Our guilty pleasures...

in Off-Topic
In the confessions thread a few people admitted things they liked they felt they shouldn't due to matters of taste, but more people confessed they didn't like what was considered popular.
So enough bashing of things. This thread? This thread is were we let it all come out. We admit the things we like we might be ashamed too admit. No judging. No saying "YOU LIKE WHAT?!" Let us air out our darkest guilty pleasures and admit them to the world then watch as I slowly regret it when someone admits to enjoying (insert game/movie/television show/comic you really really loathe here)!
And lets not limit it to games. I WILL BEGIN!...With um...games.
Might and Magic 10. This game was fun for me. It had very limited character creation, and the fact it had terrible DRM didn't help. They were trying to revive an old franchise and you don't do that by adding something your main fan base loathes completely. These are older gamers. We hate DRM. That being said...I really enjoyed it. The combat system was turn based wich was a relief, and made the game much more enjoyable to me. Unlike Legend of Grimrock it didn't have those timed "Move here and here" puzzles that ruined my immersion due to A: Me not being able to do them (Sad face), and B:Why the fuck can't we split up? Theres four of us.
The story wasn't great, but I enjoyed playing it all the same and to me thats what really matters. I'd love to play it again.
King's Quest VII- Aw King's Quest. You were such a major player, but as adventure games died so did you. You tried so hard to grasp onto your failing genre. This was the last attempt before the next King's Quest game was an FPS. This game? Its made for kids. Young girls even. I know this yet I enjoyed it. The writing was decent, the setting had that special magical quality that left me wondering what wonders I'd see next. It was fun. Unlike many adventure games I never felt really stuck for a solution and needed a walkthrough, wich may just mean its too easy or may mean it didn't rely on absurd logic only the writer would understand. Either way, I admit I enjoyed it.
My Little Pony- On the subject of girly things made for girls I admit I enjoyed the first two seasons of this show. The characters were surprisingly unique but identifiable. The stories were well written. Overall it helped me realize that good writing is good writing, no matter whom its made for...Stop judging me.
Goat Simulator- I'm sorry, I know the game is pointless youtube fodder but sometimes? Sometimes I just want to go around having fun, doing silly shit and smiling at my own ridiculousness. Sometimes a video game should just be something to mess around in and not have a huge big point to it.
I'm sure I'll think of more later while I try to resist the urge to point out all the MANLY THINGS I also enjoy to avoid looking like a pretty princess. So, what are yours?
So enough bashing of things. This thread? This thread is were we let it all come out. We admit the things we like we might be ashamed too admit. No judging. No saying "YOU LIKE WHAT?!" Let us air out our darkest guilty pleasures and admit them to the world then watch as I slowly regret it when someone admits to enjoying (insert game/movie/television show/comic you really really loathe here)!
And lets not limit it to games. I WILL BEGIN!...With um...games.
Might and Magic 10. This game was fun for me. It had very limited character creation, and the fact it had terrible DRM didn't help. They were trying to revive an old franchise and you don't do that by adding something your main fan base loathes completely. These are older gamers. We hate DRM. That being said...I really enjoyed it. The combat system was turn based wich was a relief, and made the game much more enjoyable to me. Unlike Legend of Grimrock it didn't have those timed "Move here and here" puzzles that ruined my immersion due to A: Me not being able to do them (Sad face), and B:Why the fuck can't we split up? Theres four of us.
The story wasn't great, but I enjoyed playing it all the same and to me thats what really matters. I'd love to play it again.
King's Quest VII- Aw King's Quest. You were such a major player, but as adventure games died so did you. You tried so hard to grasp onto your failing genre. This was the last attempt before the next King's Quest game was an FPS. This game? Its made for kids. Young girls even. I know this yet I enjoyed it. The writing was decent, the setting had that special magical quality that left me wondering what wonders I'd see next. It was fun. Unlike many adventure games I never felt really stuck for a solution and needed a walkthrough, wich may just mean its too easy or may mean it didn't rely on absurd logic only the writer would understand. Either way, I admit I enjoyed it.
My Little Pony- On the subject of girly things made for girls I admit I enjoyed the first two seasons of this show. The characters were surprisingly unique but identifiable. The stories were well written. Overall it helped me realize that good writing is good writing, no matter whom its made for...Stop judging me.
Goat Simulator- I'm sorry, I know the game is pointless youtube fodder but sometimes? Sometimes I just want to go around having fun, doing silly shit and smiling at my own ridiculousness. Sometimes a video game should just be something to mess around in and not have a huge big point to it.
I'm sure I'll think of more later while I try to resist the urge to point out all the MANLY THINGS I also enjoy to avoid looking like a pretty princess. So, what are yours?
I should hate this show, it's poorly written, it's lore is crap, the writers rip off Hellblazer on more than one occasion, anybody that is remotely interesting is killed off, Sam and Dean are two of the biggest douchebags in the universe. This show is quite literally made up of a bunch of things I hate, it's pure popcorn TV, the only way it could be worst was if it was written by M.Night Shyamalan and directed by Michael Bay.
But I watch it, I even enjoy it and I can't not watch it.
Cheesy Sci Fy, I love me some cheesy sci fy. Star Gate SG1, Atlantis, Lex, Far Scape even Andromeda " which was stupid, but I still watched like 3 or 4 seasons." and new shows like Dark Matter.
Didn't mention Firefly, Killjoys or Defiance, because those are legit good shows and I feel no shame for loving them.
I like movies based off Frank Miller comics.
I prefer the Marvel movie universe to Marvel comics at this point, I don't even read superhero comics anymore, unless it's Deadpool or not in the DC/Marvel universes.
Garth Ennis's work annoys me sometimes, it's generally really good, but I think he has military fetish. The military always plays roll in whatever he's writing. Preacher, the Boys, Hitman all of protagonists or main side characters are ex military well in Preacher his dad is ex military and John Wayne speaks to him in visions.
I think Alanis Morissette's "Jagged little Pill" is one of the best albums ever made. If most of friends knew this when I was growing up, I would never of lived it down. 99% of the music I listen to is punk or ska which I love. So a fairly emotional grunge pop rock chick singing about feelings wouldn't of gone over so well.
This is harder that I thought, because I'm not really ashamed of liking stuff I should be ashamed of liking.
Like I dig Hentai, Hentai games and a lot of 2D erotica, not ashamed of that at all, I'm way more ashamed that I watch Supernatural.
Is drawing a bad-looking hentai counting as a guilty pleasure? Because if that's so, then I'm into it.
Pre-patch 2.0 Diablo 3 was guilty pleasure for me, I guess. Now I think I have more reasonable reasons to like it.
I like the Mummy movies. The more modern, comedy adventure ones.
Dynasty Warriors where you can play as Crocodile, this could possible be the best thing ever.