The storyline.

The storyline in the I was really nice, and iron's crisi, planned, could sound realistic, in a similar european dark age context, warriors, clerics, mages, adding some spells and creatures. In the II the storyline was really bad, nothing realistic, they did add monks and too many different history context, ending wearing a medieval armor with a monk in a shi-fi looking place. But the gameplay was better. Whitch storyline do you like more.
I like that even though we meet Sarevok early, his plans and person are shrouded in mystery and only much later we learn the in fact he's behind the current problems of that region and his background. The whole scenario would've been played out even without the PC's involvement, though with different ending probably.
The low level story with traditional medieval-like setting is just what I personally enjoy in a fantasy setting most of the time. Weapons breaking and quite rare magical equipement, mages as glass cannon, people living their lives and wild open areas not connected to any quests - these add to the overall atmosphere of Baldur's Gate. I much prefer the more believeable world to the one focused on gameplay.
If I were a dungeon master in a Forgotten Realms campaign, I would always try make magic and magical creatures/ places more misterious , and alien characteristics such as monks even rarer and exotic.
If BG1 had more opportuinties for roleplaying and plot twists, I would defend it with tooth and nail.
But BG2 is a mid-level campaign and things start to become very interesting there with full spectrum of all sorts of enemies and high level magic. Storyline in BG2 is on steroids as well - everything is better and more varied in there, from antagonist to locations and different factions at play. Sure, some iron crisis will look trivial compared to all that, but Forgotten Realms is a high fantasy setting, so it's expected that unrealistic things take place there every day.