're going to have the opportunity to play a Cleric of Tyr via an official patch soon? If so, which stronghold will it get? Helm or Lathander? A case could be made for both in my opinion, but I'm curious. And this is great news!

    @EnialusMeliamne In the BG2EE 2.0 beta the Priest of Tyr gets the Unseeing quest from the Temple of Lathander, so I guess this Priest gets the Stronghold of Lathander.

    Also, the Priest of Tyr is actually nearly the same (if compared to IWDEE) in the current BG beta (which uses the same code as SoD):



    The only difference is that Exaltation is now called Acclamation.
  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    edited March 2016
    Thanks @bengoshi! I appreciate the clarification and elaboration. I'll definitely be playing one then.

    Edit: I bet someone ends up modding the class to have the Paladin stronghold, in the future. I'd play that too.
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