Divorce difficulty factors

I know that this has been requested a number of times in the past, but as far as I can see from my searches, no definite answer has ever been given. Please forgive me if I am wrong.
My request is this: Let the difficulty slider be about only the damage monsters do. For maximum HP, permanent death and spell learning, let's have three separate, togglable options.
My request is this: Let the difficulty slider be about only the damage monsters do. For maximum HP, permanent death and spell learning, let's have three separate, togglable options.
What the heck? What's a thread about marriage advice doing in the Feature Requests section?
*actually opens thread and reads the OP*
OHHHHHHHH Okay. The world makes sense again.
On topic. Yes. It would give tactic mod makers a blessing for difficulty-scaled encounters.
Max HP on level-up has its own button in IWD, doesn't it? It can't be that difficult.